// This file Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include /* EILSEQ, EINVAL */ #include // std::byte #include // uint16_t #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // RapidJSON SIMD optimisations #ifdef __SSE2__ #define RAPIDJSON_SSE2 #endif #ifdef __SSE4_2__ #define RAPIDJSON_SSE42 #endif #ifdef __ARM_NEON #define RAPIDJSON_NEON #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LIBTRANSMISSION_VARIANT_MODULE #include "libtransmission/error.h" #include "libtransmission/quark.h" #include "libtransmission/tr-assert.h" #include "libtransmission/utils.h" #include "libtransmission/variant.h" namespace { namespace parse_helpers { struct json_to_variant_handler : public rapidjson::BaseReaderHandler<> { static_assert(std::is_same_v); explicit json_to_variant_handler(tr_variant* const top) { stack_.emplace(top); } bool Null() { *get_leaf() = tr_variant::unmanaged_string(""); return true; } bool Bool(bool const val) { *get_leaf() = val; return true; } bool Int(int const val) { return Int64(val); } bool Uint(unsigned const val) { return Uint64(val); } bool Int64(int64_t const val) { *get_leaf() = val; return true; } bool Uint64(uint64_t const val) { return Int64(val); } bool Double(double const val) { *get_leaf() = val; return true; } bool String(Ch const* const str, rapidjson::SizeType const len, bool const copy) { *get_leaf() = copy ? tr_variant{ std::string{ str, len } } : tr_variant::unmanaged_string({ str, len }); return true; } bool StartObject() { tr_variantInitDict(push_stack(), prealloc_guess()); return true; } bool Key(Ch const* const str, rapidjson::SizeType const len, bool const copy) { if (copy) { key_buf_.assign(str, len); cur_key_ = key_buf_; } else { cur_key_ = std::string_view{ str, len }; } return true; } bool EndObject(rapidjson::SizeType const len) { pop_stack(len); return true; } bool StartArray() { tr_variantInitList(push_stack(), prealloc_guess()); return true; } bool EndArray(rapidjson::SizeType const len) { pop_stack(len); return true; } private: [[nodiscard]] size_t prealloc_guess() const noexcept { auto const depth = std::size(stack_); return depth < MaxDepth ? prealloc_guess_[depth] : 0; } tr_variant* push_stack() noexcept { return stack_.emplace(get_leaf()); } void pop_stack(rapidjson::SizeType const len) noexcept { #ifdef TR_ENABLE_ASSERTS if (auto* top = stack_.top(); top->holds_alternative()) { TR_ASSERT(std::size(*top->get_if()) == len); } else if (top->holds_alternative()) { TR_ASSERT(std::size(*top->get_if()) == len); } #endif auto const depth = std::size(stack_); stack_.pop(); TR_ASSERT(!std::empty(stack_)); if (depth < MaxDepth) { prealloc_guess_[depth] = len; } } tr_variant* get_leaf() { auto* const parent = stack_.top(); TR_ASSERT(parent != nullptr); if (parent->holds_alternative()) { return tr_variantListAdd(parent); } if (parent->holds_alternative()) { TR_ASSERT(!std::empty(cur_key_)); auto tmp = std::string_view{}; std::swap(cur_key_, tmp); return tr_variantDictAdd(parent, tr_quark_new(tmp)); } return parent; } /* arbitrary value... this is much deeper than our code goes */ static auto constexpr MaxDepth = size_t{ 64 }; /* A very common pattern is for a container's children to be similar, * e.g. they may all be objects with the same set of keys. So when * a container is popped off the stack, remember its size to use as * a preallocation heuristic for the next container at that depth. */ std::array prealloc_guess_{}; std::string key_buf_; std::string_view cur_key_; std::stack stack_; }; } // namespace parse_helpers } // namespace std::optional tr_variant_serde::parse_json(std::string_view input) { auto* const begin = std::data(input); TR_ASSERT(begin != nullptr); // RapidJSON will dereference a nullptr if this is false if (begin == nullptr) { return {}; } auto const size = std::size(input); auto top = tr_variant{}; auto handler = parse_helpers::json_to_variant_handler{ &top }; auto ms = rapidjson::MemoryStream{ begin, size }; auto eis = rapidjson::AutoUTFInputStream{ ms }; auto reader = rapidjson::GenericReader, rapidjson::UTF8>{}; reader.Parse(eis, handler); if (!reader.HasParseError()) { return std::optional{ std::move(top) }; } if (auto err_code = reader.GetParseErrorCode(); err_code == rapidjson::kParseErrorDocumentEmpty) { error_.set(EINVAL, "No content"); } else { auto const err_offset = reader.GetErrorOffset(); error_.set( EILSEQ, fmt::format( _("Couldn't parse JSON at position {position} '{text}': {error} ({error_code})"), fmt::arg("position", err_offset), fmt::arg("text", std::string_view{ begin + err_offset, std::min(size_t{ 16U }, size - err_offset) }), fmt::arg("error", rapidjson::GetParseError_En(err_code)), fmt::arg("error_code", static_cast>(err_code)))); } return {}; } // --- namespace { namespace to_string_helpers { // implements RapidJSON's Stream concept, so that the library can output // directly to a std::string, and we can avoid some copying by copy elision // http://rapidjson.org/md_doc_stream.html struct string_output_stream { using Ch = char; explicit string_output_stream(std::string& str) : str_ref_{ str } { } [[nodiscard]] static Ch Peek() { TR_ASSERT(false); return 0; } [[nodiscard]] static Ch Take() { TR_ASSERT(false); return 0; } static size_t Tell() { TR_ASSERT(false); return 0U; } static Ch* PutBegin() { TR_ASSERT(false); return nullptr; } void Put(Ch const c) { str_ref_ += c; } static void Flush() { } static size_t PutEnd(Ch* /*begin*/) { TR_ASSERT(false); return 0U; } private: std::string& str_ref_; }; using writer_var_t = std::variant, rapidjson::PrettyWriter>; void jsonIntFunc(tr_variant const& /*var*/, int64_t const val, void* vdata) { std::visit([val](auto&& writer) { writer.Int64(val); }, *static_cast(vdata)); } void jsonBoolFunc(tr_variant const& /*var*/, bool const val, void* vdata) { std::visit([val](auto&& writer) { writer.Bool(val); }, *static_cast(vdata)); } void jsonRealFunc(tr_variant const& /*var*/, double const val, void* vdata) { std::visit([val](auto&& writer) { writer.Double(val); }, *static_cast(vdata)); } void jsonStringFunc(tr_variant const& /*var*/, std::string_view sv, void* vdata) { std::visit([sv](auto&& writer) { writer.String(std::data(sv), std::size(sv)); }, *static_cast(vdata)); } void jsonDictBeginFunc(tr_variant const& /*var*/, void* vdata) { std::visit([](auto&& writer) { writer.StartObject(); }, *static_cast(vdata)); } void jsonListBeginFunc(tr_variant const& /*var*/, void* vdata) { std::visit([](auto&& writer) { writer.StartArray(); }, *static_cast(vdata)); } void jsonContainerEndFunc(tr_variant const& var, void* vdata) { auto& writer_var = *static_cast(vdata); if (var.holds_alternative()) { std::visit([](auto&& writer) { writer.EndObject(); }, writer_var); } else /* list */ { std::visit([](auto&& writer) { writer.EndArray(); }, writer_var); } } } // namespace to_string_helpers } // namespace std::string tr_variant_serde::to_json_string(tr_variant const& var) const { using namespace to_string_helpers; static auto constexpr Funcs = WalkFuncs{ jsonIntFunc, // jsonBoolFunc, // jsonRealFunc, // jsonStringFunc, // jsonDictBeginFunc, // jsonListBeginFunc, // jsonContainerEndFunc, // }; auto out = std::string{}; out.reserve(rapidjson::StringBuffer::kDefaultCapacity); auto stream = string_output_stream{ out }; auto writer = writer_var_t{}; if (compact_) { writer.emplace<0>(stream); } else { writer.emplace<1>(stream); } walk(var, Funcs, &writer, true); return out; }