PrefsDialog 0 0 601 657 Transmission Preferences 0 Qt::ElideNone false Speed Speed Limits &Upload: true 999999999 5 &Download: true 999999999 5 Alternative Speed Limits :/icons/alt-limit-off.svg <small>Override normal speed limits manually or at scheduled times</small> U&pload: altUploadSpeedLimitSpin 999999999 5 Do&wnload: altDownloadSpeedLimitSpin 999999999 5 &Scheduled times: true hh:mm 0 0 &to altSpeedLimitEndTimeEdit hh:mm &On days: altSpeedLimitDaysCombo Qt::Vertical 1 1 Downloading Adding Automatically add .torrent files &from: true 0 0 Show the Torrent Options &dialog &Start added torrents Reads user clipboard content for torrents Detect new torrents from clipboard Mo&ve the .torrent file to the trash Save to &Location: 0 0 ... Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter Download Queue Ma&ximum active downloads: downloadQueueSizeSpin 1 999999999 Download is i&nactive if data sharing stopped: queueStalledMinutesSpin minute(s) ago 1 9999 5 Incomplete Append ".&part" to incomplete files' names Keep &incomplete files in: true 0 0 Call scrip&t when downloading is completed: true 0 0 Qt::Vertical 1 1 Seeding Limits Stop seeding at &ratio: true 999999999.000000000000000 0.500000000000000 Stop seedi&ng if idle for: true minute(s) 1 40320 5 Call scrip&t when seeding is completed: true 0 0 Qt::Vertical 1 1 Privacy Encryption &Encryption mode: encryptionModeCombo Blocklist Enable &blocklist: true ... &Update false Enable &automatic updates Qt::Vertical 1 1 Network Incoming Peers &Port for incoming connections: peerPortSpin 1 65535 Te&st Port false ... Pick a &random port every time Transmission is started Use UPnP or NAT-PMP port &forwarding from my router Peer Limits Maximum peers per &torrent: torrentPeerLimitSpin 1 1024 5 Maximum peers &overall: globalPeerLimitSpin 1 1024 5 Options µTP is a tool for reducing network congestion. Enable µ&TP for peer connections PEX is a tool for exchanging peer lists with the peers you're connected to. Use PE&X to find more peers DHT is a tool for finding peers without a tracker. Use &DHT to find more peers LPD is a tool for finding peers on your local network. Use &Local Peer Discovery to find more peers Default Public Trackers Trackers to use on all public torrents. To add a backup URL, add it on the next line after a primary URL. To add a new primary URL, add it after a blank line. true QPlainTextEdit::NoWrap Qt::Vertical 1 1 Desktop Desktop Show Transmission icon in the &notification area Start &minimized in notification area Notification Show a notification when torrents are a&dded Show a notification when torrents &finish Play a &sound when torrents finish Qt::Vertical 1 1 Remote Remote Control Allow &remote access true &Open web client false HTTP &port: rpcPortSpin 1 65535 Use &authentication true &Username: rpcUsernameEdit Pass&word: rpcPasswordEdit QLineEdit::Password Only allow these IP a&ddresses: true Addresses: rpcWhitelistEdit Qt::Vertical 1 1 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Close PathButton QToolButton
FreeSpaceLabel QLabel
dialogButtons rejected() PrefsDialog reject() 20 20 20 20 uploadSpeedLimitCheck toggled(bool) uploadSpeedLimitSpin setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 downloadSpeedLimitCheck toggled(bool) downloadSpeedLimitSpin setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 ratioLimitCheck toggled(bool) ratioLimitSpin setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 idleLimitCheck toggled(bool) idleLimitSpin setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 watchDirCheck toggled(bool) watchDirStack setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 incompleteDirCheck toggled(bool) incompleteDirStack setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 doneDownloadingScriptCheck toggled(bool) doneDownloadingScriptStack setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 doneSeedingScriptCheck toggled(bool) doneSeedingScriptStack setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20