/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include #import "StatusBarController.h" #import "NSStringAdditions.h" #define STATUS_RATIO_TOTAL @"RatioTotal" #define STATUS_RATIO_SESSION @"RatioSession" #define STATUS_TRANSFER_TOTAL @"TransferTotal" #define STATUS_TRANSFER_SESSION @"TransferSession" typedef NS_ENUM(unsigned int, statusTag) { STATUS_RATIO_TOTAL_TAG = 0, STATUS_RATIO_SESSION_TAG = 1, STATUS_TRANSFER_TOTAL_TAG = 2, STATUS_TRANSFER_SESSION_TAG = 3 }; @interface StatusBarController (Private) - (void) resizeStatusButton; @end @implementation StatusBarController - (instancetype) initWithLib: (tr_session *) lib { if ((self = [super initWithNibName: @"StatusBar" bundle: nil])) { fLib = lib; fPreviousDownloadRate = -1.0; fPreviousUploadRate = -1.0; } return self; } - (void) awakeFromNib { //localize menu items [fStatusButton.menu itemWithTag: STATUS_RATIO_TOTAL_TAG].title = NSLocalizedString(@"Total Ratio", "Status Bar -> status menu"); [fStatusButton.menu itemWithTag: STATUS_RATIO_SESSION_TAG].title = NSLocalizedString(@"Session Ratio", "Status Bar -> status menu"); [fStatusButton.menu itemWithTag: STATUS_TRANSFER_TOTAL_TAG].title = NSLocalizedString(@"Total Transfer", "Status Bar -> status menu"); [fStatusButton.menu itemWithTag: STATUS_TRANSFER_SESSION_TAG].title = NSLocalizedString(@"Session Transfer", "Status Bar -> status menu"); fStatusButton.cell.backgroundStyle = NSBackgroundStyleRaised; fTotalDLField.cell.backgroundStyle = NSBackgroundStyleRaised; fTotalULField.cell.backgroundStyle = NSBackgroundStyleRaised; fTotalDLImageView.cell.backgroundStyle = NSBackgroundStyleRaised; fTotalULImageView.cell.backgroundStyle = NSBackgroundStyleRaised; [self updateSpeedFieldsToolTips]; //update when speed limits are changed [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserver: self selector: @selector(updateSpeedFieldsToolTips) name: @"SpeedLimitUpdate" object: nil]; [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserver: self selector: @selector(resizeStatusButton) name: NSWindowDidResizeNotification object: self.view.window]; } - (void) dealloc { [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter removeObserver: self]; } - (void) updateWithDownload: (CGFloat) dlRate upload: (CGFloat) ulRate { //set rates if (dlRate != fPreviousDownloadRate) { fTotalDLField.stringValue = [NSString stringForSpeed: dlRate]; fPreviousDownloadRate = dlRate; } if (ulRate != fPreviousUploadRate) { fTotalULField.stringValue = [NSString stringForSpeed: ulRate]; fPreviousUploadRate = ulRate; } //set status button text NSString * statusLabel = [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults stringForKey: @"StatusLabel"], * statusString; BOOL total; if ((total = [statusLabel isEqualToString: STATUS_RATIO_TOTAL]) || [statusLabel isEqualToString: STATUS_RATIO_SESSION]) { tr_session_stats stats; if (total) tr_sessionGetCumulativeStats(fLib, &stats); else tr_sessionGetStats(fLib, &stats); statusString = [NSLocalizedString(@"Ratio", "status bar -> status label") stringByAppendingFormat: @": %@", [NSString stringForRatio: stats.ratio]]; } else //STATUS_TRANSFER_TOTAL or STATUS_TRANSFER_SESSION { total = [statusLabel isEqualToString: STATUS_TRANSFER_TOTAL]; tr_session_stats stats; if (total) tr_sessionGetCumulativeStats(fLib, &stats); else tr_sessionGetStats(fLib, &stats); statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@: %@ %@: %@", NSLocalizedString(@"DL", "status bar -> status label"), [NSString stringForFileSize: stats.downloadedBytes], NSLocalizedString(@"UL", "status bar -> status label"), [NSString stringForFileSize: stats.uploadedBytes]]; } if (![fStatusButton.title isEqualToString: statusString]) { fStatusButton.title = statusString; [self resizeStatusButton]; } } - (void) setStatusLabel: (id) sender { NSString * statusLabel; switch ([sender tag]) { case STATUS_RATIO_TOTAL_TAG: statusLabel = STATUS_RATIO_TOTAL; break; case STATUS_RATIO_SESSION_TAG: statusLabel = STATUS_RATIO_SESSION; break; case STATUS_TRANSFER_TOTAL_TAG: statusLabel = STATUS_TRANSFER_TOTAL; break; case STATUS_TRANSFER_SESSION_TAG: statusLabel = STATUS_TRANSFER_SESSION; break; default: NSAssert1(NO, @"Unknown status label tag received: %ld", [sender tag]); return; } [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults setObject: statusLabel forKey: @"StatusLabel"]; [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName: @"UpdateUI" object: nil]; } - (void) updateSpeedFieldsToolTips { NSString * uploadText, * downloadText; if ([NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults boolForKey: @"SpeedLimit"]) { NSString * speedString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ (%@)", NSLocalizedString(@"%d KB/s", "Status Bar -> speed tooltip"), NSLocalizedString(@"Speed Limit", "Status Bar -> speed tooltip")]; uploadText = [NSString stringWithFormat: speedString, [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults integerForKey: @"SpeedLimitUploadLimit"]]; downloadText = [NSString stringWithFormat: speedString, [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults integerForKey: @"SpeedLimitDownloadLimit"]]; } else { if ([NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults boolForKey: @"CheckUpload"]) uploadText = [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"%d KB/s", "Status Bar -> speed tooltip"), [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults integerForKey: @"UploadLimit"]]; else uploadText = NSLocalizedString(@"unlimited", "Status Bar -> speed tooltip"); if ([NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults boolForKey: @"CheckDownload"]) downloadText = [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"%d KB/s", "Status Bar -> speed tooltip"), [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults integerForKey: @"DownloadLimit"]]; else downloadText = NSLocalizedString(@"unlimited", "Status Bar -> speed tooltip"); } uploadText = [NSLocalizedString(@"Global upload limit", "Status Bar -> speed tooltip") stringByAppendingFormat: @": %@", uploadText]; downloadText = [NSLocalizedString(@"Global download limit", "Status Bar -> speed tooltip") stringByAppendingFormat: @": %@", downloadText]; fTotalULField.toolTip = uploadText; fTotalDLField.toolTip = downloadText; } - (BOOL) validateMenuItem: (NSMenuItem *) menuItem { const SEL action = menuItem.action; //enable sort options if (action == @selector(setStatusLabel:)) { NSString * statusLabel; switch (menuItem.tag) { case STATUS_RATIO_TOTAL_TAG: statusLabel = STATUS_RATIO_TOTAL; break; case STATUS_RATIO_SESSION_TAG: statusLabel = STATUS_RATIO_SESSION; break; case STATUS_TRANSFER_TOTAL_TAG: statusLabel = STATUS_TRANSFER_TOTAL; break; case STATUS_TRANSFER_SESSION_TAG: statusLabel = STATUS_TRANSFER_SESSION; break; default: NSAssert1(NO, @"Unknown status label tag received: %ld", menuItem.tag); statusLabel = STATUS_RATIO_TOTAL; } menuItem.state = [statusLabel isEqualToString: [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults stringForKey: @"StatusLabel"]] ? NSOnState : NSOffState; return YES; } return YES; } @end @implementation StatusBarController (Private) - (void) resizeStatusButton { [fStatusButton sizeToFit]; //width ends up being too long NSRect statusFrame = fStatusButton.frame; statusFrame.size.width -= 25.0; const CGFloat difference = NSMaxX(statusFrame) + 5.0 - NSMinX(fTotalDLImageView.frame); if (difference > 0.0) statusFrame.size.width -= difference; fStatusButton.frame = statusFrame; } @end