# Transmission Web Client A web interface is built into all Transmission flavors, enabling them to be controlled remotely. ## Developing locally First, in this web directory, run `npm i` to install all dependencies. (You’ll need to have node and npm installed, of course.) Run `npm run dev` to compile the source javascript files into a bundle, then navigate to [localhost:9000](http://localhost:9000/). Webpack will automatically compile on save, so you should see any changes reflected immediately. ## Anonymizing your data for screenshots Use this bookmarklet to anonymize your torrent names before submitting a screenshot: `javascript:void%20function(){const%20a=document.getElementsByClassName(%22torrent-name%22);for(const%20b%20of%20a)console.log(b),b.textContent=%22Lorem%20ipsum%20dolor%20sit%20amet.iso%22}();` You’ll typically have about 3 seconds before the next batch of RPC updates overwrite the text content of any currently-downloading files.