/* * This file Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include #include #include /* bsearch() */ #include /* memcmp() */ #include "transmission.h" #include "cache.h" /* tr_cacheReadBlock() */ #include "crypto-utils.h" #include "error.h" #include "fdlimit.h" #include "file.h" #include "inout.h" #include "log.h" #include "peer-common.h" /* MAX_BLOCK_SIZE */ #include "stats.h" /* tr_statsFileCreated() */ #include "torrent.h" #include "tr-assert.h" #include "utils.h" /**** ***** Low-level IO functions ****/ enum { TR_IO_READ, TR_IO_PREFETCH, /* Any operations that require write access must follow TR_IO_WRITE. */ TR_IO_WRITE }; /* returns 0 on success, or an errno on failure */ static int readOrWriteBytes( tr_session* session, tr_torrent* tor, int ioMode, tr_file_index_t fileIndex, uint64_t fileOffset, void* buf, size_t buflen) { int err = 0; bool const doWrite = ioMode >= TR_IO_WRITE; tr_info const* const info = &tor->info; tr_file const* const file = &info->files[fileIndex]; TR_ASSERT(fileIndex < info->fileCount); TR_ASSERT(file->length == 0 || fileOffset < file->length); TR_ASSERT(fileOffset + buflen <= file->length); if (file->length == 0) { return 0; } /*** **** Find the fd ***/ tr_sys_file_t fd = tr_fdFileGetCached(session, tr_torrentId(tor), fileIndex, doWrite); if (fd == TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) /* it's not cached, so open/create it now */ { /* see if the file exists... */ char const* base = nullptr; char* subpath = nullptr; if (!tr_torrentFindFile2(tor, fileIndex, &base, &subpath, nullptr)) { /* we can't read a file that doesn't exist... */ if (!doWrite) { err = ENOENT; } /* figure out where the file should go, so we can create it */ base = tr_torrentGetCurrentDir(tor); subpath = tr_sessionIsIncompleteFileNamingEnabled(tor->session) ? tr_torrentBuildPartial(tor, fileIndex) : tr_strdup(file->name); } if (err == 0) { /* open (and maybe create) the file */ char* filename = tr_buildPath(base, subpath, nullptr); tr_preallocation_mode const prealloc = (file->dnd || !doWrite) ? TR_PREALLOCATE_NONE : tor->session->preallocationMode; fd = tr_fdFileCheckout(session, tor->uniqueId, fileIndex, filename, doWrite, prealloc, file->length); if (fd == TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { err = errno; tr_logAddTorErr(tor, "tr_fdFileCheckout failed for \"%s\": %s", filename, tr_strerror(err)); } else if (doWrite) { /* make a note that we just created a file */ tr_statsFileCreated(tor->session); } tr_free(filename); } tr_free(subpath); } /*** **** Use the fd ***/ if (err == 0) { tr_error* error = nullptr; if (ioMode == TR_IO_READ) { if (!tr_sys_file_read_at(fd, buf, buflen, fileOffset, nullptr, &error)) { err = error->code; tr_logAddTorErr(tor, "read failed for \"%s\": %s", file->name, error->message); tr_error_free(error); } } else if (ioMode == TR_IO_WRITE) { if (!tr_sys_file_write_at(fd, buf, buflen, fileOffset, nullptr, &error)) { err = error->code; tr_logAddTorErr(tor, "write failed for \"%s\": %s", file->name, error->message); tr_error_free(error); } } else if (ioMode == TR_IO_PREFETCH) { tr_sys_file_advise(fd, fileOffset, buflen, TR_SYS_FILE_ADVICE_WILL_NEED, nullptr); } else { abort(); } } return err; } static int compareOffsetToFile(void const* a, void const* b) { auto const offset = *static_cast(a); auto const* file = static_cast(b); if (offset < file->offset) { return -1; } if (offset >= file->offset + file->length) { return 1; } return 0; } void tr_ioFindFileLocation( tr_torrent const* tor, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex, uint32_t pieceOffset, tr_file_index_t* fileIndex, uint64_t* fileOffset) { TR_ASSERT(tr_isTorrent(tor)); uint64_t const offset = tr_pieceOffset(tor, pieceIndex, pieceOffset, 0); TR_ASSERT(offset < tor->info.totalSize); auto const* file = static_cast( bsearch(&offset, tor->info.files, tor->info.fileCount, sizeof(tr_file), compareOffsetToFile)); TR_ASSERT(file != nullptr); *fileIndex = file - tor->info.files; *fileOffset = offset - file->offset; TR_ASSERT(*fileIndex < tor->info.fileCount); TR_ASSERT(*fileOffset < file->length); TR_ASSERT(tor->info.files[*fileIndex].offset + *fileOffset == offset); } /* returns 0 on success, or an errno on failure */ static int readOrWritePiece( tr_torrent* tor, int ioMode, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex, uint32_t pieceOffset, uint8_t* buf, size_t buflen) { int err = 0; tr_info const* info = &tor->info; if (pieceIndex >= tor->info.pieceCount) { return EINVAL; } auto fileIndex = tr_file_index_t{}; auto fileOffset = uint64_t{}; tr_ioFindFileLocation(tor, pieceIndex, pieceOffset, &fileIndex, &fileOffset); while (buflen != 0 && err == 0) { tr_file const* file = &info->files[fileIndex]; uint64_t const bytesThisPass = std::min(uint64_t{ buflen }, uint64_t{ file->length - fileOffset }); err = readOrWriteBytes(tor->session, tor, ioMode, fileIndex, fileOffset, buf, bytesThisPass); buf += bytesThisPass; buflen -= bytesThisPass; fileIndex++; fileOffset = 0; if (err != 0 && ioMode == TR_IO_WRITE && tor->error != TR_STAT_LOCAL_ERROR) { char* path = tr_buildPath(tor->downloadDir, file->name, nullptr); tr_torrentSetLocalError(tor, "%s (%s)", tr_strerror(err), path); tr_free(path); } } return err; } int tr_ioRead(tr_torrent* tor, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex, uint32_t begin, uint32_t len, uint8_t* buf) { return readOrWritePiece(tor, TR_IO_READ, pieceIndex, begin, buf, len); } int tr_ioPrefetch(tr_torrent* tor, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex, uint32_t begin, uint32_t len) { return readOrWritePiece(tor, TR_IO_PREFETCH, pieceIndex, begin, nullptr, len); } int tr_ioWrite(tr_torrent* tor, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex, uint32_t begin, uint32_t len, uint8_t const* buf) { return readOrWritePiece(tor, TR_IO_WRITE, pieceIndex, begin, (uint8_t*)buf, len); } /**** ***** ****/ static bool recalculateHash(tr_torrent* tor, tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex, uint8_t* setme) { TR_ASSERT(tor != nullptr); TR_ASSERT(pieceIndex < tor->info.pieceCount); TR_ASSERT(setme != nullptr); uint32_t offset = 0; bool success = true; size_t const buflen = tor->blockSize; void* const buffer = tr_malloc(buflen); TR_ASSERT(buffer != nullptr); TR_ASSERT(buflen > 0); tr_sha1_ctx_t sha = tr_sha1_init(); size_t bytesLeft = tr_torPieceCountBytes(tor, pieceIndex); tr_ioPrefetch(tor, pieceIndex, offset, bytesLeft); while (bytesLeft != 0) { size_t const len = std::min(bytesLeft, buflen); success = tr_cacheReadBlock(tor->session->cache, tor, pieceIndex, offset, len, static_cast(buffer)) == 0; if (!success) { break; } tr_sha1_update(sha, buffer, len); offset += len; bytesLeft -= len; } tr_sha1_final(sha, success ? setme : nullptr); tr_free(buffer); return success; } bool tr_ioTestPiece(tr_torrent* tor, tr_piece_index_t piece) { uint8_t hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; return recalculateHash(tor, piece, hash) && memcmp(hash, tor->info.pieces[piece].hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH) == 0; }