/* Inspector -> Activity tab -> progress */ "%.2f%% (%.2f%% selected)" = "%1$.2f%% (%2$.2f%% 已选择)"; /* Torrent -> progress string */ "%.2f%% of torrent metadata retrieved" = "%.2f%% 种子元数据重新取回"; /* Prefs -> blocklist -> message */ "%@ IP address rules in list" = "%@ IP地址规则在列表"; /* Blocklist -> message Inspector -> Files tab -> file status string Torrent -> progress string */ "%@ of %@" = "%1$@ 于 %2$@"; /* Torrent -> progress string */ "%@ of %@ selected" = "%1$@ 于 %2$@ 已选择"; /* Torrent -> eta string */ "%@ remaining" = "%@ 剩余"; /* Add torrent -> info Torrent -> progress string */ "%@ selected" = "%@ 选择"; /* Inspector -> selected torrents stats total */ "%@ total" = "%@ 总计"; /* Inspector -> Activity tab -> have */ "%@ verified" = "%@ 已验证"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d cache" = "%d 缓存"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d Connected" = "%d 已连接"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d DHT" = "%d DHT"; /* Dock item - Downloading */ "%d Downloading" = "%d 正在下载"; /* Add torrent -> info Create torrent -> info Drag overlay -> torrents Inspector -> selected torrents */ "%d files" = "%d 文件"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d incoming" = "%d 进入"; /* Action menu -> upload/download limit Status Bar -> speed tooltip */ "%d KB/s" = "%d KB/s"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d known" = "%d 已知"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d local discovery" = "%d 本地探索"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d LTEP" = "%d LTEP"; /* Inspector -> selected torrents */ "%d magnetized transfers" = "%d 已磁化的传输"; /* Status bar transfer count */ "%d of %@" = "%1$d 于 %2$@"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d PEX" = "%d PEX"; /* Create torrent -> info */ "%d pieces, %@ each" = "%1$d 块, %2$@ 每个"; /* Dock item - Seeding */ "%d Seeding" = "%d 正在做种"; /* Drag overlay -> torrents */ "%d Torrent Files" = "%d 种子文件"; /* Inspector -> selected torrents */ "%d Torrents Selected" = "%d 种子已选择"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d tracker" = "%d tracker"; /* Filter Bar Button -> tool tip Status bar transfer count Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip */ "%d transfers" = "%d 传输"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "%d web seeds" = "%d 网络种子"; /* Inspector -> selected torrents stats -> bytes */ "%llu bytes" = "%llu 字节"; /* stats window -> times opened */ "%llu times" = "%llu 次"; /* time string */ "%u days" = "%u 天"; /* time string */ "%u hr" = "%u 小时"; /* time string */ "%u min" = "%u 分钟"; /* time string */ "%u sec" = "%u 秒"; /* File size - bytes */ "1 byte" = "1 字节"; /* time string */ "1 day" = "1 天"; /* Add torrent -> info Create torrent -> info Drag overlay -> torrents Inspector -> selected torrents */ "1 file" = "1 文件"; /* Inspector -> selected torrents */ "1 magnetized transfer" = "1 已磁化的传输"; /* Create torrent -> info */ "1 piece, %@" = "1 块, %@"; /* stats window -> times opened */ "1 time" = "1 次"; /* Filter Button -> tool tip Status bar transfer count Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip */ "1 transfer" = "1 传输"; /* Open invalid alert -> title */ "\"%@\" is not a valid torrent file." = "\"%@\" 不是一个有效的种子文件."; /* Prefs -> blocklist -> message */ "A blocklist must first be downloaded" = "一个屏蔽列表必须优先下载"; /* Create torrent -> file already exists warning -> warning */ "A file with the name \"%@\" already exists in the directory \"%@\". Choose a new name or directory to create the torrent file." = "名称为“%1$@”的文件已存在于目录“%2$@”。请选择新的名称或要创建种子文件的目录。"; /* Move inside itself alert -> title */ "A folder cannot be moved to inside itself." = "无法将文件夹移至其本身内部。"; /* Create torrent -> zero size -> warning */ "A torrent file cannot be created for files with no size." = "大小为零的文件无法创建种子文件。"; /* Create torrent -> file already exists warning -> title */ "A torrent file with this name and directory cannot be created." = "无法创建此名称与目录的种子文件。"; /* Create torrent -> blank address -> message */ "A transfer marked as private with no tracker addresses will be unable to connect to peers. The torrent file will only be useful if you plan to upload the file to a tracker website that will add the addresses for you." = "传输被标记为tracker的私密地址,无法连接到peer。 种子文件将在如果您打算将文件上传到一个跟踪网站的时候可用,将增加你的地址 ."; /* Open duplicate alert -> title Open duplicate magnet alert -> title */ "A transfer of \"%@\" already exists." = "\"%@\"的传输任务已经存在。"; /* Inspector -> tab Inspector view -> title */ "Activity" = "活动"; /* Add torrent -> same name -> button */ "Add" = "添加"; /* Magnet link failed -> title */ "Adding magnetized transfer failed." = "添加已磁化的文件失败"; /* Groups -> Button */ "All Groups" = "所有群组"; /* Create torrent -> failed -> warning */ "An unknown error has occurred." = "发生未知错误。"; /* Tracker last announce */ "Announce error" = "通知错误"; /* Tracker next announce */ "Announce in progress" = "通知进行"; /* Tracker next announce */ "Announce is queued" = "通知等待"; /* Tracker next announce */ "Announce not scheduled" = "通知未日程"; /* Tracker last announce */ "Announce timed out" = "通知超时"; /* All toolbar item -> label */ "Apply All" = "应用所有"; /* Selected toolbar item -> label */ "Apply Selected" = "应用所选"; /* Confirm Quit panel -> title */ "Are you sure you want to quit?" = "您真的要退出吗?"; /* Remove trackers alert -> title */ "Are you sure you want to remove %d trackers?" = "您确定要移除 %d 个tracker吗?"; /* Removal confirm panel -> title */ "Are you sure you want to remove %d transfers from the transfer list and trash the data files?" = "您是否确定要从传输列表移除 %d 项传输,并将删除资料文件?"; /* Removal confirm panel -> title */ "Are you sure you want to remove %d transfers from the transfer list?" = "您是否确定要从传输列表中移除 %d 项传输任务?"; /* Removal confirm panel -> title */ "Are you sure you want to remove \"%@\" from the transfer list and trash the data file?" = "您是否确定要从传输列表中移除“%@”,并且将数据文件丢到垃圾桶?"; /* Removal confirm panel -> title */ "Are you sure you want to remove \"%@\" from the transfer list?" = "您是否确定要从传输列表中移除“%@”?"; /* Remove trackers alert -> title */ "Are you sure you want to remove this tracker?" = "您确定要移除racker吗?"; /* Stats reset -> title */ "Are you sure you want to reset usage statistics?" = "您确定要重设使用统计?"; /* inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip */ "Available" = "可用"; /* Transfer speed (Bytes per second) */ "B/s" = "B/s"; /* Preferences -> toolbar item title */ "Bandwidth" = "带宽"; /* Growl notification description */ "Bandwidth settings changed" = "带宽设置已改变"; /* Groups -> Name */ "Blue" = "蓝色"; /* File size - bytes */ "bytes" = "字节"; /* Add torrent -> same name -> button Blocklist -> cancel button Confirm Quit panel -> button Create torrent -> blank address -> button Removal confirm panel -> button Remove trackers alert -> button Stats reset -> button */ "Cancel" = "取消"; /* Torrent Table -> tooltip */ "Change transfer settings" = "更改传输设定"; /* File Outline -> Menu */ "Check Selected" = "检查已选取"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Checking existing data" = "正在检查现有文件"; /* Message window -> save button */ "Clear" = "清除"; /* inspector -> peer table -> header */ "Client" = "客户端"; /* View menu -> Quick Look */ "Close Quick Look" = "关闭快速浏览"; /* Blocklist -> message */ "Connecting to site" = "连接到站点"; /* Torrent file copy alert -> title */ "Copy of \"%@\" Cannot Be Created" = "拷贝 \"%@\" 无法创建"; /* Create torrent -> failed -> warning */ "Could not read \"%s\": %s." = "无法读取 \"%1$s\": %2$s."; /* Create torrent -> failed -> warning */ "Could not write \"%s\": %s." = "无法写入 \"%1$s\": %2$s."; /* Create toolbar item -> label Create torrent -> blank address -> button */ "Create" = "创建"; /* Drag overlay -> file */ "Create a Torrent File" = "创建种子文件"; /* Create toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Create torrent file" = "创建种子文件"; /* Create toolbar item -> palette label Create torrent -> select file */ "Create Torrent File" = "创建种子文件"; /* Create torrent -> failed -> title */ "Creation of \"%@\" failed." = "创建 \"%@\" 失败."; /* Inspector -> peer -> status */ "Currently downloading (interested and not choked)" = "目前正在下载中(相关且未阻挡)"; /* Inspector -> peer -> status */ "Currently uploading (interested and not choked)" = "目前正在上传中(相关且未阻挡)"; /* Message window -> table column */ "Date" = "日期"; /* Message window -> level Message window -> level string */ "Debug" = "调试"; /* inspector -> peer table -> header inspector -> web seed table -> header status bar -> status label Torrent -> status string */ "DL" = "下载"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "DL from %d" = "下载从 %d"; /* Torrent disk space alert -> button */ "Do not check disk space again" = "不要再检查磁盘空间"; /* Donation beg -> button */ "Don't bug me about this ever again." = "不要再提醒我。"; /* files tab -> tooltip */ "Don't Download" = "不要下载"; /* Donation beg -> button */ "Donate" = "捐助"; /* Donation beg -> message */ "Donate or not, there will be no difference to your torrenting experience." = "无论捐助与否,您的使用体验都不会受到影响。"; /* file table -> header tool tip files tab -> tooltip */ "Download" = "下载"; /* Torrent disk space alert -> button */ "Download Anyway" = "一概下载"; /* Growl notification title */ "Download Complete" = "下载完成"; /* Blocklist -> message */ "Download of the blocklist failed." = "下载封锁列表失败。"; /* files tab -> tooltip */ "Download Some" = "下载部分"; /* Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip */ "Download speed" = "下载速度"; /* Stats window -> label tracker peer stat */ "Downloaded" = "已下载"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Downloading" = "正在下载"; /* Blocklist -> message */ "Downloading blocklist" = "正在下载封锁列表"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Downloading from %d of %d peers" = "正在从 %1$d / %2$d 个 peer 下载"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Downloading from %d of 1 peer" = "正在从 %d1 个 peer 下载"; /* inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip */ "Downloading From Peer" = "从 Peer 下载"; /* inspector -> web seed table -> header tool tip */ "Downloading From Web Seed" = "正在从网络种子下载"; /* inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "Encrypted Connection" = "加密保护连接"; /* Message window -> level Message window -> level string Torrent -> status string */ "Error" = "出错"; /* Inspector -> tab Inspector view -> title */ "Files" = "文件"; /* Filter toolbar item -> label inspector -> file filter Message window -> filter field */ "Filter" = "过滤器"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "From: cache" = "来源:缓存"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "From: distributed hash table" = "来源:分布式hash表"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "From: incoming connection" = "来源:传入连接"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "From: libtorrent extension protocol handshake" = "来源: 种子外部协议握手"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "From: local peer discovery" = "From: 本地同伴探索"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "From: peer exchange" = "来源:peer资料交换"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "From: tracker" = "来源:tracker"; /* File size - gigabytes */ "GB" = "GB"; /* Preferences -> toolbar item title */ "General" = "通用"; /* Inspector -> tab Inspector view -> title */ "General Info" = "一般信息"; /* Tracker last announce */ "got %d peers" = "有 %d peer"; /* Tracker last announce */ "got 1 peer" = "有 1 peer"; /* Groups -> Name */ "Gray" = "灰色"; /* Groups -> Name */ "Green" = "绿色"; /* Groups -> Button */ "Group" = "组"; /* Preferences -> toolbar item title */ "Groups" = "组别"; /* View menu -> Filter Bar */ "Hide Filter Bar" = "隐藏过滤栏"; /* View menu -> Inspector */ "Hide Inspector" = "隐藏检查器"; /* View menu -> Status Bar */ "Hide Status Bar" = "隐藏状态栏"; /* File Outline -> Priority Menu */ "High" = "高"; /* files tab -> tooltip */ "High Priority" = "高优先级"; /* Legal alert -> button */ "I Accept" = "接受"; /* Add torrent -> same name -> message */ "If you are attempting to use already existing data, the root data directory should be inside the destination directory." = "若您尝试要使用已经存在的资料,资料根目录应位于目的目录内。"; /* Message window -> level Message window -> level string */ "Info" = "信息"; /* Inspector toolbar item -> label */ "Inspector" = "检查器"; /* inspector -> peer table -> header */ "IP Address" = "IP 地址"; /* Download not a torrent -> message */ "It appears that the file \"%@\" from %@ is not a torrent file." = "文件“%1$@”(来自 %2$@)似乎不是种子文件。"; /* File size - kilobytes */ "KB" = "KB"; /* Tracker last announce */ "Last Announce" = "上次通知"; /* Tracker last scrape */ "Last Scrape" = "上次获取"; /* Prefs -> blocklist -> message */ "Last updated" = "上次更新"; /* tracker peer stat */ "Leechers" = "吸血"; /* About window -> license button */ "License" = "许可协议"; /* Action menu -> upload/download limit torrent action menu -> upload/download limit */ "Limit (%d KB/s)" = "限制 (%d KB/s)"; /* Save log alert panel -> title */ "Log Could Not Be Saved" = "无法储存日志"; /* File Outline -> Priority Menu */ "Low" = "低"; /* files tab -> tooltip */ "Low Priority" = "低优先级"; /* Open duplicate magnet alert -> title */ "Magnet link is a duplicate of an existing transfer." = "磁化链接是已存在传输的多重。"; /* Inspector -> selected torrents Torrent -> progress string */ "Magnetized transfer" = "磁化的传输"; /* File size - megabytes */ "MB" = "MB"; /* Message window -> table column */ "Message" = "信息"; /* Message window -> title */ "Message Log" = "讯息日志"; /* files tab -> tooltip */ "Multiple Priorities" = "多重优先级"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip No Ratio Prefs -> blocklist -> message Tracker last announce Tracker last scrape tracker peer stat */ "N/A" = "不详"; /* Preferences -> toolbar item title */ "Network" = "网络"; /* Prefs -> blocklist -> message */ "Never" = "永不"; /* Inspector -> tracker table */ "New Tier" = "新一层"; /* Tracker next announce */ "Next announce in %@" = "下一个通知在 %@"; /* Group table row */ "No Group" = "没有群组"; /* Inspector -> selected torrents */ "No Torrents Selected" = "没有选取种子文件"; /* Groups -> Button Groups -> Menu */ "None" = "无"; /* Donation beg -> button */ "Nope" = "不"; /* File Outline -> Priority Menu */ "Normal" = "正常"; /* files tab -> tooltip */ "Normal Priority" = "普通优先级"; /* Torrent disk space alert -> title */ "Not enough remaining disk space to download \"%@\" completely." = "所剩磁盘空间不足,无法完全下载“%@”。"; /* About window -> license close button Blocklist -> button Create torrent -> directory doesn't exist warning -> button Create torrent -> failed -> button Create torrent -> file already exists warning -> button Create torrent -> no files -> button Create torrent -> zero size -> button Download not a torrent -> button Magnet link failed -> button Move error alert -> button Move inside itself alert -> button Open duplicate alert -> button Open duplicate magnet alert -> button Open invalid alert -> button Save log alert panel -> button Torrent disk space alert -> button Torrent download failed -> button Torrent file copy alert -> button */ "OK" = "好"; /* Removal confirm panel -> message part 2 */ "Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files or magnet links." = "一旦移除后,恢复传输需要种子文件或磁化链接。"; /* Remove trackers alert -> message */ "Once removed, Transmission will no longer attempt to contact it. This cannot be undone." = "一旦移除后,将无法联系且不可撤回。"; /* Remove trackers alert -> message */ "Once removed, Transmission will no longer attempt to contact them. This cannot be undone." = "一旦移除后,将无法联系且不可撤回。"; /* File Outline -> Menu */ "Only Check Selected" = "仅勾选所选项目"; /* Open toolbar item -> label */ "Open" = "打开"; /* Open address toolbar item -> label */ "Open Address" = "打开地址"; /* Open address toolbar item -> palette label */ "Open Torrent Address" = "打开种子文件地址"; /* Open toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Open torrent files" = "打开种子文件"; /* Open toolbar item -> palette label */ "Open Torrent Files" = "打开种子文件"; /* Open address toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Open torrent web address" = "打开种子文件网页地址"; /* Inspector -> tab Inspector view -> title */ "Options" = "选项"; /* Groups -> Name */ "Orange" = "橙色"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "Partial Seed" = "部份种子"; /* All toolbar item -> palette label */ "Pause / Resume All" = "全部暂停 / 续传"; /* Selected toolbar item -> palette label */ "Pause / Resume Selected" = "暂停 / 续传所选项目"; /* All toolbar item -> label */ "Pause All" = "全部暂停"; /* All toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Pause all transfers" = "暂停所有传输任务"; /* Selected toolbar item -> label */ "Pause Selected" = "暂停所选项目"; /* Selected toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Pause selected transfers" = "暂停所选传输任务"; /* Torrent Table -> tooltip */ "Pause the transfer" = "暂停传输任务"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Paused" = "已暂停"; /* Inspector -> peer -> status */ "Peer is unchoking you, but you are not interested" = "Peer未阻挡您,但您并不感兴趣"; /* Inspector -> peer -> status */ "Peer wants you to upload, but you do not want to (interested and choked)" = "Peer要求您上传,但您不想上传(相关且阻挡)"; /* Inspector -> tab Inspector view -> title Preferences -> toolbar item title */ "Peers" = "Peer"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "Port" = "端口"; /* Preferences -> Network -> port status */ "Port check site is down" = "端口检查网站关闭"; /* Preferences -> Network -> port status */ "Port is closed" = "端口已关闭"; /* Preferences -> Network -> port status */ "Port is open" = "端口开放"; /* File Outline -> Menu file table -> header tool tip */ "Priority" = "优先级"; /* files tab -> tooltip */ "Priority Not Available" = "无法取得优先顺序"; /* Inspector -> private torrent */ "Private Torrent, non-tracker peer discovery disabled" = "私密种子文件,非本地同伴探索已停用"; /* Message window -> table column */ "Process" = "程序"; /* Blocklist -> message */ "Processing blocklist" = "正在处理封锁列表"; /* Stats window -> label */ "Program Started" = "程式已启动"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "Progress: %.1f%%" = "进度:%.1f%%"; /* Inspector -> private torrent */ "Public Torrent" = "公开种子"; /* Groups -> Name */ "Purple" = "紫色"; /* QuickLook toolbar item -> label QuickLook toolbar item -> palette label QuickLook toolbar item -> tooltip View menu -> Quick Look */ "Quick Look" = "快速查看"; /* Confirm Quit panel -> button Legal alert -> button Transmission already running alert -> button */ "Quit" = "退出"; /* Dock Badger -> quit */ "Quitting" = "正在退出"; /* Stats window -> label status bar -> status label Torrent -> status string Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip */ "Ratio" = "比率"; /* Groups -> Name */ "Red" = "红色"; /* Action menu -> status string toggle */ "Remaining Time" = "剩余时间"; /* Torrent -> eta string */ "remaining time unknown" = "剩余时间未知"; /* Preferences -> toolbar item title */ "Remote" = "远程"; /* Removal confirm panel -> button Remove toolbar item -> label Remove trackers alert -> button */ "Remove" = "移去"; /* Remove toolbar item -> palette label */ "Remove Selected" = "移除所选项目"; /* Remove toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Remove selected transfers" = "移除所选传输任务"; /* Stats reset -> button Stats window -> reset button */ "Reset" = "重置"; /* All toolbar item -> label */ "Resume All" = "恢复全部"; /* All toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Resume all transfers" = "恢复全部"; /* Selected toolbar item -> label */ "Resume Selected" = "恢复所选"; /* Selected toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Resume selected transfers" = "恢复所选"; /* Torrent cell -> button info */ "Resume the transfer" = "恢复传输"; /* Torrent cell -> button info */ "Resume the transfer right away" = "立即恢复传输"; /* Stats window -> label */ "Running Time" = "运行时间"; /* Message window -> save button */ "Save" = "存储"; /* Tracker last scrape */ "Scrape error" = "取得失败"; /* Tracker last scrape */ "Scrape timed out" = "取得超时"; /* tracker peer stat */ "Seeders" = "种子"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Seeding" = "正在做种"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Seeding complete" = "做种完成"; /* Growl notification title */ "Seeding Complete" = "做种完成"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Seeding to %d of %d peers" = "正在做种至 %1$d / %2$d 个 peer"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Seeding to %d of 1 peer" = "正在做种至 %d / 1 个 peer"; /* Create torrent -> location sheet -> button Create torrent -> select file Move torrent -> prompt Open torrent -> prompt Preferences -> Open panel prompt */ "Select" = "选择"; /* Create torrent -> select file */ "Select a file or folder for the torrent file." = "选取种子文件的文件或文件夹。"; /* Add -> select destination folder */ "Select the download folder for \"%@\"" = "选取下载文件夹给 \"%@\""; /* Create torrent -> location sheet -> message */ "Select the name and location for the torrent file." = "选取种子文件的名称与位置。"; /* Move torrent -> select destination folder */ "Select the new folder for %d data files." = "选取 %d 数据文件的新文件夹。"; /* Move torrent -> select destination folder */ "Select the new folder for \"%@\"." = "选取“%@”的新文件夹。"; /* Main window -> 1st bottom left button (action) tooltip */ "Shortcuts for changing global settings." = "变更全域设定的快速键。"; /* View menu -> Filter Bar */ "Show Filter Bar" = "显示过滤栏"; /* File Outline -> Menu */ "Show in Finder" = "在 Finder 中显示"; /* View menu -> Inspector */ "Show Inspector" = "显示检查器"; /* View menu -> Status Bar */ "Show Status Bar" = "显示状态栏"; /* Torrent cell -> button info */ "Show the data file in Finder" = "在 Finder 中显示数据文件"; /* Status Bar -> speed tooltip */ "Speed Limit" = "速度限制"; /* Growl notification title */ "Speed Limit Auto Disabled" = "已自动停用速度限制"; /* Growl notification title */ "Speed Limit Auto Enabled" = "已自动启用速度限制"; /* Main window -> 2nd bottom left button (turtle) tooltip */ "Speed Limit overrides the total bandwidth limits with its own limits." = "速度限制会以其本身的限制来覆写总频宽限制。"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Stalled" = "已停滞"; /* Stats window -> title */ "Statistics" = "统计数据"; /* Action menu -> status string toggle */ "Status of Selected Files" = "所选文件状态"; /* Action menu -> ratio stop torrent action menu -> ratio stop */ "Stop at Ratio (%.2f)" = "停止比率(%.2f)"; /* Torrent cell -> button info */ "Stop waiting to start" = "停止等待以开始"; /* Donation beg -> title */ "Support open-source indie software" = "支持开源的独立软件"; /* File size - terabytes */ "TB" = "TB"; /* Create torrent -> directory doesn't exist warning -> title */ "The chosen torrent file location does not exist." = "所选的种子文件地址不存在."; /* Add torrent -> same name -> title */ "The destination directory and root data directory have the same name." = "目的目录与资料根目录的名称相同。"; /* Create torrent -> directory doesn't exist warning -> warning */ "The directory \"%@\" does not currently exist. Create this directory or choose a different one to create the torrent file." = "路径 \"%@\" 不存在. 创建这个路径或选另一个来创建种子文件."; /* Open duplicate magnet alert -> message */ "The magnet link \"%@\" cannot be added because it is a duplicate of an already existing transfer." = "这个磁化链接 \"%@\" 无法添加因为重复了已有文件传输."; /* Move error alert -> message Move inside itself alert -> message */ "The move operation of \"%@\" cannot be done." = "“%@”的移动作业无法完成。"; /* Torrent download failed -> message */ "The torrent could not be downloaded from %@: %@." = "无法从 %1$@ 下载种子:%2$@"; /* Torrent file copy alert -> message */ "The torrent file (%@) cannot be found." = "找不到种子文件(%@)"; /* Open invalid alert -> message */ "The torrent file cannot be opened because it contains invalid data." = "无法打开种子文件,因为其所含资料无效。"; /* Create torrent -> zero size -> title */ "The total file size is zero bytes." = "文件大小总计为 0 字节。"; /* Open duplicate alert -> message */ "The transfer cannot be added because it is a duplicate of an already existing transfer." = "无法打开种子文件,因为它与已添加的传输任务相同。"; /* Torrent disk space alert -> message */ "The transfer will be paused. Clear up space on %@ or deselect files in the torrent inspector to continue." = "传输被中止. 清理空间于 %@ 或反选种子检查器中的文件来继续."; /* Create torrent -> blank address -> message */ "The transfer will not contact trackers for peers, and will have to rely solely on non-tracker peer discovery methods such as PEX and DHT to download and seed." = "传输不会联络tracker来寻找peer, 只会依赖于DHT和PEX来下载和做种。"; /* Confirm Quit panel -> message */ "There are %d active transfers that will be paused on quit. The transfers will automatically resume on the next launch." = "有 %d 个活动的传输将在退出时候中止. 传输将在下一次运行时自动恢复."; /* Removal confirm panel -> message part 1 */ "There are %d active transfers." = "有 %d 个活动的传输."; /* Removal confirm panel -> message part 1 */ "There are %d transfers (%d active)." = "有 %1$d 个传输 (%2$d 个活动)."; /* Create torrent -> blank address -> title */ "There are no tracker addresses." = "没有tracker地址."; /* Transmission already running alert -> message */ "There is already a copy of Transmission running. This copy cannot be opened until that instance is quit." = "有一个Transmission正在运行. 无法同时运行两个同样的程序."; /* Confirm Quit panel -> message */ "There is an active transfer that will be paused on quit. The transfer will automatically resume on the next launch." = "有一个活动的传输将在退出时候中止. 传输将在下一次运行时自动恢复."; /* Create torrent -> no files -> warning */ "There must be at least one file in a folder to create a torrent file." = "必须至少有一个文件在文件夹来创建种子."; /* Save log alert panel -> message */ "There was a problem creating the file \"%@\"." = "创建文件 \"%@\" 出错."; /* Move error alert -> title */ "There was an error moving the data file." = "移动文件时出错."; /* Magnet link failed -> message */ "There was an error when adding the magnet link \"%@\". The transfer will not occur." = "添加磁化链接时出错 \"%@\". 传输不发生."; /* Create torrent -> no files -> title */ "This folder contains no files." = "此文件夹不包含任何文件."; /* Removal confirm panel -> message */ "This transfer is active. Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file or magnet link." = "这种传输是活动的。一旦取消,继续传输将需要种子文件或者磁化链接。"; /* Stats reset -> message */ "This will clear the global statistics displayed by Transmission. Individual transfer statistics will not be affected." = "这将清除显示的全球统计数据。个人传输统计信息将不会受到影响。"; /* Inspector -> tracker table */ "Tier %d" = "层 %d"; /* Filter toolbar item -> palette label */ "Toggle Filter" = "切换过滤器"; /* Inspector toolbar item -> palette label */ "Toggle Inspector" = "切换检查器"; /* Filter toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Toggle the filter bar" = "切换过滤器栏"; /* Inspector toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Toggle the torrent inspector" = "切换种子检查器"; /* Download not a torrent -> title Torrent download error -> title */ "Torrent download failed" = "种子下载失败"; /* Growl notification title */ "Torrent File Auto Added" = "种子文件自动新增"; /* Inspector -> title */ "Torrent Inspector" = "种子监视器"; /* Torrent -> progress string */ "torrent metadata needed" = "种子元数据需要"; /* Status Bar -> speed tooltip */ "Total download rate" = "总下载速度"; /* stats total */ "Total N/A" = "总计 N/A"; /* Status Bar -> speed tooltip */ "Total upload rate" = "总上传速度"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Tracker returned error" = "Tracker 返回错误"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Tracker returned warning" = "Tracker 返回警告"; /* Tracker next announce */ "Tracker will be used as a backup" = "Tracker将以备份使用"; /* Inspector -> tab Inspector view -> title */ "Trackers" = "Tracker"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "Transfer Not Active" = "传输未启动"; /* Preferences -> toolbar item title */ "Transfers" = "传输"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "Transfers Not Active" = "传输不活动"; /* Legal alert -> message */ "Transmission is a file-sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. You and you alone are fully responsible for exercising proper judgement and abiding by your local laws." = "Transmission是一个文件共享软件。当您运行种子,其数据将提供通过其他方式上传。 您们完全为所相关的法律责任负责。"; /* Donation beg -> message */ "Transmission is a full-featured torrent application. A lot of time and effort have gone into development, coding, and refinement. If you enjoy using it, please consider showing your love with a donation." = "Transmission是一个全功能的种子应用程序。时间和精力已投入开发,编码和完善。如果你喜欢使用它,请考虑捐赠来呈现出你的爱。"; /* Transmission already running alert -> title */ "Transmission is already running." = "Transmission 已经运行"; /* inspector -> peer table -> header status bar -> status label Torrent -> status string */ "UL" = "上传"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "UL to %d" = "上传给 %d"; /* File Outline -> Menu */ "Uncheck Selected" = "不检查已选取"; /* Status Bar -> speed tooltip */ "unlimited" = "没有限制"; /* Torrent -> error string unreadable */ "unreadable error" = "不可读取的错误"; /* Save log panel -> default file name */ "untitled" = "未命名"; /* Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip */ "Upload speed" = "上传速度"; /* Stats window -> label */ "Uploaded" = "已上传"; /* Torrent -> progress string */ "uploaded %@ (Ratio: %@)" = "以上传 %1$@ (比率: %2$@)"; /* inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip */ "Uploading To Peer" = "上传给 Peer"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Waiting to check existing data" = "等待验证已有数据"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Waiting to download" = "等待下载"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Waiting to seed" = "等待做种"; /* Drag overlay -> url */ "Web Address" = "网络地址"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "web seed" = "网络种子"; /* inspector -> web seed table -> header */ "Web Seeds" = "网络种子"; /* Legal alert -> title */ "Welcome to Transmission" = "欢迎使用 Transmission"; /* Groups -> Name */ "Yellow" = "黄色"; /* Inspector -> peer -> status */ "You unchoked the peer, but the peer is not interested" = "您阻挡了peer,但peer不感兴趣"; /* Inspector -> peer -> status */ "You want to download, but peer does not want to send (interested and choked)" = "你想下载,但peer不想要发送(有兴趣和阻挡)";