/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "conf.h" #include "util.h" #define CONF_SUBDIR "gtk" #define FILE_LOCK "lock" #define FILE_SOCKET "socket" #define FILE_STATE "state" #define FILE_STATE_TMP "state.tmp" #define OLD_FILE_LOCK "gtk_lock" /* remove this after next release */ #define OLD_FILE_STATE "gtk_state" #define PREF_SEP_LINE '\n' static int lockfile(const char *file, char **errstr); static void cf_removelocks(void); static char * cf_readfile(const char *file, const char *oldfile, gsize *len, gboolean *usedold, char **errstr); static void cf_benc_append(benc_val_t *val, char type, int incsize); static void cf_writebenc(const char *file, const char *tmp, benc_val_t *data, char **errstr); static char * getstateval(benc_val_t *state, char *line); static char *gl_confdir = NULL; static char *gl_old_confdir = NULL; static char *gl_lockpath = NULL; static char *gl_old_lockpath = NULL; /* errstr may be NULL, this might be called before GTK is initialized */ static int lockfile(const char *file, char **errstr) { int fd, savederr; struct flock lk; if(NULL != errstr) *errstr = NULL; if(0 > (fd = open(file, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666))) { savederr = errno; if(NULL != errstr) *errstr = g_strdup_printf(_("Failed to open the file %s for writing:\n%s"), file, strerror(errno)); errno = savederr; return -1; } memset(&lk, 0, sizeof(lk)); lk.l_start = 0; lk.l_len = 0; lk.l_type = F_WRLCK; lk.l_whence = SEEK_SET; if(-1 == fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &lk)) { savederr = errno; if(NULL != errstr) { if(EAGAIN == errno) *errstr = g_strdup_printf(_("Another copy of %s is already running."), g_get_application_name()); else *errstr = g_strdup_printf(_("Failed to lock the file %s:\n%s"), file, strerror(errno)); } close(fd); errno = savederr; return -1; } return fd; } /* errstr may be NULL, this might be called before GTK is initialized */ gboolean cf_init(const char *dir, char **errstr) { if(NULL != errstr) *errstr = NULL; gl_old_confdir = g_strdup(dir); gl_confdir = g_build_filename(dir, CONF_SUBDIR, NULL); if(mkdir_p(gl_confdir, 0777)) return TRUE; if(NULL != errstr) *errstr = g_strdup_printf(_("Failed to create the directory %s:\n%s"), gl_confdir, strerror(errno)); return FALSE; } /* errstr may be NULL, this might be called before GTK is initialized */ gboolean cf_lock(char **errstr) { char *path = g_build_filename(gl_old_confdir, OLD_FILE_LOCK, NULL); int fd = lockfile(path, errstr); if(0 > fd) g_free(path); else { gl_old_lockpath = path; path = g_build_filename(gl_confdir, FILE_LOCK, NULL); fd = lockfile(path, errstr); if(0 > fd) g_free(path); else gl_lockpath = path; } g_atexit(cf_removelocks); return 0 <= fd; } static void cf_removelocks( void ) { g_unlink( gl_lockpath ); g_free( gl_lockpath ); g_unlink( gl_old_lockpath ); g_free( gl_old_lockpath ); } char * cf_sockname(void) { return g_build_filename(gl_confdir, FILE_SOCKET, NULL); } static char * cf_readfile(const char *file, const char *oldfile, gsize *len, gboolean *usedold, char **errstr) { char *path; GIOChannel *io; GError *err = NULL; char *ret; *errstr = NULL; *usedold = FALSE; ret = NULL; err = NULL; *len = 0; path = g_build_filename(gl_confdir, file, NULL); io = g_io_channel_new_file(path, "r", &err); if(NULL != err && g_error_matches(err, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT)) { g_error_free(err); err = NULL; g_free(path); path = g_build_filename(gl_old_confdir, oldfile, NULL); io = g_io_channel_new_file(path, "r", &err); *usedold = TRUE; } if(NULL != err) { if(!g_error_matches(err, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT)) *errstr = g_strdup_printf( _("Failed to open the file %s for reading:\n%s"), path, err->message); goto done; } g_io_channel_set_encoding(io, NULL, NULL); if(G_IO_STATUS_ERROR == g_io_channel_read_to_end(io, &ret, len, &err)) { *errstr = g_strdup_printf( _("Error while reading from the file %s:\n%s"), path, err->message); goto done; } done: g_free (path); g_clear_error( &err ); if(NULL != io) g_io_channel_unref(io); return ret; } /** *** Prefs Files **/ #define GROUP "general" static char* getPrefsFilename( void ) { return g_build_filename( tr_getPrefsDirectory(), CONF_SUBDIR, "prefs.ini", NULL ); } static GKeyFile* getPrefsKeyFile( void ) { static GKeyFile * myKeyFile = NULL; if( myKeyFile == NULL ) { char * filename = getPrefsFilename( ); myKeyFile = g_key_file_new( ); g_key_file_load_from_file( myKeyFile, filename, 0, NULL ); g_free( filename ); } return myKeyFile; } int pref_int_get( const char * key ) { return g_key_file_get_integer( getPrefsKeyFile( ), GROUP, key, NULL ); } void pref_int_set( const char * key, int value ) { g_key_file_set_integer( getPrefsKeyFile( ), GROUP, key, value ); } void pref_int_set_default( const char * key, int value ) { if( !g_key_file_has_key( getPrefsKeyFile( ), GROUP, key, NULL ) ) pref_int_set( key, value ); } gboolean pref_flag_get ( const char * key ) { return g_key_file_get_boolean( getPrefsKeyFile( ), GROUP, key, NULL ); } void pref_flag_set( const char * key, gboolean value ) { g_key_file_set_boolean( getPrefsKeyFile( ), GROUP, key, value ); } void pref_flag_set_default( const char * key, gboolean value ) { if( !g_key_file_has_key( getPrefsKeyFile( ), GROUP, key, NULL ) ) pref_flag_set( key, value ); } char* pref_string_get( const char * key ) { return g_key_file_get_string( getPrefsKeyFile( ), GROUP, key, NULL ); } void pref_string_set( const char * key, const char * value ) { g_key_file_set_string( getPrefsKeyFile( ), GROUP, key, value ); } void pref_string_set_default( const char * key, const char * value ) { if( !g_key_file_has_key( getPrefsKeyFile( ), GROUP, key, NULL ) ) pref_string_set( key, value ); } void pref_save(char **errstr) { gsize datalen; GError * err = NULL; char * data; char * filename; char * path; filename = getPrefsFilename( ); path = g_path_get_dirname( filename ); mkdir_p( path, 0755 ); data = g_key_file_to_data( getPrefsKeyFile(), &datalen, &err ); if( !err ) { GIOChannel * out = g_io_channel_new_file( filename, "w+", &err ); g_io_channel_write_chars( out, data, datalen, NULL, &err ); g_io_channel_unref( out ); } if( errstr != NULL ) *errstr = err ? g_strdup( err->message ) : NULL; g_clear_error( &err ); g_free( data ); g_free( path ); g_free( filename ); } /** *** **/ benc_val_t * cf_loadstate(char **errstr) { char *data, *line, *eol, *prog; gsize len; gboolean usedold; benc_val_t *state, *torstate; *errstr = NULL; data = cf_readfile(FILE_STATE, OLD_FILE_STATE, &len, &usedold, errstr); if(NULL != *errstr) { g_assert(NULL == data); return NULL; } if(NULL == data) return NULL; state = g_new0(benc_val_t, 1); if(usedold || tr_bencLoad(data, len, state, NULL)) { /* XXX all this evil compat code should go away at some point */ memset(state, 0, sizeof(benc_val_t)); state->type = TYPE_LIST; for(line = data; NULL != (eol = strchr(line, PREF_SEP_LINE)); line = eol + 1) { *eol = '\0'; if(g_utf8_validate(line, -1, NULL)) { cf_benc_append(state, TYPE_DICT, 10); torstate = state->val.l.vals + state->val.l.count - 1; prog = line; while(NULL != (prog = getstateval(torstate, prog))) ; } } } g_free(data); return state; } static void cf_benc_append(benc_val_t *val, char type, int incsize) { if(++val->val.l.count > val->val.l.alloc) { val->val.l.alloc += incsize; val->val.l.vals = g_renew(benc_val_t, val->val.l.vals, val->val.l.alloc); memset(val->val.l.vals + val->val.l.alloc - incsize, 0, incsize * sizeof(benc_val_t)); } val->val.l.vals[val->val.l.count-1].type = type; } static void cf_writebenc(const char *file, const char *tmp, benc_val_t *data, char **errstr) { char *path = g_build_filename(gl_confdir, file, NULL); char *pathtmp = g_build_filename(gl_confdir, tmp, NULL); GIOChannel *io = NULL; GError *err = NULL; char *datastr; int len; gsize written; *errstr = NULL; err = NULL; datastr = NULL; io = g_io_channel_new_file(pathtmp, "w", &err); if(NULL != err) { *errstr = g_strdup_printf(_("Failed to open the file %s for writing:\n%s"), pathtmp, err->message); goto done; } g_io_channel_set_encoding(io, NULL, NULL); len = 0; datastr = tr_bencSaveMalloc(data, &len); written = 0; g_io_channel_write_chars(io, datastr, len, &written, &err); if(NULL != err) g_io_channel_flush(io, &err); if(NULL != err) { *errstr = g_strdup_printf(_("Error while writing to the file %s:\n%s"), pathtmp, err->message); goto done; } if(0 > rename(pathtmp, path)) { *errstr = g_strdup_printf(_("Failed to rename the file %s to %s:\n%s"), pathtmp, file, strerror(errno)); goto done; } done: g_free(path); g_free(pathtmp); if(NULL != io) g_io_channel_unref(io); if(NULL != datastr) free(datastr); } static gboolean strbool( const char * str ) { if( !str ) return FALSE; switch(str[0]) { case 'y': case 't': case 'Y': case '1': case 'j': case 'e': return TRUE; default: if(0 == g_ascii_strcasecmp("on", str)) return TRUE; break; } return FALSE; } static char * getstateval(benc_val_t *state, char *line) { char *start, *end; /* skip any leading whitespace */ while(g_ascii_isspace(*line)) line++; /* walk over the key, which may be alphanumerics as well as - or _ */ for(start = line; g_ascii_isalnum(*start) || '_' == *start || '-' == *start; start++) ; /* they key must be immediately followed by an = */ if('=' != *start) return NULL; *(start++) = '\0'; /* then the opening quote for the value */ if('"' != *(start++)) return NULL; /* walk over the value */ for(end = start; '\0' != *end && '"' != *end; end++) /* skip over escaped quotes */ if('\\' == *end && '\0' != *(end + 1)) end++; /* make sure we didn't hit the end of the string */ if('"' != *end) return NULL; *end = '\0'; /* if it's a key we recognize then save the data */ if(0 == strcmp(line, "torrent") || 0 == strcmp(line, "dir") || 0 == strcmp(line, "paused")) { cf_benc_append(state, TYPE_STR, 6); state->val.l.vals[state->val.l.count-1].val.s.s = g_strdup(line); state->val.l.vals[state->val.l.count-1].val.s.i = strlen(line); if('p' == *line) { cf_benc_append(state, TYPE_INT, 6); state->val.l.vals[state->val.l.count-1].val.i = strbool(start); } else { cf_benc_append(state, TYPE_STR, 6); state->val.l.vals[state->val.l.count-1].val.s.s = g_strdup(start); state->val.l.vals[state->val.l.count-1].val.s.i = strlen(start); } } /* return a pointer to just past the end of the value */ return end + 1; } void cf_savestate(benc_val_t *state, char **errstr) { *errstr = NULL; cf_writebenc(FILE_STATE, FILE_STATE_TMP, state, errstr); } void cf_freestate( benc_val_t * state ) { if( NULL != state ) { tr_bencFree( state ); g_free( state ); } }