/* * This file Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * * $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "app.h" #include "favicon.h" #include "filters.h" #include "filterbar.h" #include "hig.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "torrent-filter.h" #include "torrent-model.h" #include "utils.h" /**** ***** ***** DELEGATE ***** ****/ enum { TorrentCountRole = Qt::UserRole + 1, TorrentCountStringRole, ActivityRole, TrackerRole }; namespace { int getHSpacing (const QWidget * w) { return qMax (int (HIG::PAD_SMALL), w->style ()->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing, 0, w)); } QColor getFadedColor (const QColor& color) { QColor fadedColor (color); fadedColor.setAlpha (128); return fadedColor; } } FilterBarComboBoxDelegate::FilterBarComboBoxDelegate (QObject * parent, QComboBox * combo): QItemDelegate (parent), myCombo (combo) { } bool FilterBarComboBoxDelegate::isSeparator (const QModelIndex& index) { return index.data (Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole).toString () == QLatin1String ("separator"); } void FilterBarComboBoxDelegate::setSeparator (QAbstractItemModel * model, const QModelIndex& index) { model->setData (index, QString::fromLatin1 ("separator"), Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole); if (QStandardItemModel *m = qobject_cast (model)) if (QStandardItem *item = m->itemFromIndex (index)) item->setFlags (item->flags () & ~ (Qt::ItemIsSelectable|Qt::ItemIsEnabled)); } void FilterBarComboBoxDelegate::paint (QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const { if (isSeparator (index)) { QRect rect = option.rect; if (const QStyleOptionViewItemV3 *v3 = qstyleoption_cast (&option)) if (const QAbstractItemView *view = qobject_cast (v3->widget)) rect.setWidth (view->viewport ()->width ()); QStyleOption opt; opt.rect = rect; myCombo->style ()->drawPrimitive (QStyle::PE_IndicatorToolBarSeparator, &opt, painter, myCombo); } else { QStyleOptionViewItem disabledOption = option; const QPalette::ColorRole disabledColorRole = (disabledOption.state & QStyle::State_Selected) ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Text; disabledOption.palette.setColor (disabledColorRole, getFadedColor (disabledOption.palette.color (disabledColorRole))); QRect boundingBox = option.rect; const int hmargin = getHSpacing (myCombo); boundingBox.adjust (hmargin, 0, -hmargin, 0); QRect decorationRect = rect (option, index, Qt::DecorationRole); decorationRect.setSize (myCombo->iconSize ()); decorationRect = QStyle::alignedRect (option.direction, Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter, decorationRect.size (), boundingBox); Utils::narrowRect (boundingBox, decorationRect.width () + hmargin, 0, option.direction); QRect countRect = rect (option, index, TorrentCountStringRole); countRect = QStyle::alignedRect (option.direction, Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter, countRect.size (), boundingBox); Utils::narrowRect (boundingBox, 0, countRect.width () + hmargin, option.direction); const QRect displayRect = boundingBox; drawBackground (painter, option, index); QStyleOptionViewItem option2 = option; option2.decorationSize = myCombo->iconSize (); drawDecoration (painter, option, decorationRect, decoration (option2,index.data (Qt::DecorationRole))); drawDisplay (painter, option, displayRect, index.data (Qt::DisplayRole).toString ()); drawDisplay (painter, disabledOption, countRect, index.data (TorrentCountStringRole).toString ()); drawFocus (painter, option, displayRect|countRect); } } QSize FilterBarComboBoxDelegate::sizeHint (const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const { if (isSeparator (index)) { const int pm = myCombo->style ()->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth, 0, myCombo); return QSize (pm, pm + 10); } else { QStyle * s = myCombo->style (); const int hmargin = getHSpacing (myCombo); QSize size = QItemDelegate::sizeHint (option, index); size.setHeight (qMax (size.height (), myCombo->iconSize ().height () + 6)); size.rwidth () += s->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_FocusFrameHMargin, 0, myCombo); size.rwidth () += rect (option,index,TorrentCountStringRole).width (); size.rwidth () += hmargin * 4; return size; } } /** *** **/ FilterBarComboBox::FilterBarComboBox (QWidget * parent): QComboBox (parent) { setSizeAdjustPolicy (QComboBox::AdjustToContents); } int FilterBarComboBox::currentCount () const { int count = 0; const QModelIndex modelIndex = model ()->index (currentIndex (), 0, rootModelIndex ()); if (modelIndex.isValid ()) count = modelIndex.data (TorrentCountRole).toInt (); return count; } QSize FilterBarComboBox::minimumSizeHint () const { QFontMetrics fm (fontMetrics ()); const QSize textSize = fm.boundingRect (itemText (0)).size (); const QSize countSize = fm.boundingRect (itemData (0, TorrentCountStringRole).toString ()).size (); return calculateSize (textSize, countSize); } QSize FilterBarComboBox::sizeHint () const { QFontMetrics fm (fontMetrics ()); QSize maxTextSize (0, 0); QSize maxCountSize (0, 0); for (int i = 0, n = count (); i < n; ++i) { const QSize textSize = fm.boundingRect (itemText (i)).size (); maxTextSize.setHeight (qMax (maxTextSize.height (), textSize.height ())); maxTextSize.setWidth (qMax (maxTextSize.width (), textSize.width ())); const QSize countSize = fm.boundingRect (itemData (i, TorrentCountStringRole).toString ()).size (); maxCountSize.setHeight (qMax (maxCountSize.height (), countSize.height ())); maxCountSize.setWidth (qMax (maxCountSize.width (), countSize.width ())); } return calculateSize (maxTextSize, maxCountSize); } QSize FilterBarComboBox::calculateSize (const QSize& textSize, const QSize& countSize) const { const int hmargin = getHSpacing (this); QStyleOptionComboBox option; initStyleOption (&option); QSize contentSize = iconSize () + QSize (4, 2); contentSize.setHeight (qMax (contentSize.height (), textSize.height ())); contentSize.rwidth () += hmargin + textSize.width (); contentSize.rwidth () += hmargin + countSize.width (); return style ()->sizeFromContents (QStyle::CT_ComboBox, &option, contentSize, this).expandedTo (qApp->globalStrut ()); } void FilterBarComboBox::paintEvent (QPaintEvent * e) { Q_UNUSED (e); QStylePainter painter (this); painter.setPen (palette ().color (QPalette::Text)); // draw the combobox frame, focusrect and selected etc. QStyleOptionComboBox opt; initStyleOption (&opt); painter.drawComplexControl (QStyle::CC_ComboBox, opt); // draw the icon and text const QModelIndex modelIndex = model ()->index (currentIndex (), 0, rootModelIndex ()); if (modelIndex.isValid ()) { QStyle * s = style (); const int hmargin = getHSpacing (this); QRect rect = s->subControlRect (QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &opt, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxEditField, this); rect.adjust (2, 1, -2, -1); // draw the icon QPixmap pixmap; QVariant variant = modelIndex.data (Qt::DecorationRole); switch (variant.type ()) { case QVariant::Pixmap: pixmap = qvariant_cast (variant); break; case QVariant::Icon: pixmap = qvariant_cast (variant).pixmap (iconSize ()); break; default: break; } if (!pixmap.isNull ()) { const QRect iconRect = QStyle::alignedRect(opt.direction, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, opt.iconSize, rect); painter.drawPixmap (iconRect.topLeft (), pixmap); Utils::narrowRect (rect, iconRect.width () + hmargin, 0, opt.direction); } // draw the count QString text = modelIndex.data (TorrentCountStringRole).toString (); if (!text.isEmpty ()) { const QPen pen = painter.pen (); painter.setPen (getFadedColor (pen.color ())); const QRect textRect = QStyle::alignedRect(opt.direction, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter, QSize (opt.fontMetrics.width (text), rect.height ()), rect); painter.drawText (textRect, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter, text); Utils::narrowRect (rect, 0, textRect.width () + hmargin, opt.direction); painter.setPen (pen); } // draw the text text = modelIndex.data (Qt::DisplayRole).toString (); text = painter.fontMetrics ().elidedText (text, Qt::ElideRight, rect.width ()); painter.drawText (rect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, text); } } /**** ***** ****/ FilterBarLineEdit::FilterBarLineEdit (QWidget * parent): QLineEdit (parent), myClearButton (nullptr) { #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 2, 0) const QIcon icon = QIcon::fromTheme ("edit-clear", style ()->standardIcon (QStyle::SP_DialogCloseButton)); const int iconSize = style ()->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize); myClearButton = new QToolButton (this); myClearButton->setStyleSheet (QLatin1String ("QToolButton{border:0;padding:0;margin:0}")); myClearButton->setToolButtonStyle (Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly); myClearButton->setFocusPolicy (Qt::NoFocus); myClearButton->setCursor (Qt::ArrowCursor); myClearButton->setIconSize (QSize (iconSize, iconSize)); myClearButton->setIcon (icon); myClearButton->setFixedSize (myClearButton->iconSize () + QSize (2, 2)); myClearButton->hide (); const int frameWidth = style ()->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth); const QSize minSizeHint = minimumSizeHint (); const QSize buttonSize = myClearButton->size (); setStyleSheet (QString::fromLatin1 ("QLineEdit{padding-right:%1px}").arg (buttonSize.width () + frameWidth + 1)); setMinimumSize (qMax (minSizeHint.width (), buttonSize.width () + frameWidth * 2 + 2), qMax (minSizeHint.height (), buttonSize.height () + frameWidth * 2 + 2)); connect (this, SIGNAL (textChanged (QString)), this, SLOT (updateClearButtonVisibility ())); connect (myClearButton, SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, SLOT (clear ())); #else setClearButtonEnabled (true); #endif #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) setPlaceholderText (tr ("Search...")); #endif } void FilterBarLineEdit::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent * event) { QLineEdit::resizeEvent (event); #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 2, 0) const int frameWidth = style ()->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth); const QRect editRect = rect(); const QSize buttonSize = myClearButton->size (); myClearButton->move (editRect.right () - frameWidth - buttonSize.width (), editRect.top () + (editRect.height () - buttonSize.height ()) / 2); #endif } void FilterBarLineEdit::updateClearButtonVisibility () { #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 2, 0) myClearButton->setVisible (!text ().isEmpty ()); #endif } /**** ***** ***** ACTIVITY ***** ****/ FilterBarComboBox * FilterBar::createActivityCombo () { FilterBarComboBox * c = new FilterBarComboBox (this); FilterBarComboBoxDelegate * delegate = new FilterBarComboBoxDelegate (this, c); c->setItemDelegate (delegate); QStandardItemModel * model = new QStandardItemModel (this); QStandardItem * row = new QStandardItem (tr ("All")); row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_ALL, ActivityRole); model->appendRow (row); model->appendRow (new QStandardItem); // separator delegate->setSeparator (model, model->index (1, 0)); row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme ("system-run"), tr ("Active")); row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_ACTIVE, ActivityRole); model->appendRow (row); row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme ("go-down"), tr ("Downloading")); row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_DOWNLOADING, ActivityRole); model->appendRow (row); row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme ("go-up"), tr ("Seeding")); row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_SEEDING, ActivityRole); model->appendRow (row); row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme ("media-playback-pause"), tr ("Paused")); row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_PAUSED, ActivityRole); model->appendRow (row); row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme ("dialog-ok"), tr ("Finished")); row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_FINISHED, ActivityRole); model->appendRow (row); row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme ("view-refresh"), tr ("Verifying")); row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_VERIFYING, ActivityRole); model->appendRow (row); row = new QStandardItem (QIcon::fromTheme ("process-stop"), tr ("Error")); row->setData (FilterMode::SHOW_ERROR, ActivityRole); model->appendRow (row); c->setModel (model); return c; } /**** ***** ***** ***** ****/ namespace { QString readableHostName (const QString& host) { // get the readable name... QString name = host; const int pos = name.lastIndexOf ('.'); if (pos >= 0) name.truncate (pos); if (!name.isEmpty ()) name[0] = name[0].toUpper (); return name; } } void FilterBar::refreshTrackers () { Favicons& favicons = qApp->favicons; const int firstTrackerRow = 2; // skip over the "All" and separator... // pull info from the tracker model... QSet oldHosts; for (int row=firstTrackerRow; ; ++row) { QModelIndex index = myTrackerModel->index (row, 0); if (!index.isValid ()) break; oldHosts << index.data (TrackerRole).toString (); } // pull the new stats from the torrent model... QSet newHosts; QMap torrentsPerHost; for (int row=0; ; ++row) { QModelIndex index = myTorrents.index (row, 0); if (!index.isValid ()) break; const Torrent * tor = index.data (TorrentModel::TorrentRole).value (); QSet torrentNames; foreach (QString host, tor->hosts ()) { newHosts.insert (host); torrentNames.insert (readableHostName (host)); } foreach (QString name, torrentNames) ++torrentsPerHost[name]; } // update the "All" row myTrackerModel->setData (myTrackerModel->index (0,0), myTorrents.rowCount (), TorrentCountRole); myTrackerModel->setData (myTrackerModel->index (0,0), getCountString (myTorrents.rowCount ()), TorrentCountStringRole); // rows to update foreach (QString host, oldHosts & newHosts) { const QString name = readableHostName (host); QStandardItem * row = myTrackerModel->findItems (name).front (); const int count = torrentsPerHost[name]; row->setData (count, TorrentCountRole); row->setData (getCountString (count), TorrentCountStringRole); row->setData (favicons.findFromHost (host), Qt::DecorationRole); } // rows to remove foreach (QString host, oldHosts - newHosts) { const QString name = readableHostName (host); QStandardItem * item = myTrackerModel->findItems (name).front (); if (!item->data (TrackerRole).toString ().isEmpty ()) // don't remove "All" myTrackerModel->removeRows (item->row (), 1); } // rows to add bool anyAdded = false; foreach (QString host, newHosts - oldHosts) { const QString name = readableHostName (host); if (!myTrackerModel->findItems (name).isEmpty ()) continue; // find the sorted position to add this row int i = firstTrackerRow; for (int n=myTrackerModel->rowCount (); iindex (i,0).data (Qt::DisplayRole).toString (); if (rowName >= name) break; } // add the row QStandardItem * row = new QStandardItem (favicons.findFromHost (host), name); const int count = torrentsPerHost[host]; row->setData (count, TorrentCountRole); row->setData (getCountString (count), TorrentCountStringRole); row->setData (favicons.findFromHost (host), Qt::DecorationRole); row->setData (host, TrackerRole); myTrackerModel->insertRow (i, row); anyAdded = true; } if (anyAdded) // the one added might match our filter... refreshPref (Prefs::FILTER_TRACKERS); } FilterBarComboBox * FilterBar::createTrackerCombo (QStandardItemModel * model) { FilterBarComboBox * c = new FilterBarComboBox (this); FilterBarComboBoxDelegate * delegate = new FilterBarComboBoxDelegate (this, c); c->setItemDelegate (delegate); QStandardItem * row = new QStandardItem (tr ("All")); row->setData ("", TrackerRole); const int count = myTorrents.rowCount (); row->setData (count, TorrentCountRole); row->setData (getCountString (count), TorrentCountStringRole); model->appendRow (row); model->appendRow (new QStandardItem); // separator delegate->setSeparator (model, model->index (1, 0)); c->setModel (model); return c; } /**** ***** ***** ***** ****/ FilterBar::FilterBar (Prefs& prefs, TorrentModel& torrents, TorrentFilter& filter, QWidget * parent): QWidget (parent), myPrefs (prefs), myTorrents (torrents), myFilter (filter), myRecountTimer (new QTimer (this)), myIsBootstrapping (true) { QHBoxLayout * h = new QHBoxLayout (this); h->setContentsMargins (3, 3, 3, 3); myCountLabel = new QLabel (this); h->addWidget (myCountLabel); myActivityCombo = createActivityCombo (); myActivityCombo->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); h->addWidget (myActivityCombo); myTrackerModel = new QStandardItemModel (this); myTrackerCombo = createTrackerCombo (myTrackerModel); h->addWidget (myTrackerCombo); myLineEdit = new FilterBarLineEdit (this); h->addWidget (myLineEdit); connect (myLineEdit, SIGNAL (textChanged (QString)), this, SLOT (onTextChanged (QString))); // listen for changes from the other players connect (&myPrefs, SIGNAL (changed (int)), this, SLOT (refreshPref (int))); connect (myActivityCombo, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged (int)), this, SLOT (onActivityIndexChanged (int))); connect (myTrackerCombo, SIGNAL (currentIndexChanged (int)), this, SLOT (onTrackerIndexChanged (int))); connect (&myFilter, SIGNAL (rowsInserted (QModelIndex, int, int)), this, SLOT (refreshCountLabel ())); connect (&myFilter, SIGNAL (rowsRemoved (QModelIndex, int, int)), this, SLOT (refreshCountLabel ())); connect (&myTorrents, SIGNAL (modelReset ()), this, SLOT (onTorrentModelReset ())); connect (&myTorrents, SIGNAL (rowsInserted (QModelIndex, int, int)), this, SLOT (onTorrentModelRowsInserted (QModelIndex, int, int))); connect (&myTorrents, SIGNAL (rowsRemoved (QModelIndex, int, int)), this, SLOT (onTorrentModelRowsRemoved (QModelIndex, int, int))); connect (&myTorrents, SIGNAL (dataChanged (QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), this, SLOT (onTorrentModelDataChanged (QModelIndex, QModelIndex))); connect (myRecountTimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (recount ())); recountSoon (); refreshTrackers (); refreshCountLabel (); myIsBootstrapping = false; // initialize our state QList initKeys; initKeys << Prefs::FILTER_MODE << Prefs::FILTER_TRACKERS; foreach (int key, initKeys) refreshPref (key); } FilterBar::~FilterBar () { delete myRecountTimer; } /*** **** ***/ void FilterBar::refreshPref (int key) { switch (key) { case Prefs::FILTER_MODE: { const FilterMode m = myPrefs.get (key); QAbstractItemModel * model = myActivityCombo->model (); QModelIndexList indices = model->match (model->index (0,0), ActivityRole, m.mode ()); myActivityCombo->setCurrentIndex (indices.isEmpty () ? 0 : indices.first ().row ()); break; } case Prefs::FILTER_TRACKERS: { const QString tracker = myPrefs.getString (key); const QString name = readableHostName (tracker); QList rows = myTrackerModel->findItems (name); if (!rows.isEmpty ()) { myTrackerCombo->setCurrentIndex (rows.front ()->row ()); } else // hm, we don't seem to have this tracker anymore... { const bool isBootstrapping = myTrackerModel->rowCount () <= 2; if (!isBootstrapping) myPrefs.set (key, ""); } break; } } } void FilterBar::onTextChanged (const QString& str) { if (!myIsBootstrapping) myPrefs.set (Prefs::FILTER_TEXT, str.trimmed ()); } void FilterBar::onTrackerIndexChanged (int i) { if (!myIsBootstrapping) { QString str; const bool isTracker = !myTrackerCombo->itemData (i,TrackerRole).toString ().isEmpty (); if (!isTracker) // show all { str = ""; } else { str = myTrackerCombo->itemData (i,TrackerRole).toString (); const int pos = str.lastIndexOf ('.'); if (pos >= 0) str.truncate (pos+1); } myPrefs.set (Prefs::FILTER_TRACKERS, str); } } void FilterBar::onActivityIndexChanged (int i) { if (!myIsBootstrapping) { const FilterMode mode = myActivityCombo->itemData (i, ActivityRole).toInt (); myPrefs.set (Prefs::FILTER_MODE, mode); } } /*** **** ***/ void FilterBar::onTorrentModelReset () { recountSoon (); } void FilterBar::onTorrentModelRowsInserted (const QModelIndex&, int, int) { recountSoon (); } void FilterBar::onTorrentModelRowsRemoved (const QModelIndex&, int, int) { recountSoon (); } void FilterBar::onTorrentModelDataChanged (const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&) { recountSoon (); } void FilterBar::recountSoon () { if (!myRecountTimer->isActive ()) { myRecountTimer->setSingleShot (true); myRecountTimer->start (800); } } void FilterBar::recount () { QAbstractItemModel * model = myActivityCombo->model (); int torrentsPerMode[FilterMode::NUM_MODES] = {}; myFilter.countTorrentsPerMode (torrentsPerMode); for (int row=0, n=model->rowCount (); rowindex (row, 0); const int mode = index.data (ActivityRole).toInt (); const int count = torrentsPerMode [mode]; model->setData (index, count, TorrentCountRole); model->setData (index, getCountString (count), TorrentCountStringRole); } refreshTrackers (); refreshCountLabel (); } QString FilterBar::getCountString (int n) const { return QString::fromLatin1 ("%L1").arg (n); } void FilterBar::refreshCountLabel () { const int visibleCount = myFilter.rowCount (); const int trackerCount = myTrackerCombo->currentCount (); const int activityCount = myActivityCombo->currentCount (); if ((visibleCount == activityCount) || (visibleCount == trackerCount)) myCountLabel->setText (tr("Show:")); else myCountLabel->setText (tr("Show %Ln of:", 0, visibleCount)); }