/* * This file Copyright (C) 2017 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include #include "transmission.h" #include "error.h" #include "file.h" #include "subprocess.h" #include "utils.h" #include "libtransmission-test.h" static char arg_dump_args[] = "--dump-args"; static char arg_dump_env[] = "--dump-env"; static char arg_dump_cwd[] = "--dump-cwd"; static char* self_path = NULL; static int test_spawn_async_missing_exe(void) { char missing_exe_path[] = TR_IF_WIN32("C:\\", "/") "tr-missing-test-exe" TR_IF_WIN32(".exe", ""); char* const args[] = { missing_exe_path, NULL }; tr_error* error = NULL; bool const ret = tr_spawn_async(args, NULL, NULL, &error); check_bool(ret, == , false); check_ptr(error, != , NULL); check_int(error->code, != , 0); check_str(error->message, != , NULL); tr_error_clear(&error); return 0; } static int test_spawn_async_args(void) { char* const test_dir = libtest_sandbox_create(); char* const result_path = tr_sys_path_native_separators(tr_buildPath(test_dir, "result.txt", NULL)); bool const allow_batch_metachars = TR_IF_WIN32(false, true) || !tr_str_has_suffix(self_path, ".cmd"); char test_arg_1[] = "arg1 "; char test_arg_2[] = " arg2"; char test_arg_3[] = ""; char test_arg_4[] = "\"arg3'^! $PATH %PATH% \\"; char* const args[] = { self_path, result_path, arg_dump_args, test_arg_1, test_arg_2, test_arg_3, allow_batch_metachars ? test_arg_4 : NULL, NULL }; tr_error* error = NULL; bool const ret = tr_spawn_async(args, NULL, NULL, &error); check_bool(ret, ==, true); check_ptr(error, ==, NULL); while (!tr_sys_path_exists(result_path, NULL)) { tr_wait_msec(10); } tr_sys_file_t fd = tr_sys_file_open(result_path, TR_SYS_FILE_READ, 0, NULL); check_int(fd, !=, TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); char buffer[1024]; check(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); check_str(buffer, ==, test_arg_1); check(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); check_str(buffer, ==, test_arg_2); check(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); check_str(buffer, == , test_arg_3); if (allow_batch_metachars) { check(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); check_str(buffer, == , test_arg_4); } check(!tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); tr_sys_file_close(fd, NULL); tr_free(result_path); libtest_sandbox_destroy(test_dir); tr_free(test_dir); return 0; } static int test_spawn_async_env(void) { char* const test_dir = libtest_sandbox_create(); char* const result_path = tr_sys_path_native_separators(tr_buildPath(test_dir, "result.txt", NULL)); char test_env_key_1[] = "VAR1"; char test_env_key_2[] = "_VAR_2_"; char test_env_key_3[] = "vAr#"; char test_env_key_4[] = "FOO"; char test_env_key_5[] = "ZOO"; char test_env_key_6[] = "TR_MISSING_TEST_ENV_KEY"; char test_env_value_1[] = "value1 "; char test_env_value_2[] = " value2"; char test_env_value_3[] = " \"value3'^! $PATH %PATH% "; char test_env_value_4[] = "bar"; char test_env_value_5[] = "jar"; char* const args[] = { self_path, result_path, arg_dump_env, test_env_key_1, test_env_key_2, test_env_key_3, test_env_key_4, test_env_key_5, test_env_key_6, NULL }; char* const env[] = { tr_strdup_printf("%s=%s", test_env_key_1, test_env_value_1), tr_strdup_printf("%s=%s", test_env_key_2, test_env_value_2), tr_strdup_printf("%s=%s", test_env_key_3, test_env_value_3), tr_strdup_printf("%s=%s", test_env_key_5, test_env_value_5), NULL }; /* Inherited */ char foo_env_value[] = "FOO=bar"; putenv(foo_env_value); /* Overridden */ char zoo_env_value[] = "ZOO=tar"; putenv(zoo_env_value); tr_error* error = NULL; bool const ret = tr_spawn_async(args, env, NULL, &error); check_bool(ret, ==, true); check_ptr(error, ==, NULL); while (!tr_sys_path_exists(result_path, NULL)) { tr_wait_msec(10); } tr_sys_file_t fd = tr_sys_file_open(result_path, TR_SYS_FILE_READ, 0, NULL); check_int(fd, !=, TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); char buffer[1024]; check(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); check_str(buffer, ==, test_env_value_1); check(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); check_str(buffer, ==, test_env_value_2); check(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); check_str(buffer, ==, test_env_value_3); check(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); check_str(buffer, ==, test_env_value_4); check(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); check_str(buffer, ==, test_env_value_5); check(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); check_str(buffer, ==, ""); check(!tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); tr_sys_file_close(fd, NULL); tr_free_ptrv((void* const*)env); tr_free(result_path); libtest_sandbox_destroy(test_dir); tr_free(test_dir); return 0; } static int test_spawn_async_cwd_explicit(void) { char* const test_dir = libtest_sandbox_create(); char* const result_path = tr_sys_path_native_separators(tr_buildPath(test_dir, "result.txt", NULL)); char* const args[] = { self_path, result_path, arg_dump_cwd, NULL }; tr_error* error = NULL; bool const ret = tr_spawn_async(args, NULL, test_dir, &error); check_bool(ret, ==, true); check_ptr(error, ==, NULL); while (!tr_sys_path_exists(result_path, NULL)) { tr_wait_msec(10); } tr_sys_file_t fd = tr_sys_file_open(result_path, TR_SYS_FILE_READ, 0, NULL); check_int(fd, !=, TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); char buffer[1024]; check(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); check_str(tr_sys_path_native_separators(buffer), ==, tr_sys_path_native_separators(test_dir)); check(!tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); tr_sys_file_close(fd, NULL); tr_free(result_path); libtest_sandbox_destroy(test_dir); tr_free(test_dir); return 0; } static int test_spawn_async_cwd_inherit(void) { char* const test_dir = libtest_sandbox_create(); char* const result_path = tr_sys_path_native_separators(tr_buildPath(test_dir, "result.txt", NULL)); char* const expected_cwd = tr_sys_dir_get_current(NULL); char* const args[] = { self_path, result_path, arg_dump_cwd, NULL }; tr_error* error = NULL; bool const ret = tr_spawn_async(args, NULL, NULL, &error); check_bool(ret, ==, true); check_ptr(error, ==, NULL); while (!tr_sys_path_exists(result_path, NULL)) { tr_wait_msec(10); } tr_sys_file_t fd = tr_sys_file_open(result_path, TR_SYS_FILE_READ, 0, NULL); check_int(fd, !=, TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); char buffer[1024]; check(tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); check_str(tr_sys_path_native_separators(buffer), ==, tr_sys_path_native_separators(expected_cwd)); check(!tr_sys_file_read_line(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL)); tr_sys_file_close(fd, NULL); tr_free(expected_cwd); tr_free(result_path); libtest_sandbox_destroy(test_dir); tr_free(test_dir); return 0; } static int test_spawn_async_cwd_missing(void) { char* const test_dir = libtest_sandbox_create(); char* const result_path = tr_sys_path_native_separators(tr_buildPath(test_dir, "result.txt", NULL)); char* const args[] = { self_path, result_path, arg_dump_cwd, NULL }; tr_error* error = NULL; bool const ret = tr_spawn_async(args, NULL, TR_IF_WIN32("C:\\", "/") "tr-missing-test-work-dir", &error); check_bool(ret, ==, false); check_ptr(error, !=, NULL); check_int(error->code, !=, 0); check_str(error->message, !=, NULL); tr_error_clear(&error); tr_free(result_path); libtest_sandbox_destroy(test_dir); tr_free(test_dir); return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { self_path = tr_sys_path_resolve(argv[0], NULL); if (argc >= 3) { char* const result_path = argv[1]; char* const test_action = argv[2]; char* const tmp_result_path = tr_strdup_printf("%s.tmp", result_path); tr_sys_file_t const fd = tr_sys_file_open(tmp_result_path, TR_SYS_FILE_WRITE | TR_SYS_FILE_CREATE | TR_SYS_FILE_TRUNCATE, 0644, NULL); if (fd == TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { tr_free(tmp_result_path); return 1; } if (strcmp(test_action, arg_dump_args) == 0) { for (int i = 3; i < argc; ++i) { tr_sys_file_write_line(fd, argv[i], NULL); } } else if (strcmp(test_action, arg_dump_env) == 0) { for (int i = 3; i < argc; ++i) { char* const value = tr_env_get_string(argv[i], ""); tr_sys_file_write_line(fd, value, NULL); tr_free(value); } } else if (strcmp(test_action, arg_dump_cwd) == 0) { char* const value = tr_sys_dir_get_current(NULL); tr_sys_file_write_line(fd, value != NULL ? value : "", NULL); tr_free(value); } else { tr_sys_file_close(fd, NULL); tr_sys_path_remove(tmp_result_path, NULL); tr_free(tmp_result_path); return 1; } tr_sys_file_close(fd, NULL); tr_sys_path_rename(tmp_result_path, result_path, NULL); tr_free(tmp_result_path); return 0; } testFunc const tests[] = { test_spawn_async_missing_exe, test_spawn_async_args, test_spawn_async_env, test_spawn_async_cwd_explicit, test_spawn_async_cwd_inherit, test_spawn_async_cwd_missing }; int ret = runTests(tests, NUM_TESTS(tests)); #ifdef _WIN32 strcpy(self_path + strlen(self_path) - 4, ".cmd"); int ret2 = runTests(tests, NUM_TESTS(tests)); if (ret == 0) { ret = ret2; } #endif tr_free(self_path); return ret; }