/* * This file Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mnemosyne LLC * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id$ */ #include #include #include // strtod #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "prefs.h" #include "types.h" /*** **** ***/ Prefs::PrefItem Prefs::myItems[] = { /* gui settings */ { OPTIONS_PROMPT, "show-options-window", QVariant::Bool }, { OPEN_DIALOG_FOLDER, "open-dialog-dir", QVariant::String }, { INHIBIT_HIBERNATION, "inhibit-desktop-hibernation", QVariant::Bool }, { DIR_WATCH, "watch-dir", QVariant::String }, { DIR_WATCH_ENABLED, "watch-dir-enabled", QVariant::Bool }, { SHOW_TRAY_ICON, "show-notification-area-icon", QVariant::Bool }, { SHOW_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION, "show-desktop-notification", QVariant::Bool }, { ASKQUIT, "prompt-before-exit", QVariant::Bool }, { SORT_MODE, "sort-mode", TrTypes::SortModeType }, { SORT_REVERSED, "sort-reversed", QVariant::Bool }, { COMPACT_VIEW, "compact-view", QVariant::Bool }, { FILTERBAR, "show-filterbar", QVariant::Bool }, { STATUSBAR, "show-statusbar", QVariant::Bool }, { STATUSBAR_STATS, "statusbar-stats", QVariant::String }, { SHOW_TRACKER_SCRAPES, "show-tracker-scrapes", QVariant::Bool }, { TOOLBAR, "show-toolbar" , QVariant::Bool }, { BLOCKLIST_DATE, "blocklist-date", QVariant::DateTime }, { BLOCKLIST_UPDATES_ENABLED, "blocklist-updates-enabled" , QVariant::Bool }, { MAIN_WINDOW_LAYOUT_ORDER, "main-window-layout-order", QVariant::String }, { MAIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT, "main-window-height", QVariant::Int }, { MAIN_WINDOW_WIDTH, "main-window-width", QVariant::Int }, { MAIN_WINDOW_X, "main-window-x", QVariant::Int }, { MAIN_WINDOW_Y, "main-window-y", QVariant::Int }, { FILTER_MODE, "filter-mode", TrTypes::FilterModeType }, { SESSION_IS_REMOTE, "remote-session-enabled", QVariant::Bool }, { SESSION_REMOTE_HOST, "remote-session-host", QVariant::String }, { SESSION_REMOTE_PORT, "remote-session-port", QVariant::Int }, { SESSION_REMOTE_AUTH, "remote-session-requres-authentication", QVariant::Bool }, { SESSION_REMOTE_USERNAME, "remote-session-username", QVariant::String }, { SESSION_REMOTE_PASSWORD, "remote-session-password", QVariant::String }, { USER_HAS_GIVEN_INFORMED_CONSENT, "user-has-given-informed-consent", QVariant::Bool }, /* libtransmission settings */ { ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_UP, TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_UP_KBps, QVariant::Int }, { ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_DOWN, TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_DOWN_KBps, QVariant::Int }, { ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_BEGIN, TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_TIME_BEGIN, QVariant::Int }, { ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_END, TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_TIME_END, QVariant::Int }, { ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_TIME_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_DAY, TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_TIME_DAY, QVariant::Int }, { BLOCKLIST_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_BLOCKLIST_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { DSPEED, TR_PREFS_KEY_DSPEED_KBps, QVariant::Int }, { DSPEED_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_DSPEED_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { DOWNLOAD_DIR, TR_PREFS_KEY_DOWNLOAD_DIR, QVariant::String }, { ENCRYPTION, TR_PREFS_KEY_ENCRYPTION, QVariant::Int }, { INCOMPLETE_DIR, TR_PREFS_KEY_INCOMPLETE_DIR, QVariant::String }, { INCOMPLETE_DIR_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_INCOMPLETE_DIR_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { LAZY_BITFIELD, TR_PREFS_KEY_LAZY_BITFIELD, QVariant::Bool }, { MSGLEVEL, TR_PREFS_KEY_MSGLEVEL, QVariant::Int }, { OPEN_FILE_LIMIT, TR_PREFS_KEY_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT, QVariant::Int }, { PEER_LIMIT_GLOBAL, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_LIMIT_GLOBAL, QVariant::Int }, { PEER_LIMIT_TORRENT, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_LIMIT_TORRENT, QVariant::Int }, { PEER_PORT, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_PORT, QVariant::Int }, { PEER_PORT_RANDOM_ON_START, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_PORT_RANDOM_ON_START, QVariant::Bool }, { PEER_PORT_RANDOM_LOW, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_PORT_RANDOM_LOW, QVariant::Int }, { PEER_PORT_RANDOM_HIGH, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_PORT_RANDOM_HIGH, QVariant::Int }, { SCRIPT_TORRENT_DONE_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_SCRIPT_TORRENT_DONE_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { SCRIPT_TORRENT_DONE_FILENAME, TR_PREFS_KEY_SCRIPT_TORRENT_DONE_FILENAME, QVariant::String }, { SOCKET_TOS, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_SOCKET_TOS, QVariant::Int }, { START, TR_PREFS_KEY_START, QVariant::Bool }, { TRASH_ORIGINAL, TR_PREFS_KEY_TRASH_ORIGINAL, QVariant::Bool }, { PEX_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEX_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { DHT_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_DHT_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { LPD_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_LPD_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { PORT_FORWARDING, TR_PREFS_KEY_PORT_FORWARDING, QVariant::Bool }, { PROXY_AUTH_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_PROXY_AUTH_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { PREALLOCATION, TR_PREFS_KEY_PREALLOCATION, QVariant::Int }, { PROXY_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_PROXY_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { PROXY_PASSWORD, TR_PREFS_KEY_PROXY_PASSWORD, QVariant::String }, { PROXY_PORT, TR_PREFS_KEY_PROXY_PORT, QVariant::Int }, { PROXY, TR_PREFS_KEY_PROXY, QVariant::String }, { PROXY_TYPE, TR_PREFS_KEY_PROXY_TYPE, QVariant::Int }, { PROXY_USERNAME, TR_PREFS_KEY_PROXY_USERNAME, QVariant::String }, { RATIO, TR_PREFS_KEY_RATIO, QVariant::Double }, { RATIO_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_RATIO_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { RENAME_PARTIAL_FILES, TR_PREFS_KEY_RENAME_PARTIAL_FILES, QVariant::Bool }, { RPC_AUTH_REQUIRED, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_AUTH_REQUIRED, QVariant::Bool }, { RPC_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { RPC_PASSWORD, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_PASSWORD, QVariant::String }, { RPC_PORT, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_PORT, QVariant::Int }, { RPC_USERNAME, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_USERNAME, QVariant::String }, { RPC_WHITELIST_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_WHITELIST_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { RPC_WHITELIST, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_WHITELIST, QVariant::String }, { USPEED_ENABLED, TR_PREFS_KEY_USPEED_ENABLED, QVariant::Bool }, { USPEED, TR_PREFS_KEY_USPEED_KBps, QVariant::Int }, { UPLOAD_SLOTS_PER_TORRENT, TR_PREFS_KEY_UPLOAD_SLOTS_PER_TORRENT, QVariant::Int } }; /*** **** ***/ Prefs :: Prefs( const char * configDir ): myConfigDir( configDir ) { assert( sizeof(myItems) / sizeof(myItems[0]) == PREFS_COUNT ); for( int i=0; i().name().toUtf8().constData() ); break; case TrTypes::FilterModeType: tr_bencDictAddStr( &top, key, val.value().name().toUtf8().constData() ); break; case QVariant::String: tr_bencDictAddStr( &top, key, val.toString().toUtf8().constData() ); break; case QVariant::Bool: tr_bencDictAddBool( &top, key, val.toBool() ); break; case QVariant::Double: tr_bencDictAddReal( &top, key, val.toDouble() ); break; case QVariant::DateTime: tr_bencDictAddInt( &top, key, val.toDateTime().toTime_t() ); break; default: assert( "unhandled type" && 0 ); break; } } /* write back out the serialized preferences */ tr_bencToFile( &top, TR_FMT_JSON, file.fileName().toUtf8().constData() ); tr_bencFree( &top ); } /** * This is where we initialize the preferences file with the default values. * If you add a new preferences key, you /must/ add a default value here. */ void Prefs :: initDefaults( tr_benc * d ) { tr_bencDictAddStr( d, keyStr(DIR_WATCH), tr_getDefaultDownloadDir( ) ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(DIR_WATCH_ENABLED), false ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(INHIBIT_HIBERNATION), false ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(BLOCKLIST_DATE), 0 ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(BLOCKLIST_UPDATES_ENABLED), true ); tr_bencDictAddStr( d, keyStr(OPEN_DIALOG_FOLDER), QDir::home().absolutePath().toLatin1() ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(SHOW_TRACKER_SCRAPES), false ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(TOOLBAR), true ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(FILTERBAR), true ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(STATUSBAR), true ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(SHOW_TRAY_ICON), false ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(SHOW_DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION), true ); tr_bencDictAddStr( d, keyStr(STATUSBAR_STATS), "total-ratio" ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(OPTIONS_PROMPT), true ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(MAIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT), 500 ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(MAIN_WINDOW_WIDTH), 300 ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(MAIN_WINDOW_X), 50 ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(MAIN_WINDOW_Y), 50 ); tr_bencDictAddStr( d, keyStr(FILTER_MODE), "all" ); tr_bencDictAddStr( d, keyStr(MAIN_WINDOW_LAYOUT_ORDER), "menu,toolbar,filter,list,statusbar" ); tr_bencDictAddStr( d, keyStr(DOWNLOAD_DIR), tr_getDefaultDownloadDir( ) ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(ASKQUIT), true ); tr_bencDictAddStr( d, keyStr(SORT_MODE), "sort-by-name" ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(SORT_REVERSED), false ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(COMPACT_VIEW), false ); tr_bencDictAddStr( d, keyStr(SESSION_REMOTE_HOST), "localhost" ); tr_bencDictAddInt( d, keyStr(SESSION_REMOTE_PORT), atoi(TR_DEFAULT_RPC_PORT_STR) ); tr_bencDictAddBool( d, keyStr(SESSION_IS_REMOTE), false ); tr_bencDictAddBool( d, keyStr(SESSION_REMOTE_AUTH), false ); tr_bencDictAddBool( d, keyStr(USER_HAS_GIVEN_INFORMED_CONSENT), false ); } /*** **** ***/ bool Prefs :: getBool( int key ) const { assert( myItems[key].type == QVariant::Bool ); return myValues[key].toBool( ); } QString Prefs :: getString( int key ) const { assert( myItems[key].type == QVariant::String ); return myValues[key].toString( ); } int Prefs :: getInt( int key ) const { assert( myItems[key].type == QVariant::Int ); return myValues[key].toInt( ); } double Prefs :: getDouble( int key ) const { assert( myItems[key].type == QVariant::Double ); return myValues[key].toDouble( ); } QDateTime Prefs :: getDateTime( int key ) const { assert( myItems[key].type == QVariant::DateTime ); return myValues[key].toDateTime( ); } /*** **** ***/ void Prefs :: toggleBool( int key ) { set( key, !getBool( key ) ); }