// This file Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include "transmission.h" #include "error.h" #include "file.h" #include "platform.h" #include "subprocess.h" #include "gtest/internal/gtest-port.h" // GetArgvs() #include "test-fixtures.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #define setenv(key, value, unused) SetEnvironmentVariableA(key, value) #endif namespace libtransmission { namespace test { std::string getTestProgramPath(std::string const& filename) { auto const exe_path = tr_sys_path_resolve(testing::internal::GetArgvs().front().data()); auto const exe_dir = tr_sys_path_dirname(exe_path); return std::string{ exe_dir } + TR_PATH_DELIMITER + filename; } class SubprocessTest : public ::testing::Test , public testing::WithParamInterface { protected: Sandbox sandbox_; [[nodiscard]] std::string buildSandboxPath(std::string const& filename) const { auto path = sandbox_.path(); path += TR_PATH_DELIMITER; path += filename; tr_sys_path_native_separators(&path.front()); return path; } [[nodiscard]] static std::string nativeCwd() { auto path = tr_sys_dir_get_current(); tr_sys_path_native_separators(path.data()); return path; } std::string const arg_dump_args_{ "--dump-args" }; std::string const arg_dump_env_{ "--dump-env" }; std::string const arg_dump_cwd_{ "--dump-cwd" }; std::string self_path_; static void waitForFileToExist(std::string const& path) { auto const test = [path]() { return tr_sys_path_exists(path.data()); }; EXPECT_TRUE(waitFor(test, 30000)); } void SetUp() override { self_path_ = GetParam(); } }; TEST_P(SubprocessTest, SpawnAsyncMissingExec) { auto const missing_exe_path = std::string{ TR_IF_WIN32("C:\\", "/") "tr-missing-test-exe" TR_IF_WIN32(".exe", "") }; auto args = std::array{ missing_exe_path.data(), nullptr }; tr_error* error = nullptr; auto const ret = tr_spawn_async(std::data(args), {}, {}, &error); EXPECT_FALSE(ret); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, error); EXPECT_NE(0, error->code); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, error->message); tr_error_clear(&error); } TEST_P(SubprocessTest, SpawnAsyncArgs) { auto const result_path = buildSandboxPath("result.txt"); bool const allow_batch_metachars = TR_IF_WIN32(false, true) || !tr_str_has_suffix(self_path_.c_str(), ".cmd"); auto const test_arg1 = std::string{ "arg1 " }; auto const test_arg2 = std::string{ " arg2" }; auto const test_arg3 = std::string{}; auto const test_arg4 = std::string{ "\"arg3'^! $PATH %PATH% \\" }; auto const args = std::array{ self_path_.c_str(), result_path.data(), arg_dump_args_.data(), test_arg1.data(), test_arg2.data(), test_arg3.data(), allow_batch_metachars ? test_arg4.data() : nullptr, nullptr }; tr_error* error = nullptr; bool const ret = tr_spawn_async(std::data(args), {}, {}, &error); EXPECT_TRUE(ret) << args[0] << ' ' << args[1]; EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, error) << *error; waitForFileToExist(result_path); auto fd = tr_sys_file_open(result_path.data(), TR_SYS_FILE_READ, 0); // NOLINT EXPECT_NE(TR_BAD_SYS_FILE, fd); auto buffer = std::array{}; buffer[0] = '\0'; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); buffer.back() = '\0'; EXPECT_EQ(test_arg1, buffer.data()); buffer[0] = '\0'; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); buffer.back() = '\0'; EXPECT_EQ(test_arg2, buffer.data()); buffer[0] = '\0'; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); buffer.back() = '\0'; EXPECT_EQ(test_arg3, buffer.data()); if (allow_batch_metachars) { buffer[0] = '\0'; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); buffer.back() = '\0'; EXPECT_EQ(test_arg4, buffer.data()); } EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); buffer.back() = '\0'; tr_sys_file_close(fd); } TEST_P(SubprocessTest, SpawnAsyncEnv) { auto const result_path = buildSandboxPath("result.txt"); auto const test_env_key1 = std::string{ "VAR1" }; auto const test_env_key2 = std::string{ "_VAR_2_" }; auto const test_env_key3 = std::string{ "vAr#" }; auto const test_env_key4 = std::string{ "FOO" }; auto const test_env_key5 = std::string{ "ZOO" }; auto const test_env_key6 = std::string{ "TR_MISSING_TEST_ENV_KEY" }; auto const test_env_value1 = std::string{ "value1 " }; auto const test_env_value2 = std::string{ " value2" }; auto const test_env_value3 = std::string{ " \"value3'^! $PATH %PATH% " }; auto const test_env_value4 = std::string{ "bar" }; auto const test_env_value5 = std::string{ "jar" }; auto args = std::array{ self_path_.c_str(), // result_path.data(), // arg_dump_env_.data(), // test_env_key1.data(), // test_env_key2.data(), // test_env_key3.data(), // test_env_key4.data(), // test_env_key5.data(), // test_env_key6.data(), // nullptr, // }; auto const env = std::map{ { test_env_key1, test_env_value1 }, { test_env_key2, test_env_value2 }, { test_env_key3, test_env_value3 }, { test_env_key5, test_env_value5 }, }; setenv("FOO", "bar", 1 /*true*/); // inherited setenv("ZOO", "tar", 1 /*true*/); // overridden tr_error* error = nullptr; bool const ret = tr_spawn_async(std::data(args), env, {}, &error); EXPECT_TRUE(ret); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, error) << *error; waitForFileToExist(result_path); auto fd = tr_sys_file_open(result_path.data(), TR_SYS_FILE_READ, 0); // NOLINT EXPECT_NE(TR_BAD_SYS_FILE, fd); auto buffer = std::array{}; buffer[0] = '\0'; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); EXPECT_EQ(test_env_value1, buffer.data()); buffer[0] = '\0'; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); EXPECT_EQ(test_env_value2, buffer.data()); buffer[0] = '\0'; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); EXPECT_EQ(test_env_value3, buffer.data()); buffer[0] = '\0'; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); EXPECT_EQ(test_env_value4, buffer.data()); buffer[0] = '\0'; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); EXPECT_EQ(test_env_value5, buffer.data()); buffer[0] = '\0'; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); EXPECT_STREQ("", buffer.data()); EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); tr_sys_file_close(fd); } TEST_P(SubprocessTest, SpawnAsyncCwdExplicit) { auto const test_dir = sandbox_.path(); auto const result_path = buildSandboxPath("result.txt"); auto const args = std::array{ self_path_.c_str(), result_path.data(), arg_dump_cwd_.data(), nullptr }; tr_error* error = nullptr; bool const ret = tr_spawn_async(std::data(args), {}, test_dir, &error); EXPECT_TRUE(ret); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, error) << *error; waitForFileToExist(result_path); auto fd = tr_sys_file_open(result_path.data(), TR_SYS_FILE_READ, 0); // NOLINT EXPECT_NE(TR_BAD_SYS_FILE, fd); auto buffer = std::array{}; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); EXPECT_EQ( makeString(tr_sys_path_native_separators(tr_strdup(test_dir.c_str()))), tr_sys_path_native_separators(&buffer.front())); EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); tr_sys_file_close(fd); } TEST_P(SubprocessTest, SpawnAsyncCwdInherit) { auto const result_path = buildSandboxPath("result.txt"); auto const expected_cwd = nativeCwd(); auto const args = std::array{ self_path_.c_str(), result_path.data(), arg_dump_cwd_.data(), nullptr }; tr_error* error = nullptr; auto const ret = tr_spawn_async(std::data(args), {}, {}, &error); EXPECT_TRUE(ret); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, error) << *error; waitForFileToExist(result_path); auto fd = tr_sys_file_open(result_path.data(), TR_SYS_FILE_READ, 0); // NOLINT EXPECT_NE(TR_BAD_SYS_FILE, fd); auto buffer = std::array{}; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); EXPECT_EQ(expected_cwd, tr_sys_path_native_separators(&buffer.front())); EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size())); tr_sys_file_close(fd); } TEST_P(SubprocessTest, SpawnAsyncCwdMissing) { auto const result_path = buildSandboxPath("result.txt"); auto const args = std::array{ self_path_.c_str(), result_path.data(), arg_dump_cwd_.data(), nullptr }; tr_error* error = nullptr; auto const ret = tr_spawn_async(std::data(args), {}, TR_IF_WIN32("C:\\", "/") "tr-missing-test-work-dir", &error); EXPECT_FALSE(ret); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, error); EXPECT_NE(0, error->code); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, error->message); tr_error_clear(&error); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P( Subprocess, SubprocessTest, TR_IF_WIN32( ::testing::Values( // getTestProgramPath("subprocess-test.exe"), getTestProgramPath("subprocess-test.cmd")), ::testing::Values( // getTestProgramPath("subprocess-test")))); } // namespace test } // namespace libtransmission