/* * This file Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include #include /* isxdigit() */ #include #include /* INT_MAX */ #include #include /* strchr(), strrchr(), strlen(), strstr() */ #include /* g_file_trash() */ #include #include /* TR_RATIO_NA, TR_RATIO_INF */ #include #include /* tr_strratio() */ #include /* tr_webResponseStr() */ #include /* SHORT_VERSION_STRING */ #include "conf.h" #include "hig.h" #include "tr-core.h" #include "tr-prefs.h" #include "util.h" /*** **** UNITS ***/ int const mem_K = 1024; char const* mem_K_str = N_("KiB"); char const* mem_M_str = N_("MiB"); char const* mem_G_str = N_("GiB"); char const* mem_T_str = N_("TiB"); int const disk_K = 1000; char const* disk_K_str = N_("kB"); char const* disk_M_str = N_("MB"); char const* disk_G_str = N_("GB"); char const* disk_T_str = N_("TB"); int const speed_K = 1000; char const* speed_K_str = N_("kB/s"); char const* speed_M_str = N_("MB/s"); char const* speed_G_str = N_("GB/s"); char const* speed_T_str = N_("TB/s"); /*** **** ***/ Glib::ustring gtr_get_unicode_string(int i) { switch (i) { case GTR_UNICODE_UP: return "\xE2\x96\xB4"; case GTR_UNICODE_DOWN: return "\xE2\x96\xBE"; case GTR_UNICODE_INF: return "\xE2\x88\x9E"; case GTR_UNICODE_BULLET: return "\xE2\x88\x99"; default: return "err"; } } Glib::ustring tr_strlratio(double ratio) { std::array buf = {}; return tr_strratio(buf.data(), buf.size(), ratio, gtr_get_unicode_string(GTR_UNICODE_INF).c_str()); } Glib::ustring tr_strlpercent(double x) { std::array buf = {}; return tr_strpercent(buf.data(), x, buf.size()); } Glib::ustring tr_strlsize(guint64 bytes) { if (bytes == 0) { return Q_("None"); } std::array buf = {}; return tr_formatter_size_B(buf.data(), bytes, buf.size()); } Glib::ustring tr_strltime(time_t seconds) { if (seconds < 0) { seconds = 0; } int const days = (int)(seconds / 86400); int const hours = (seconds % 86400) / 3600; int const minutes = (seconds % 3600) / 60; seconds = (seconds % 3600) % 60; auto const d = gtr_sprintf(ngettext("%'d day", "%'d days", days), days); auto const h = gtr_sprintf(ngettext("%'d hour", "%'d hours", hours), hours); auto const m = gtr_sprintf(ngettext("%'d minute", "%'d minutes", minutes), minutes); auto const s = gtr_sprintf(ngettext("%'d second", "%'d seconds", (int)seconds), (int)seconds); if (days != 0) { return (days >= 4 || hours == 0) ? d : gtr_sprintf("%s, %s", d, h); } else if (hours != 0) { return (hours >= 4 || minutes == 0) ? h : gtr_sprintf("%s, %s", h, m); } else if (minutes != 0) { return (minutes >= 4 || seconds == 0) ? m : gtr_sprintf("%s, %s", m, s); } else { return s; } } /* pattern-matching text; ie, legaltorrents.com */ Glib::ustring gtr_get_host_from_url(Glib::ustring const& url) { Glib::ustring host; if (auto const pch = url.find("://"); pch != Glib::ustring::npos) { auto const hostend = url.find_first_of(":/", pch + 3); host = url.substr(pch + 3, hostend == Glib::ustring::npos ? hostend : (hostend - pch - 3)); } if (tr_addressIsIP(host.c_str())) { return url; } else { auto const first_dot = host.find('.'); auto const last_dot = host.rfind('.'); if (first_dot != Glib::ustring::npos && last_dot != Glib::ustring::npos && first_dot != last_dot) { return host.substr(first_dot + 1); } else { return host; } } } namespace { bool gtr_is_supported_url(Glib::ustring const& str) { return !str.empty() && (Glib::str_has_prefix(str, "ftp://") || Glib::str_has_prefix(str, "http://") || Glib::str_has_prefix(str, "https://")); } } // namespace bool gtr_is_magnet_link(Glib::ustring const& str) { return !str.empty() && Glib::str_has_prefix(str, "magnet:?"); } bool gtr_is_hex_hashcode(std::string const& str) { if (str.size() != 40) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i) { if (!isxdigit(str[i])) { return false; } } return true; } namespace { Gtk::Window* getWindow(Gtk::Widget* w) { if (w == nullptr) { return nullptr; } if (auto* const window = dynamic_cast(w); window != nullptr) { return window; } return static_cast(w->get_ancestor(Gtk::Window::get_type())); } } // namespace void gtr_add_torrent_error_dialog(Gtk::Widget& child, int err, tr_torrent* duplicate_torrent, std::string const& filename) { Glib::ustring secondary; auto* win = getWindow(&child); if (err == TR_PARSE_ERR) { secondary = gtr_sprintf(_("The torrent file \"%s\" contains invalid data."), filename); } else if (err == TR_PARSE_DUPLICATE) { secondary = gtr_sprintf( _("The torrent file \"%s\" is already in use by \"%s.\""), filename, tr_torrentName(duplicate_torrent)); } else { secondary = gtr_sprintf(_("The torrent file \"%s\" encountered an unknown error."), filename); } auto* w = new Gtk::MessageDialog(*win, _("Error opening torrent"), false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_CLOSE); w->set_secondary_text(secondary); w->signal_response().connect([w](int /*response*/) { delete w; }); w->show_all(); } /* pop up the context menu if a user right-clicks. if the row they right-click on isn't selected, select it. */ bool on_tree_view_button_pressed( Gtk::TreeView* view, GdkEventButton* event, std::function const& callback) { if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS && event->button == 3) { Gtk::TreeModel::Path path; auto const selection = view->get_selection(); if (view->get_path_at_pos((int)event->x, (int)event->y, path)) { if (!selection->is_selected(path)) { selection->unselect_all(); selection->select(path); } } if (callback) { callback(event); } return true; } return false; } /* if the user clicked in an empty area of the list, * clear all the selections. */ bool on_tree_view_button_released(Gtk::TreeView* view, GdkEventButton* event) { Gtk::TreeModel::Path path; if (!view->get_path_at_pos((int)event->x, (int)event->y, path)) { view->get_selection()->unselect_all(); } return false; } bool gtr_file_trash_or_remove(std::string const& filename, tr_error** error) { bool trashed = false; bool result = true; g_return_val_if_fail(!filename.empty(), false); auto const file = Gio::File::create_for_path(filename); if (gtr_pref_flag_get(TR_KEY_trash_can_enabled)) { try { trashed = file->trash(); } catch (Glib::Error const& e) { g_message("Unable to trash file \"%s\": %s", filename.c_str(), e.what().c_str()); tr_error_set_literal(error, e.code(), e.what().c_str()); } } if (!trashed) { try { file->remove(); } catch (Glib::Error const& e) { g_message("Unable to delete file \"%s\": %s", filename.c_str(), e.what().c_str()); tr_error_clear(error); tr_error_set_literal(error, e.code(), e.what().c_str()); result = false; } } return result; } Glib::ustring gtr_get_help_uri() { static auto const uri = gtr_sprintf("https://transmissionbt.com/help/gtk/%d.%dx", MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION / 10); return uri; } void gtr_open_file(std::string const& path) { gtr_open_uri(Gio::File::create_for_path(path)->get_uri()); } void gtr_open_uri(Glib::ustring const& uri) { if (!uri.empty()) { bool opened = false; if (!opened) { try { opened = Gio::AppInfo::launch_default_for_uri(uri); } catch (Glib::Error const&) { } } if (!opened) { try { Glib::spawn_async({}, std::vector{ "xdg-open", uri }, Glib::SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH); opened = true; } catch (Glib::SpawnError const&) { } } if (!opened) { g_message("Unable to open \"%s\"", uri.c_str()); } } } /*** **** ***/ namespace { class EnumComboModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord { public: EnumComboModelColumns() { add(value); add(label); } Gtk::TreeModelColumn value; Gtk::TreeModelColumn label; }; EnumComboModelColumns const enum_combo_cols; } // namespace void gtr_combo_box_set_active_enum(Gtk::ComboBox& combo_box, int value) { auto const& column = enum_combo_cols.value; /* do the value and current value match? */ if (auto const iter = combo_box.get_active(); iter) { if (iter->get_value(column) == value) { return; } } /* find the one to select */ for (auto const& row : combo_box.get_model()->children()) { if (row.get_value(column) == value) { combo_box.set_active(row); return; } } } Gtk::ComboBox* gtr_combo_box_new_enum(std::vector> const& items) { auto store = Gtk::ListStore::create(enum_combo_cols); for (auto const& item : items) { auto const iter = store->append(); (*iter)[enum_combo_cols.value] = item.second; (*iter)[enum_combo_cols.label] = item.first; } auto w = Gtk::make_managed(static_cast const&>(store)); auto* r = Gtk::make_managed(); w->pack_start(*r, true); w->add_attribute(r->property_text(), enum_combo_cols.label); return w; } int gtr_combo_box_get_active_enum(Gtk::ComboBox const& combo_box) { int value = 0; if (auto const iter = combo_box.get_active(); iter) { iter->get_value(0, value); } return value; } Gtk::ComboBox* gtr_priority_combo_new() { return gtr_combo_box_new_enum({ { _("High"), TR_PRI_HIGH }, { _("Normal"), TR_PRI_NORMAL }, { _("Low"), TR_PRI_LOW }, }); } /*** **** ***/ #define GTR_CHILD_HIDDEN "gtr-child-hidden" void gtr_widget_set_visible(Gtk::Widget& w, bool b) { /* toggle the transient children, too */ if (auto* const window = dynamic_cast(&w); window != nullptr) { for (auto* const l : Gtk::Window::list_toplevels()) { if (l->get_transient_for() != window) { continue; } if (l->get_visible() == b) { continue; } if (b && l->get_data(GTR_CHILD_HIDDEN) != nullptr) { l->steal_data(GTR_CHILD_HIDDEN); gtr_widget_set_visible(*l, true); } else if (!b) { l->set_data(GTR_CHILD_HIDDEN, GINT_TO_POINTER(1)); gtr_widget_set_visible(*l, false); } } } w.set_visible(b); } void gtr_dialog_set_content(Gtk::Dialog& dialog, Gtk::Widget& content) { auto* vbox = dialog.get_content_area(); vbox->pack_start(content, true, true, 0); content.show_all(); } /*** **** ***/ void gtr_unrecognized_url_dialog(Gtk::Widget& parent, Glib::ustring const& url) { char const* xt = "xt=urn:btih"; auto* window = getWindow(&parent); Glib::ustring gstr; auto* w = new Gtk::MessageDialog(*window, _("Unrecognized URL"), false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_CLOSE); gstr += gtr_sprintf(_("Transmission doesn't know how to use \"%s\""), url); if (gtr_is_magnet_link(url) && url.find(xt) == Glib::ustring::npos) { gstr += "\n \n"; gstr += gtr_sprintf( _("This magnet link appears to be intended for something other than BitTorrent. " "BitTorrent magnet links have a section containing \"%s\"."), xt); } w->set_secondary_text(gstr); w->signal_response().connect([w](int /*response*/) { delete w; }); w->show(); } /*** **** ***/ void gtr_paste_clipboard_url_into_entry(Gtk::Entry& e) { Glib::ustring const text[] = { gtr_str_strip(Gtk::Clipboard::get(GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY)->wait_for_text()), gtr_str_strip(Gtk::Clipboard::get(GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD)->wait_for_text()), }; for (auto const& s : text) { if (!s.empty() && (gtr_is_supported_url(s) || gtr_is_magnet_link(s) || gtr_is_hex_hashcode(s))) { e.set_text(s); break; } } } /*** **** ***/ void gtr_label_set_text(Gtk::Label& lb, Glib::ustring const& newstr) { if (lb.get_text() != newstr) { lb.set_text(newstr); } } /*** **** ***/ class FreeSpaceLabel::Impl { public: Impl(FreeSpaceLabel& label, Glib::RefPtr const& core, std::string const& dir); ~Impl(); void set_dir(std::string const& dir); private: bool on_freespace_timer(); private: FreeSpaceLabel& label_; Glib::RefPtr const core_; std::string dir_; sigc::connection timer_id_; }; FreeSpaceLabel::Impl::~Impl() { timer_id_.disconnect(); } bool FreeSpaceLabel::Impl::on_freespace_timer() { auto* const session = core_->get_session(); if (session == nullptr) { return false; } auto const bytes = tr_sessionGetDirFreeSpace(session, dir_.c_str()); auto const text = bytes < 0 ? _("Error") : gtr_sprintf(_("%s free"), tr_strlsize(bytes)); auto const markup = gtr_sprintf("%s", text); label_.set_markup(markup); return true; } FreeSpaceLabel::FreeSpaceLabel(Glib::RefPtr const& core, std::string const& dir) : Gtk::Label() , impl_(std::make_unique(*this, core, dir)) { } FreeSpaceLabel::~FreeSpaceLabel() = default; FreeSpaceLabel::Impl::Impl(FreeSpaceLabel& label, Glib::RefPtr const& core, std::string const& dir) : label_(label) , core_(core) , dir_(dir) { timer_id_ = Glib::signal_timeout().connect_seconds(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Impl::on_freespace_timer), 3); on_freespace_timer(); } void FreeSpaceLabel::set_dir(std::string const& dir) { impl_->set_dir(dir); } void FreeSpaceLabel::Impl::set_dir(std::string const& dir) { dir_ = dir; on_freespace_timer(); }