/* * Copyright © Jordan Lee * This code is licensed under the GPL version 2. * */ function FileRow(torrent, i) { this.initialize(torrent, i); } FileRow.prototype = { initialize: function(torrent, i) { this._torrent = torrent; this._index = i; this.createRow(torrent, i); }, getTorrent: function() { return this._torrent; }, getIndex: function() { return this._index; }, readAttributes: function(file) { if (file.index !== undefined && file.index !== this._index) { this._index = file.index; this._dirty = true; } if (file.bytesCompleted !== undefined && file.bytesCompleted !== this._done) { this._done = file.bytesCompleted; this._dirty = true; } if (file.length !== undefined && file.length !== this._size) { this._size = file.length; this._dirty = true; } if (file.priority !== undefined && file.priority !== this._prio) { this._prio = file.priority; this._dirty = true; } if (file.wanted !== undefined && file.wanted !== this._wanted) { this._wanted = file.wanted; this._dirty = true; } }, refreshWantedHTML: function() { var e = this.getElement(); var c = [ e.classNameConst ]; if (!this._wanted) { c.push('skip'); } if (this.isDone()) { c.push('complete'); } e.className = c.join(' '); }, refreshPriorityHTML: function() { var e = this._priority_control; var c = [ e.classNameConst ]; switch(this._prio) { case -1 : c.push('low'); break; case 1 : c.push('high'); break; default : c.push('normal'); break; } e.className = c.join(' '); }, refreshProgressHTML: function() { var pct = 100 * (this._size ? (this._done / this._size) : 1.0); var c = [ Transmission.fmt.size(this._done), ' of ', Transmission.fmt.size(this._size), ' (', Transmission.fmt.percentString(pct), '%)' ].join(''); setInnerHTML(this._progress[0], c); }, refreshHTML: function() { if (this._dirty) { this._dirty = false; this.refreshProgressHTML(); this.refreshWantedHTML(); this.refreshPriorityHTML(); } }, refresh: function() { var i = this.getIndex(); var t = this.getTorrent(); this.readAttributes(t.getFile(i)); this.refreshHTML(); }, isDone: function () { return this._done >= this._size; }, isEditable: function () { return (this.getTorrent().getFileCount()>1) && !this.isDone(); }, createRow: function(torrent, i) { var me = this; var file = torrent.getFile(i); var name = file.name.substring (file.name.lastIndexOf('/')+1); var root = document.createElement('li'); root.id = 't' + this._torrent.getId() + 'f' + this._index; root.classNameConst = 'inspector_torrent_file_list_entry ' + ((i%2)?'odd':'even'); root.className = root.classNameConst; var wanted_div = document.createElement('div'); wanted_div.className = "file_wanted_control"; $(wanted_div).bind('click',function(){ me.fireWantedChanged(!me._wanted); }); var pri_div = document.createElement('div'); pri_div.classNameConst = "file_priority_control"; pri_div.className = pri_div.classNameConst; $(pri_div).bind('click',function(ev){ var x = ev.pageX; var e = ev.target; while (e) { x -= e.offsetLeft; e = e.offsetParent; } var prio; if (iPhone) { if (x < 8) prio = -1; else if (x < 27) prio = 0; else prio = 1; } else { if (x < 12) prio = -1; else if (x < 23) prio = 0; else prio = 1; } me.firePriorityChanged(prio); }); var file_div = document.createElement('div'); file_div.className = "inspector_torrent_file_list_entry_name"; file_div.innerHTML = name.replace(/([\/_\.])/g, "$1​"); var prog_div = document.createElement('div'); prog_div.className = "inspector_torrent_file_list_entry_progress"; root.appendChild(wanted_div); root.appendChild(pri_div); root.appendChild(file_div); root.appendChild(prog_div); this._element = root; this._priority_control = pri_div; this._progress = $(prog_div); this.refresh(); return root; }, getElement: function() { return this._element; }, fireWantedChanged: function(do_want) { $(this).trigger('wantedToggled',[ this, do_want ]); }, firePriorityChanged: function(priority) { $(this).trigger('priorityToggled',[ this, priority ]); } };