/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2005 Eric Petit * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include "ProgressCell.h" @implementation ProgressCell /*********************************************************************** * Static tables *********************************************************************** * We use these tables to optimize the drawing. They contain packed * RGBA pixels for every color we might need. **********************************************************************/ #if 0 /* Coefficients for the "3D effect" */ static float kBarCoeffs[] = { 0.49, 0.73, 0.84, 0.85, 0.84, 0.79, 0.78, 0.82, 0.86, 0.91, 0.93, 0.95, 0.96, 0.71 }; #endif /* 255, 100, 80 */ static uint32_t kRed[] = { 0x7C3127FF, 0xBA493AFF, 0xD65443FF, 0xD85544FF, 0xD65443FF, 0xC94F3FFF, 0xC64E3EFF, 0xD15241FF, 0xDB5644FF, 0xE85B48FF, 0xED5D4AFF, 0xF25F4CFF, 0xF4604CFF, 0xB54738FF }; /* 160, 220, 255 */ static uint32_t kBlue1[] = { 0x4E6B7CFF, 0x74A0BAFF, 0x86B8D6FF, 0x88BBD8FF, 0x86B8D6FF, 0x7EADC9FF, 0x7CABC6FF, 0x83B4D1FF, 0x89BDDBFF, 0x91C8E8FF, 0x94CCEDFF, 0x98D1F2FF, 0x99D3F4FF, 0x719CB5FF }; /* 120, 190, 255 */ static uint32_t kBlue2[] = { 0x3A5D7CFF, 0x578ABAFF, 0x649FD6FF, 0x66A1D8FF, 0x649FD6FF, 0x5E96C9FF, 0x5D94C6FF, 0x629BD1FF, 0x67A3DBFF, 0x6DACE8FF, 0x6FB0EDFF, 0x72B4F2FF, 0x73B6F4FF, 0x5586B5FF }; /* 80, 160, 255 */ static uint32_t kBlue3[] = { 0x274E7CFF, 0x3A74BAFF, 0x4386D6FF, 0x4488D8FF, 0x4386D6FF, 0x3F7EC9FF, 0x3E7CC6FF, 0x4183D1FF, 0x4489DBFF, 0x4891E8FF, 0x4A94EDFF, 0x4C98F2FF, 0x4C99F4FF, 0x3871B5FF }; /* 30, 70, 180 */ static uint32_t kBlue4[] = { 0x0E2258FF, 0x153383FF, 0x193A97FF, 0x193B99FF, 0x193A97FF, 0x17378EFF, 0x17368CFF, 0x183993FF, 0x193C9AFF, 0x1B3FA3FF, 0x1B41A7FF, 0x1C42ABFF, 0x1C43ACFF, 0x15317FFF }; /* 130, 130, 130 */ static uint32_t kGray[] = { 0x3F3F3FFF, 0x5E5E5EFF, 0x6D6D6DFF, 0x6E6E6EFF, 0x6D6D6DFF, 0x666666FF, 0x656565FF, 0x6A6A6AFF, 0x6F6F6FFF, 0x767676FF, 0x787878FF, 0x7B7B7BFF, 0x7C7C7CFF, 0x5C5C5CFF }; /* 0, 255, 0 */ static uint32_t kGreen[] = { 0x007C00FF, 0x00BA00FF, 0x00D600FF, 0x00D800FF, 0x00D600FF, 0x00C900FF, 0x00C600FF, 0x00D100FF, 0x00DB00FF, 0x00E800FF, 0x00ED00FF, 0x00F200FF, 0x00F400FF, 0x00B500FF }; /*********************************************************************** * init *********************************************************************** * Prepares the NSBitmapImageReps we are going to need in order to * draw. **********************************************************************/ - (id) init { self = [super init]; /* Load the background image for the progress bar and get it as a 32-bit bitmap */ fBackgroundBmp = [[[NSImage imageNamed: @"Progress.png"] representations] objectAtIndex: 0]; /* Allocate another bitmap of the same size. We will draw the progress bar in it */ fProgressBmp = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithBitmapDataPlanes: NULL pixelsWide: [fBackgroundBmp size].width pixelsHigh: [fBackgroundBmp size].height bitsPerSample: 8 samplesPerPixel: 4 hasAlpha: YES isPlanar: NO colorSpaceName: NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace bytesPerRow: 0 bitsPerPixel: 0]; return self; } /*********************************************************************** * setStat *********************************************************************** * Readies ourselves to draw updated info. **********************************************************************/ - (void) setStat: (tr_stat_t *) stat whiteText: (BOOL) w { int i; uint8_t * in, * out; fStat = stat; fWhiteText = w; /* Update the strings to be displayed */ fDlString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"DL: %.2f KB/s", fStat->rateDownload]; fUlString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"UL: %.2f KB/s", fStat->rateUpload]; /* Reset our bitmap to the background image... */ in = [fBackgroundBmp bitmapData]; out = [fProgressBmp bitmapData]; for( i = 0; i < [fProgressBmp size].height; i++ ) { memcpy( out, in, [fProgressBmp size].width * 4 ); in += [fBackgroundBmp bytesPerRow]; out += [fProgressBmp bytesPerRow]; } /* ...and redraw the progress bar on the top of it */ if( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"UseAdvancedBar"]) { [self buildAdvancedBar]; } else { [self buildSimpleBar]; } } /*********************************************************************** * buildSimpleBar **********************************************************************/ - (void) buildSimpleBar { int h, w, end, pixelsPerRow; uint32_t * p; uint32_t * colors; pixelsPerRow = [fProgressBmp bytesPerRow] / 4; /* The background image is 124*18 pixels, but the actual progress bar is 120*14 : the first two columns, the last two columns and the last four lines contain the shadow. */ p = (uint32_t *) [fProgressBmp bitmapData]; p += 2; end = lrintf( floor( fStat->progress * 120 ) ); colors = ( fStat->status & TR_STATUS_SEED ) ? kGreen : kBlue2; for( h = 0; h < 14; h++ ) { for( w = 0; w < end; w++ ) { p[w] = htonl( colors[h] ); } p += pixelsPerRow; } } /*********************************************************************** * buildAdvancedBar **********************************************************************/ - (void) buildAdvancedBar { int h, w, end, pixelsPerRow; uint32_t * p; uint32_t * colors; if( fStat->status & TR_STATUS_SEED ) { /* All green, same as the simple bar */ [self buildSimpleBar]; return; } pixelsPerRow = [fProgressBmp bytesPerRow] / 4; /* First two lines: dark blue to show progression */ p = (uint32_t *) [fProgressBmp bitmapData]; p += 2; end = lrintf( floor( fStat->progress * 120 ) ); for( h = 0; h < 2; h++ ) { for( w = 0; w < end; w++ ) { p[w] = htonl( kBlue4[h] ); } p += pixelsPerRow; } /* Lines 2 to 14: blue or grey depending on whether we have the piece or not */ for( w = 0; w < 120; w++ ) { /* Point to pixel ( 2 + w, 2 ). We will then draw "vertically" */ p = (uint32_t *) ( [fProgressBmp bitmapData] + 2 * [fProgressBmp bytesPerRow] ); p += 2 + w; if( fStat->pieces[w] < 0 ) { colors = kGray; } else if( fStat->pieces[w] < 1 ) { colors = kRed; } else if( fStat->pieces[w] < 2 ) { colors = kBlue1; } else if( fStat->pieces[w] < 3 ) { colors = kBlue2; } else { colors = kBlue3; } for( h = 2; h < 14; h++ ) { p[0] = htonl( colors[h] ); p += pixelsPerRow; } } } /*********************************************************************** * drawWithFrame *********************************************************************** * We have the strings, we have the bitmap. Let's just draw them where * they belong. **********************************************************************/ - (void) drawWithFrame: (NSRect) cellFrame inView: (NSView *) view { NSImage * img; NSMutableDictionary * attributes; NSPoint pen; if( ![view lockFocusIfCanDraw] ) { return; } pen = cellFrame.origin; /* Init an NSImage with our bitmap in order to draw it. We need to do this every time, or for some reason it won't draw if the display is set to thousands of colors when Transmission was started */ img = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize: [fProgressBmp size]]; [img addRepresentation: fProgressBmp]; [img setFlipped: YES]; /* Actually draw the bar */ pen.x += 5; pen.y += 5; [img drawAtPoint: pen fromRect: NSMakeRect( 0, 0, [fProgressBmp size].width, [fProgressBmp size].height ) operation: NSCompositeSourceOver fraction: 1.0]; [img release]; /* Draw the strings with font 10 */ attributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSFont messageFontOfSize: 10.0], NSFontAttributeName, fWhiteText ? [NSColor whiteColor] : [NSColor blackColor], NSForegroundColorAttributeName, NULL]; pen.x += 5; pen.y += 20; [fDlString drawAtPoint: pen withAttributes: attributes]; pen.x += 0; pen.y += 15; [fUlString drawAtPoint: pen withAttributes: attributes]; [view unlockFocus]; } @end