/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2005 Eric Petit * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include "PrefsController.h" @interface PrefsController (Private) - (void) folderSheetShow: (id) sender; - (void) folderSheetClosed: (NSOpenPanel *) s returnCode: (int) code contextInfo: (void *) info; - (void) loadSettings; - (void) saveSettings; - (void) updatePopUp; @end @implementation PrefsController /*********************************************************************** * setHandle *********************************************************************** * **********************************************************************/ - (void) setHandle: (tr_handle_t *) handle { NSUserDefaults * defaults; NSDictionary * appDefaults; NSString * desktop, * port; fHandle = handle; /* Register defaults settings: - Simple bar - Always download to Desktop - Port TR_DEFAULT_PORT - 20 KB/s upload limit */ desktop = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingString: @"/Desktop"]; port = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", TR_DEFAULT_PORT]; defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; appDefaults = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"NO", @"UseAdvancedBar", @"Constant", @"DownloadChoice", desktop, @"DownloadFolder", port, @"BindPort", @"20", @"UploadLimit", NULL]; [defaults registerDefaults: appDefaults]; /* Apply settings */ tr_setBindPort( fHandle, [defaults integerForKey: @"BindPort"] ); tr_setUploadLimit( fHandle, [defaults integerForKey: @"UploadLimit"] ); } /*********************************************************************** * show *********************************************************************** * **********************************************************************/ - (void) show: (id) sender { NSRect mainFrame; NSRect prefsFrame; NSRect screenRect; NSPoint point; [self loadSettings]; /* Place the window */ mainFrame = [fWindow frame]; prefsFrame = [fPrefsWindow frame]; screenRect = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame]; point.x = mainFrame.origin.x + mainFrame.size.width / 2 - prefsFrame.size.width / 2; point.y = mainFrame.origin.y + mainFrame.size.height - 30; /* Make sure it is in the screen */ if( point.x < screenRect.origin.x ) { point.x = screenRect.origin.x; } if( point.x + prefsFrame.size.width > screenRect.origin.x + screenRect.size.width ) { point.x = screenRect.origin.x + screenRect.size.width - prefsFrame.size.width; } if( point.y - prefsFrame.size.height < screenRect.origin.y ) { point.y = screenRect.origin.y + prefsFrame.size.height; } [fPrefsWindow setFrameTopLeftPoint: point]; [fPrefsWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront: NULL]; } /*********************************************************************** * ratio *********************************************************************** * **********************************************************************/ - (void) ratio: (id) sender { [fFolderPopUp setEnabled: ![fFolderMatrix selectedRow]]; } /*********************************************************************** * check *********************************************************************** * **********************************************************************/ - (void) check: (id) sender { if( [fUploadCheck state] == NSOnState ) { [fUploadField setEnabled: YES]; } else { [fUploadField setEnabled: NO]; [fUploadField setStringValue: @""]; } } /*********************************************************************** * cancel *********************************************************************** * Discards changes and closes the Preferences window **********************************************************************/ - (void) cancel: (id) sender { [fDownloadFolder release]; [fPrefsWindow close]; } /*********************************************************************** * save *********************************************************************** * Checks the user-defined options. If they are correct, saves settings * and closes the Preferences window. Otherwise corrects them and leaves * the window open **********************************************************************/ - (void) save: (id) sender { int bindPort; int uploadLimit; /* Bind port */ bindPort = [fPortField intValue]; bindPort = MAX( 1, bindPort ); bindPort = MIN( bindPort, 65535 ); if( ![[fPortField stringValue] isEqualToString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", bindPort]] ) { [fPortField setIntValue: bindPort]; return; } /* Upload limit */ if( [fUploadCheck state] == NSOnState ) { uploadLimit = [fUploadField intValue]; uploadLimit = MAX( 0, uploadLimit ); if( ![[fUploadField stringValue] isEqualToString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", uploadLimit]] ) { [fUploadField setIntValue: uploadLimit]; return; } } [self saveSettings]; [self cancel: NULL]; } @end /* @implementation PrefsController */ @implementation PrefsController (Private) - (void) folderSheetShow: (id) sender { NSOpenPanel * panel; panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; [panel setPrompt: @"Select"]; [panel setAllowsMultipleSelection: NO]; [panel setCanChooseFiles: NO]; [panel setCanChooseDirectories: YES]; [panel beginSheetForDirectory: NULL file: NULL types: NULL modalForWindow: fPrefsWindow modalDelegate: self didEndSelector: @selector( folderSheetClosed:returnCode:contextInfo: ) contextInfo: NULL]; } - (void) folderSheetClosed: (NSOpenPanel *) s returnCode: (int) code contextInfo: (void *) info { [fFolderPopUp selectItemAtIndex: 0]; if( code != NSOKButton ) { return; } [fDownloadFolder release]; fDownloadFolder = [[s filenames] objectAtIndex: 0]; [fDownloadFolder retain]; [self updatePopUp]; } /*********************************************************************** * loadSettings *********************************************************************** * Update the interface with the current settings **********************************************************************/ - (void) loadSettings { NSUserDefaults * defaults; NSString * downloadChoice; int uploadLimit; /* Fill with current settings */ defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; /* Download folder selection */ downloadChoice = [defaults stringForKey: @"DownloadChoice"]; fDownloadFolder = [defaults stringForKey: @"DownloadFolder"]; [fDownloadFolder retain]; if( [downloadChoice isEqualToString: @"Constant"] ) { [fFolderMatrix selectCellAtRow: 0 column: 0]; } else if( [downloadChoice isEqualToString: @"Torrent"] ) { [fFolderMatrix selectCellAtRow: 1 column: 0]; } else { [fFolderMatrix selectCellAtRow: 2 column: 0]; } [self ratio: NULL]; [self updatePopUp]; [fPortField setIntValue: [defaults integerForKey: @"BindPort"]]; uploadLimit = [defaults integerForKey: @"UploadLimit"]; if( uploadLimit < 0 ) { [fUploadCheck setState: NSOffState]; } else { [fUploadCheck setState: NSOnState]; [fUploadField setIntValue: uploadLimit]; } [self check: NULL]; } /*********************************************************************** * saveSettings *********************************************************************** * **********************************************************************/ - (void) saveSettings { NSUserDefaults * defaults; int bindPort; int uploadLimit; defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; /* Download folder */ switch( [fFolderMatrix selectedRow] ) { case 0: [defaults setObject: @"Constant" forKey: @"DownloadChoice"]; break; case 1: [defaults setObject: @"Torrent" forKey: @"DownloadChoice"]; break; case 2: [defaults setObject: @"Ask" forKey: @"DownloadChoice"]; break; } [defaults setObject: fDownloadFolder forKey: @"DownloadFolder"]; /* Bind port */ bindPort = [fPortField intValue]; tr_setBindPort( fHandle, bindPort ); [defaults setObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", bindPort] forKey: @"BindPort"]; /* Upload limit */ if( [fUploadCheck state] == NSOnState ) { uploadLimit = [fUploadField intValue]; } else { uploadLimit = -1; } tr_setUploadLimit( fHandle, uploadLimit ); [defaults setObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", uploadLimit] forKey: @"UploadLimit"]; } /*********************************************************************** * updatePopUp *********************************************************************** * Uses fDownloadFolder to update the displayed folder name and icon **********************************************************************/ - (void) updatePopUp { NSMenuItem * menuItem; NSImage * image32, * image16; /* Set up the pop up */ [fFolderPopUp removeAllItems]; [fFolderPopUp addItemWithTitle: @""]; [[fFolderPopUp menu] addItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; [fFolderPopUp addItemWithTitle: @"Other..."]; menuItem = (NSMenuItem *) [fFolderPopUp lastItem]; [menuItem setTarget: self]; [menuItem setAction: @selector( folderSheetShow: )]; /* Get the icon for the folder */ image32 = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFile: fDownloadFolder]; image16 = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize: NSMakeSize(16,16)]; /* 32x32 -> 16x16 scaling */ [image16 lockFocus]; [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] setImageInterpolation: NSImageInterpolationHigh]; [image32 drawInRect: NSMakeRect(0,0,16,16) fromRect: NSMakeRect(0,0,32,32) operation: NSCompositeCopy fraction: 1.0]; [image16 unlockFocus]; /* Update the menu item */ menuItem = (NSMenuItem *) [fFolderPopUp itemAtIndex: 0]; [menuItem setTitle: [fDownloadFolder lastPathComponent]]; [menuItem setImage: image16]; [image16 release]; } @end /* @implementation PrefsController (Private) */