/* @license This file Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC. It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. */ import { Formatter } from './formatter.js'; import { Utils, setTextContent, createDialogContainer, createInfoSection, } from './utils.js'; export class StatisticsDialog extends EventTarget { constructor(remote) { super(); this.remote = remote; const updateDaemon = () => this.remote.loadDaemonStats((data) => this._update(data.arguments)); const delay_msec = 5000; this.interval = setInterval(updateDaemon, delay_msec); updateDaemon(); this.elements = StatisticsDialog._create(); this.elements.dismiss.addEventListener('click', () => this._onDismiss()); document.body.append(this.elements.root); this.elements.dismiss.focus(); } close() { if (!this.closed) { clearInterval(this.interval); this.elements.root.remove(); for (const key of Object.keys(this)) { delete this[key]; } this.closed = true; } } _onDismiss() { this.close(); } _update(stats) { console.log(stats); const fmt = Formatter; let s = stats['current-stats']; let ratio = Utils.ratio(s.uploadedBytes, s.downloadedBytes); setTextContent(this.elements.session.up, fmt.size(s.uploadedBytes)); setTextContent(this.elements.session.down, fmt.size(s.downloadedBytes)); setTextContent(this.elements.session.ratio, fmt.ratioString(ratio)); setTextContent( this.elements.session.time, fmt.timeInterval(s.secondsActive), ); s = stats['cumulative-stats']; ratio = Utils.ratio(s.uploadedBytes, s.downloadedBytes); setTextContent(this.elements.total.up, fmt.size(s.uploadedBytes)); setTextContent(this.elements.total.down, fmt.size(s.downloadedBytes)); setTextContent(this.elements.total.ratio, fmt.ratioString(ratio)); setTextContent(this.elements.total.time, fmt.timeInterval(s.secondsActive)); } static _create() { const elements = createDialogContainer('statistics-dialog'); const { confirm, dismiss, heading, root, workarea } = elements; confirm.remove(); dismiss.textContent = 'Close'; delete elements.confirm; const heading_text = 'Statistics'; root.setAttribute('aria-label', heading_text); heading.textContent = heading_text; const labels = ['Uploaded:', 'Downloaded:', 'Ratio:', 'Running time:']; let section = createInfoSection('Current session', labels); const [sup, sdown, sratio, stime] = section.children; const session = (elements.session = {}); session.up = sup; session.down = sdown; session.ratio = sratio; session.time = stime; workarea.append(section.root); section = createInfoSection('Total', labels); const [tup, tdown, tratio, ttime] = section.children; const total = (elements.total = {}); total.up = tup; total.down = tdown; total.ratio = tratio; total.time = ttime; workarea.append(section.root); return elements; } }