 * G L O B A L

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 * T O P   M E N U

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 * G L O B A L   D E T A I L S

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 * T O R R E N T   F I L T E R   B A R

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 * T O R R E N T   C O N T A I N E R

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li.torrent a:active div.torrent_resume {
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 * T O R R E N T   I N S P E C T O R

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#inspector_tabs .selected {
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#inspector_tabs #inspector_tab_info .selected {
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.inspector_row > div {
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	width: 380px; /* inspector_container_width==480 - inspector_label_width==100 */

/* Peers Inspector Tab */
#inspector_peers_list {
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#inspector_peers_list > div.inspector_group {
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table.peer_list {
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.peer_list .encryptedCol {
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.peer_list .upCol {
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.peer_list .downCol {
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.peer_list .percentCol {
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.peer_list td.percentCol {
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.peer_list .statusCol {
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.peer_list .addressCol {
	width: 90px;

.peer_list .clientCol {
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	overflow: hidden;
	text-overflow: ellipsis;

tr.inspector_peer_entry {


tr.inspector_peer_entry.odd {
	background-color: #EEEEEE;

/* Trackers Inspector Tab */
#inspector_trackers_list {
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	overflow: hidden;

#inspector_trackers_list > div.inspector_group {
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.tier_list .tracker_activity{
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	width: 330px;
	display: table;
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.tier_list .tracker_activity div{
	padding: 2px;
.tier_list table{
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.tier_list th{
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li.inspector_tracker_entry {
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li.inspector_tracker_entry.odd {
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div.tracker_host {
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	font-weight: bold;
	color: #222;

/* Files Inspector Tab */
#inspector_file_list {
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	margin: 0 0 0 0;
	text-align: left;
	cursor: default;
	overflow: hidden;
#inspector_file_list #select_all_button_container {
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li.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry {
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li.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry.skip {
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li.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry.even {
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div.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry_name {
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li.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry.skip>.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry_name {
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div.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry_progress {
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div.file_wanted_control {
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li.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry.skip>.file_wanted_control {
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li.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry.complete>.file_wanted_control {
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ul.single_file li.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry>.file_wanted_control,
li.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry.complete>.file_wanted_control {
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div.file_priority_control {
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div.file_priority_control.normal {
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div.file_priority_control.normal:hover {
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div.file_priority_control.high {
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div.file_priority_control.high:hover {
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div.file_priority_control.low {
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div.file_priority_control.low:hover {
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ul.single_file li.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry>.file_priority_control,
li.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry.complete div.file_priority_control {
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 * T O R R E N T   F O O T E R

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 * D I A L O G S

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 * T R A N S   M E N U

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 * C O N T E X T   M E N U

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