/* * This file Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * * $Id$ */ #include "libtransmission-test.h" #include "transmission.h" #include "crypto-utils.h" #include "file.h" #include "makemeta.h" #include /* sync() */ #include /* mktemp() */ #include /* strlen() */ static int test_single_file_impl (const tr_tracker_info * trackers, const size_t trackerCount, const void * payload, const size_t payloadSize, const char * comment, bool isPrivate) { char* sandbox; char* input_file; char* torrent_file; tr_metainfo_builder* builder; tr_ctor * ctor; tr_parse_result parse_result; tr_info inf; char * tmpstr; /* set up our local test sandbox */ sandbox = libtest_sandbox_create(); /* create a single input file */ input_file = tr_buildPath (sandbox, "test.XXXXXX", NULL); libtest_create_tmpfile_with_contents (input_file, payload, payloadSize); builder = tr_metaInfoBuilderCreate (input_file); check_streq (input_file, builder->top); check_int_eq (1, builder->fileCount); check_streq (input_file, builder->files[0].filename); check_int_eq (payloadSize, builder->files[0].size); check_int_eq (payloadSize, builder->totalSize); check (!builder->isFolder); check (!builder->abortFlag); /* have tr_makeMetaInfo() build the .torrent file */ torrent_file = tr_strdup_printf ("%s.torrent", input_file); tr_makeMetaInfo (builder, torrent_file, trackers, trackerCount, comment, isPrivate); check (isPrivate == builder->isPrivate); check_streq (torrent_file, builder->outputFile); check_streq (comment, builder->comment); check_int_eq (trackerCount, builder->trackerCount); while (!builder->isDone) tr_wait_msec (100); /* now let's check our work: parse the .torrent file */ ctor = tr_ctorNew (NULL); sync (); tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile (ctor, torrent_file); parse_result = tr_torrentParse (ctor, &inf); check_int_eq (TR_PARSE_OK, parse_result); /* quick check of some of the parsed metainfo */ check_int_eq (payloadSize, inf.totalSize); tmpstr = tr_sys_path_basename (input_file, NULL); check_streq (tmpstr, inf.name); tr_free (tmpstr); check_streq (comment, inf.comment); check_int_eq (1, inf.fileCount); check_int_eq (isPrivate, inf.isPrivate); check (!inf.isFolder); check_int_eq (trackerCount, inf.trackerCount); /* cleanup */ tr_free (torrent_file); tr_free (input_file); tr_ctorFree (ctor); tr_metainfoFree (&inf); tr_metaInfoBuilderFree (builder); libtest_sandbox_destroy (sandbox); tr_free (sandbox); return 0; } static int test_single_file (void) { tr_tracker_info trackers[16]; size_t trackerCount; bool isPrivate; const char * comment; const char * payload; size_t payloadSize; trackerCount = 0; trackers[trackerCount].tier = trackerCount; trackers[trackerCount].announce = (char*) "udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80"; ++trackerCount; trackers[trackerCount].tier = trackerCount; trackers[trackerCount].announce = (char*) "udp://tracker.publicbt.com:80"; ++trackerCount; payload = "Hello, World!\n"; payloadSize = strlen(payload); comment = "This is the comment"; isPrivate = false; test_single_file_impl (trackers, trackerCount, payload, payloadSize, comment, isPrivate); return 0; } static int test_single_directory_impl (const tr_tracker_info * trackers, const size_t trackerCount, const void ** payloads, const size_t * payloadSizes, const size_t payloadCount, const char * comment, const bool isPrivate) { char* sandbox; char* torrent_file; tr_metainfo_builder* builder; tr_ctor * ctor; tr_parse_result parse_result; tr_info inf; char * top; char ** files; size_t totalSize; size_t i; char* tmpstr; /* set up our local test sandbox */ sandbox = libtest_sandbox_create(); /* create the top temp directory */ top = tr_buildPath (sandbox, "folder.XXXXXX", NULL); tr_sys_dir_create_temp (top, NULL); /* build the payload files that go into the top temp directory */ files = tr_new (char*, payloadCount); totalSize = 0; for (i=0; iabortFlag); check_streq (top, builder->top); check_int_eq (payloadCount, builder->fileCount); check_int_eq (totalSize, builder->totalSize); check (builder->isFolder); for (i=0; ifileCount; i++) { check_streq (files[i], builder->files[i].filename); check_int_eq (payloadSizes[i], builder->files[i].size); } /* call tr_makeMetaInfo() to build the .torrent file */ torrent_file = tr_strdup_printf ("%s.torrent", top); tr_makeMetaInfo (builder, torrent_file, trackers, trackerCount, comment, isPrivate); check (isPrivate == builder->isPrivate); check_streq (torrent_file, builder->outputFile); check_streq (comment, builder->comment); check_int_eq (trackerCount, builder->trackerCount); while (!builder->isDone) tr_wait_msec (100); /* now let's check our work: parse the .torrent file */ ctor = tr_ctorNew (NULL); sync (); tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile (ctor, torrent_file); parse_result = tr_torrentParse (ctor, &inf); check_int_eq (TR_PARSE_OK, parse_result); /* quick check of some of the parsed metainfo */ check_int_eq (totalSize, inf.totalSize); tmpstr = tr_sys_path_basename (top, NULL); check_streq (tmpstr, inf.name); tr_free (tmpstr); check_streq (comment, inf.comment); check_int_eq (payloadCount, inf.fileCount); check_int_eq (isPrivate, inf.isPrivate); check_int_eq (builder->isFolder, inf.isFolder); check_int_eq (trackerCount, inf.trackerCount); /* cleanup */ tr_free (torrent_file); tr_ctorFree (ctor); tr_metainfoFree (&inf); tr_metaInfoBuilderFree (builder); for (i=0; i