/* @license This file Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Mnemosyne LLC. It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. */ export class ActionManager extends EventTarget { constructor() { super(); this.actions = Object.seal({ 'deselect-all': { enabled: false, shortcut: 'Control+A', text: 'Deselect all', }, 'move-bottom': { enabled: false, text: 'Move to the back of the queue' }, 'move-down': { enabled: false, text: 'Move down in the queue' }, 'move-top': { enabled: false, text: 'Move to the front of the queue' }, 'move-up': { enabled: false, text: 'Move up in the queue' }, 'open-torrent': { enabled: true, shortcut: 'Alt+O', text: 'Open torrent…', }, 'pause-all-torrents': { enabled: false, text: 'Pause all' }, 'pause-selected-torrents': { enabled: false, shortcut: 'Alt+U', text: 'Pause', }, 'reannounce-selected-torrents': { enabled: false, text: 'Ask tracker for more peers', }, 'remove-selected-torrents': { enabled: false, text: 'Remove from list…' }, 'resume-selected-torrents': { enabled: false, shortcut: 'Alt+R', text: 'Resume', }, 'resume-selected-torrents-now': { enabled: false, text: 'Resume now' }, 'select-all': { enabled: false, shortcut: 'Alt+A', text: 'Select all' }, 'show-about-dialog': { enabled: true, text: 'About' }, 'show-inspector': { enabled: true, shortcut: 'Alt+I', text: 'Torrent Inspector', }, 'show-labels-dialog': { enabled: false, text: 'Edit Labels…', }, 'show-move-dialog': { enabled: false, shortcut: 'Alt+L', text: 'Set location…', }, 'show-overflow-menu': { enabled: true, text: 'More options…' }, 'show-preferences-dialog': { enabled: true, shortcut: 'Alt+P', text: 'Edit preferences', }, 'show-rename-dialog': { enabled: false, shortcut: 'Alt+N', text: 'Rename…', }, 'show-shortcuts-dialog': { enabled: true, text: 'Keyboard shortcuts' }, 'show-statistics-dialog': { enabled: true, shortcut: 'Alt+S', text: 'Statistics', }, 'start-all-torrents': { enabled: false, text: 'Start all' }, 'toggle-compact-rows': { enabled: true, text: 'Compact rows' }, 'trash-selected-torrents': { enabled: false, text: 'Trash data and remove from list…', }, 'verify-selected-torrents': { enabled: false, shortcut: 'Alt+V', text: 'Verify local data', }, }); } click(name) { if (this.isEnabled(name)) { const event_ = new Event('click'); event_.action = name; this.dispatchEvent(event_); } } getActionForShortcut(shortcut) { for (const [name, properties] of Object.entries(this.actions)) { if (shortcut === properties.shortcut) { return name; } } return null; } // return a map of shortcuts to action names allShortcuts() { return new Map( Object.entries(this.actions) .filter(([, properties]) => properties.shortcut) .map(([name, properties]) => [properties.shortcut, name]) ); } isEnabled(name) { return this._getAction(name).enabled; } text(name) { return this._getAction(name).text; } keyshortcuts(name) { return this._getAction(name).shortcut; } update(event_) { const counts = ActionManager._recount(event_.selected, event_.nonselected); this._updateStates(counts); } _getAction(name) { const action = this.actions[name]; if (!action) { throw new Error(`no such action: ${name}`); } return action; } static _recount(selected, nonselected) { const total = selected.length + nonselected.length; const selected_paused = selected.filter((tor) => tor.isStopped()).length; const selected_active = selected.length - selected_paused; const nonselected_paused = nonselected.filter((tor) => tor.isStopped() ).length; const nonselected_active = nonselected.length - nonselected_paused; const paused = selected_paused + nonselected_paused; const active = selected_active + nonselected_active; const selected_queued = selected.filter((tor) => tor.isQueued()).length; return { active, nonselected_active, nonselected_paused, paused, selected: selected.length, selected_active, selected_paused, selected_queued, total, }; } _updateStates(counts) { const set_enabled = (enabled, actions) => { for (const action of actions) { this._updateActionState(action, enabled); } }; set_enabled(counts.selected_paused > 0, ['resume-selected-torrents']); set_enabled(counts.paused > 0, ['start-all-torrents']); set_enabled(counts.active > 0, ['pause-all-torrents']); set_enabled(counts.selected_paused > 0 || counts.selected_queued > 0, [ 'resume-selected-torrents-now', ]); set_enabled(counts.selected_active > 0, [ 'pause-selected-torrents', 'reannounce-selected-torrents', ]); set_enabled(counts.selected > 0, [ 'deselect-all', 'move-bottom', 'move-down', 'move-top', 'move-up', 'remove-selected-torrents', 'show-inspector', 'show-labels-dialog', 'show-move-dialog', 'trash-selected-torrents', 'verify-selected-torrents', ]); set_enabled(counts.selected === 1, ['show-rename-dialog']); set_enabled(counts.selected < counts.total, ['select-all']); } _updateActionState(name, enabled) { const action = this.actions[name]; if (!action) { throw new Error(`no such action: ${name}`); } if (action.enabled !== enabled) { action.enabled = enabled; const event = new Event('change'); event.action = name; event.enabled = enabled; this.dispatchEvent(event); } } }