/* * This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id$ */ #include "transmission.h" #include "cache.h" #include "inout.h" #include "peer-common.h" /* MAX_BLOCK_SIZE */ #include "ptrarray.h" #include "torrent.h" #include "utils.h" #define MY_NAME "Cache" #define dbgmsg( ... ) \ do { \ if( tr_deepLoggingIsActive( ) ) \ tr_deepLog( __FILE__, __LINE__, MY_NAME, __VA_ARGS__ ); \ } while( 0 ) /**** ***** ****/ struct cache_block { tr_torrent * tor; tr_piece_index_t piece; uint32_t offset; uint32_t length; time_t time; tr_block_index_t block; uint8_t * buf; }; struct tr_cache { tr_ptrArray blocks; int max_blocks; size_t max_bytes; size_t disk_writes; size_t disk_write_bytes; size_t cache_writes; size_t cache_write_bytes; }; /**** ***** ****/ struct run_info { int pos; int rank; time_t last_block_time; tr_bool is_multi_piece; tr_bool is_piece_done; unsigned len; }; /* return a count of how many contiguous blocks there are starting at this pos */ static int getBlockRun( const tr_cache * cache, int pos, struct run_info * info ) { int i; const int n = tr_ptrArraySize( &cache->blocks ); const struct cache_block ** blocks = (const struct cache_block**) tr_ptrArrayBase( &cache->blocks ); const struct cache_block * ref = blocks[pos]; tr_block_index_t block = ref->block; for( i=pos; iblock != block ) break; if( b->tor != ref->tor ) break; //fprintf( stderr, "pos %d tor %d block %zu time %zu\n", i, b->tor->uniqueId, (size_t)b->block, (size_t)b->time ); } //fprintf( stderr, "run is %d long from [%d to %d)\n", (int)(i-pos), i, (int)pos ); if( info != NULL ) { const struct cache_block * b = blocks[i-1]; info->last_block_time = b->time; info->is_piece_done = tr_cpPieceIsComplete( &b->tor->completion, b->piece ); info->is_multi_piece = b->piece != blocks[pos]->piece ? TRUE : FALSE; info->len = i - pos; info->pos = pos; } return i-pos; } static int compareRuns( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const struct run_info a = *(const struct run_info*)va; const struct run_info b = *(const struct run_info*)vb; return b.rank - a.rank; } enum { MULTIFLAG = 0x1000, DONEFLAG = 0x2000, SESSIONFLAG = 0x4000 }; /* Calculte runs * - Stale runs, runs sitting in cache for a long time or runs not growing, get priority. * Returns number of runs. */ static int calcRuns( tr_cache * cache, struct run_info * runs ) { const int n = tr_ptrArraySize( &cache->blocks ); int i = 0, pos; const time_t now = tr_time(); for( pos = 0; pos < n; pos += runs[i++].len ) { int rank = getBlockRun( cache, pos, &runs[i] ); /* This adds ~2 to the relative length of a run for every minute it has * languished in the cache. */ rank += ( now - runs[i].last_block_time ) / 32; /* Flushing stale blocks should be a top priority as the probability of them * growing is very small, for blocks on piece boundaries, and nonexistant for * blocks inside pieces. */ rank |= runs[i].is_piece_done ? DONEFLAG : 0; /* Move the multi piece runs higher */ rank |= runs[i].is_multi_piece ? MULTIFLAG : 0; runs[i].rank = rank; //fprintf(stderr,"block run at pos %d of length %d and age %ld adjusted +%d\n",runs[i].pos,runs[i].len,now-runs[i].last_block_time,rank-runs[i].len); } //fprintf( stderr, "%d block runs\n", i ); qsort( runs, i, sizeof( struct run_info ), compareRuns ); return i; } static int flushContiguous( tr_cache * cache, int pos, int n ) { int i; int err = 0; uint8_t * buf = tr_new( uint8_t, n * MAX_BLOCK_SIZE ); uint8_t * walk = buf; struct cache_block ** blocks = (struct cache_block**) tr_ptrArrayBase( &cache->blocks ); struct cache_block * b = blocks[pos]; tr_torrent * tor = b->tor; const tr_piece_index_t piece = b->piece; const uint32_t offset = b->offset; //fprintf( stderr, "flushing %d contiguous blocks [%d-%d) from cache to disk\n", n, pos, n+pos ); for( i=pos; ibuf, b->length ); walk += b->length; tr_free( b->buf ); tr_free( b ); } tr_ptrArrayErase( &cache->blocks, pos, pos+n ); #if 0 tr_tordbg( tor, "Writing to disk piece %d, offset %d, len %d", (int)piece, (int)offset, (int)(walk-buf) ); tr_ndbg( MY_NAME, "Removing %d blocks from cache, rank: %d - %d left", n, rank, tr_ptrArraySize(&cache->blocks) ); fprintf( stderr, "%s - Writing to disk piece %d, offset %d, len %d\n", tr_torrentName(tor), (int)piece, (int)offset, (int)(walk-buf) ); fprintf( stderr, "%s - Removing %d blocks from cache; %d left\n", MY_NAME, n, tr_ptrArraySize(&cache->blocks) ); #endif err = tr_ioWrite( tor, piece, offset, walk-buf, buf ); tr_free( buf ); ++cache->disk_writes; cache->disk_write_bytes += walk-buf; return err; } static int flushRuns( tr_cache * cache, struct run_info * runs, int n ) { int i, j, err = 0; for( i = 0; !err && i < n; ++i ) { err = flushContiguous( cache, runs[i].pos, runs[i].len ); for( j = i + 1; j < n; ++j ) if( runs[j].pos > runs[i].pos ) runs[j].pos -= runs[i].len; } return err; } static int cacheTrim( tr_cache * cache ) { int err = 0; if( tr_ptrArraySize( &cache->blocks ) > cache->max_blocks ) { /* Amount of cache that should be removed by the flush. This influences how large * runs can grow as well as how often flushes will happen. */ const int cacheCutoff = 1 + cache->max_blocks / 4; struct run_info * runs = tr_new( struct run_info, tr_ptrArraySize( &cache->blocks ) ); int i = 0, j = 0; calcRuns( cache, runs ); while( j < cacheCutoff ) j += runs[i++].len; err = flushRuns( cache, runs, i ); tr_free( runs ); } return err; } /*** **** ***/ static int getMaxBlocks( int64_t max_bytes ) { return max_bytes / (double)MAX_BLOCK_SIZE; } int tr_cacheSetLimit( tr_cache * cache, int64_t max_bytes ) { char buf[128]; cache->max_bytes = max_bytes; cache->max_blocks = getMaxBlocks( max_bytes ); tr_formatter_mem_B( buf, cache->max_bytes, sizeof( buf ) ); tr_ndbg( MY_NAME, "Maximum cache size set to %s (%d blocks)", buf, cache->max_blocks ); return cacheTrim( cache ); } int64_t tr_cacheGetLimit( const tr_cache * cache ) { return cache->max_bytes; } tr_cache * tr_cacheNew( int64_t max_bytes ) { tr_cache * cache = tr_new0( tr_cache, 1 ); cache->blocks = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; cache->max_bytes = max_bytes; cache->max_blocks = getMaxBlocks( max_bytes ); return cache; } void tr_cacheFree( tr_cache * cache ) { assert( tr_ptrArrayEmpty( &cache->blocks ) ); tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &cache->blocks, NULL ); tr_free( cache ); } /*** **** ***/ static int cache_block_compare( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const struct cache_block * a = va; const struct cache_block * b = vb; /* primary key: torrent id */ if( a->tor->uniqueId != b->tor->uniqueId ) return a->tor->uniqueId < b->tor->uniqueId ? -1 : 1; /* secondary key: block # */ if( a->block != b->block ) return a->block < b->block ? -1 : 1; /* they're equal */ return 0; } static struct cache_block * findBlock( tr_cache * cache, tr_torrent * torrent, tr_piece_index_t piece, uint32_t offset ) { struct cache_block key; key.tor = torrent; key.block = _tr_block( torrent, piece, offset ); return tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( &cache->blocks, &key, cache_block_compare ); } int tr_cacheWriteBlock( tr_cache * cache, tr_torrent * torrent, tr_piece_index_t piece, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, const uint8_t * writeme ) { struct cache_block * cb = findBlock( cache, torrent, piece, offset ); if( cb == NULL ) { cb = tr_new( struct cache_block, 1 ); cb->tor = torrent; cb->piece = piece; cb->offset = offset; cb->length = length; cb->block = _tr_block( torrent, piece, offset ); cb->buf = NULL; tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( &cache->blocks, cb, cache_block_compare ); } cb->time = tr_time(); tr_free( cb->buf ); cb->buf = tr_memdup( writeme, cb->length ); ++cache->cache_writes; cache->cache_write_bytes += cb->length; return cacheTrim( cache ); } int tr_cacheReadBlock( tr_cache * cache, tr_torrent * torrent, tr_piece_index_t piece, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len, uint8_t * setme ) { int err = 0; struct cache_block * cb = findBlock( cache, torrent, piece, offset ); if( cb ) memcpy( setme, cb->buf, len ); else err = tr_ioRead( torrent, piece, offset, len, setme ); return err; } int tr_cachePrefetchBlock( tr_cache * cache, tr_torrent * torrent, tr_piece_index_t piece, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len ) { int err = 0; struct cache_block * cb = findBlock( cache, torrent, piece, offset ); if( cb == NULL ) err = tr_ioPrefetch( torrent, piece, offset, len ); return err; } /*** **** ***/ static int findPiece( tr_cache * cache, tr_torrent * torrent, tr_piece_index_t piece ) { struct cache_block key; key.tor = torrent; key.block = tr_torPieceFirstBlock( torrent, piece ); return tr_ptrArrayLowerBound( &cache->blocks, &key, cache_block_compare, NULL ); } int tr_cacheFlushDone( tr_cache * cache ) { int err = 0; if( tr_ptrArraySize( &cache->blocks ) > 0 ) { struct run_info * runs = tr_new( struct run_info, tr_ptrArraySize( &cache->blocks ) ); int i = 0, n; n = calcRuns( cache, runs ); while( i < n && ( runs[i].is_piece_done || runs[i].is_multi_piece ) ) runs[i++].rank |= SESSIONFLAG; err = flushRuns( cache, runs, i ); tr_free( runs ); } return err; } int tr_cacheFlushFile( tr_cache * cache, tr_torrent * torrent, tr_file_index_t i ) { int err = 0; const tr_file * file = &torrent->info.files[i]; const tr_block_index_t begin = tr_torPieceFirstBlock( torrent, file->firstPiece ); const tr_block_index_t end = tr_torPieceFirstBlock( torrent, file->lastPiece ) + tr_torPieceCountBlocks( torrent, file->lastPiece ); const int pos = findPiece( cache, torrent, file->firstPiece ); dbgmsg( "flushing file %d from cache to disk: blocks [%zu...%zu)", (int)i, (size_t)begin, (size_t)end ); /* flush out all the blocks in that file */ while( !err && ( pos < tr_ptrArraySize( &cache->blocks ) ) ) { const struct cache_block * b = tr_ptrArrayNth( &cache->blocks, pos ); if( b->tor != torrent ) break; if( ( b->block < begin ) || ( b->block >= end ) ) break; err = flushContiguous( cache, pos, getBlockRun( cache, pos, NULL ) ); } return err; } int tr_cacheFlushTorrent( tr_cache * cache, tr_torrent * torrent ) { int err = 0; const int pos = findPiece( cache, torrent, 0 ); /* flush out all the blocks in that torrent */ while( !err && ( pos < tr_ptrArraySize( &cache->blocks ) ) ) { const struct cache_block * b = tr_ptrArrayNth( &cache->blocks, pos ); if( b->tor != torrent ) break; err = flushContiguous( cache, pos, getBlockRun( cache, pos, NULL ) ); } return err; }