AboutDialog About Transmission 關於 Transmission Copyright © The Transmission Project Copyright © The Transmission Project A fast and easy BitTorrent client 簡單快速的 BitTorrent 用戶端 Client 用戶端 Server 伺服器 C&redits 致謝 (&C) &License 授權 (&L) Credits 致謝 Application <b>Transmission is a file sharing program.</b> <b>Transmission 是一個檔案分享程式。</b> When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. 當您執行 torrent 時,其資料將以上傳的方式提供給其他人。您必須為自己分享的內容負起所有責任。 I &Agree 我同意 (&A) B/s kB/s MB/s GB/s TB/s B KiB MiB GiB TiB kB MB GB TB Torrent(s) Completed 已完成的 torrents Torrent Added 已加入的 torrent DetailsDialog None Mixed 混合 Unknown 未知 Finished 已完成 Paused 已暫停 %1 (+%2 discarded after failed checksum) %1 (+%2 於校驗失敗後捨棄) Active now 活躍中 %1 ago %1 之前 %1 (%Ln pieces @ %2) %1 (%Ln 個區塊 @ %2) %1 (%Ln pieces) %1 (%Ln 個區塊) Private to this tracker -- DHT and PEX disabled 指定為此追蹤器私有 -- 已停用 DHT 與 PEX Public torrent 公開 torrent Created by %1 由 %1 建立 Created on %1 於 %1 建立 Created by %1 on %2 由 %1 於 %2 建立 Encrypted connection 加密的連線 Optimistic unchoke 積極性禮尚往來 (Optimistic unchoke) Downloading from this peer 正在從該節點下載 We would download from this peer if they would let us 如果對方允許,我們將從該節點下載 Uploading to peer 正在上傳到該節點 We would upload to this peer if they asked 如果對方請求,我們將上傳到該節點 Peer has unchoked us, but we're not interested 該節點已宣告暢通,但我們不感興趣 We unchoked this peer, but they're not interested 我們已向該節點宣告暢通,但對方不感興趣 Peer was discovered through DHT 透過 DHT 探索到的節點 Peer was discovered through Peer Exchange (PEX) 透過節點交換 (PEX) 探索到的節點 Peer is an incoming connection 該節點為傳入連線 Peer is connected over µTP 該節點為 µTP 連線 Add tracker announce URLs, one per line: 加入追蹤器宣告 URL,一行一個: Error 錯誤 No new URLs found. 沒有找到新的 URL。 %1 (100%) Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded and verified data %1 (100%) %1 of %2 (%3%) Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded and verified data, %2 is overall size of torrent data, %3 is percentage (%1/%2*100) %1 之 %2 (%3%) %1 of %2 (%3%), %4 Unverified Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded data (both verified and unverified), %2 is overall size of torrent data, %3 is percentage (%1/%2*100), %4 is amount of downloaded but not yet verified data %1 之 %2 (%3%), %4 未驗證 %1 (Ratio: %2) %1 (分享率:%2) N/A 不適用 %1 minute(s) Spin box format, "Stop seeding if idle for: [ 5 minutes ]" Add URL(s) 加入 URL High Normal 正常 Low Use Global Settings 使用全域設定 Seed regardless of ratio 無論分享率限制,持續做種 Stop seeding at ratio: 達到分享率時停止做種: Seed regardless of activity 無論是否有活動,持續做種 Stop seeding if idle for: 閒置超過時間時停止做種: Up Down % % Status 狀態 Address 位址 Client 客戶端 Torrent Properties Torrent 內容 Information 資訊 Activity 活動 Have: 擁有: Availability: 可用: Uploaded: 已上傳: Downloaded: 已下載: State: 狀態: Running time: 執行時間: Remaining time: 剩餘時間: Last activity: 最後活動於: Error: 錯誤: Details 詳細資料 Size: 大小: Location: 位置: Labels: Edit Trackers 編輯追蹤器 Hash: 雜湊: Privacy: 隱私權: Origin: 來源: Added: 加入於: Comment: 備註: Peers 節點 Tracker 追蹤器 Add Tracker 加入追蹤器 Remove Trackers 移除追蹤器 Show &more details 顯示更多詳細資料 (&M) Show &backup trackers 顯示備用追蹤器 (&B) Files 檔案 Options 選項 Speed 速度 Honor global &limits 優先使用全域限制 (&L) Limit &download speed: 限制下載速度 (&D): Limit &upload speed: 限制上傳速度 (&U): Torrent &priority: Torrent 優先順序 (&P): Seeding Limits 做種限制 &Ratio: 分享率 (&R): &Idle: 閒置 (&I): Peer Connections 已連線的節點 &Maximum peers: 最大連線節點數量 (&M): FileTreeItem Low High Normal 正常 Mixed 混合 FileTreeModel File 檔案 Size 大小 Progress 進度 Download 下載 Priority 優先順序 FileTreeView Check Selected 勾選已選取項目 Uncheck Selected 取消勾選已選取項目 Only Check Selected 僅勾選已選取項目 Priority 優先性 Open 開啟 Rename… 重新命名… FilterBar All 全部 Active 活躍中 Downloading 正在下載 Seeding 正在做種 Paused 已暫停 Finished 已完成 Verifying 正在驗證 Error 錯誤 Show: 顯示: Search… 搜尋… Formatter Unknown 未知 None %Ln day(s) %Ln 天 %Ln hour(s) %Ln 小時 %Ln minute(s) %Ln 分鐘 %Ln second(s) %Ln 秒 FreeSpaceLabel <i>Calculating Free Space…</i> <i>正在計算可用空間…</i> %1 free %1 可用 LicenseDialog License 授權 MainWindow Transmission Transmission &Torrent Torrent (&T) &Edit 編輯 (&E) &Help 說明 (&H) &View 檢視 (&V) &File 檔案 (&F) Create a new torrent 建立新的 torrent &Properties 內容 (&P) Show torrent properties 顯示 torrent 內容 Open the torrent's folder 開啟 torrent 資料夾 Queue 排程 Options 選項 Statistics 統計資料 &Open… 開啟… (&O) Open 開啟 Open a torrent 開啟 torrent &New… 新增… (&N) Open Fold&er 開啟資料夾 (&E) &Start 開始 (&S) Start torrent 開始執行 torrent Ask Tracker for &More Peers 向追蹤器請求更多節點 (&M) Ask tracker for more peers 向追蹤器請求更多節點 &Pause 暫停 (&P) Pause torrent 暫停執行 torrent &Verify Local Data 驗證本機資料 (&V) Verify local data 驗證本機資料 &Remove 移除 (&R) Remove torrent 移除 torrent &Delete Files and Remove 刪除檔案並移除 (&D) Remove torrent and delete its files 移除該 torrent 及其檔案 &Start All 全部開始 (&S) &Pause All 全部暫停 (&P) &Quit 結束 (&Q) &Select All 全選 (&S) &Deselect All 取消全選 (&D) &Preferences 偏好設定 (&P) &Compact View 精簡檢視 (&C) Compact View 精簡檢視 &Toolbar 工具列 (&T) &Filterbar 篩選器 (&F) &Statusbar 狀態列 (&S) Sort by &Activity 依活動排序 (&A) Sort by A&ge 依新舊排序 (&G) Sort by Time &Left 依剩餘時間排序 (&L) Sort by &Name 依名稱排序 (&N) Sort by &Progress 依進度排序 (&P) Sort by Rati&o 依分享率排序 (&O) Sort by Si&ze 依大小排序 (&Z) Sort by Stat&e 依狀態排序 (&E) Sort by T&racker 依追蹤器排序 (&R) Message &Log 訊息日誌 (&L) &Statistics 統計資料 (&S) &Contents 內容 (&C) &About 關於 (&A) Re&verse Sort Order 反轉排列順序 (&V) &Name 名稱 (&N) &Files 檔案 (&F) &Tracker 追蹤器 (&T) Total Ratio 總分享率 Session Ratio 工作階段分享率 Total Transfer 全部的傳輸 Session Transfer 工作階段傳輸 &Main Window 主視窗 (&M) Tray &Icon 通知區域圖示 (&I) &Change Session… 變更工作階段… (&C) Set &Location… 設定位置… (&L) Open &URL… 開啟 URL… (&U) Choose Session Start a local session or connect to a running session 選擇工作階段 &Copy Magnet Link to Clipboard 複製磁力連結到剪貼簿 (&C) &Donate 捐助 (&D) Start &Now 立即開始 (&N) Bypass the queue and start now 忽略排程並立即開始 Move to &Top 移動到頂端 (&T) Move &Up 上移 (&U) Move &Down 下移 (&D) Move to &Bottom 移動到底部 (&B) Sort by &Queue 依排程排序 (&Q) Limit Download Speed 限制下載速度 Unlimited 無限制 Limited at %1 限制於 %1 Limit Upload Speed 限制上傳速度 Stop Seeding at Ratio 達到以下分享率時,停止做種 Seed Forever 永遠做種 Stop at Ratio (%1) 達到分享率時停止 (%1) - %1:%2 Second (optional) part of main window title "Transmission - host:port" (added when connected to remote session) notice that leading space (before the dash) is included here - %1:%2 Idle 閒置 Ratio: %1 分享率:%1 Down: %1, Up: %2 下載: %1,上傳: %2 Torrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*) Torrent 檔案 (*.torrent);;所有檔案類型 (*.*) Show &options dialog 顯示選項對話方塊 (&O) Open Torrent 開啟 Torrent Speed Limits 速度限制 Network Error 網路錯誤 Click to disable Temporary Speed Limits (%1 down, %2 up) 點選以停用暫時速度限制 (%1 下載,%2 上傳) Click to enable Temporary Speed Limits (%1 down, %2 up) 點選以啟用暫時速度限制 (%1 下載,%2 上傳) Remove torrent? 移除 Torrent? Delete this torrent's downloaded files? 刪除這個 torrent 已下載的檔案? Remove %Ln torrent(s)? 移除 %Ln 個 Torrents? Showing %L1 of %Ln torrent(s) 正在顯示 %L1 中的 %Ln 個 torrents Delete these %Ln torrent(s)' downloaded files? 刪除這些 torrents 已下載的檔案? Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file or magnet link. 若您將其移除,需要使用 torrent 檔案或磁力連結才能繼續傳輸。 Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files or magnet links. 若您將其移除,需要使用 torrent 檔案或磁力連結才能繼續傳輸。 This torrent has not finished downloading. 這個 torrent 尚未完成下載。 These torrents have not finished downloading. 這些 torrents 尚未完成下載。 This torrent is connected to peers. 這個 torrent 已連線到節點。 These torrents are connected to peers. 這些 torrents 已連線到節點。 One of these torrents is connected to peers. 這些 torrents 的其中一個已連線到節點。 Some of these torrents are connected to peers. 這些 torrents 其中有一些已連線到節點。 One of these torrents has not finished downloading. 這些 torrents 的其中一個尚未完成下載。 Some of these torrents have not finished downloading. 這些 torrents 其中有一些尚未完成下載。 %1 has not responded yet %1 尚未回應 %1 is responding %1 正在回應 %1 last responded %2 ago %1 最後回應於 %2 之前 %1 is not responding %1 沒有回應 MakeDialog New Torrent 新增 Torrent <i>No source selected</i> <i>沒有已選取的來源</i> %Ln File(s) %Ln 個檔案 %Ln Piece(s) %Ln 個區塊 %1 in %2; %3 @ %4 %1 於 %2; %3 @ %4 Files 檔案 Sa&ve to: 儲存到 (&V): Source f&older: 來源資料夾 (&O): Source &file: 來源檔案 (&F): Piece s&ize: 區塊大小 (&I): Properties 內容 &Trackers: 追蹤器 (&T): To add a backup URL, add it on the line after the primary URL. To add another primary URL, add it after a blank line. 若要加入備用 URL,請填寫於主要 URL 的下一行。 若要加入其他主要 URL,請空一行再填寫。 Co&mment: 備註 (&M): &Source: 來源 (&S): &Private torrent 私有 torrent (&P) MakeProgressDialog New Torrent 新增 Torrent Creating "%1" 正在建立 "%1" Created "%1"! 已建立 "%1"! Couldn't create "%1": %2 (%3) 無法建立 "%1":%2 (%3) OptionsDialog Open Torrent 開啟 Torrent Open Torrent from File 從檔案開啟 Torrent Open Torrent from URL or Magnet Link 從 URL 或磁力連結開啟 Torrent &Source: 來源 (&S): &Destination folder: 目標資料夾 (&D): High Normal 正常 Low &Priority: 優先順序 (&P): S&tart when added 加入時開始 (&T) Mo&ve .torrent file to the trash 移動 .torrent 檔案到垃圾桶 (&V) Torrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*) Torrent 檔案 (*.torrent);;所有檔案類型 (*.*) Select Destination 選擇目標資料夾 PathButton (None) (無) Select Folder 選擇資料夾 Select File 選擇檔案 PrefsDialog Use &authentication 使用驗證 (&A) &Username: 使用者名稱 (&U): Pass&word: 密碼 (&W): &Open web client 開啟網頁用戶端 (&O) Addresses: 位址: Speed Limits 速度限制 <small>Override normal speed limits manually or at scheduled times</small> <small>手動或定時覆蓋正常速度限制。</small> &Scheduled times: 預定時段 (&S): &On days: 天數 (&O): Every Day 每天 Weekdays 週間 Weekends 週末 Sunday 週日 Monday 週一 Tuesday 週二 Wednesday 週三 Thursday 週四 Friday 週五 Saturday 週六 Port is <b>open</b> 連接埠 <b>已開啟</b> Port is <b>closed</b> 連接埠 <b>已關閉</b> Testing TCP Port… 正在測試 TCP 連接埠… %1 minute(s) Spin box format, "Stop seeding if idle for: [ 5 minutes ]" %1 minute(s) ago Spin box format, "Download is inactive if data sharing stopped: [ 5 minutes ago ]" Select "Torrent Done Downloading" Script 選擇 "Torrent 下載完成" 腳本 Incoming Peers 傳入的節點 Status unknown 未知的狀態 &Port for incoming connections: 傳入的連接埠 (&P): Use UPnP or NAT-PMP port &forwarding from my router 從我的路由器使用 UPnP 或 NAT-PMP 連接埠轉送 (&F) Options 選項 Select "Torrent Done Seeding" Script 選擇 "Torrent 做種完成" 腳本 Automatically add .torrent files &from: 自動從以下位置加入 .torrent 檔案 (&F): Show the Torrent Options &dialog 顯示 Torrent 選項對話方塊 (&D) &Start added torrents 開始已加入的 torrents (&S) Mo&ve the .torrent file to the trash 移動 .torrent 檔案到垃圾桶 (&V) Download Queue 下載排程 Ma&ximum active downloads: 最大活躍下載數 (&X): Incomplete 未完成 Seeding 正在做種 Remote 遠端 <i>Blocklist contains %Ln rule(s)</i> <i>黑名單包含 %Ln 個規則</i> Pick a &random port every time Transmission is started 每次啟動 Transmission 時隨機選擇一個連接埠 (&R) Limits 限制 Maximum peers per &torrent: 每個 torrent 的最大連線節點數量 (&T): Maximum peers &overall: 總計最大連線節點數量 (&O): Blocklist 黑名單 Enable &automatic updates 啟用自動更新 (&A) Allow encryption 允許加密 Prefer encryption 偏好加密 Require encryption 要求加密 Privacy 隱私權 &to 到 (&T) Desktop 桌面 Show Transmission icon in the &notification area 在通知區域顯示 Transmission 圖示 (&N) Te&st Port 測試連接埠 (&S) Enable &blocklist: 啟用黑名單 (&B): &Update 更新 (&U) &Encryption mode: 加密模式 (&E): Remote Control 遠端控制 Allow &remote access 允許遠端存取 (&R) HTTP &port: HTTP 連接埠 (&P): Only allow these IP a&ddresses: 僅允許以下 IP 位址 (&D): &Upload: 上傳 (&U): &Download: 下載 (&D): Alternative Speed Limits 替代速度限制 U&pload: 上傳 (&U): Do&wnload: 下載 (&W): Reads user clipboard content for torrents 從使用者的剪貼簿讀取 torrents Detect new torrents from clipboard 從剪貼簿偵測新的 torrents Call scrip&t when downloading is completed: 下載完成時呼叫腳本 (&T): Call scrip&t when seeding is completed: 做種完成時呼叫腳本 (&T): µTP is a tool for reducing network congestion. µTP 是一個減少網路擁塞的工具。 Enable µ&TP for peer connections 為節點連線啟用 µTP (&T) Default Public Trackers 預設公開追蹤器 <html><head/><body><p>Trackers to use on all public torrents.</p><p><br/></p><p>To add a backup URL, add it on the next line after a primary URL.</p><p>To add a new primary URL, add it after a blank line.</p><p><br/></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>用於所有公開 torrents 的追蹤器。</p><p><br/></p><p>若要加入備用 URL,請填寫於主要 URL 的下一行。</p><p>若要加入其他主要 URL,請空一行再填寫。</p><p><br/></p></body></html> Start &minimized in notification area 啟動時最小化到通知區域 (&M) Notification 通知 Show a notification when torrents are a&dded 當 Torrents 加入時顯示通知 (&D) Show a notification when torrents &finish 當 Torrents 完成時顯示通知 (&F) Play a &sound when torrents finish 當 Torrent 完成時播放音效 (&S) Peer Limits 節點限制 Use PE&X to find more peers 使用 PEX 以尋找更多節點 (&X) PEX is a tool for exchanging peer lists with the peers you're connected to. PEX 是一項和您連線的節點交換節點清單的工具。 Use &DHT to find more peers 使用 DHT 以尋找更多節點 (&D) DHT is a tool for finding peers without a tracker. DHT 是一項不需要追蹤器也能尋找節點的工具。 Use &Local Peer Discovery to find more peers 使用本機節點探索以尋找更多節點 (&L) LPD is a tool for finding peers on your local network. LPD 是一項在您的區域網路上尋找節點的工具。 Encryption 加密 Select Incomplete Directory 選擇尚未完成的資料夾 Select Watch Directory 選擇監看資料夾 <b>Update succeeded!</b><p>Blocklist now has %Ln rule(s).</p> <b>更新成功!</b><p>黑名單上現在有 %Ln 個規則。</p> <b>Update Blocklist</b><p>Getting new blocklist…</p> <b>更新黑名單</b><p>正在取得新的黑名單…</p> Select Destination 選擇目標資料夾 Adding 正在加入 Download is i&nactive if data sharing stopped: Please keep this phrase as short as possible, it's currently the longest and influences dialog width 當停止資料分享時暫停下載 (&N): Downloading 正在下載 Append ".&part" to incomplete files' names 為尚未完成的檔案加上 ".&part" 副檔名 Keep &incomplete files in: 保存尚未完成的檔案於 (&I): Save to &Location: 儲存到以下位置 (&L): Stop seeding at &ratio: 達到分享率時停止做種 (&R): Stop seedi&ng if idle for: 閒置超過時間時停止做種 (&N): Transmission Preferences Transmission 偏好設定 Speed 速度 Network 網路 Not supported by remote sessions 不支援遠端連線 QObject Invalid option 無效的選項 Start Now 立即開始 RelocateDialog Select Location 選擇位置 Set Torrent Location 設定 Torrent 位置 Set Location 設定位置 New &location: 新位置 (&L): &Move from the current folder 從目前的資料夾移動 (&M) Local data is &already there 本機資料已存在 (&A) Session Error Renaming Path 無法重新命名路徑 <p><b>Unable to rename "%1" as "%2": %3.</b></p><p>Please correct the errors and try again.</p> <p><b>無法重新命名 "%1" 為 "%2":%3。</b></p><p>請修正錯誤後再試一次。</p> Error Adding Torrent 無法加入 Torrent %1 (copy of %2) %1 (%2 的副本) Duplicate Torrent(s) 重複的 torrents Unable to add %n duplicate torrent(s) 無法加入 %n 個重複的 torrents SessionDialog Change Session 變更工作階段 Source 來源 Start &Local Session 啟動本機工作階段 (&L) Connect to &Remote Session 連線到遠端工作階段 (&R) &Host: 主機 (&H): &Port: 連接埠 (&P): &Authentication required 需要認證 (&A) &Username: 使用者名稱 (&U): Pass&word: 密碼 (&W): Speed %1 %2 StatsDialog Statistics 統計資料 Current Session 目前的工作階段 Uploaded: 已上傳: Downloaded: 已下載: Ratio: 分享率: Duration: 持續時間: Total Started %Ln time(s) 已啟動 %Ln 次 Torrent Verifying local data 正在驗證本機資料 Downloading 正在下載 Seeding 正在做種 Finished 已完成 Paused 已暫停 Queued for verification 已排程驗證 Queued for download 已排程下載 Queued for seeding 已排程做種 Tracker gave a warning: %1 追蹤器出現警告:%1 Tracker gave an error: %1 追蹤器出現錯誤:%1 Error: %1 錯誤: %1 TorrentDelegate Magnetized transfer - retrieving metadata (%1%) First part of torrent progress string, %1 is the percentage of torrent metadata downloaded 磁力連結傳輸 - 正在擷取後設資料 (%1%) %1 of %2 (%3%) First part of torrent progress string, %1 is how much we've got, %2 is how much we'll have when done, %3 is a percentage of the two %1 之 %2 (%3%) %1 of %2 (%3%), uploaded %4 (Ratio: %5 Goal: %6) First part of torrent progress string, %1 is how much we've got, %2 is the torrent's total size, %3 is a percentage of the two, %4 is how much we've uploaded, %5 is our upload-to-download ratio, %6 is the ratio we want to reach before we stop uploading 已下載 %2 中的 %1 (%3%),已上傳 %4 (分享率:%5 目標:%6) %1 of %2 (%3%), uploaded %4 (Ratio: %5) First part of torrent progress string, %1 is how much we've got, %2 is the torrent's total size, %3 is a percentage of the two, %4 is how much we've uploaded, %5 is our upload-to-download ratio 已下載 %2 中的 %1 (%3%),已上傳 %4 (分享率:%5) %1, uploaded %2 (Ratio: %3 Goal: %4) First part of torrent progress string, %1 is the torrent's total size, %2 is how much we've uploaded, %3 is our upload-to-download ratio, %4 is the ratio we want to reach before we stop uploading 已下載 %1,已上傳 %2 (分享率:%3 目標:%4) %1, uploaded %2 (Ratio: %3) First part of torrent progress string, %1 is the torrent's total size, %2 is how much we've uploaded, %3 is our upload-to-download ratio 已下載 %1,已上傳 %2 (分享率:%3) - %1 left Second (optional) part of torrent progress string, %1 is duration, notice that leading space (before the dash) is included here - %1 剩餘 - Remaining time unknown Second (optional) part of torrent progress string, notice that leading space (before the dash) is included here - 剩餘時間未知 Ratio: %1 分享率:%1 %1 left Remaining time unknown Downloading from %Ln peer(s) First part of phrase "Downloading from ... peer(s) and ... web seed(s)" 正在從 %Ln 個節點下載 Seeding to %Ln peer(s) 正在為 %Ln 個節點做種 - - Downloading metadata from %Ln peer(s) (%1% done) 正在從 %Ln 個節點下載後設資料 (已完成 %1%) Downloading from %1 of %Ln connected peer(s) First part of phrase "Downloading from ... of ... connected peer(s) and ... web seed(s)" 正在從 %Ln 中的 %1 個已連線的節點下載 and %Ln web seed(s) Second (optional) part of phrase "Downloading from ... of ... connected peer(s) and ... web seed(s)", notice that leading space (before "and") is included here 及 %Ln 個網路種子 Seeding to %1 of %Ln connected peer(s) 正在為 %Ln 中的 %1 個已連線的節點做種 Verifying local data (%1% tested) 正在驗證本機資料 (已測試 %1%) TrackerDelegate Got a list of%1 %Ln peer(s)%2 %3 ago %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration 已在 %3 之前取得%1%Ln 個節點%2的清單 Peer list request %1timed out%2 %3 ago; will retry %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration 在 %3 之前請求節點清單%1逾時%2,正在重試。 Got an error %1"%2"%3 %4 ago %1 and %3 are replaced with HTML markup, %2 is error message, %4 is duration 在 %4 之前發生錯誤 %1"%2"%3 No updates scheduled 沒有排定的上傳 Asking for more peers in %1 %1 is duration 將於 %1 內請求更多節點 Queued to ask for more peers 已排程請求更多節點 Asking for peer counts now… <small>%1</small> %1 is duration 正在請求節點數量… <small>%1</small> Tracker had%1 %Ln seeder(s)%2 First part of phrase "Tracker had ... seeder(s) and ... leecher(s) ... ago", %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup 追蹤器有%1 %Ln 個做種者%2 and%1 %Ln leecher(s)%2 %3 ago Second part of phrase "Tracker had ... seeder(s) and ... leecher(s) ... ago", %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration; notice that leading space (before "and") is included here 且在 %3 前有%1 %Ln 個下載者%2 Tracker had %1no information%2 on peer counts %3 ago %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration 於 %3 之前,追蹤器%1沒有關於節點數量的資訊%2 Got a scrape error %1"%2"%3 %4 ago %1 and %3 are replaced with HTML markup, %2 is error message, %4 is duration 在 %4 之前發生擷取錯誤 %1"%2"%3 Asking for more peers now… <small>%1</small> %1 is duration 正在請求更多節點… <small>%1</small> Asking for peer counts in %1 %1 is duration 將於 %1 內請求節點數量 Queued to ask for peer counts 已排程請求節點數量 TrackersDialog Edit Trackers 編輯追蹤器 Tracker Announce URLs 追蹤器宣告 URL To add a new primary URL, add it after a blank line. 若要加入其他主要 URL,請空一行再填寫。 <html><head/><body><p>To add a backup URL, add it on the next line after a primary URL.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>若要加入備用 URL,請填寫於主要 URL 的下一行。</p></body></html> Also see Default Public Trackers in Edit > Preferences > Network 另請參閱 編輯 > 偏好設定 > 網路 中的預設公開追蹤器