/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Sergey Lyubka * All rights reserved * * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * Sergey Lyubka wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. */ #include "defs.h" #if !defined(NO_AUTH) /* * Stringify binary data. Output buffer must be twice as big as input, * because each byte takes 2 bytes in string representation */ static void bin2str(char *to, const unsigned char *p, size_t len) { const char *hex = "0123456789abcdef"; for (;len--; p++) { *to++ = hex[p[0] >> 4]; *to++ = hex[p[0] & 0x0f]; } } /* * Return stringified MD5 hash for list of vectors. * buf must point to at least 32-bytes long buffer */ static void md5(char *buf, ...) { unsigned char hash[16]; const struct vec *v; va_list ap; MD5_CTX ctx; int i; MD5Init(&ctx); va_start(ap, buf); for (i = 0; (v = va_arg(ap, const struct vec *)) != NULL; i++) { assert(v->len >= 0); if (v->len == 0) continue; if (i > 0) MD5Update(&ctx, (unsigned char *) ":", 1); MD5Update(&ctx,(unsigned char *)v->ptr,(unsigned int)v->len); } va_end(ap); MD5Final(hash, &ctx); bin2str(buf, hash, sizeof(hash)); } /* * Compare to vectors. Return 1 if they are equal */ static int vcmp(const struct vec *v1, const struct vec *v2) { return (v1->len == v2->len && !memcmp(v1->ptr, v2->ptr, v1->len)); } struct digest { struct vec user; struct vec uri; struct vec nonce; struct vec cnonce; struct vec resp; struct vec qop; struct vec nc; }; static const struct auth_keyword { size_t offset; struct vec vec; } known_auth_keywords[] = { {offsetof(struct digest, user), {"username=", 9}}, {offsetof(struct digest, cnonce), {"cnonce=", 7}}, {offsetof(struct digest, resp), {"response=", 9}}, {offsetof(struct digest, uri), {"uri=", 4}}, {offsetof(struct digest, qop), {"qop=", 4}}, {offsetof(struct digest, nc), {"nc=", 3}}, {offsetof(struct digest, nonce), {"nonce=", 6}}, {0, {NULL, 0}} }; static void parse_authorization_header(const struct vec *h, struct digest *dig) { const unsigned char *p, *e, *s; struct vec *v, vec; const struct auth_keyword *kw; (void) memset(dig, 0, sizeof(*dig)); p = (unsigned char *) h->ptr + 7; e = (unsigned char *) h->ptr + h->len; while (p < e) { /* Skip spaces */ while (p < e && (*p == ' ' || *p == ',')) p++; /* Skip to "=" */ for (s = p; s < e && *s != '='; ) s++; s++; /* Is it known keyword ? */ for (kw = known_auth_keywords; kw->vec.len > 0; kw++) if (kw->vec.len <= s - p && !memcmp(p, kw->vec.ptr, kw->vec.len)) break; if (kw->vec.len == 0) v = &vec; /* Dummy placeholder */ else v = (struct vec *) ((char *) dig + kw->offset); if (*s == '"') { p = ++s; while (p < e && *p != '"') p++; } else { p = s; while (p < e && *p != ' ' && *p != ',') p++; } v->ptr = (char *) s; v->len = p - s; if (*p == '"') p++; DBG(("auth field [%.*s]", v->len, v->ptr)); } } /* * Check the user's password, return 1 if OK */ static int check_password(int method, const struct vec *ha1, const struct digest *digest) { char a2[32], resp[32]; struct vec vec_a2; /* XXX Due to a bug in MSIE, we do not compare the URI */ /* Also, we do not check for authentication timeout */ if (/*strcmp(dig->uri, c->ouri) != 0 || */ digest->resp.len != 32 /*|| now - strtoul(dig->nonce, NULL, 10) > 3600 */) return (0); md5(a2, &known_http_methods[method], &digest->uri, NULL); vec_a2.ptr = a2; vec_a2.len = sizeof(a2); md5(resp, ha1, &digest->nonce, &digest->nc, &digest->cnonce, &digest->qop, &vec_a2, NULL); return (!memcmp(resp, digest->resp.ptr, 32)); } static FILE * open_auth_file(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *path) { char name[FILENAME_MAX]; const char *p, *e; FILE *fp = NULL; int fd; if (ctx->options[OPT_AUTH_GPASSWD] != NULL) { /* Use global passwords file */ my_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s", ctx->options[OPT_AUTH_GPASSWD]); } else { /* Try to find .htpasswd in requested directory */ for (p = path, e = p + strlen(p) - 1; e > p; e--) if (IS_DIRSEP_CHAR(*e)) break; assert(IS_DIRSEP_CHAR(*e)); (void) my_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%.*s/%s", (int) (e - p), p, HTPASSWD); } if ((fd = my_open(name, O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1) { DBG(("open_auth_file: open(%s)", name)); } else if ((fp = fdopen(fd, "r")) == NULL) { DBG(("open_auth_file: fdopen(%s)", name)); (void) close(fd); } return (fp); } /* * Parse the line from htpasswd file. Line should be in form of * "user:domain:ha1". Fill in the vector values. Return 1 if successful. */ static int parse_htpasswd_line(const char *s, struct vec *user, struct vec *domain, struct vec *ha1) { user->len = domain->len = ha1->len = 0; for (user->ptr = s; *s != '\0' && *s != ':'; s++, user->len++); if (*s++ != ':') return (0); for (domain->ptr = s; *s != '\0' && *s != ':'; s++, domain->len++); if (*s++ != ':') return (0); for (ha1->ptr = s; *s != '\0' && !isspace(* (unsigned char *) s); s++, ha1->len++); DBG(("parse_htpasswd_line: [%.*s] [%.*s] [%.*s]", user->len, user->ptr, domain->len, domain->ptr, ha1->len, ha1->ptr)); return (user->len > 0 && domain->len > 0 && ha1->len > 0); } /* * Authorize against the opened passwords file. Return 1 if authorized. */ static int authorize(struct conn *c, FILE *fp) { struct vec *auth_vec = &c->ch.auth.v_vec; struct vec *user_vec = &c->ch.user.v_vec; struct vec user, domain, ha1; struct digest digest; int ok = 0; char line[256]; if (auth_vec->len > 20 && !my_strncasecmp(auth_vec->ptr, "Digest ", 7)) { parse_authorization_header(auth_vec, &digest); *user_vec = digest.user; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (!parse_htpasswd_line(line, &user, &domain, &ha1)) continue; DBG(("[%.*s] [%.*s] [%.*s]", user.len, user.ptr, domain.len, domain.ptr, ha1.len, ha1.ptr)); if (vcmp(user_vec, &user) && !memcmp(c->ctx->options[OPT_AUTH_REALM], domain.ptr, domain.len)) { ok = check_password(c->method, &ha1, &digest); break; } } } return (ok); } int check_authorization(struct conn *c, const char *path) { FILE *fp = NULL; int len, n, authorized = 1; const char *p, *s = c->ctx->options[OPT_PROTECT]; char protected_path[FILENAME_MAX]; FOR_EACH_WORD_IN_LIST(s, len) { if ((p = memchr(s, '=', len)) == NULL || p >= s + len || p == s) continue; if (!memcmp(c->uri, s, p - s)) { n = s + len - p; if (n > (int) sizeof(protected_path) - 1) n = sizeof(protected_path) - 1; my_strlcpy(protected_path, p + 1, n); if ((fp = fopen(protected_path, "r")) == NULL) elog(E_LOG, c, "check_auth: cannot open %s: %s", protected_path, strerror(errno)); break; } } if (fp == NULL) fp = open_auth_file(c->ctx, path); if (fp != NULL) { authorized = authorize(c, fp); (void) fclose(fp); } return (authorized); } int is_authorized_for_put(struct conn *c) { FILE *fp; int ret = 0; if ((fp = fopen(c->ctx->options[OPT_AUTH_PUT], "r")) != NULL) { ret = authorize(c, fp); (void) fclose(fp); } return (ret); } void send_authorization_request(struct conn *c) { char buf[512]; (void) my_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Unauthorized\r\n" "WWW-Authenticate: Digest qop=\"auth\", realm=\"%s\", " "nonce=\"%lu\"", c->ctx->options[OPT_AUTH_REALM], (unsigned long) current_time); send_server_error(c, 401, buf); } /* * Edit the passwords file. */ int edit_passwords(const char *fname, const char *domain, const char *user, const char *pass) { int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS, found = 0; struct vec u, d, p; char line[512], tmp[FILENAME_MAX], ha1[32]; FILE *fp = NULL, *fp2 = NULL; (void) my_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s.tmp", fname); /* Create the file if does not exist */ if ((fp = fopen(fname, "a+"))) (void) fclose(fp); /* Open the given file and temporary file */ if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) elog(E_FATAL, 0, "Cannot open %s: %s", fname, strerror(errno)); else if ((fp2 = fopen(tmp, "w+")) == NULL) elog(E_FATAL, 0, "Cannot open %s: %s", tmp, strerror(errno)); p.ptr = pass; p.len = strlen(pass); /* Copy the stuff to temporary file */ while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { u.ptr = line; if ((d.ptr = strchr(line, ':')) == NULL) continue; u.len = d.ptr - u.ptr; d.ptr++; if (strchr(d.ptr, ':') == NULL) continue; d.len = strchr(d.ptr, ':') - d.ptr; if ((int) strlen(user) == u.len && !memcmp(user, u.ptr, u.len) && (int) strlen(domain) == d.len && !memcmp(domain, d.ptr, d.len)) { found++; md5(ha1, &u, &d, &p, NULL); (void) fprintf(fp2, "%s:%s:%.32s\n", user, domain, ha1); } else { (void) fprintf(fp2, "%s", line); } } /* If new user, just add it */ if (found == 0) { u.ptr = user; u.len = strlen(user); d.ptr = domain; d.len = strlen(domain); md5(ha1, &u, &d, &p, NULL); (void) fprintf(fp2, "%s:%s:%.32s\n", user, domain, ha1); } /* Close files */ (void) fclose(fp); (void) fclose(fp2); /* Put the temp file in place of real file */ (void) my_remove(fname); (void) my_rename(tmp, fname); return (ret); } #endif /* NO_AUTH */