/* * This file Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include #include /* strcmp() */ #include #include #include "transmission.h" #include "cache.h" #include "file.h" #include "resume.h" #include "trevent.h" #include "torrent.h" /* tr_isTorrent() */ #include "variant.h" #include "libtransmission-test.h" /*** **** ***/ static void zeroes_completeness_func(tr_torrent* torrent UNUSED, tr_completeness completeness, bool wasRunning UNUSED, void* user_data) { *(tr_completeness*)user_data = completeness; } #define check_file_location(tor, i, expected_path) \ do \ { \ char* path = tr_torrentFindFile(tor, i); \ char* expected = expected_path; \ check_streq(expected, path); \ tr_free(expected); \ tr_free(path); \ } \ while (0) struct test_incomplete_dir_data { tr_session* session; tr_torrent* tor; tr_block_index_t block; tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex; uint32_t offset; struct evbuffer* buf; bool done; }; static void test_incomplete_dir_threadfunc(void* vdata) { struct test_incomplete_dir_data* data = vdata; tr_cacheWriteBlock(data->session->cache, data->tor, 0, data->offset, data->tor->blockSize, data->buf); tr_torrentGotBlock(data->tor, data->block); data->done = true; } static int test_incomplete_dir_impl(char const* incomplete_dir, char const* download_dir) { tr_file_index_t file_index; tr_session* session; tr_torrent* tor; tr_completeness completeness; tr_completeness const completeness_unset = -1; time_t const deadline = time(NULL) + 300; tr_variant settings; /* init the session */ tr_variantInitDict(&settings, 3); tr_variantDictAddStr(&settings, TR_KEY_download_dir, download_dir); tr_variantDictAddStr(&settings, TR_KEY_incomplete_dir, incomplete_dir); tr_variantDictAddBool(&settings, TR_KEY_incomplete_dir_enabled, true); session = libttest_session_init(&settings); tr_variantFree(&settings); download_dir = tr_sessionGetDownloadDir(session); incomplete_dir = tr_sessionGetIncompleteDir(session); /* init an incomplete torrent. the test zero_torrent will be missing its first piece */ tor = libttest_zero_torrent_init(session); libttest_zero_torrent_populate(tor, false); check(tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone == tor->info.pieceSize); check_file_location(tor, 0, tr_strdup_printf("%s/%s.part", incomplete_dir, tor->info.files[0].name)); check_file_location(tor, 1, tr_buildPath(incomplete_dir, tor->info.files[1].name, NULL)); check_uint_eq(tor->info.pieceSize, tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone); completeness = completeness_unset; tr_torrentSetCompletenessCallback(tor, zeroes_completeness_func, &completeness); /* now finish writing it */ { tr_block_index_t block_index; tr_block_index_t first, last; char* zero_block = tr_new0(char, tor->blockSize); struct test_incomplete_dir_data data; data.session = session; data.tor = tor; data.pieceIndex = 0; data.buf = evbuffer_new(); tr_torGetPieceBlockRange(tor, data.pieceIndex, &first, &last); for (block_index = first; block_index <= last; ++block_index) { evbuffer_add(data.buf, zero_block, tor->blockSize); data.block = block_index; data.done = false; data.offset = data.block * tor->blockSize; tr_runInEventThread(session, test_incomplete_dir_threadfunc, &data); do { tr_wait_msec(50); } while (!data.done); } evbuffer_free(data.buf); tr_free(zero_block); } libttest_blockingTorrentVerify(tor); check_uint_eq(0, tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone); while (completeness == completeness_unset && time(NULL) <= deadline) { tr_wait_msec(50); } check_int_eq(TR_SEED, completeness); for (file_index = 0; file_index < tor->info.fileCount; ++file_index) { check_file_location(tor, file_index, tr_buildPath(download_dir, tor->info.files[file_index].name, NULL)); } /* cleanup */ tr_torrentRemove(tor, true, tr_sys_path_remove); libttest_session_close(session); return 0; } static int test_incomplete_dir(void) { int rv; /* test what happens when incompleteDir is a subdir of downloadDir*/ if ((rv = test_incomplete_dir_impl("Downloads/Incomplete", "Downloads")) != 0) { return rv; } /* test what happens when downloadDir is a subdir of incompleteDir */ if ((rv = test_incomplete_dir_impl("Downloads", "Downloads/Complete")) != 0) { return rv; } /* test what happens when downloadDir and incompleteDir are siblings */ if ((rv = test_incomplete_dir_impl("Incomplete", "Downloads")) != 0) { return rv; } return 0; } /*** **** ***/ static int test_set_location(void) { tr_file_index_t file_index; int state; char* target_dir; tr_torrent* tor; tr_session* session; time_t const deadline = time(NULL) + 300; /* init the session */ session = libttest_session_init(NULL); target_dir = tr_buildPath(tr_sessionGetConfigDir(session), "target", NULL); tr_sys_dir_create(target_dir, TR_SYS_DIR_CREATE_PARENTS, 0777, NULL); /* init a torrent. */ tor = libttest_zero_torrent_init(session); libttest_zero_torrent_populate(tor, true); libttest_blockingTorrentVerify(tor); check_uint_eq(0, tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone); /* now move it */ state = -1; tr_torrentSetLocation(tor, target_dir, true, NULL, &state); while ((state == TR_LOC_MOVING) && (time(NULL) <= deadline)) { tr_wait_msec(50); } check_int_eq(TR_LOC_DONE, state); /* confirm the torrent is still complete after being moved */ libttest_blockingTorrentVerify(tor); check_uint_eq(0, tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone); /* confirm the filest really got moved */ libttest_sync(); for (file_index = 0; file_index < tor->info.fileCount; ++file_index) { check_file_location(tor, file_index, tr_buildPath(target_dir, tor->info.files[file_index].name, NULL)); } /* cleanup */ tr_free(target_dir); tr_torrentRemove(tor, true, tr_sys_path_remove); libttest_session_close(session); return 0; } /*** **** ***/ int main(void) { testFunc const tests[] = { test_incomplete_dir, test_set_location }; return runTests(tests, NUM_TESTS(tests)); }