How do I manually recheck my files?

If Transmission crashes, you may want to manually recheck your files:

To do this:

  1. In Transmission, click on the magnifying glass next to the torrent in question.

    This should open a Finder window which displays all the files in your torrent.

  2. Select the torrent in Transmission and click "Remove".

    NB: make sure you keep a copy of the torrent file - you'll need it later!

  3. Open the Terminal. You can find it in /Applications/Utilities.
  4. Once inside the Terminal, type "touch " (including a space). Do not hit Enter yet.
  5. Drag any one of the files you are downloading into the Terminal window (from the Finder window you opened in step 1).

    The file path should automagically appear.

  6. Now hit "Enter" inside the terminal.
  7. Quit Terminal.
  8. Reload the torrent file in question into Transmission.

    Transmission should start rechecking your files!