// This file Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libtransmission/transmission.h" #include "libtransmission/crypto-utils.h" #include "libtransmission/log.h" #include "libtransmission/tr-assert.h" #include "libtransmission/utils.h" #define TR_CRYPTO_X509_FALLBACK #include "libtransmission/crypto-utils-fallback.cc" // NOLINT(bugprone-suspicious-include) #if !defined(WITH_MBEDTLS) #error mbedtls module #endif namespace { void log_mbedtls_error(int error_code, char const* file, int line) { if (tr_logLevelIsActive(TR_LOG_ERROR)) { char error_message[256]; mbedtls_strerror(error_code, error_message, sizeof(error_message)); tr_logAddMessage( file, line, TR_LOG_ERROR, fmt::format( _("{crypto_library} error: {error} ({error_code})"), fmt::arg("crypto_library", "MbedTLS"), fmt::arg("error", error_message), fmt::arg("error_code", error_code))); } } #define log_error(error_code) log_mbedtls_error((error_code), __FILE__, __LINE__) bool check_mbedtls_result(int result, int expected_result, char const* file, int line) { bool const ret = result == expected_result; if (!ret) { log_mbedtls_error(result, file, line); } return ret; } #define check_result(result) check_mbedtls_result((result), 0, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define check_result_eq(result, x_result) check_mbedtls_result((result), (x_result), __FILE__, __LINE__) // --- int my_rand(void* /*context*/, unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_size) { // since we're initializing tr_rand_buffer()'s rng, we can't use tr_rand_buffer() here tr_rand_buffer_std(buffer, buffer_size); return 0; } mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context* get_rng() { static mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context rng; static bool rng_initialized = false; if (!rng_initialized) { #if MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x02000000 mbedtls_ctr_drbg_init(&rng); if (!check_result(mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed(&rng, my_rand, nullptr, nullptr, 0))) #else if (!check_result(mbedtls_ctr_drbg_init(&rng, my_rand, nullptr, nullptr, 0))) #endif { return nullptr; } rng_initialized = true; } return &rng; } std::recursive_mutex rng_mutex_; } // namespace // --- sha1 tr_sha1::tr_sha1() { clear(); } tr_sha1::~tr_sha1() = default; void tr_sha1::clear() { mbedtls_sha1_init(&handle_); #if MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x03000000 && MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x02070000 mbedtls_sha1_starts_ret(&handle_); #else mbedtls_sha1_starts(&handle_); #endif } void tr_sha1::add(void const* data, size_t data_length) { if (data_length == 0U) { return; } #if MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x03000000 && MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x02070000 mbedtls_sha1_update_ret(&handle_, static_cast(data), data_length); #else mbedtls_sha1_update(&handle_, static_cast(data), data_length); #endif } tr_sha1_digest_t tr_sha1::finish() { auto digest = tr_sha1_digest_t{}; auto* const digest_as_uchar = reinterpret_cast(std::data(digest)); #if MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x03000000 && MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x02070000 mbedtls_sha1_finish_ret(&handle_, digest_as_uchar); #else mbedtls_sha1_finish(&handle_, digest_as_uchar); #endif clear(); return digest; } // --- sha256 tr_sha256::tr_sha256() { clear(); } tr_sha256::~tr_sha256() = default; void tr_sha256::clear() { mbedtls_sha256_init(&handle_); #if MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x03000000 && MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x02070000 mbedtls_sha256_starts_ret(&handle_, 0); #else mbedtls_sha256_starts(&handle_, 0); #endif } void tr_sha256::add(void const* data, size_t data_length) { if (data_length == 0U) { return; } #if MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x03000000 && MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x02070000 mbedtls_sha256_update_ret(&handle_, static_cast(data), data_length); #else mbedtls_sha256_update(&handle_, static_cast(data), data_length); #endif } tr_sha256_digest_t tr_sha256::finish() { auto digest = tr_sha256_digest_t{}; auto* const digest_as_uchar = reinterpret_cast(std::data(digest)); #if MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x03000000 && MBEDTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x02070000 mbedtls_sha256_finish_ret(&handle_, digest_as_uchar); #else mbedtls_sha256_finish(&handle_, digest_as_uchar); #endif clear(); return digest; } // --- bool tr_rand_buffer_crypto(void* buffer, size_t length) { if (length == 0) { return true; } TR_ASSERT(buffer != nullptr); auto constexpr ChunkSize = size_t{ MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_REQUEST }; static_assert(ChunkSize > 0U); auto const lock = std::scoped_lock{ rng_mutex_ }; for (auto offset = size_t{ 0 }; offset < length; offset += ChunkSize) { if (!check_result(mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random( get_rng(), static_cast(buffer) + offset, std::min(ChunkSize, length - offset)))) { return false; } } return true; }