If your port is still not open, even after you have enabled automatic port forwarding, here are some tips you can use which may get it working.


For UPnP compatible routers, make sure:

If you are still having problems, open the Message Log (in the Window menu) and post the debug output on the support forums. Make sure you pause your torrents first; then clear the log, and toggle "Automatically forward port". Post this output.


If you have an Apple Airport, make sure NAT-PMP is enabled. To do this:

  1. Open Airport Admin Utility
  2. Select your base station and click "Configure".
  3. In the "AirPort" tab, click "Base Station Options...".
  4. In the "Ethernet Port Security" tab, check the "Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol" checkbox.
  5. Click "OK".
  6. Click "Update".

    NB: NAT-PMP requires MacOS X 10.4 Tiger, as well as up to date Airport software and firmware.

Double NAT

Another possible reason your port remains closed could be because your router is not the only device on the network which needs to be configured.

Make sure the OS X firewall is either disabled, or you have allowed Transmission's port. The firewall can cause the port to remain closed, even if it has been successfully mapped by the router.

If you have multiple routers in your home network, you must forward Transmission's port on all of them, otherwise it will continue to show up as closed. Transmission can only automatically port map the router the computer is directly connected to. Any others in between this router and your modem will have to be forwarded manually. For detailed instructions, click here.