// This file Copyright © 2008-2022 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #pragma once #ifndef __TRANSMISSION__ #error only libtransmission should #include this header. #endif #include #include // size_t #include // uint64_t #include #include // for std::move() #include #include "transmission.h" #include "tr-assert.h" class tr_peerIo; /** * @addtogroup networked_io Networked IO * @{ */ struct tr_bandwidth_limits { tr_kilobytes_per_second_t up_limit_KBps = 0; tr_kilobytes_per_second_t down_limit_KBps = 0; bool up_limited = false; bool down_limited = false; }; /** * tr_bandwidth is an object for measuring and constraining bandwidth speeds. * * tr_bandwidth objects can be "stacked" so that a peer can be made to obey * multiple constraints (for example, obeying the global speed limit and a * per-torrent speed limit). * * HIERARCHY * * Transmission's bandwidth hierarchy is a tree. * At the top is the global bandwidth object owned by tr_session. * Its children are per-torrent bandwidth objects owned by tr_torrent. * Underneath those are per-peer bandwidth objects owned by tr_peer. * * tr_session also owns a tr_handshake's bandwidths, so that the handshake * I/O can be counted in the global raw totals. When the handshake is done, * the bandwidth's ownership passes to a tr_peer. * * MEASURING * * When you ask a bandwidth object for its speed, it gives the speed of the * subtree underneath it as well. So you can get Transmission's overall * speed by querying tr_session's bandwidth, per-torrent speeds by asking * tr_torrent's bandwidth, and per-peer speeds by asking tr_peer's bandwidth. * * CONSTRAINING * * Call tr_bandwidth::allocate() periodically. tr_bandwidth knows its current * speed and will decide how many bytes to make available over the * user-specified period to reach the user-specified desired speed. * If appropriate, it notifies its peer-ios that new bandwidth is available. * * tr_bandwidth::allocate() operates on the tr_bandwidth subtree, so usually * you'll only need to invoke it for the top-level tr_session bandwidth. * * The peer-ios all have a pointer to their associated tr_bandwidth object, * and call tr_bandwidth::clamp() before performing I/O to see how much * bandwidth they can safely use. */ struct tr_bandwidth { private: static constexpr size_t HistoryMSec = 2000U; static constexpr size_t IntervalMSec = HistoryMSec; static constexpr size_t GranularityMSec = 250; static constexpr size_t HistorySize = (IntervalMSec / GranularityMSec); public: explicit tr_bandwidth(tr_bandwidth* newParent); tr_bandwidth() : tr_bandwidth(nullptr) { } ~tr_bandwidth() noexcept { deparent(); } tr_bandwidth& operator=(tr_bandwidth&&) = delete; tr_bandwidth& operator=(tr_bandwidth) = delete; tr_bandwidth(tr_bandwidth&&) = delete; tr_bandwidth(tr_bandwidth&) = delete; // @brief Sets the peer. nullptr is allowed. void setPeer(std::weak_ptr peer) noexcept { this->peer_ = std::move(peer); } /** * @brief Notify the bandwidth object that some of its allocated bandwidth has been consumed. * This is is usually invoked by the peer-io after a read or write. */ void notifyBandwidthConsumed(tr_direction dir, size_t byte_count, bool is_piece_data, uint64_t now); /** * @brief allocate the next period_msec's worth of bandwidth for the peer-ios to consume */ void allocate(unsigned int period_msec); void setParent(tr_bandwidth* new_parent); void deparent() noexcept; [[nodiscard]] constexpr tr_priority_t getPriority() const noexcept { return this->priority_; } constexpr void setPriority(tr_priority_t prio) noexcept { this->priority_ = prio; } /** * @brief clamps byte_count down to a number that this bandwidth will allow to be consumed */ [[nodiscard]] size_t clamp(tr_direction dir, size_t byte_count) const noexcept { return this->clamp(0, dir, byte_count); } /** @brief Get the raw total of bytes read or sent by this bandwidth subtree. */ [[nodiscard]] tr_bytes_per_second_t getRawSpeedBytesPerSecond(uint64_t const now, tr_direction const dir) const { TR_ASSERT(tr_isDirection(dir)); return getSpeedBytesPerSecond(this->band_[dir].raw_, HistoryMSec, now); } /** @brief Get the number of piece data bytes read or sent by this bandwidth subtree. */ [[nodiscard]] tr_bytes_per_second_t getPieceSpeedBytesPerSecond(uint64_t const now, tr_direction const dir) const { TR_ASSERT(tr_isDirection(dir)); return getSpeedBytesPerSecond(this->band_[dir].piece_, HistoryMSec, now); } /** * @brief Set the desired speed for this bandwidth subtree. * @see tr_bandwidth::allocate * @see tr_bandwidth::getDesiredSpeed */ constexpr bool setDesiredSpeedBytesPerSecond(tr_direction dir, tr_bytes_per_second_t desired_speed) { auto& value = this->band_[dir].desired_speed_bps_; bool const did_change = desired_speed != value; value = desired_speed; return did_change; } /** * @brief Get the desired speed for the bandwidth subtree. * @see tr_bandwidth::setDesiredSpeed */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr tr_bytes_per_second_t getDesiredSpeedBytesPerSecond(tr_direction dir) const { return this->band_[dir].desired_speed_bps_; } /** * @brief Set whether or not this bandwidth should throttle its peer-io's speeds */ constexpr bool setLimited(tr_direction dir, bool is_limited) { bool* value = &this->band_[dir].is_limited_; bool const did_change = is_limited != *value; *value = is_limited; return did_change; } /** * @return nonzero if this bandwidth throttles its peer-ios speeds */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool isLimited(tr_direction dir) const noexcept { return this->band_[dir].is_limited_; } /** * Almost all the time we do want to honor a parents' bandwidth cap, so that * (for example) a peer is constrained by a per-torrent cap and the global cap. * But when we set a torrent's speed mode to TR_SPEEDLIMIT_UNLIMITED, then * in that particular case we want to ignore the global speed limit... */ constexpr bool honorParentLimits(tr_direction direction, bool is_enabled) { bool* value = &this->band_[direction].honor_parent_limits_; bool const did_change = is_enabled != *value; *value = is_enabled; return did_change; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool areParentLimitsHonored(tr_direction direction) const { TR_ASSERT(tr_isDirection(direction)); return this->band_[direction].honor_parent_limits_; } struct RateControl { std::array date_; std::array size_; uint64_t cache_time_; tr_bytes_per_second_t cache_val_; int newest_; }; struct Band { RateControl raw_; RateControl piece_; size_t bytes_left_; tr_bytes_per_second_t desired_speed_bps_; bool is_limited_ = false; bool honor_parent_limits_ = true; }; [[nodiscard]] tr_bandwidth_limits getLimits() const; void setLimits(tr_bandwidth_limits const* limits); [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto* parent() noexcept { return parent_; } private: static tr_bytes_per_second_t getSpeedBytesPerSecond(RateControl& r, unsigned int interval_msec, uint64_t now); static void notifyBandwidthConsumedBytes(uint64_t now, RateControl* r, size_t size); [[nodiscard]] size_t clamp(uint64_t now, tr_direction dir, size_t byte_count) const; static void phaseOne(std::vector& peers, tr_direction dir); void allocateBandwidth( tr_priority_t parent_priority, unsigned int period_msec, std::vector>& peer_pool); mutable std::array band_ = {}; std::vector children_; tr_bandwidth* parent_ = nullptr; std::weak_ptr peer_; tr_priority_t priority_ = 0; }; /* @} */