#include "transmission.h" #include "tr-getopt.h" #include "libtransmission-test.h" static const struct tr_option options[] = { { 'p', "private", "Allow this torrent to only be used with the specified tracker(s)", "p", 0, NULL }, { 'o', "outfile", "Save the generated .torrent to this filename", "o", 1, "" }, { 's', "piecesize", "Set how many KiB each piece should be, overriding the preferred default", "s", 1, "" }, { 'c', "comment", "Add a comment", "c", 1, "" }, { 't', "tracker", "Add a tracker's announce URL", "t", 1, "" }, { 'q', "pooka", "Pooka", "pk", 0, NULL }, { 'V', "version", "Show version number and exit", "V", 0, NULL }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static int run_test (int argc, const char ** argv, int expected_n, int * expected_c, const char ** expected_optarg) { int c; int n; const char * optarg; n = 0; tr_optind = 1; while ((c = tr_getopt ("summary", argc, argv, options, &optarg))) { check (n < expected_n); check_int_eq (expected_c[n], c); check_streq (optarg, expected_optarg[n]); ++n; } check_int_eq (expected_n, n); return 0; } /*** **** ***/ static int test_no_options (void) { int argc = 1; const char * argv[] = { "/some/path/tr-getopt-test" }; int expected_n = 0; int expected_c[] = { }; const char * expected_optarg[] = { }; return run_test (argc, argv, expected_n, expected_c, expected_optarg); } static int test_short_noarg (void) { int argc = 2; const char * argv[] = { "/some/path/tr-getopt-test", "-p" }; int expected_n = 1; int expected_c[] = { 'p' }; const char * expected_optarg[] = { NULL }; return run_test (argc, argv, expected_n, expected_c, expected_optarg); } static int test_long_noarg (void) { int argc = 2; const char * argv[] = { "/some/path/tr-getopt-test", "--private" }; int expected_n = 1; int expected_c[] = { 'p' }; const char * expected_optarg[] = { NULL }; return run_test (argc, argv, expected_n, expected_c, expected_optarg); } static int test_short_with_arg (void) { int argc = 3; const char * argv[] = { "/some/path/tr-getopt-test", "-o", "/tmp/outfile" }; int expected_n = 1; int expected_c[] = { 'o' }; const char * expected_optarg[] = { "/tmp/outfile" }; return run_test (argc, argv, expected_n, expected_c, expected_optarg); } static int test_long_with_arg (void) { int argc = 3; const char * argv[] = { "/some/path/tr-getopt-test", "--outfile", "/tmp/outfile" }; int expected_n = 1; int expected_c[] = { 'o' }; const char * expected_optarg[] = { "/tmp/outfile" }; return run_test (argc, argv, expected_n, expected_c, expected_optarg); } static int test_short_with_arg_after_eq (void) { int argc = 2; const char * argv[] = { "/some/path/tr-getopt-test", "-o=/tmp/outfile" }; int expected_n = 1; int expected_c[] = { 'o' }; const char * expected_optarg[] = { "/tmp/outfile" }; return run_test (argc, argv, expected_n, expected_c, expected_optarg); } static int test_long_with_arg_after_eq (void) { int argc = 2; const char * argv[] = { "/some/path/tr-getopt-test", "--outfile=/tmp/outfile" }; int expected_n = 1; int expected_c[] = { 'o' }; const char * expected_optarg[] = { "/tmp/outfile" }; return run_test (argc, argv, expected_n, expected_c, expected_optarg); } static int test_unknown_option (void) { int argc = 2; const char * argv[] = { "/some/path/tr-getopt-test", "-z" }; int expected_n = 1; int expected_c[] = { TR_OPT_UNK }; const char * expected_optarg[] = { "-z" }; return run_test (argc, argv, expected_n, expected_c, expected_optarg); } static int test_missing_arg (void) { int argc = 2; const char * argv[] = { "/some/path/tr-getopt-test", "-o" }; int expected_n = 1; int expected_c[] = { TR_OPT_ERR }; const char * expected_optarg[] = { NULL }; return run_test (argc, argv, expected_n, expected_c, expected_optarg); } static int test_lots_of_options (void) { int argc = 6; const char * argv[] = { "/some/path/tr-getopt-test", "--piecesize=4", "-c", "hello world", "-p", "--tracker=foo" }; int expected_n = 4; int expected_c[] = { 's', 'c', 'p', 't' }; const char * expected_optarg[] = { "4", "hello world", NULL, "foo" }; return run_test (argc, argv, expected_n, expected_c, expected_optarg); } static int test_match_longer_key (void) { /* confirm that this resolves to 'q' and not 'p' */ int argc = 2; const char * argv[] = { "/some/path/tr-getopt-test", "-pk" }; int expected_n = 1; int expected_c[] = { 'q' }; const char * expected_optarg[] = { NULL }; return run_test (argc, argv, expected_n, expected_c, expected_optarg); } /*** **** ***/ int main (void) { const testFunc tests[] = { test_no_options, test_short_noarg, test_long_noarg, test_short_with_arg, test_long_with_arg, test_short_with_arg_after_eq, test_long_with_arg_after_eq, test_unknown_option, test_missing_arg, test_match_longer_key, test_lots_of_options }; return runTests (tests, NUM_TESTS (tests)); }