// $Id$ #include "TRWindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Prefs.h" #include "TRApplication.h" #include "TRTransfer.h" #include "TRInfoWindow.h" /** * The Transmission Window! Yay! */ TRWindow::TRWindow() : BWindow(BRect(10, 40, 350, 110), "Transmission", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS , B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE) { engine = NULL; Prefs prefs(TRANSMISSION_SETTINGS); BRect *rectFrame = new BRect(); if (prefs.FindRect("window.frame", rectFrame) == B_OK) { MoveTo(rectFrame->LeftTop()); ResizeTo(rectFrame->Width(), rectFrame->Height()); } else { rectFrame->Set(10, 40, 350, 110); } Lock(); BRect viewRect(0, 0, rectFrame->Width(), rectFrame->Height()); BMenuBar *menubar = new BMenuBar(viewRect, "MenuBar"); BMenu *menu = new BMenu("File"); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Open", new BMessage(TR_OPEN), 'O', B_COMMAND_KEY)); menu->FindItem(TR_OPEN)->SetTarget(be_app_messenger); // send OPEN to the be_app. menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Quit", new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED), 'Q', B_COMMAND_KEY)); menubar->AddItem(menu); menu = new BMenu("Torrent"); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Get Info", new BMessage(TR_INFO), 'I', B_COMMAND_KEY)); menu->FindItem(TR_INFO)->SetEnabled(false); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Resume", new BMessage(TR_RESUME))); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Pause", new BMessage(TR_PAUSE))); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Remove", new BMessage(TR_REMOVE))); menubar->AddItem(menu); menu = new BMenu("Tools"); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Settings", new BMessage(TR_SETTINGS))); menu->FindItem(TR_SETTINGS)->SetTarget(be_app_messenger); menu->AddSeparatorItem(); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("About Transmission", new BMessage(B_ABOUT_REQUESTED))); menu->FindItem(B_ABOUT_REQUESTED)->SetTarget(be_app_messenger); menubar->AddItem(menu); AddChild(menubar); SetKeyMenuBar(menubar); // TODO: Tool Bar? (Well after everything is working based on Menus) // Setup the transfers ListView viewRect.Set(2, menubar->Frame().bottom + 3, rectFrame->Width() - 2 - B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, rectFrame->Height() - 2); transfers = new BListView(viewRect, "TorrentList", B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST, B_FOLLOW_ALL); transfers->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(TR_SELECT)); AddChild(new BScrollView("TransferScroller", transfers, B_FOLLOW_ALL, 0, false, true)); Unlock(); delete rectFrame; // Bring up the Transmission Engine engine = tr_init(); LoadSettings(); UpdateList(-1, true); // Start the message loop without showing the window. Hide(); Show(); } TRWindow::~TRWindow() { tr_close(engine); stop_watching(this); } void TRWindow::LoadSettings() { if (engine != NULL) { Prefs prefs(TRANSMISSION_SETTINGS); int32 bindPort; if (prefs.FindInt32("transmission.bindPort", &bindPort) != B_OK) { bindPort = 9000; prefs.SetInt32("transmission.bindPort", bindPort); } tr_setBindPort(engine, (int)bindPort); int32 uploadLimit; if (prefs.FindInt32("transmission.uploadLimit", &uploadLimit) != B_OK) { uploadLimit = 20; prefs.SetInt32("transmission.uploadLimit", uploadLimit); } tr_setUploadLimit(engine, (int)uploadLimit); } } /** * Rescans the active Torrents folder, and will add all the torrents there to the * engine. Called during initial Application Start & Stop. */ void TRWindow::RescanTorrents() { if (Lock()) { TRApplication *app = dynamic_cast(be_app); BEntry *torrentEntry = new BEntry(); status_t err; if (app->TorrentDir()->InitCheck() == B_OK) { err = app->TorrentDir()->Rewind(); while (err == B_OK) { err = app->TorrentDir()->GetNextEntry(torrentEntry, true); if (err != B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) { AddEntry(torrentEntry); } } } delete torrentEntry; Unlock(); } } /** * Adds the file specified by *torrent to the Transmission engine. * Then adds a new TRTransfer item in the transfers list. * This item holds cached information about the torrent entry and node. * These TRTransmission items are _NOT_ guaranteed to render the entry * they were created from. */ void TRWindow::AddEntry(BEntry *torrent) { node_ref node; if (torrent->GetNodeRef(&node) == B_OK) { if (watch_node(&node, B_WATCH_NAME, this) == B_OK) { BPath path; torrent->GetPath(&path); // Try adding the torrent to the engine. int addStatus = tr_torrentInit(engine, path.Path()); if (addStatus == 0 && Lock()) { // Success. Add the TRTorrent item. transfers->AddItem(new TRTransfer(path.Path(), node)); bool autoStart = true; // Decide if we should auto-start this torrent or not. BString prefName("download."); prefName << path.Path() << ".running"; Prefs *prefs = new Prefs(TRANSMISSION_SETTINGS); if (prefs->FindBool(prefName.String(), &autoStart) != B_OK) { autoStart = true; } delete prefs; if (autoStart) { // Start the newly added torrent. worker_info *startData = (worker_info*)calloc(1, sizeof(worker_info)); startData->window = this; startData->index = tr_torrentCount(engine) - 1; thread_id start_thread = spawn_thread(TRWindow::AsynchStartTorrent, "BirthCanal", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, (void *)startData); if (!((start_thread) < B_OK)) { resume_thread(start_thread); } else { // Fallback and start the old way. StartTorrent(startData->index); free(startData); } } Unlock(); } else { bool duplicate = false; TRTransfer* tr; for (int32 i = 0; i < transfers->CountItems(); i++) { tr = (TRTransfer*)transfers->ItemAt(i); if (tr->GetCachedNodeRef() == node) { duplicate = true; } } if (!duplicate) { BString errmsg("An error occurred trying to read "); char namebuf[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; torrent->GetName(namebuf); errmsg << namebuf; errmsg << "."; BAlert *error = new BAlert("Error Opening Torrent", errmsg.String(), "Ok", NULL, NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); error->Go(); torrent->Remove(); } } } } } void TRWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg) { /* * The only messages we receive from the node_monitor are if we need to * stop watching the node. Basically, if it's been moved or removed we stop. */ if (msg->what == B_NODE_MONITOR) { node_ref node; ino_t fromDir; ino_t toDir; int32 opcode; if ((msg->FindInt32("opcode", &opcode) == B_OK) && (msg->FindInt64("node", &node.node) == B_OK) && (msg->FindInt32("device", &node.device) == B_OK)) { bool stop = (opcode == B_ENTRY_REMOVED); if (stop) { msg->FindInt64("directory", &toDir); } else { // It must have moved. stop = ((msg->FindInt64("from directory", &fromDir) == B_OK) && (msg->FindInt64("to directory", &toDir) == B_OK) && (toDir != fromDir)); } if (stop) { watch_node(&node, B_STOP_WATCHING, this); /* Find the full path from the TRTorrents. * The index of the TRTorrent that is caching the information * IS NOT the index of the torrent in the engine. These are * Totally decoupled, due to the way transmission is written. */ char path[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; TRTransfer* item; for (int32 i = 0; i < transfers->CountItems(); i++) { item = (TRTransfer*)transfers->ItemAt(i); if (item->GetCachedNodeRef() == node) { strcpy(path, item->GetCachedPath()); } } // Look for the torrent info in the engine with the matching // path name. tr_stat_t *stats; int max = tr_torrentStat(engine, &stats); int index; for (index = 0; index < max; index++) { if (strcmp(stats[index].info.torrent, path) == 0) { tr_torrentClose(engine, index); transfers->RemoveItem(index); break; } } free(stats); } } } else if (msg->what == TR_INFO) { // Display an Info Window. tr_stat_t *s; tr_torrentStat(engine, &s); TRInfoWindow *info = new TRInfoWindow(s[transfers->CurrentSelection()]); info->MoveTo(Frame().LeftTop() + BPoint(20, 25)); info->Show(); } else if (msg->what == TR_SELECT) { // Setup the Torrent Menu enabled / disabled state. int32 selection; msg->FindInt32("index", &selection); UpdateList(selection, true); } else if (msg->what == TR_RESUME) { worker_info *startData = (worker_info*)calloc(1, sizeof(worker_info)); startData->window = this; startData->index = (int)transfers->CurrentSelection(); thread_id start_thread = spawn_thread(TRWindow::AsynchStartTorrent, "BirthCanal", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, (void *)startData); if (!((start_thread) < B_OK)) { resume_thread(start_thread); } else { // Fallback and start the old way. StartTorrent(startData->index); free(startData); } } else if (msg->what == TR_PAUSE) { worker_info *stopData = (worker_info*)calloc(1, sizeof(worker_info)); stopData->window = this; stopData->index = (int)transfers->CurrentSelection(); thread_id stop_thread = spawn_thread(TRWindow::AsynchStopTorrent, "InUtero", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, (void *)stopData); if (!((stop_thread) < B_OK)) { resume_thread(stop_thread); } else { // Fallback and stop it the old way. StopTorrent(stopData->index); free(stopData); } } else if (msg->what == TR_REMOVE) { int32 index = transfers->CurrentSelection(); tr_torrentClose(engine, (int)index); // Remove the file from the filesystem. TRTransfer *item = (TRTransfer*)transfers->RemoveItem(index); BEntry *entry = new BEntry(item->GetCachedPath(), true); entry->Remove(); delete entry; delete item; UpdateList(transfers->CurrentSelection(), true); } else if (msg->what == B_SIMPLE_DATA) { be_app->RefsReceived(msg); } BWindow::MessageReceived(msg); } /** * Handles QuitRequests. * Displays a BAlert asking if the user really wants to quit if torrents are running. * If affimative, then we'll stop all the running torrents. */ bool TRWindow::QuitRequested() { bool quit = false; bool running = false; tr_stat_t *s; int max = tr_torrentStat(engine, &s); for (int i = 0; i < max && !running; i++) { running = (s[i].status & (TR_STATUS_CHECK | TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD | TR_STATUS_SEED)); } free(s); if (running) { BString quitMsg(""); quitMsg << "There's " << max << " torrent"; if (max > 1) { quitMsg << "s"; } quitMsg << " currently running.\n" << "What would you like to do?"; BAlert *confirmQuit = new BAlert("Confirm Quit", quitMsg.String(), "Cancel", "Quit", NULL, B_WIDTH_AS_USUAL, B_WARNING_ALERT); quit = (confirmQuit->Go() == 1); } else { quit = true; } if (quit) { Prefs *prefs = new Prefs(TRANSMISSION_SETTINGS); prefs->SetRect("window.frame", Frame()); BString strItem(""); for (int i = 0; i < tr_torrentStat(engine, &s); i++) { strItem = "download."; strItem << s[i].info.torrent << ".running"; if (s[i].status & (TR_STATUS_CHECK | TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD | TR_STATUS_SEED)) { prefs->SetBool(strItem.String(), true); tr_torrentStop(engine, i); } else { prefs->SetBool(strItem.String(), false); } } free(s); delete prefs; be_app->PostMessage(new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED)); } return quit; } void TRWindow::FrameResized(float width, float height) { transfers->Invalidate(); } /** * Called from the StopTorrent thread. */ void TRWindow::StopTorrent(int index) { tr_torrentStop(engine, index); UpdateList(index, true); } /** * Called from StartTorrent thread. */ void TRWindow::StartTorrent(int index) { // Read the settings. BString folder(""); Prefs *prefs = new Prefs(TRANSMISSION_SETTINGS); if (prefs->FindString("download.folder", &folder) != B_OK) { prefs->SetString("download.folder", "/boot/home/Downloads"); folder << "/boot/home/Downloads"; } tr_torrentSetFolder(engine, index, folder.String()); tr_torrentStart(engine, index); if (transfers->CurrentSelection() >= 0) { UpdateList(index, true); } delete prefs; } /** * Called from the be_app Pulse(); * This will update the data structures that the TRTorrents use to render, * and invalidate the view. */ void TRWindow::UpdateList(int32 selection = -1, bool menus = true) { bool running = false; tr_stat_t * s; int i = 0; int max = tr_torrentStat(engine, &s); bool invalid[max]; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { invalid[i] = ((TRTransfer*)transfers->ItemAt(i))->SetStatus(&(s[i]), (i % 2 != 0)); if (menus && i == (int)selection) { running = (s[selection].status & (TR_STATUS_CHECK | TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD | TR_STATUS_SEED)); } } free(s); if (menus) { KeyMenuBar()->FindItem(TR_INFO)->SetEnabled(selection >= 0); KeyMenuBar()->FindItem(TR_RESUME)->SetEnabled(selection >= 0 && !running); KeyMenuBar()->FindItem(TR_PAUSE)->SetEnabled(selection >= 0 && running); KeyMenuBar()->FindItem(TR_REMOVE)->SetEnabled(selection >= 0 && !running); } if (Lock()) { for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (invalid[i]) { transfers->InvalidateItem(i); } } Unlock(); } } /** * Thread Function to stop Torrents. This can be expensive and causes the event loop to * choke. */ int32 TRWindow::AsynchStopTorrent(void *data) { worker_info* stopData = (worker_info*)data; stopData->window->StopTorrent(stopData->index); free(stopData); return B_OK; } /** * Thread Function to start Torrents. This can be expensive and causes the event loop to * choke. */ int32 TRWindow::AsynchStartTorrent(void *data) { worker_info* startData = (worker_info*)data; startData->window->StartTorrent(startData->index); free(startData); return B_OK; }