// This file Copyright © 2008-2023 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #pragma once #ifndef __TRANSMISSION__ #error only libtransmission should #include this header. #endif #include // size_t #include #include #include #include #include "libtransmission/transmission.h" #include "libtransmission/net.h" #include "libtransmission/quark.h" #include "libtransmission/utils-ev.h" class tr_rpc_address; struct tr_session; struct tr_variant; struct libdeflate_compressor; namespace libtransmission { class Timer; } #define RPC_SETTINGS_FIELDS(V) \ V(TR_KEY_anti_brute_force_enabled, is_anti_brute_force_enabled_, bool, false, "") \ V(TR_KEY_anti_brute_force_threshold, anti_brute_force_limit_, size_t, 100U, "") \ V(TR_KEY_rpc_authentication_required, authentication_required_, bool, false, "") \ V(TR_KEY_rpc_bind_address, bind_address_str_, std::string, "", "") \ V(TR_KEY_rpc_enabled, is_enabled_, bool, false, "") \ V(TR_KEY_rpc_host_whitelist, host_whitelist_str_, std::string, "", "") \ V(TR_KEY_rpc_host_whitelist_enabled, is_host_whitelist_enabled_, bool, true, "") \ V(TR_KEY_rpc_port, port_, tr_port, tr_port::from_host(TR_DEFAULT_RPC_PORT), "") \ V(TR_KEY_rpc_password, salted_password_, std::string, "", "") \ V(TR_KEY_rpc_socket_mode, socket_mode_, tr_mode_t, 0750, "") \ V(TR_KEY_rpc_url, url_, std::string, TR_DEFAULT_RPC_URL_STR, "") \ V(TR_KEY_rpc_username, username_, std::string, "", "") \ V(TR_KEY_rpc_whitelist, whitelist_str_, std::string, TR_DEFAULT_RPC_WHITELIST, "") \ V(TR_KEY_rpc_whitelist_enabled, is_whitelist_enabled_, bool, true, "") class tr_rpc_server { public: tr_rpc_server(tr_session* session, tr_variant const& settings); ~tr_rpc_server(); tr_rpc_server(tr_rpc_server&) = delete; tr_rpc_server(tr_rpc_server&&) = delete; tr_rpc_server& operator=(tr_rpc_server&) = delete; tr_rpc_server& operator=(tr_rpc_server&&) = delete; void load(tr_variant const& src); [[nodiscard]] tr_variant settings() const; [[nodiscard]] static tr_variant default_settings(); [[nodiscard]] constexpr tr_port port() const noexcept { return port_; } void set_port(tr_port port) noexcept; [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto is_enabled() const noexcept { return is_enabled_; } void set_enabled(bool is_enabled); [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto is_whitelist_enabled() const noexcept { return is_whitelist_enabled_; } constexpr void set_whitelist_enabled(bool is_whitelist_enabled) noexcept { is_whitelist_enabled_ = is_whitelist_enabled; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& whitelist() const noexcept { return whitelist_str_; } void set_whitelist(std::string_view whitelist); [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& username() const noexcept { return username_; } void set_username(std::string_view username); [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto is_password_enabled() const noexcept { return is_password_enabled_; } void set_password_enabled(bool enabled); [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& get_salted_password() const noexcept { return salted_password_; } void set_password(std::string_view password) noexcept; [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto is_anti_brute_force_enabled() const noexcept { return is_anti_brute_force_enabled_; } void set_anti_brute_force_enabled(bool enabled) noexcept; [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto get_anti_brute_force_limit() const noexcept { return anti_brute_force_limit_; } constexpr void set_anti_brute_force_limit(int limit) noexcept { anti_brute_force_limit_ = limit; } std::unique_ptr compressor; [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& url() const noexcept { return url_; } void set_url(std::string_view url); [[nodiscard]] std::string get_bind_address() const; [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto socket_mode() const noexcept { return socket_mode_; } #define V(key, name, type, default_value, comment) type name = type{ default_value }; RPC_SETTINGS_FIELDS(V) #undef V std::vector host_whitelist_; std::vector whitelist_; std::string const web_client_dir_; std::unique_ptr bind_address_; std::unique_ptr start_retry_timer; libtransmission::evhelpers::evhttp_unique_ptr httpd; tr_session* const session; size_t login_attempts_ = 0U; int start_retry_counter = 0; bool is_password_enabled_ = false; };