/* * This file Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Charles Kerr * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include /* struct in_addr */ #include /* inet_ntoa */ #endif #include #include "transmission.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "net.h" #include "peer-io.h" #include "ratecontrol.h" #include "trevent.h" #include "utils.h" #define IO_TIMEOUT_SECS 8 /* arbitrary */ #define TR_RDBUF (1024*8) /** *** **/ struct tr_extensions { unsigned int extendedProtocolSupported : 1; unsigned int fastPeersSupported : 1; }; struct tr_peerIo { struct tr_handle * handle; struct in_addr in_addr; int port; int socket; int encryptionMode; int timeout; struct bufferevent * bufev; uint8_t peerId[20]; time_t timeCreated; tr_extensions extensions; unsigned int isEncrypted : 1; unsigned int isIncoming : 1; unsigned int peerIdIsSet : 1; tr_can_read_cb canRead; tr_did_write_cb didWrite; tr_net_error_cb gotError; void * userData; tr_crypto * crypto; }; /** *** **/ static void didWriteWrapper( struct bufferevent * e, void * userData ) { tr_peerIo * c = (tr_peerIo *) userData; if( c->didWrite != NULL ) (*c->didWrite)( e, c->userData ); } static void canReadWrapper( struct bufferevent * e, void * userData ) { int done = 0; tr_peerIo * c = userData; tr_handle * handle = c->handle; if( c->canRead == NULL ) return; tr_globalLock( handle ); while( !done ) { const int ret = (*c->canRead)( e, c->userData ); switch( ret ) { case READ_AGAIN: if( EVBUFFER_LENGTH( e->input ) ) continue; case READ_MORE: case READ_DONE: done = 1; } } tr_globalUnlock( handle ); } static void gotErrorWrapper( struct bufferevent * e, short what, void * userData ) { tr_peerIo * c = userData; if( c->gotError != NULL ) (*c->gotError)( e, what, c->userData ); } /** *** **/ void bufferevent_setwatermark(struct bufferevent *, short, size_t, size_t); static tr_peerIo* tr_peerIoNew( struct tr_handle * handle, const struct in_addr * in_addr, uint16_t port, const uint8_t * torrentHash, int isIncoming, int socket ) { tr_peerIo * c; c = tr_new0( tr_peerIo, 1 ); c->crypto = tr_cryptoNew( torrentHash, isIncoming ); c->handle = handle; c->in_addr = *in_addr; c->port = port; c->socket = socket; c->isIncoming = isIncoming ? 1 : 0; c->timeout = IO_TIMEOUT_SECS; c->timeCreated = time( NULL ); c->bufev = bufferevent_new( c->socket, canReadWrapper, didWriteWrapper, gotErrorWrapper, c ); bufferevent_settimeout( c->bufev, c->timeout, c->timeout ); bufferevent_enable( c->bufev, EV_READ|EV_WRITE ); bufferevent_setwatermark( c->bufev, EV_READ, 0, TR_RDBUF ); return c; } tr_peerIo* tr_peerIoNewIncoming( struct tr_handle * handle, const struct in_addr * in_addr, uint16_t port, int socket ) { assert( handle != NULL ); assert( in_addr != NULL ); assert( socket >= 0 ); return tr_peerIoNew( handle, in_addr, port, NULL, 1, socket ); } tr_peerIo* tr_peerIoNewOutgoing( struct tr_handle * handle, const struct in_addr * in_addr, int port, const uint8_t * torrentHash ) { int socket; assert( handle != NULL ); assert( in_addr != NULL ); assert( port >= 0 ); assert( torrentHash != NULL ); socket = tr_netOpenTCP( in_addr, port, 0 ); return socket < 0 ? NULL : tr_peerIoNew( handle, in_addr, port, torrentHash, 0, socket ); } static void io_dtor( void * vio ) { tr_peerIo * io = vio; bufferevent_free( io->bufev ); tr_netClose( io->socket ); tr_cryptoFree( io->crypto ); tr_free( io ); } void tr_peerIoFree( tr_peerIo * io ) { if( io != NULL ) { io->canRead = NULL; io->didWrite = NULL; io->gotError = NULL; tr_runInEventThread( io->handle, io_dtor, io ); } } tr_handle* tr_peerIoGetHandle( tr_peerIo * io ) { assert( io != NULL ); assert( io->handle != NULL ); return io->handle; } const struct in_addr* tr_peerIoGetAddress( const tr_peerIo * io, uint16_t * port ) { assert( io != NULL ); if( port != NULL ) *port = io->port; return &io->in_addr; } const char* tr_peerIoAddrStr( const struct in_addr * addr, uint16_t port ) { static char buf[512]; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%u", inet_ntoa( *addr ), (unsigned int)port ); return buf; } const char* tr_peerIoGetAddrStr( const tr_peerIo * io ) { return tr_peerIoAddrStr( &io->in_addr, io->port ); } void tr_peerIoTryRead( tr_peerIo * io ) { if( EVBUFFER_LENGTH( io->bufev->input ) ) canReadWrapper( io->bufev, io ); } void tr_peerIoSetIOFuncs( tr_peerIo * io, tr_can_read_cb readcb, tr_did_write_cb writecb, tr_net_error_cb errcb, void * userData ) { io->canRead = readcb; io->didWrite = writecb; io->gotError = errcb; io->userData = userData; tr_peerIoTryRead( io ); } int tr_peerIoIsIncoming( const tr_peerIo * c ) { return c->isIncoming ? 1 : 0; } int tr_peerIoReconnect( tr_peerIo * io ) { assert( !tr_peerIoIsIncoming( io ) ); if( io->socket >= 0 ) tr_netClose( io->socket ); io->socket = tr_netOpenTCP( &io->in_addr, io->port, 0 ); if( io->socket >= 0 ) { bufferevent_free( io->bufev ); io->bufev = bufferevent_new( io->socket, canReadWrapper, didWriteWrapper, gotErrorWrapper, io ); bufferevent_settimeout( io->bufev, io->timeout, io->timeout ); bufferevent_enable( io->bufev, EV_READ|EV_WRITE ); bufferevent_setwatermark( io->bufev, EV_READ, 0, TR_RDBUF ); return 0; } return -1; } void tr_peerIoSetTimeoutSecs( tr_peerIo * io, int secs ) { io->timeout = secs; bufferevent_settimeout( io->bufev, io->timeout, io->timeout ); } /** *** **/ void tr_peerIoSetTorrentHash( tr_peerIo * io, const uint8_t * hash ) { assert( io != NULL ); tr_cryptoSetTorrentHash( io->crypto, hash ); } const uint8_t* tr_peerIoGetTorrentHash( tr_peerIo * io ) { assert( io != NULL ); assert( io->crypto != NULL ); return tr_cryptoGetTorrentHash( io->crypto ); } int tr_peerIoHasTorrentHash( const tr_peerIo * io ) { assert( io != NULL ); assert( io->crypto != NULL ); return tr_cryptoHasTorrentHash( io->crypto ); } /** *** **/ void tr_peerIoSetPeersId( tr_peerIo * io, const uint8_t * peer_id ) { assert( io != NULL ); if(( io->peerIdIsSet = peer_id != NULL )) memcpy( io->peerId, peer_id, 20 ); else memset( io->peerId, 0, 20 ); } const uint8_t* tr_peerIoGetPeersId( const tr_peerIo * io ) { assert( io != NULL ); assert( io->peerIdIsSet ); return io->peerId; } /** *** **/ void tr_peerIoEnableLTEP( tr_peerIo * io, int flag ) { assert( io != NULL ); assert( flag==0 || flag==1 ); io->extensions.extendedProtocolSupported = flag; } void tr_peerIoEnableFEXT( tr_peerIo * io, int flag ) { assert( io != NULL ); assert( flag==0 || flag==1 ); io->extensions.fastPeersSupported = flag; } int tr_peerIoSupportsLTEP( const tr_peerIo * io ) { assert( io != NULL ); return io->extensions.extendedProtocolSupported; } int tr_peerIoSupportsFEXT( const tr_peerIo * io ) { assert( io != NULL ); return io->extensions.fastPeersSupported; } /** *** **/ size_t tr_peerIoWriteBytesWaiting( const tr_peerIo * io ) { return EVBUFFER_LENGTH( EVBUFFER_OUTPUT( io->bufev ) ); } void tr_peerIoWrite( tr_peerIo * io, const void * writeme, int writeme_len ) { assert( tr_amInEventThread( io->handle ) ); bufferevent_write( io->bufev, writeme, writeme_len ); } void tr_peerIoWriteBuf( tr_peerIo * io, struct evbuffer * buf ) { const size_t n = EVBUFFER_LENGTH( buf ); tr_peerIoWrite( io, EVBUFFER_DATA(buf), n ); evbuffer_drain( buf, n ); } /** *** **/ tr_crypto* tr_peerIoGetCrypto( tr_peerIo * c ) { return c->crypto; } void tr_peerIoSetEncryption( tr_peerIo * io, int encryptionMode ) { assert( io != NULL ); assert( encryptionMode==PEER_ENCRYPTION_NONE || encryptionMode==PEER_ENCRYPTION_RC4 ); io->encryptionMode = encryptionMode; } int tr_peerIoIsEncrypted( const tr_peerIo * io ) { return io!=NULL && io->encryptionMode==PEER_ENCRYPTION_RC4; } /** *** **/ void tr_peerIoWriteBytes( tr_peerIo * io, struct evbuffer * outbuf, const void * bytes, size_t byteCount ) { uint8_t * tmp; switch( io->encryptionMode ) { case PEER_ENCRYPTION_NONE: evbuffer_add( outbuf, bytes, byteCount ); break; case PEER_ENCRYPTION_RC4: tmp = tr_new( uint8_t, byteCount ); tr_cryptoEncrypt( io->crypto, byteCount, bytes, tmp ); evbuffer_add( outbuf, tmp, byteCount ); tr_free( tmp ); break; default: assert( 0 ); } } void tr_peerIoWriteUint8( tr_peerIo * io, struct evbuffer * outbuf, uint8_t writeme ) { tr_peerIoWriteBytes( io, outbuf, &writeme, sizeof(uint8_t) ); } void tr_peerIoWriteUint16( tr_peerIo * io, struct evbuffer * outbuf, uint16_t writeme ) { uint16_t tmp = htons( writeme ); tr_peerIoWriteBytes( io, outbuf, &tmp, sizeof(uint16_t) ); } void tr_peerIoWriteUint32( tr_peerIo * io, struct evbuffer * outbuf, uint32_t writeme ) { uint32_t tmp = htonl( writeme ); tr_peerIoWriteBytes( io, outbuf, &tmp, sizeof(uint32_t) ); } /*** **** ***/ void tr_peerIoReadBytes( tr_peerIo * io, struct evbuffer * inbuf, void * bytes, size_t byteCount ) { assert( EVBUFFER_LENGTH( inbuf ) >= byteCount ); switch( io->encryptionMode ) { case PEER_ENCRYPTION_NONE: evbuffer_remove( inbuf, bytes, byteCount ); break; case PEER_ENCRYPTION_RC4: evbuffer_remove( inbuf, bytes, byteCount ); tr_cryptoDecrypt( io->crypto, byteCount, bytes, bytes ); break; default: assert( 0 ); } } void tr_peerIoReadUint8( tr_peerIo * io, struct evbuffer * inbuf, uint8_t * setme ) { tr_peerIoReadBytes( io, inbuf, setme, sizeof(uint8_t) ); } void tr_peerIoReadUint16( tr_peerIo * io, struct evbuffer * inbuf, uint16_t * setme ) { uint16_t tmp; tr_peerIoReadBytes( io, inbuf, &tmp, sizeof(uint16_t) ); *setme = ntohs( tmp ); } void tr_peerIoReadUint32( tr_peerIo * io, struct evbuffer * inbuf, uint32_t * setme ) { uint32_t tmp; tr_peerIoReadBytes( io, inbuf, &tmp, sizeof(uint32_t) ); *setme = ntohl( tmp ); } void tr_peerIoDrain( tr_peerIo * io, struct evbuffer * inbuf, size_t byteCount ) { uint8_t * tmp = tr_new( uint8_t, byteCount ); tr_peerIoReadBytes( io, inbuf, tmp, byteCount ); tr_free( tmp ); } int tr_peerIoGetAge( const tr_peerIo * io ) { return time( NULL ) - io->timeCreated; }