/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include /* pow() */ #include /* strcmp, strlen */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* tr_free */ #include "actions.h" #include "conf.h" #include "notify.h" #include "tr-core.h" #include "tr-prefs.h" #include "util.h" /*** **** ***/ enum { ADD_ERROR_SIGNAL, ADD_PROMPT_SIGNAL, BLOCKLIST_SIGNAL, BUSY_SIGNAL, PORT_SIGNAL, PREFS_SIGNAL, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; static void core_maybe_inhibit_hibernation( TrCore * core ); struct TrCorePrivate { GFileMonitor * monitor; gulong monitor_tag; GFile * monitor_dir; GSList * monitor_files; gulong monitor_idle_tag; gboolean adding_from_watch_dir; gboolean inhibit_allowed; gboolean have_inhibit_cookie; gboolean dbus_error; guint inhibit_cookie; gint busy_count; GtkTreeModel * raw_model; GtkTreeModel * sorted_model; tr_session * session; GStringChunk * string_chunk; }; static int core_is_disposed( const TrCore * core ) { return !core || !core->priv->sorted_model; } G_DEFINE_TYPE (TrCore, tr_core, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static void core_dispose( GObject * o ) { TrCore * core = TR_CORE( o ); if( core->priv->sorted_model != NULL ) { g_object_unref( core->priv->sorted_model ); core->priv->sorted_model = NULL; core->priv->raw_model = NULL; } G_OBJECT_CLASS( tr_core_parent_class )->dispose( o ); } static void core_finalize( GObject * o ) { TrCore * core = TR_CORE( o ); g_string_chunk_free( core->priv->string_chunk ); G_OBJECT_CLASS( tr_core_parent_class )->finalize( o ); } static void tr_core_class_init( TrCoreClass * core_class ) { GObjectClass * gobject_class; GType core_type = G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS( core_class ); g_type_class_add_private( core_class, sizeof( struct TrCorePrivate ) ); gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS( core_class ); gobject_class->dispose = core_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = core_finalize; signals[ADD_ERROR_SIGNAL] = g_signal_new( "add-error", core_type, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(TrCoreClass, add_error), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT_POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 2, G_TYPE_UINT, G_TYPE_POINTER ); signals[ADD_PROMPT_SIGNAL] = g_signal_new( "add-prompt", core_type, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(TrCoreClass, add_prompt), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER ); signals[BUSY_SIGNAL] = g_signal_new( "busy", core_type, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(TrCoreClass, busy), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN ); signals[BLOCKLIST_SIGNAL] = g_signal_new( "blocklist-updated", core_type, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(TrCoreClass, blocklist_updated), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_INT ); signals[PORT_SIGNAL] = g_signal_new( "port-tested", core_type, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(TrCoreClass, port_tested), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN ); signals[PREFS_SIGNAL] = g_signal_new( "prefs-changed", core_type, G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(TrCoreClass, prefs_changed), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING ); } static void tr_core_init( TrCore * core ) { GtkListStore * store; struct TrCorePrivate * p; /* column types for the model used to store torrent information */ /* keep this in sync with the enum near the bottom of tr_core.h */ GType types[] = { G_TYPE_POINTER, /* collated name */ G_TYPE_POINTER, /* tr_torrent* */ G_TYPE_INT, /* torrent id */ G_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* tr_stat.pieceUploadSpeed_KBps */ G_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* tr_stat.pieceDownloadSpeed_KBps */ G_TYPE_DOUBLE, /* tr_stat.recheckProgress */ G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* filter.c:ACTIVITY_FILTER_ACTIVE */ G_TYPE_INT, /* tr_stat.activity */ G_TYPE_UCHAR, /* tr_stat.finished */ G_TYPE_CHAR, /* tr_priority_t */ G_TYPE_INT, /* tr_stat.queuePosition */ G_TYPE_UINT, /* build_torrent_trackers_hash() */ G_TYPE_INT, /* MC_ERROR */ G_TYPE_INT }; /* MC_ACTIVE_PEER_COUNT */ p = core->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE( core, TR_CORE_TYPE, struct TrCorePrivate ); /* create the model used to store torrent data */ g_assert( G_N_ELEMENTS( types ) == MC_ROW_COUNT ); store = gtk_list_store_newv( MC_ROW_COUNT, types ); p->raw_model = GTK_TREE_MODEL( store ); p->sorted_model = gtk_tree_model_sort_new_with_model( p->raw_model ); p->string_chunk = g_string_chunk_new( 2048 ); g_object_unref( p->raw_model ); } /*** **** EMIT SIGNALS ***/ static inline void core_emit_blocklist_udpated( TrCore * core, int ruleCount ) { g_signal_emit( core, signals[BLOCKLIST_SIGNAL], 0, ruleCount ); } static inline void core_emit_port_tested( TrCore * core, gboolean is_open ) { g_signal_emit( core, signals[PORT_SIGNAL], 0, is_open ); } static inline void core_emit_err( TrCore * core, enum tr_core_err type, const char * msg ) { g_signal_emit( core, signals[ADD_ERROR_SIGNAL], 0, type, msg ); } static inline void core_emit_busy( TrCore * core, gboolean is_busy ) { g_signal_emit( core, signals[BUSY_SIGNAL], 0, is_busy ); } void gtr_core_pref_changed( TrCore * core, const char * key ) { g_signal_emit( core, signals[PREFS_SIGNAL], 0, key ); } /*** **** ***/ static GtkTreeModel * core_raw_model( TrCore * core ) { return core_is_disposed( core ) ? NULL : core->priv->raw_model; } GtkTreeModel * gtr_core_model( TrCore * core ) { return core_is_disposed( core ) ? NULL : core->priv->sorted_model; } tr_session * gtr_core_session( TrCore * core ) { return core_is_disposed( core ) ? NULL : core->priv->session; } /*** **** BUSY ***/ static bool core_is_busy( TrCore * core ) { return core->priv->busy_count > 0; } static void core_add_to_busy( TrCore * core, int addMe ) { const bool wasBusy = core_is_busy( core ); core->priv->busy_count += addMe; if( wasBusy != core_is_busy( core ) ) core_emit_busy( core, core_is_busy( core ) ); } static void core_inc_busy( TrCore * core ) { core_add_to_busy( core, 1 ); } static void core_dec_busy( TrCore * core ) { core_add_to_busy( core, -1 ); } /*** **** **** SORTING THE MODEL **** ***/ static gboolean is_valid_eta( int t ) { return ( t != TR_ETA_NOT_AVAIL ) && ( t != TR_ETA_UNKNOWN ); } static int compare_eta( int a, int b ) { const gboolean a_valid = is_valid_eta( a ); const gboolean b_valid = is_valid_eta( b ); if( !a_valid && !b_valid ) return 0; if( !a_valid ) return -1; if( !b_valid ) return 1; return a < b ? 1 : -1; } static int compare_double( double a, double b ) { if( a < b ) return -1; if( a > b ) return 1; return 0; } static int compare_uint64( uint64_t a, uint64_t b ) { if( a < b ) return -1; if( a > b ) return 1; return 0; } static int compare_int( int a, int b ) { if( a < b ) return -1; if( a > b ) return 1; return 0; } static int compare_ratio( double a, double b ) { if( (int)a == TR_RATIO_INF && (int)b == TR_RATIO_INF ) return 0; if( (int)a == TR_RATIO_INF ) return 1; if( (int)b == TR_RATIO_INF ) return -1; return compare_double( a, b ); } static int compare_time( time_t a, time_t b ) { if( a < b ) return -1; if( a > b ) return 1; return 0; } static int compare_by_name( GtkTreeModel * m, GtkTreeIter * a, GtkTreeIter * b, gpointer user_data UNUSED ) { const char *ca, *cb; gtk_tree_model_get( m, a, MC_NAME_COLLATED, &ca, -1 ); gtk_tree_model_get( m, b, MC_NAME_COLLATED, &cb, -1 ); return tr_strcmp0( ca, cb ); } static int compare_by_queue( GtkTreeModel * m, GtkTreeIter * a, GtkTreeIter * b, gpointer user_data UNUSED ) { tr_torrent *ta, *tb; const tr_stat *sa, *sb; gtk_tree_model_get( m, a, MC_TORRENT, &ta, -1 ); sa = tr_torrentStatCached( ta ); gtk_tree_model_get( m, b, MC_TORRENT, &tb, -1 ); sb = tr_torrentStatCached( tb ); return sb->queuePosition - sa->queuePosition; } static int compare_by_ratio( GtkTreeModel* m, GtkTreeIter * a, GtkTreeIter * b, gpointer user_data ) { int ret = 0; tr_torrent *ta, *tb; const tr_stat *sa, *sb; gtk_tree_model_get( m, a, MC_TORRENT, &ta, -1 ); sa = tr_torrentStatCached( ta ); gtk_tree_model_get( m, b, MC_TORRENT, &tb, -1 ); sb = tr_torrentStatCached( tb ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_ratio( sa->ratio, sb->ratio ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_by_queue( m, a, b, user_data ); return ret; } static int compare_by_activity( GtkTreeModel * m, GtkTreeIter * a, GtkTreeIter * b, gpointer user_data ) { int ret = 0; tr_torrent *ta, *tb; const tr_stat *sa, *sb; double aUp, aDown, bUp, bDown; gtk_tree_model_get( m, a, MC_SPEED_UP, &aUp, MC_SPEED_DOWN, &aDown, MC_TORRENT, &ta, -1 ); gtk_tree_model_get( m, b, MC_SPEED_UP, &bUp, MC_SPEED_DOWN, &bDown, MC_TORRENT, &tb, -1 ); sa = tr_torrentStatCached( ta ); sb = tr_torrentStatCached( tb ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_double( aUp+aDown, bUp+bDown ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_uint64( sa->uploadedEver, sb->uploadedEver ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_by_queue( m, a, b, user_data ); return ret; } static int compare_by_age( GtkTreeModel * m, GtkTreeIter * a, GtkTreeIter * b, gpointer u ) { int ret = 0; tr_torrent *ta, *tb; gtk_tree_model_get( m, a, MC_TORRENT, &ta, -1 ); gtk_tree_model_get( m, b, MC_TORRENT, &tb, -1 ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_time( tr_torrentStatCached( ta )->addedDate, tr_torrentStatCached( tb )->addedDate ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_by_name( m, a, b, u ); return ret; } static int compare_by_size( GtkTreeModel * m, GtkTreeIter * a, GtkTreeIter * b, gpointer u ) { int ret = 0; tr_torrent *t; const tr_info *ia, *ib; gtk_tree_model_get( m, a, MC_TORRENT, &t, -1 ); ia = tr_torrentInfo( t ); gtk_tree_model_get( m, b, MC_TORRENT, &t, -1 ); ib = tr_torrentInfo( t ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_uint64( ia->totalSize, ib->totalSize ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_by_name( m, a, b, u ); return ret; } static int compare_by_progress( GtkTreeModel * m, GtkTreeIter * a, GtkTreeIter * b, gpointer u ) { int ret = 0; tr_torrent * t; const tr_stat *sa, *sb; gtk_tree_model_get( m, a, MC_TORRENT, &t, -1 ); sa = tr_torrentStatCached( t ); gtk_tree_model_get( m, b, MC_TORRENT, &t, -1 ); sb = tr_torrentStatCached( t ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_double( sa->percentComplete, sb->percentComplete ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_double( sa->seedRatioPercentDone, sb->seedRatioPercentDone ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_by_ratio( m, a, b, u ); return ret; } static int compare_by_eta( GtkTreeModel * m, GtkTreeIter * a, GtkTreeIter * b, gpointer u ) { int ret = 0; tr_torrent *ta, *tb; gtk_tree_model_get( m, a, MC_TORRENT, &ta, -1 ); gtk_tree_model_get( m, b, MC_TORRENT, &tb, -1 ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_eta( tr_torrentStatCached( ta )->eta, tr_torrentStatCached( tb )->eta ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_by_name( m, a, b, u ); return ret; } static int compare_by_state( GtkTreeModel * m, GtkTreeIter * a, GtkTreeIter * b, gpointer u ) { int ret = 0; int sa, sb; tr_torrent *ta, *tb; gtk_tree_model_get( m, a, MC_ACTIVITY, &sa, MC_TORRENT, &ta, -1 ); gtk_tree_model_get( m, b, MC_ACTIVITY, &sb, MC_TORRENT, &tb, -1 ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_int( sa, sb ); if( !ret ) ret = compare_by_queue( m, a, b, u ); return ret; } static void core_set_sort_mode( TrCore * core, const char * mode, gboolean is_reversed ) { const int col = MC_TORRENT; GtkTreeIterCompareFunc sort_func; GtkSortType type = is_reversed ? GTK_SORT_ASCENDING : GTK_SORT_DESCENDING; GtkTreeSortable * sortable = GTK_TREE_SORTABLE( gtr_core_model( core ) ); if( !strcmp( mode, "sort-by-activity" ) ) sort_func = compare_by_activity; else if( !strcmp( mode, "sort-by-age" ) ) sort_func = compare_by_age; else if( !strcmp( mode, "sort-by-progress" ) ) sort_func = compare_by_progress; else if( !strcmp( mode, "sort-by-queue" ) ) sort_func = compare_by_queue; else if( !strcmp( mode, "sort-by-time-left" ) ) sort_func = compare_by_eta; else if( !strcmp( mode, "sort-by-ratio" ) ) sort_func = compare_by_ratio; else if( !strcmp( mode, "sort-by-state" ) ) sort_func = compare_by_state; else if( !strcmp( mode, "sort-by-size" ) ) sort_func = compare_by_size; else { sort_func = compare_by_name; type = is_reversed ? GTK_SORT_DESCENDING : GTK_SORT_ASCENDING; } gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func( sortable, col, sort_func, NULL, NULL ); gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id( sortable, col, type ); } /*** **** **** WATCHDIR **** ***/ static time_t get_file_mtime( GFile * file ) { time_t mtime; GFileInfo * info = g_file_query_info( file, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_MODIFIED, 0, NULL, NULL ); mtime = g_file_info_get_attribute_uint64( info, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TIME_MODIFIED ); g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( info ) ); return mtime; } static void rename_torrent_and_unref_file( GFile * file ) { GFileInfo * info = g_file_query_info( file, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_EDIT_NAME, 0, NULL, NULL ); const char * old_name = g_file_info_get_attribute_string( info, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_EDIT_NAME ); char * new_name = g_strdup_printf( "%s.added", old_name ); GFile * new_file = g_file_set_display_name( file, new_name, NULL, NULL ); g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( new_file ) ); g_free( new_name ); g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( info ) ); g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( file ) ); } static gboolean core_watchdir_idle( gpointer gcore ) { GSList * l; GSList * changing = NULL; GSList * unchanging = NULL; TrCore * core = TR_CORE( gcore ); const time_t now = tr_time( ); struct TrCorePrivate * p = core->priv; /* separate the files into two lists: changing and unchanging */ for( l=p->monitor_files; l!=NULL; l=l->next ) { GFile * file = l->data; const time_t mtime = get_file_mtime( file ); if( mtime + 2 >= now ) changing = g_slist_prepend( changing, file ); else unchanging = g_slist_prepend( unchanging, file ); } /* add the files that have stopped changing */ if( unchanging != NULL ) { const gboolean do_start = gtr_pref_flag_get( TR_PREFS_KEY_START ); const gboolean do_prompt = gtr_pref_flag_get( PREF_KEY_OPTIONS_PROMPT ); core->priv->adding_from_watch_dir = TRUE; gtr_core_add_files( core, unchanging, do_start, do_prompt, TRUE ); g_slist_foreach( unchanging, (GFunc)rename_torrent_and_unref_file, NULL ); g_slist_free( unchanging ); core->priv->adding_from_watch_dir = FALSE; } /* keep monitoring the ones that are still changing */ g_slist_free( p->monitor_files ); p->monitor_files = changing; /* if monitor_files is nonempty, keep checking every second */ if( core->priv->monitor_files ) return TRUE; core->priv->monitor_idle_tag = 0; return FALSE; } /* If this file is a torrent, add it to our list */ static void core_watchdir_monitor_file( TrCore * core, GFile * file ) { char * filename = g_file_get_path( file ); const gboolean is_torrent = g_str_has_suffix( filename, ".torrent" ); if( is_torrent ) { GSList * l; struct TrCorePrivate * p = core->priv; /* if we're not already watching this file, start watching it now */ for( l=p->monitor_files; l!=NULL; l=l->next ) if( g_file_equal( file, l->data ) ) break; if( l == NULL ) { g_object_ref( file ); p->monitor_files = g_slist_prepend( p->monitor_files, file ); if( p->monitor_idle_tag == 0 ) p->monitor_idle_tag = gdk_threads_add_timeout_seconds( 1, core_watchdir_idle, core ); } } g_free( filename ); } /* GFileMonitor noticed a file was created */ static void on_file_changed_in_watchdir( GFileMonitor * monitor UNUSED, GFile * file, GFile * other_type UNUSED, GFileMonitorEvent event_type, gpointer core ) { if( event_type == G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED ) core_watchdir_monitor_file( core, file ); } /* walk through the pre-existing files in the watchdir */ static void core_watchdir_scan( TrCore * core ) { const char * dirname = gtr_pref_string_get( PREF_KEY_DIR_WATCH ); GDir * dir = g_dir_open( dirname, 0, NULL ); if( dir != NULL ) { const char * name; while(( name = g_dir_read_name( dir ))) { char * filename = g_build_filename( dirname, name, NULL ); GFile * file = g_file_new_for_path( filename ); core_watchdir_monitor_file( core, file ); g_object_unref( file ); g_free( filename ); } g_dir_close( dir ); } } static void core_watchdir_update( TrCore * core ) { const gboolean is_enabled = gtr_pref_flag_get( PREF_KEY_DIR_WATCH_ENABLED ); GFile * dir = g_file_new_for_path( gtr_pref_string_get( PREF_KEY_DIR_WATCH ) ); struct TrCorePrivate * p = core->priv; if( p->monitor && ( !is_enabled || !g_file_equal( dir, p->monitor_dir ) ) ) { g_signal_handler_disconnect( p->monitor, p->monitor_tag ); g_file_monitor_cancel( p->monitor ); g_object_unref( p->monitor ); g_object_unref( p->monitor_dir ); p->monitor_dir = NULL; p->monitor = NULL; p->monitor_tag = 0; } if( is_enabled && !p->monitor ) { GFileMonitor * m = g_file_monitor_directory( dir, 0, NULL, NULL ); core_watchdir_scan( core ); g_object_ref( dir ); p->monitor = m; p->monitor_dir = dir; p->monitor_tag = g_signal_connect( m, "changed", G_CALLBACK( on_file_changed_in_watchdir ), core ); } g_object_unref( dir ); } /*** **** ***/ static void on_pref_changed( TrCore * core, const char * key, gpointer data UNUSED ) { if( !strcmp( key, PREF_KEY_SORT_MODE ) || !strcmp( key, PREF_KEY_SORT_REVERSED ) ) { const char * mode = gtr_pref_string_get( PREF_KEY_SORT_MODE ); gboolean is_reversed = gtr_pref_flag_get( PREF_KEY_SORT_REVERSED ); core_set_sort_mode( core, mode, is_reversed ); } else if( !strcmp( key, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_LIMIT_GLOBAL ) ) { tr_sessionSetPeerLimit( gtr_core_session( core ), gtr_pref_int_get( key ) ); } else if( !strcmp( key, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_LIMIT_TORRENT ) ) { tr_sessionSetPeerLimitPerTorrent( gtr_core_session( core ), gtr_pref_int_get( key ) ); } else if( !strcmp( key, PREF_KEY_INHIBIT_HIBERNATION ) ) { core_maybe_inhibit_hibernation( core ); } else if( !strcmp( key, PREF_KEY_DIR_WATCH ) || !strcmp( key, PREF_KEY_DIR_WATCH_ENABLED ) ) { core_watchdir_update( core ); } } /** *** **/ TrCore * gtr_core_new( tr_session * session ) { TrCore * core = TR_CORE( g_object_new( TR_CORE_TYPE, NULL ) ); core->priv->session = session; /* init from prefs & listen to pref changes */ on_pref_changed( core, PREF_KEY_SORT_MODE, NULL ); on_pref_changed( core, PREF_KEY_SORT_REVERSED, NULL ); on_pref_changed( core, PREF_KEY_DIR_WATCH_ENABLED, NULL ); on_pref_changed( core, TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_LIMIT_GLOBAL, NULL ); on_pref_changed( core, PREF_KEY_INHIBIT_HIBERNATION, NULL ); g_signal_connect( core, "prefs-changed", G_CALLBACK( on_pref_changed ), NULL ); return core; } void gtr_core_close( TrCore * core ) { tr_session * session = gtr_core_session( core ); if( session ) { core->priv->session = NULL; gtr_pref_save( session ); tr_sessionClose( session ); } } /*** **** COMPLETENESS CALLBACK ***/ struct notify_callback_data { TrCore * core; int torrent_id; }; static gboolean on_torrent_completeness_changed_idle( gpointer gdata ) { struct notify_callback_data * data = gdata; gtr_notify_torrent_completed( data->core, data->torrent_id ); g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( data->core ) ); g_free( data ); return FALSE; } /* this is called in the libtransmission thread, *NOT* the GTK+ thread, so delegate to the GTK+ thread before calling notify's dbus code... */ static void on_torrent_completeness_changed( tr_torrent * tor, tr_completeness completeness, bool was_running, void * gcore ) { if( was_running && ( completeness != TR_LEECH ) && ( tr_torrentStat( tor )->sizeWhenDone != 0 ) ) { struct notify_callback_data * data = g_new( struct notify_callback_data, 1 ); data->core = gcore; data->torrent_id = tr_torrentId( tor ); g_object_ref( G_OBJECT( data->core ) ); gdk_threads_add_idle( on_torrent_completeness_changed_idle, data ); } } /*** **** METADATA CALLBACK ***/ static const char* get_collated_name( TrCore * core, const tr_torrent * tor ) { char buf[2048]; const char * name = tr_torrentName( tor ); char * down = g_utf8_strdown( name ? name : "", -1 ); const tr_info * inf = tr_torrentInfo( tor ); g_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s\t%s", down, inf->hashString ); g_free( down ); return g_string_chunk_insert_const( core->priv->string_chunk, buf ); } struct metadata_callback_data { TrCore * core; int torrent_id; }; static gboolean find_row_from_torrent_id( GtkTreeModel * model, int id, GtkTreeIter * setme ) { GtkTreeIter iter; gboolean match = FALSE; if( gtk_tree_model_iter_children( model, &iter, NULL ) ) do { int row_id; gtk_tree_model_get( model, &iter, MC_TORRENT_ID, &row_id, -1 ); match = id == row_id; } while( !match && gtk_tree_model_iter_next( model, &iter ) ); if( match ) *setme = iter; return match; } static gboolean on_torrent_metadata_changed_idle( gpointer gdata ) { struct notify_callback_data * data = gdata; tr_session * session = gtr_core_session( data->core ); tr_torrent * tor = tr_torrentFindFromId( session, data->torrent_id ); /* update the torrent's collated name */ if( tor != NULL ) { GtkTreeIter iter; GtkTreeModel * model = core_raw_model( data->core ); if( find_row_from_torrent_id( model, data->torrent_id, &iter ) ) { const char * collated = get_collated_name( data->core, tor ); GtkListStore * store = GTK_LIST_STORE( model ); gtk_list_store_set( store, &iter, MC_NAME_COLLATED, collated, -1 ); } } /* cleanup */ g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( data->core ) ); g_free( data ); return FALSE; } /* this is called in the libtransmission thread, *NOT* the GTK+ thread, so delegate to the GTK+ thread before changing our list store... */ static void on_torrent_metadata_changed( tr_torrent * tor, void * gcore ) { struct notify_callback_data * data = g_new( struct notify_callback_data, 1 ); data->core = gcore; data->torrent_id = tr_torrentId( tor ); g_object_ref( G_OBJECT( data->core ) ); gdk_threads_add_idle( on_torrent_metadata_changed_idle, data ); } /*** **** **** ADDING TORRENTS **** ***/ static unsigned int build_torrent_trackers_hash( tr_torrent * tor ) { int i; const char * pch; uint64_t hash = 0; const tr_info * const inf = tr_torrentInfo( tor ); for( i=0; itrackerCount; ++i ) for( pch=inf->trackers[i].announce; *pch; ++pch ) hash = (hash<<4) ^ (hash>>28) ^ *pch; return hash; } static gboolean is_torrent_active( const tr_stat * st ) { return ( st->peersSendingToUs > 0 ) || ( st->peersGettingFromUs > 0 ) || ( st->activity == TR_STATUS_CHECK ); } void gtr_core_add_torrent( TrCore * core, tr_torrent * tor, gboolean do_notify ) { if( tor != NULL ) { GtkTreeIter unused; const tr_stat * st = tr_torrentStat( tor ); const char * collated = get_collated_name( core, tor ); const unsigned int trackers_hash = build_torrent_trackers_hash( tor ); GtkListStore * store = GTK_LIST_STORE( core_raw_model( core ) ); gtk_list_store_insert_with_values( store, &unused, 0, MC_NAME_COLLATED, collated, MC_TORRENT, tor, MC_TORRENT_ID, tr_torrentId( tor ), MC_SPEED_UP, st->pieceUploadSpeed_KBps, MC_SPEED_DOWN, st->pieceDownloadSpeed_KBps, MC_RECHECK_PROGRESS, st->recheckProgress, MC_ACTIVE, is_torrent_active( st ), MC_ACTIVITY, st->activity, MC_FINISHED, st->finished, MC_PRIORITY, tr_torrentGetPriority( tor ), MC_QUEUE_POSITION, st->queuePosition, MC_TRACKERS, trackers_hash, -1 ); if( do_notify ) gtr_notify_torrent_added( tr_torrentName( tor ) ); tr_torrentSetMetadataCallback( tor, on_torrent_metadata_changed, core ); tr_torrentSetCompletenessCallback( tor, on_torrent_completeness_changed, core ); } } static tr_torrent * core_create_new_torrent( TrCore * core, tr_ctor * ctor ) { int errcode = 0; tr_torrent * tor; bool do_trash = false; tr_session * session = gtr_core_session( core ); /* let the gtk client handle the removal, since libT * doesn't have any concept of the glib trash API */ tr_ctorGetDeleteSource( ctor, &do_trash ); tr_ctorSetDeleteSource( ctor, FALSE ); tor = tr_torrentNew( ctor, &errcode ); if( tor && do_trash ) { const char * config = tr_sessionGetConfigDir( session ); const char * source = tr_ctorGetSourceFile( ctor ); if( source != NULL ) { /* #1294: don't delete the .torrent file if it's our internal copy */ const int is_internal = ( strstr( source, config ) == source ); if( !is_internal ) gtr_file_trash_or_remove( source ); } } return tor; } static int core_add_ctor( TrCore * core, tr_ctor * ctor, gboolean do_prompt, gboolean do_notify ) { tr_info inf; int err = tr_torrentParse( ctor, &inf ); switch( err ) { case TR_PARSE_ERR: break; case TR_PARSE_DUPLICATE: /* don't complain about .torrent files in the watch directory * that have already been added... that gets annoying and we * don't want to be nagging users to clean up their watch dirs */ if( !tr_ctorGetSourceFile(ctor) || !core->priv->adding_from_watch_dir ) core_emit_err( core, err, inf.name ); tr_metainfoFree( &inf ); tr_ctorFree( ctor ); break; default: if( do_prompt ) g_signal_emit( core, signals[ADD_PROMPT_SIGNAL], 0, ctor ); else { gtr_core_add_torrent( core, core_create_new_torrent( core, ctor ), do_notify ); tr_ctorFree( ctor ); } tr_metainfoFree( &inf ); break; } return err; } static void core_apply_defaults( tr_ctor * ctor ) { if( tr_ctorGetPaused( ctor, TR_FORCE, NULL ) ) tr_ctorSetPaused( ctor, TR_FORCE, !gtr_pref_flag_get( TR_PREFS_KEY_START ) ); if( tr_ctorGetDeleteSource( ctor, NULL ) ) tr_ctorSetDeleteSource( ctor, gtr_pref_flag_get( TR_PREFS_KEY_TRASH_ORIGINAL ) ); if( tr_ctorGetPeerLimit( ctor, TR_FORCE, NULL ) ) tr_ctorSetPeerLimit( ctor, TR_FORCE, gtr_pref_int_get( TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_LIMIT_TORRENT ) ); if( tr_ctorGetDownloadDir( ctor, TR_FORCE, NULL ) ) tr_ctorSetDownloadDir( ctor, TR_FORCE, gtr_pref_string_get( TR_PREFS_KEY_DOWNLOAD_DIR ) ); } void gtr_core_add_ctor( TrCore * core, tr_ctor * ctor ) { const gboolean do_notify = FALSE; const gboolean do_prompt = gtr_pref_flag_get( PREF_KEY_OPTIONS_PROMPT ); core_apply_defaults( ctor ); core_add_ctor( core, ctor, do_prompt, do_notify ); } /*** **** ***/ struct add_from_url_data { TrCore * core; tr_ctor * ctor; bool do_prompt; bool do_notify; }; static void add_file_async_callback( GObject * file, GAsyncResult * result, gpointer gdata ) { gsize length; char * contents; GError * error = NULL; struct add_from_url_data * data = gdata; if( !g_file_load_contents_finish( G_FILE( file ), result, &contents, &length, NULL, &error ) ) { g_message( _( "Couldn't read \"%s\": %s" ), g_file_get_parse_name( G_FILE( file ) ), error->message ); g_error_free( error ); } else if( !tr_ctorSetMetainfo( data->ctor, (const uint8_t*)contents, length ) ) { core_add_ctor( data->core, data->ctor, data->do_prompt, data->do_notify ); } else { tr_ctorFree( data->ctor ); } core_dec_busy( data->core ); g_free( data ); } static bool add_file( TrCore * core, GFile * file, gboolean do_start, gboolean do_prompt, gboolean do_notify ) { bool handled = false; tr_session * session = gtr_core_session( core ); if( session != NULL ) { tr_ctor * ctor; bool tried = false; bool loaded = false; ctor = tr_ctorNew( session ); core_apply_defaults( ctor ); tr_ctorSetPaused( ctor, TR_FORCE, !do_start ); /* local files... */ if( !tried ) { char * str = g_file_get_path( file ); if(( tried = g_file_test( str, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS ))) loaded = !tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile( ctor, str ); g_free( str ); } /* magnet links... */ if( !tried && g_file_has_uri_scheme( file, "magnet" ) ) { /* GFile mangles the original string with /// so we have to un-mangle */ char * str = g_file_get_parse_name( file ); char * magnet = g_strdup_printf( "magnet:%s", strchr( str, '?' ) ); tried = true; loaded = !tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromMagnetLink( ctor, magnet ); g_free( magnet ); g_free( str ); } /* hashcodes that we can turn into magnet links... */ if( !tried ) { char * str = g_file_get_basename( file ); if( gtr_is_hex_hashcode( str ) ) { char * magnet = g_strdup_printf( "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:%s", str ); tried = true; loaded = !tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromMagnetLink( ctor, magnet ); g_free( magnet ); } g_free( str ); } /* if we were able to load the metainfo, add the torrent */ if( loaded ) { handled = true; core_add_ctor( core, ctor, do_prompt, do_notify ); } else if( g_file_has_uri_scheme( file, "http" ) || g_file_has_uri_scheme( file, "https" ) || g_file_has_uri_scheme( file, "ftp" ) ) { struct add_from_url_data * data; data = g_new0( struct add_from_url_data, 1 ); data->core = core; data->ctor = ctor; data->do_prompt = do_prompt; data->do_notify = do_notify; handled = true; core_inc_busy( core ); g_file_load_contents_async( file, NULL, add_file_async_callback, data ); } else { tr_ctorFree( ctor ); g_message( _( "Skipping unknown torrent \"%s\"" ), g_file_get_parse_name( file ) ); } } return handled; } bool gtr_core_add_from_url( TrCore * core, const char * uri ) { bool handled; const bool do_start = gtr_pref_flag_get( TR_PREFS_KEY_START ); const bool do_prompt = gtr_pref_flag_get( PREF_KEY_OPTIONS_PROMPT ); const bool do_notify = false; GFile * file = g_file_new_for_uri( uri ); handled = add_file( core, file, do_start, do_prompt, do_notify ); g_object_unref( file ); gtr_core_torrents_added( core ); return handled; } void gtr_core_add_files( TrCore * core, GSList * files, gboolean do_start, gboolean do_prompt, gboolean do_notify ) { GSList * l; for( l=files; l!=NULL; l=l->next ) add_file( core, l->data, do_start, do_prompt, do_notify ); gtr_core_torrents_added( core ); } void gtr_core_torrents_added( TrCore * self ) { gtr_core_update( self ); core_emit_err( self, TR_CORE_ERR_NO_MORE_TORRENTS, NULL ); } void gtr_core_remove_torrent( TrCore * core, int id, gboolean delete_local_data ) { tr_torrent * tor = gtr_core_find_torrent( core, id ); if( tor != NULL ) { /* remove from the gui */ GtkTreeIter iter; GtkTreeModel * model = core_raw_model( core ); if( find_row_from_torrent_id( model, id, &iter ) ) gtk_list_store_remove( GTK_LIST_STORE( model ), &iter ); /* remove the torrent */ tr_torrentRemove( tor, delete_local_data, gtr_file_trash_or_remove ); } } void gtr_core_load( TrCore * self, gboolean forcePaused ) { int i; tr_ctor * ctor; tr_torrent ** torrents; int count = 0; ctor = tr_ctorNew( gtr_core_session( self ) ); if( forcePaused ) tr_ctorSetPaused( ctor, TR_FORCE, TRUE ); tr_ctorSetPeerLimit( ctor, TR_FALLBACK, gtr_pref_int_get( TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_LIMIT_TORRENT ) ); torrents = tr_sessionLoadTorrents ( gtr_core_session( self ), ctor, &count ); for( i=0; i ib ) return 1; return 0; } static void update_foreach( GtkTreeModel * model, GtkTreeIter * iter ) { int oldActivity, newActivity; int oldActivePeerCount, newActivePeerCount; int oldError, newError; bool oldFinished, newFinished; int oldQueuePosition, newQueuePosition; tr_priority_t oldPriority, newPriority; unsigned int oldTrackers, newTrackers; double oldUpSpeed, newUpSpeed; double oldDownSpeed, newDownSpeed; double oldRecheckProgress, newRecheckProgress; gboolean oldActive, newActive; const tr_stat * st; tr_torrent * tor; /* get the old states */ gtk_tree_model_get( model, iter, MC_TORRENT, &tor, MC_ACTIVE, &oldActive, MC_ACTIVE_PEER_COUNT, &oldActivePeerCount, MC_ERROR, &oldError, MC_ACTIVITY, &oldActivity, MC_FINISHED, &oldFinished, MC_PRIORITY, &oldPriority, MC_QUEUE_POSITION, &oldQueuePosition, MC_TRACKERS, &oldTrackers, MC_SPEED_UP, &oldUpSpeed, MC_RECHECK_PROGRESS, &oldRecheckProgress, MC_SPEED_DOWN, &oldDownSpeed, -1 ); /* get the new states */ st = tr_torrentStat( tor ); newActive = is_torrent_active( st ); newActivity = st->activity; newFinished = st->finished; newPriority = tr_torrentGetPriority( tor ); newQueuePosition = st->queuePosition; newTrackers = build_torrent_trackers_hash( tor ); newUpSpeed = st->pieceUploadSpeed_KBps; newDownSpeed = st->pieceDownloadSpeed_KBps; newRecheckProgress = st->recheckProgress; newActivePeerCount = st->peersSendingToUs + st->peersGettingFromUs + st->webseedsSendingToUs; newError = st->error; /* updating the model triggers off resort/refresh, so don't do it unless something's actually changed... */ if( ( newActive != oldActive ) || ( newActivity != oldActivity ) || ( newFinished != oldFinished ) || ( newPriority != oldPriority ) || ( newQueuePosition != oldQueuePosition ) || ( newError != oldError ) || ( newActivePeerCount != oldActivePeerCount ) || ( newTrackers != oldTrackers ) || gtr_compare_double( newUpSpeed, oldUpSpeed, 2 ) || gtr_compare_double( newDownSpeed, oldDownSpeed, 2 ) || gtr_compare_double( newRecheckProgress, oldRecheckProgress, 2 ) ) { gtk_list_store_set( GTK_LIST_STORE( model ), iter, MC_ACTIVE, newActive, MC_ACTIVE_PEER_COUNT, newActivePeerCount, MC_ERROR, newError, MC_ACTIVITY, newActivity, MC_FINISHED, newFinished, MC_PRIORITY, newPriority, MC_QUEUE_POSITION, newQueuePosition, MC_TRACKERS, newTrackers, MC_SPEED_UP, newUpSpeed, MC_SPEED_DOWN, newDownSpeed, MC_RECHECK_PROGRESS, newRecheckProgress, -1 ); } } void gtr_core_update( TrCore * core ) { GtkTreeIter iter; GtkTreeModel * model; /* update the model */ model = core_raw_model( core ); if( gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child( model, &iter, NULL, 0 ) ) do update_foreach( model, &iter ); while( gtk_tree_model_iter_next( model, &iter ) ); /* update hibernation */ core_maybe_inhibit_hibernation( core ); } /** *** Hibernate **/ #define SESSION_MANAGER_SERVICE_NAME "org.gnome.SessionManager" #define SESSION_MANAGER_INTERFACE "org.gnome.SessionManager" #define SESSION_MANAGER_OBJECT_PATH "/org/gnome/SessionManager" static gboolean gtr_inhibit_hibernation( guint * cookie ) { gboolean success; GVariant * response; GDBusConnection * connection; GError * err = NULL; const char * application = "Transmission BitTorrent Client"; const char * reason = "BitTorrent Activity"; const int toplevel_xid = 0; const int flags = 4; /* Inhibit suspending the session or computer */ connection = g_bus_get_sync( G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, &err ); response = g_dbus_connection_call_sync( connection, SESSION_MANAGER_SERVICE_NAME, SESSION_MANAGER_OBJECT_PATH, SESSION_MANAGER_INTERFACE, "Inhibit", g_variant_new( "(susu)", application, toplevel_xid, reason, flags ), NULL, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, 1000, NULL, &err ); if( response != NULL ) *cookie = g_variant_get_uint32( g_variant_get_child_value( response, 0 ) ); success = ( response != NULL ) && ( err == NULL ); /* logging */ if( success ) tr_inf( "%s", _( "Inhibiting desktop hibernation" ) ); else { tr_err( _( "Couldn't inhibit desktop hibernation: %s" ), err->message ); g_error_free( err ); } /* cleanup */ if( response != NULL ) g_variant_unref( response ); if( connection != NULL ) g_object_unref( connection ); return success; } static void gtr_uninhibit_hibernation( guint inhibit_cookie ) { GVariant * response; GDBusConnection * connection; GError * err = NULL; connection = g_bus_get_sync( G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, &err ); response = g_dbus_connection_call_sync( connection, SESSION_MANAGER_SERVICE_NAME, SESSION_MANAGER_OBJECT_PATH, SESSION_MANAGER_INTERFACE, "Uninhibit", g_variant_new( "(u)", inhibit_cookie ), NULL, G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, 1000, NULL, &err ); /* logging */ if( err == NULL ) tr_inf( "%s", _( "Allowing desktop hibernation" ) ); else { g_warning( "Couldn't uninhibit desktop hibernation: %s.", err->message ); g_error_free( err ); } /* cleanup */ g_variant_unref( response ); g_object_unref( connection ); } static void gtr_core_set_hibernation_allowed( TrCore * core, gboolean allowed ) { g_return_if_fail( core ); g_return_if_fail( core->priv ); core->priv->inhibit_allowed = allowed != 0; if( allowed && core->priv->have_inhibit_cookie ) { gtr_uninhibit_hibernation( core->priv->inhibit_cookie ); core->priv->have_inhibit_cookie = FALSE; } if( !allowed && !core->priv->have_inhibit_cookie && !core->priv->dbus_error ) { if( gtr_inhibit_hibernation( &core->priv->inhibit_cookie ) ) core->priv->have_inhibit_cookie = TRUE; else core->priv->dbus_error = TRUE; } } static void core_maybe_inhibit_hibernation( TrCore * core ) { /* hibernation is allowed if EITHER * (a) the "inhibit" pref is turned off OR * (b) there aren't any active torrents */ const gboolean hibernation_allowed = !gtr_pref_flag_get( PREF_KEY_INHIBIT_HIBERNATION ) || !gtr_core_get_active_torrent_count( core ); gtr_core_set_hibernation_allowed( core, hibernation_allowed ); } /** *** Prefs **/ static void core_commit_prefs_change( TrCore * core, const char * key ) { gtr_core_pref_changed( core, key ); gtr_pref_save( gtr_core_session( core ) ); } void gtr_core_set_pref( TrCore * self, const char * key, const char * newval ) { if( tr_strcmp0( newval, gtr_pref_string_get( key ) ) ) { gtr_pref_string_set( key, newval ); core_commit_prefs_change( self, key ); } } void gtr_core_set_pref_bool( TrCore * self, const char * key, gboolean newval ) { if( newval != gtr_pref_flag_get( key ) ) { gtr_pref_flag_set( key, newval ); core_commit_prefs_change( self, key ); } } void gtr_core_set_pref_int( TrCore * self, const char * key, int newval ) { if( newval != gtr_pref_int_get( key ) ) { gtr_pref_int_set( key, newval ); core_commit_prefs_change( self, key ); } } void gtr_core_set_pref_double( TrCore * self, const char * key, double newval ) { if( gtr_compare_double( newval, gtr_pref_double_get( key ), 4 ) ) { gtr_pref_double_set( key, newval ); core_commit_prefs_change( self, key ); } } /*** **** **** RPC Interface **** ***/ /* #define DEBUG_RPC */ static int nextTag = 1; typedef void ( server_response_func )( TrCore * core, tr_benc * response, gpointer user_data ); struct pending_request_data { TrCore * core; server_response_func * response_func; gpointer response_func_user_data; }; static GHashTable * pendingRequests = NULL; static gboolean core_read_rpc_response_idle( void * vresponse ) { tr_benc top; int64_t intVal; struct evbuffer * response = vresponse; tr_jsonParse( NULL, evbuffer_pullup( response, -1 ), evbuffer_get_length( response ), &top, NULL ); if( tr_bencDictFindInt( &top, "tag", &intVal ) ) { const int tag = (int)intVal; struct pending_request_data * data = g_hash_table_lookup( pendingRequests, &tag ); if( data ) { if( data->response_func ) (*data->response_func)(data->core, &top, data->response_func_user_data ); g_hash_table_remove( pendingRequests, &tag ); } } tr_bencFree( &top ); evbuffer_free( response ); return FALSE; } static void core_read_rpc_response( tr_session * session UNUSED, struct evbuffer * response, void * unused UNUSED ) { struct evbuffer * buf = evbuffer_new( ); evbuffer_add_buffer( buf, response ); gdk_threads_add_idle( core_read_rpc_response_idle, buf ); } static void core_send_rpc_request( TrCore * core, const char * json, int tag, server_response_func * response_func, void * response_func_user_data ) { tr_session * session = gtr_core_session( core ); if( pendingRequests == NULL ) { pendingRequests = g_hash_table_new_full( g_int_hash, g_int_equal, g_free, g_free ); } if( session == NULL ) { g_error( "GTK+ client doesn't support connections to remote servers yet." ); } else { /* remember this request */ struct pending_request_data * data; data = g_new0( struct pending_request_data, 1 ); data->core = core; data->response_func = response_func; data->response_func_user_data = response_func_user_data; g_hash_table_insert( pendingRequests, g_memdup( &tag, sizeof( int ) ), data ); /* make the request */ #ifdef DEBUG_RPC g_message( "request: [%s]", json ); #endif tr_rpc_request_exec_json( session, json, strlen( json ), core_read_rpc_response, GINT_TO_POINTER(tag) ); } } /*** **** Sending a test-port request via RPC ***/ static void on_port_test_response( TrCore * core, tr_benc * response, gpointer u UNUSED ) { tr_benc * args; bool is_open = FALSE; if( tr_bencDictFindDict( response, "arguments", &args ) ) tr_bencDictFindBool( args, "port-is-open", &is_open ); core_emit_port_tested( core, is_open ); } void gtr_core_port_test( TrCore * core ) { char buf[64]; const int tag = nextTag++; g_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "{ \"method\": \"port-test\", \"tag\": %d }", tag ); core_send_rpc_request( core, buf, tag, on_port_test_response, NULL ); } /*** **** Updating a blocklist via RPC ***/ static void on_blocklist_response( TrCore * core, tr_benc * response, gpointer data UNUSED ) { tr_benc * args; int64_t ruleCount = -1; if( tr_bencDictFindDict( response, "arguments", &args ) ) tr_bencDictFindInt( args, "blocklist-size", &ruleCount ); if( ruleCount > 0 ) gtr_pref_int_set( "blocklist-date", tr_time( ) ); core_emit_blocklist_udpated( core, ruleCount ); } void gtr_core_blocklist_update( TrCore * core ) { char buf[64]; const int tag = nextTag++; g_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "{ \"method\": \"blocklist-update\", \"tag\": %d }", tag ); core_send_rpc_request( core, buf, tag, on_blocklist_response, NULL ); } /*** **** ***/ void gtr_core_exec_json( TrCore * core, const char * json ) { const int tag = nextTag++; core_send_rpc_request( core, json, tag, NULL, NULL ); } void gtr_core_exec( TrCore * core, const tr_benc * top ) { char * json = tr_bencToStr( top, TR_FMT_JSON_LEAN, NULL ); gtr_core_exec_json( core, json ); tr_free( json ); } /*** **** ***/ size_t gtr_core_get_torrent_count( TrCore * core ) { return gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children( core_raw_model( core ), NULL ); } size_t gtr_core_get_active_torrent_count( TrCore * core ) { GtkTreeIter iter; size_t activeCount = 0; GtkTreeModel * model = core_raw_model( core ); if( gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child( model, &iter, NULL, 0 ) ) do { int activity; gtk_tree_model_get( model, &iter, MC_ACTIVITY, &activity, -1 ); if( activity != TR_STATUS_STOPPED ) ++activeCount; } while( gtk_tree_model_iter_next( model, &iter ) ); return activeCount; } tr_torrent * gtr_core_find_torrent( TrCore * core, int id ) { tr_session * session; tr_torrent * tor = NULL; if(( session = gtr_core_session( core ))) tor = tr_torrentFindFromId( session, id ); return tor; } void gtr_core_open_folder( TrCore * core, int torrent_id ) { const tr_torrent * tor = gtr_core_find_torrent( core, torrent_id ); if( tor != NULL ) { const gboolean single = tr_torrentInfo( tor )->fileCount == 1; const char * currentDir = tr_torrentGetCurrentDir( tor ); if( single ) gtr_open_file( currentDir ); else { char * path = g_build_filename( currentDir, tr_torrentName( tor ), NULL ); gtr_open_file( path ); g_free( path ); } } }