* Copyright © Dave Perrett and Malcolm Jarvis
* This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
* For details, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* Class Transmission
function Transmission(){
Transmission.prototype =
* C O N S T R U C T O R
initialize: function()
// IE specific fixes here
if ($.browser.msie) {
try {
document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
} catch(err) {}
// Initialize the helper classes
this.remote = new TransmissionRemote(this);
// Initialize the implementation fields
this._current_search = '';
this._torrents = [ ];
this._rows = [ ];
// Initialize the clutch preferences
Prefs.getClutchPrefs( this );
// Set up user events
var tr = this;
$('#pause_all_link').bind('click', function(e){ tr.stopAllClicked(e); });
$('#resume_all_link').bind('click', function(e){ tr.startAllClicked(e); });
$('#pause_selected_link').bind('click', function(e){ tr.stopSelectedClicked(e); } );
$('#resume_selected_link').bind('click', function(e){ tr.startSelectedClicked(e); });
$('#remove_link').bind('click', function(e){ tr.removeClicked(e); });
$('#removedata_link').bind('click', function(e){ tr.removeDataClicked(e); });
$('#filter_all_link').parent().bind('click', function(e){ tr.showAllClicked(e); });
$('#filter_downloading_link').parent().bind('click', function(e){ tr.showDownloadingClicked(e); });
$('#filter_seeding_link').parent().bind('click', function(e){ tr.showSeedingClicked(e); });
$('#filter_paused_link').parent().bind('click', function(e){ tr.showPausedClicked(e); });
$('#prefs_save_button').bind('click', function(e) { tr.savePrefsClicked(e); return false;});
$('#prefs_cancel_button').bind('click', function(e){ tr.cancelPrefsClicked(e); return false; });
$('.inspector_tab').bind('click', function(e){ tr.inspectorTabClicked(e, this); });
if (iPhone) {
$('#torrent_inspector').bind('click', function(e){ tr.hideInspector(); });
$('#preferences_link').bind('click', function(e){ tr.releaseClutchPreferencesButton(e); });
} else {
$(document).bind('keydown', function(e){ tr.keyDown(e); });
$('#torrent_container').bind('click', function(e){ tr.deselectAll( true ); });
$('#open_link').bind('click', function(e){ tr.openTorrentClicked(e); });
$('#filter_toggle_link').bind('click', function(e){ tr.toggleFilterClicked(e); });
$('#inspector_link').bind('click', function(e){ tr.toggleInspectorClicked(e); });
$('#upload_confirm_button').bind('click', function(e){ tr.confirmUploadClicked(e); return false;});
$('#upload_cancel_button').bind('click', function(e){ tr.cancelUploadClicked(e); return false; });
this._torrent_list = $('#torrent_list')[0];
this._inspector_file_list = $('#inspector_file_list')[0];
this._inspector_tab_files = $('#inspector_tab_files')[0];
this._toolbar_buttons = $('#torrent_global_menu ul li');
// Setup the preference box
// Setup the prefs gui
this.initializeSettings( );
// Get preferences & torrents from the daemon
var tr = this;
this.remote.loadDaemonPrefs( );
this.togglePeriodicRefresh( true );
preloadImages: function() {
if (iPhone) {
} else {
loadImages: function() {
for(var i = 0; i").attr("src", arguments[i]);
* Set up the preference validation
setupPrefConstraints: function() {
// only allow integers for speed limit & port options
$('div.preference input[@type=text]:not(#download_location)').blur( function() {
this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '');
if (this.value == '') {
if ($(this).is('#refresh_rate')) {
this.value = 5;
} else {
this.value = 0;
* Load the clutch prefs and init the GUI according to those prefs
initializeSettings: function( )
Prefs.getClutchPrefs( this );
// iPhone conditions in the section allow us to not
// include transmenu js to save some bandwidth; if we
// start using prefs on iPhone we need to weed
// transmenu refs out of that too.
$('#filter_' + this[Prefs._FilterMode] + '_link').parent().addClass('selected');
if (!iPhone) $('#sort_by_' + this[Prefs._SortMethod] ).selectMenuItem();
if (!iPhone && ( this[Prefs._SortDirection] == Prefs._SortDescending ) )
if( this[Prefs._ShowFilter] )
this.showFilter( );
if( this[Prefs._ShowInspector] )
this.showInspector( );
* Set up the search box
setupSearchBox: function()
var tr = this;
var search_box = $('#torrent_search');
search_box.bind('keyup click', {transmission: this}, function(event) {
if (!$.browser.safari)
search_box[0].value = 'Filter';
search_box.bind('blur', {transmission: this}, function(event) {
if (this.value == '') {
this.value = 'Filter';
}).bind('focus', {}, function(event) {
if ($(this).is('.blur')) {
this.value = '';
contextStopSelected: function( ) {
this.stopSelectedTorrents( );
contextStartSelected: function( ) {
this.startSelectedTorrents( );
contextRemoveSelected: function( ) {
this.removeSelectedTorrents( );
contextRemoveDataSelected: function( ) {
this.removeSelectedTorrentsAndData( );
contextVerifySelected: function( ) {
this.verifySelectedTorrents( );
contextToggleInspector: function( ) {
this.toggleInspector( );
contextSelectAll: function( ) {
this.selectAll( true );
contextDeselectAll: function( ) {
this.deselectAll( true );
* Create the torrent right-click menu
createContextMenu: function() {
var tr = this;
var bindings = {
context_pause_selected: function(e){ tr.contextStopSelected(e); },
context_resume_selected: function(e){ tr.contextStartSelected(e); },
context_remove: function(e){ tr.contextRemoveSelected(e); },
context_removedata: function(e){ tr.contextRemoveDataSelected(e); },
context_verify: function(e){ tr.contextVerifySelected(e); },
context_toggle_inspector: function(e){ tr.contextToggleInspector(e); },
context_select_all: function(e){ tr.contextSelectAll(e); },
context_deselect_all: function(e){ tr.contextDeselectAll(e); }
// Setup the context menu
$('ul#torrent_list').contextMenu('torrent_context_menu', {
bindings: bindings,
menuStyle: Menu.context.menu_style,
itemStyle: Menu.context.item_style,
itemHoverStyle: Menu.context.item_hover_style,
itemDisabledStyle: Menu.context.item_disabled_style,
shadow: false,
boundingElement: $('div#torrent_container'),
boundingRightPad: 20,
boundingBottomPad: 5
* Create the footer settings menu
createSettingsMenu: function() {
var tr = this;
selected_char: '✔',
direction: 'up',
onClick: function(e){ return tr.processSettingsMenuEvent(e); }
* U T I L I T I E S
getAllTorrents: function()
return this._torrents;
getVisibleTorrents: function()
var torrents = [ ];
for( var i=0, len=this._rows.length; i div:contains('N/A')").css('color', '#666');
name = torrents.length == 1
? torrents[0].name()
: torrents.length+' Transfers Selected';
if( torrents.length == 1 )
var t = torrents[0];
if( t._error_message )
error = t._error_message ;
if( t._comment)
comment = t._comment ;
if( t._creator )
creator = t._creator ;
hash = t.hash();
date_created = Math.formatTimestamp( t._creator_date );
for(i = 0; i < torrents.length; ++i ) {
var t = torrents[i];
sizeWhenDone += t._sizeWhenDone;
sizeDone += t._sizeWhenDone - t._leftUntilDone;
total_completed += t.completed();
total_verified += t._verified;
total_size += t.size();
total_upload += t.uploadTotal();
total_download += t.downloadTotal();
total_upload_speed += t.uploadSpeed();
total_download_speed += t.downloadSpeed();
total_seeders += t.totalSeeders();
total_leechers += t.totalLeechers();
total_upload_peers += t.peersGettingFromUs();
total_download_peers += t.peersSendingToUs();
total_swarm_speed += t.swarmSpeed();
if( total_state == null )
total_state = t.stateStr();
else if ( total_state.search ( t.stateStr() ) == -1 )
total_state += '/' + t.stateStr();
var tracker = t._tracker;
if( total_tracker == null )
total_tracker = tracker;
else if ( total_tracker.search ( tracker ) == -1 )
total_tracker += ', ' + tracker;
if( t._is_private )
have_private = true;
have_public = true;
var private_string = '';
if( have_private && have_public ) private_string = 'Mixed';
else if( have_private ) private_string = 'Private Torrent';
else if( have_public ) private_string = 'Public Torrent';
var ti = '#torrent_inspector_';
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'name')[0], name );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'size')[0], torrents.length ? Math.formatBytes( total_size ) : 'N/A' );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'tracker')[0], total_tracker.replace(/\//g, '/') );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'hash')[0], hash );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'state')[0], total_state );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'download_speed')[0], torrents.length ? Math.formatBytes( total_download_speed ) + '/s' : 'N/A' );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'upload_speed')[0], torrents.length ? Math.formatBytes( total_upload_speed ) + '/s' : 'N/A' );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'uploaded')[0], torrents.length ? Math.formatBytes( total_upload ) : 'N/A' );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'downloaded')[0], torrents.length ? Math.formatBytes( total_download ) : 'N/A' );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'ratio')[0], torrents.length ? Math.ratio( total_upload, total_download ) : 'N/A' );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'total_seeders')[0], torrents.length ? total_seeders : 'N/A' );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'total_leechers')[0], torrents.length ? total_leechers : 'N/A' );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'swarm_speed')[0], torrents.length ? Math.formatBytes(total_swarm_speed) + '/s' : 'N/A' );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'have')[0], torrents.length ? Math.formatBytes(total_completed) + ' (' + Math.formatBytes(total_verified) + ' verified)' : 'N/A' );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'upload_to')[0], torrents.length ? total_upload_peers : 'N/A' );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'download_from')[0], torrents.length ? total_download_peers : 'N/A' );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'secure')[0], private_string );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'creator_date')[0], date_created );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'progress')[0], torrents.length ? Math.ratio( sizeDone*100, sizeWhenDone ) + '%' : 'N/A' );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'comment')[0], comment.replace(/\//g, '/') );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'creator')[0], creator );
setInnerHTML( $(ti+'error')[0], error );
$(".inspector_row > div:contains('N/A')").css('color', '#666');
fileListIsVisible: function() {
return this._inspector_tab_files.className.indexOf('selected') != -1;
updateVisibleFileLists: function() {
if( this.fileListIsVisible( ) === true ) {
jQuery.each( this.getSelectedTorrents(), function() { this.showFileList(); } );
jQuery.each( this.getDeselectedTorrents(), function() { this.hideFileList(); } );
* Toggle the visibility of the inspector (used by the context menu)
toggleInspector: function() {
if( this[Prefs._ShowInspector] )
this.hideInspector( );
this.showInspector( );
showInspector: function() {
if (iPhone) {
} else {
var w = $('#torrent_inspector').width() + 1 + 'px';
$('#torrent_filter_bar')[0].style.right = w;
$('#torrent_container')[0].style.right = w;
setInnerHTML( $('ul li#context_toggle_inspector')[0], 'Hide Inspector' );
this.setPref( Prefs._ShowInspector, true );
this.updateInspector( );
* Hide the inspector
hideInspector: function() {
if (iPhone) {
transmsision.deselectAll( );
} else {
$('#torrent_filter_bar')[0].style.right = '0px';
$('#torrent_container')[0].style.right = '0px';
setInnerHTML( $('ul li#context_toggle_inspector')[0], 'Show Inspector' );
this.setPref( Prefs._ShowInspector, false );
* Toggle the visibility of the filter bar
toggleFilter: function() {
if( this[Prefs._ShowFilter] )
showFilter: function( ) {
var container_top = parseInt($('#torrent_container').position().top) + $('#torrent_filter_bar').height() + 1;
$('#torrent_container').css('top', container_top + 'px');
this.setPref( Prefs._ShowFilter, true );
hideFilter: function()
var container_top = parseInt($('#torrent_container').css('top')) - $('#torrent_filter_bar').height() - 1;
$('#torrent_container').css('top', container_top + 'px');
this.setPref( Prefs._ShowFilter, false );
this.setFilter( Prefs._FilterAll );
refreshTorrents: function() {
var tr = this;
this.remote.getUpdatedDataFor('recently-active', function(active, removed){ tr.updateTorrentsData(active, removed); });
updateTorrentsData: function( active, removed_ids ) {
var tr = this;
var new_torrent_ids = [];
var refresh_files_for = [];
jQuery.each( active, function() {
var t = Torrent.lookup(tr._torrents, this.id);
if (t){
} );
if(refresh_files_for.length > 0)
tr.remote.loadTorrentFiles( refresh_files_for );
if(new_torrent_ids.length > 0)
tr.remote.getInitialDataFor(new_torrent_ids, function(torrents){ tr.addTorrents(torrents) } );
var removedAny = tr.deleteTorrents(removed_ids);
if( ( new_torrent_ids.length != 0 ) || removedAny ) {
tr.deselectAll( true );
updateTorrentsFileData: function( torrents ){
var tr = this;
var listIsVisible = tr.fileListIsVisible( );
jQuery.each( torrents, function() {
var t = Torrent.lookup(tr._torrents, this.id);
if (t) {
if( listIsVisible && t.isSelected())
} );
initalizeAllTorrents: function(){
var tr = this;
this.remote.getInitialDataFor( null ,function(torrents) { tr.addTorrents(torrents); } );
addTorrents: function( new_torrents ){
var tr = this;
$.each( new_torrents, function(){
var torrent = this;
tr._torrents.push( new Torrent( tr, torrent ) );
deleteTorrents: function(torrent_ids){
if(typeof torrent_ids == 'undefined')
return false;
var tr = this;
var removedAny = false;
$.each( torrent_ids, function(index, id){
var torrent = Torrent.lookup(tr._torrents, id);
if(torrent) {
removedAny = true;
var e = torrent.element();
if( e ) {
var row_index = tr.getTorrentIndex(tr._rows, torrent);
delete e._torrent; //remove circular refernce to help IE garbage collect
tr._rows.splice(row_index, 1)
var pos = Torrent.indexOf( tr._torrents, torrent.id( ) );
tr._torrents.splice( pos, 1 );
return removedAny;
* Set the alternating background colors for torrents
setTorrentBgColors: function( )
var rows = this.getVisibleRows( );
for( var i=0, len=rows.length; i