/** *** This file Copyright (C) 2010 Mnemosyne LLC *** *** This code is licensed under the GPL version 2. *** For more details, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html **/ Transmission.fmt = (function() { var speed_K = 1000; var speed_B_str = 'B'; var speed_K_str = 'kB/s'; var speed_M_str = 'MB/s'; var speed_G_str = 'GB/s'; var speed_T_str = 'TB/s'; var size_K = 1024; var size_B_str = 'B'; var size_K_str = 'KiB'; var size_M_str = 'MiB'; var size_G_str = 'GiB'; var size_T_str = 'TiB'; var mem_K = 1024; var mem_B_str = 'B'; var mem_K_str = 'KiB'; var mem_M_str = 'MiB'; var mem_G_str = 'GiB'; var mem_T_str = 'TiB'; return { /* * Format a percentage to a string */ percentString: function( x ) { if( x < 10.0 ) return x.toTruncFixed( 2 ); else if( x < 100.0 ) return x.toTruncFixed( 1 ); else return x.toTruncFixed( 0 ); }, /* * Format a ratio to a string */ ratioString: function( x ) { if( x == -1 ) return "None"; else if( x == -2 ) return '∞'; else return this.percentString( x ); }, /** * Formats the a memory size into a human-readable string * @param {Number} bytes the filesize in bytes * @return {String} human-readable string */ mem: function( bytes ) { if( bytes < mem_K ) return [ bytes, mem_B_str ].join(' '); var convertedSize; var unit; if( bytes < Math.pow( mem_K, 2 ) ) { convertedSize = bytes / mem_K; unit = mem_K_str; } else if( bytes < Math.pow( mem_K, 3 ) ) { convertedSize = bytes / Math.pow( mem_K, 2 ); unit = mem_M_str; } else if( bytes < Math.pow( mem_K, 4 ) ) { convertedSize = bytes / Math.pow( mem_K, 3 ); unit = mem_G_str; } else { convertedSize = bytes / Math.pow( mem_K, 4 ); unit = mem_T_str; } // try to have at least 3 digits and at least 1 decimal return convertedSize <= 9.995 ? [ convertedSize.toTruncFixed(2), unit ].join(' ') : [ convertedSize.toTruncFixed(1), unit ].join(' '); }, /** * Formats the a disk capacity or file size into a human-readable string * @param {Number} bytes the filesize in bytes * @return {String} human-readable string */ size: function( bytes ) { if( bytes < size_K ) return [ bytes, size_B_str ].join(' '); var convertedSize; var unit; if( bytes < Math.pow( size_K, 2 ) ) { convertedSize = bytes / size_K; unit = size_K_str; } else if( bytes < Math.pow( size_K, 3 ) ) { convertedSize = bytes / Math.pow( size_K, 2 ); unit = size_M_str; } else if( bytes < Math.pow( size_K, 4 ) ) { convertedSize = bytes / Math.pow( size_K, 3 ); unit = size_G_str; } else { convertedSize = bytes / Math.pow( size_K, 4 ); unit = size_T_str; } // try to have at least 3 digits and at least 1 decimal return convertedSize <= 9.995 ? [ convertedSize.toTruncFixed(2), unit ].join(' ') : [ convertedSize.toTruncFixed(1), unit ].join(' '); }, speedBps: function( Bps ) { return this.speed( this.toKBps( Bps ) ); }, toKBps: function( Bps ) { return Math.floor( Bps / speed_K ); }, speed: function( KBps ) { var speed = KBps; if (speed <= 999.95) // 0 KBps to 999.9 K return [ speed.toTruncFixed(1), speed_K_str ].join(' '); speed /= speed_K; if (speed <= 99.995) // 1 M to 99.99 M return [ speed.toTruncFixed(2), speed_M_str ].join(' '); if (speed <= 999.95) // 100 M to 999.9 M return [ speed.toTruncFixed(1), speed_M_str ].join(' '); // insane speeds speed /= speed_K; return [ speed.toTruncFixed(2), speed_G_str ].join(' '); }, timeInterval: function( seconds ) { var result; var days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400); var hours = Math.floor((seconds % 86400) / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60); var seconds = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) % 60); if (days > 0 && hours == 0) result = [ days, 'days' ]; else if (days > 0 && hours > 0) result = [ days, 'days', hours, 'hr' ]; else if (hours > 0 && minutes == 0) result = [ hours, 'hr' ]; else if (hours > 0 && minutes > 0) result = [ hours,'hr', minutes, 'min' ]; else if (minutes > 0 && seconds == 0) result = [ minutes, 'min' ]; else if (minutes > 0 && seconds > 0) result = [ minutes, 'min', seconds, 'seconds' ]; else result = [ seconds, 'seconds' ]; return result.join(' '); }, timestamp: function( seconds ) { var myDate = new Date(seconds*1000); var now = new Date(); var date = ""; var time = ""; var sameYear = now.getFullYear() == myDate.getFullYear(); var sameMonth = now.getMonth() == myDate.getMonth(); var dateDiff = now.getDate() - myDate.getDate(); if(sameYear && sameMonth && Math.abs(dateDiff) <= 1){ if(dateDiff == 0){ date = "Today"; } else if(dateDiff == 1){ date = "Yesterday"; } else{ date = "Tomorrow"; } } else{ date = myDate.toDateString(); } var hours = myDate.getHours(); var period = "AM"; if(hours > 12){ hours = hours - 12; period = "PM"; } if(hours == 0){ hours = 12; } if(hours < 10){ hours = "0" + hours; } var minutes = myDate.getMinutes(); if(minutes < 10){ minutes = "0" + minutes; } var seconds = myDate.getSeconds(); if(seconds < 10){ seconds = "0" + seconds; } time = [hours, minutes, seconds].join(':'); return [date, time, period].join(' '); }, plural: function( i, word ) { return [ i, ' ', word, (word==1?'':'s') ].join(''); } } })();