// This file Copyright © 2009-2022 Juliusz Chroboczek. // It may be used under the MIT (SPDX: MIT) license. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include #include #include // for abort() #include // for memcpy() #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for std::tie() #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #undef gai_strerror #define gai_strerror gai_strerrorA #else #include // for `struct timezone` #include #include /* socket(), bind() */ #include #include /* sockaddr_in */ #endif #include #include #include "transmission.h" #include "crypto-utils.h" #include "file.h" #include "log.h" #include "net.h" #include "peer-mgr.h" #include "session.h" #include "timer.h" #include "torrent.h" #include "tr-assert.h" #include "tr-dht.h" #include "tr-strbuf.h" #include "variant.h" #include "utils.h" // tr_time(), _() using namespace std::literals; namespace { struct Impl { std::unique_ptr timer; std::array id = {}; tr_socket_t udp4_socket = TR_BAD_SOCKET; tr_socket_t udp6_socket = TR_BAD_SOCKET; tr_session* session = nullptr; }; Impl impl = {}; } // namespace // mutex-locked wrapper around libdht's API namespace locked_dht { namespace { [[nodiscard]] auto unique_lock() { static std::recursive_mutex dht_mutex; return std::unique_lock(dht_mutex); } } // namespace auto getNodes(struct sockaddr_in* sin, int* num, struct sockaddr_in6* sin6, int* num6) { auto lock = unique_lock(); return dht_get_nodes(sin, num, sin6, num6); } auto init(int s, int s6, unsigned char const* id, unsigned char const* v) { auto lock = unique_lock(); return dht_init(s, s6, id, v); } auto nodes(int af, int* good_return, int* dubious_return, int* cached_return, int* incoming_return) { auto lock = unique_lock(); return dht_nodes(af, good_return, dubious_return, cached_return, incoming_return); } auto periodic( void const* buf, size_t buflen, struct sockaddr const* from, int fromlen, time_t* tosleep, dht_callback_t* callback, void* closure) { auto lock = unique_lock(); return dht_periodic(buf, buflen, from, fromlen, tosleep, callback, closure); } auto ping_node(struct sockaddr const* sa, int salen) { auto lock = unique_lock(); return dht_ping_node(sa, salen); } auto search(unsigned char const* id, int port, int af, dht_callback_t* callback, void* closure) { auto lock = unique_lock(); return dht_search(id, port, af, callback, closure); } auto uninit() { auto lock = unique_lock(); return dht_uninit(); } } // namespace locked_dht enum class Status { Stopped, Broken, Poor, Firewalled, Good }; static constexpr std::string_view printableStatus(Status status) { switch (status) { case Status::Stopped: return "stopped"sv; case Status::Broken: return "broken"sv; case Status::Poor: return "poor"sv; case Status::Firewalled: return "firewalled"sv; case Status::Good: return "good"sv; default: return "???"sv; } } bool tr_dhtEnabled() { return impl.session != nullptr; } static constexpr auto getUdpSocket(int af) { switch (af) { case AF_INET: return impl.udp4_socket; case AF_INET6: return impl.udp6_socket; default: return TR_BAD_SOCKET; } } static auto getStatus(int af, int* const setme_node_count = nullptr) { if (getUdpSocket(af) == TR_BAD_SOCKET) { if (setme_node_count != nullptr) { *setme_node_count = 0; } return Status::Stopped; } int good = 0; int dubious = 0; int incoming = 0; locked_dht::nodes(af, &good, &dubious, nullptr, &incoming); if (setme_node_count != nullptr) { *setme_node_count = good + dubious; } if (good < 4 || good + dubious <= 8) { return Status::Broken; } if (good < 40) { return Status::Poor; } if (incoming < 8) { return Status::Firewalled; } return Status::Good; } static constexpr auto isReady(Status const status) { return status >= Status::Firewalled; } static auto isReady(int af) { return isReady(getStatus(af)); } static bool isBootstrapDone(int af = 0) { if (af == 0) { return isBootstrapDone(AF_INET) && isBootstrapDone(AF_INET6); } auto const status = getStatus(af, nullptr); return status == Status::Stopped || isReady(status); } static void nap(int roughly_sec) { int const roughly_msec = roughly_sec * 1000; int const msec = roughly_msec / 2 + tr_rand_int_weak(roughly_msec); tr_wait_msec(msec); } static int getBootstrappedAF() { if (isBootstrapDone(AF_INET6)) { return AF_INET; } if (isBootstrapDone(AF_INET)) { return AF_INET6; } return 0; } static void bootstrapFromName(char const* name, tr_port port, int af) { auto hints = addrinfo{}; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints.ai_family = af; auto port_str = std::array{}; *fmt::format_to(std::data(port_str), FMT_STRING("{:d}"), port.host()) = '\0'; addrinfo* info = nullptr; if (int const rc = getaddrinfo(name, std::data(port_str), &hints, &info); rc != 0) { tr_logAddWarn(fmt::format( _("Couldn't look up '{address}:{port}': {error} ({error_code})"), fmt::arg("address", name), fmt::arg("port", port.host()), fmt::arg("error", gai_strerror(rc)), fmt::arg("error_code", rc))); return; } addrinfo* infop = info; while (infop != nullptr) { locked_dht::ping_node(infop->ai_addr, infop->ai_addrlen); nap(15); if (isBootstrapDone(af)) { break; } infop = infop->ai_next; } freeaddrinfo(info); } static void bootstrapFromFile(std::string_view config_dir) { if (isBootstrapDone()) { return; } // check for a manual bootstrap file. auto in = std::ifstream{ tr_pathbuf{ config_dir, "/dht.bootstrap"sv } }; if (!in.is_open()) { return; } // format is each line has address, a space char, and port number tr_logAddTrace("Attempting manual bootstrap"); auto line = std::string{}; while (!isBootstrapDone() && std::getline(in, line)) { auto line_stream = std::istringstream{ line }; auto addrstr = std::string{}; auto hport = uint16_t{}; line_stream >> addrstr >> hport; if (line_stream.bad() || std::empty(addrstr)) { tr_logAddWarn(fmt::format(_("Couldn't parse line: '{line}'"), fmt::arg("line", line))); } else { bootstrapFromName(addrstr.c_str(), tr_port::fromHost(hport), getBootstrappedAF()); } } } static void bootstrapStart(std::string_view config_dir, std::vector nodes4, std::vector nodes6) { if (!tr_dhtEnabled()) { return; } auto const num4 = std::size(nodes4) / 6; if (num4 > 0) { tr_logAddDebug(fmt::format("Bootstrapping from {} IPv4 nodes", num4)); } auto const num6 = std::size(nodes6) / 18; if (num6 > 0) { tr_logAddDebug(fmt::format("Bootstrapping from {} IPv6 nodes", num6)); } auto const* walk4 = std::data(nodes4); auto const* walk6 = std::data(nodes6); for (size_t i = 0; i < std::max(num4, num6); ++i) { if (i < num4 && !isBootstrapDone(AF_INET)) { auto addr = tr_address{}; auto port = tr_port{}; std::tie(addr, walk4) = tr_address::fromCompact4(walk4); std::tie(port, walk4) = tr_port::fromCompact(walk4); tr_dhtAddNode(addr, port, true); } if (i < num6 && !isBootstrapDone(AF_INET6)) { auto addr = tr_address{}; auto port = tr_port{}; std::tie(addr, walk6) = tr_address::fromCompact6(walk6); std::tie(port, walk6) = tr_port::fromCompact(walk6); tr_dhtAddNode(addr, port, true); } /* Our DHT code is able to take up to 9 nodes in a row without dropping any. After that, it takes some time to split buckets. So ping the first 8 nodes quickly, then slow down. */ if (i < 8U) { nap(2); } else { nap(15); } if (isBootstrapDone()) { break; } } if (!isBootstrapDone()) { bootstrapFromFile(config_dir); } if (!isBootstrapDone()) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { /* We don't want to abuse our bootstrap nodes, so be very slow. The initial wait is to give other nodes a chance to contact us before we attempt to contact a bootstrap node, for example because we've just been restarted. */ nap(40); if (isBootstrapDone()) { break; } if (i == 0) { tr_logAddDebug("Attempting bootstrap from dht.transmissionbt.com"); } bootstrapFromName("dht.transmissionbt.com", tr_port::fromHost(6881), getBootstrappedAF()); } } tr_logAddTrace("Finished bootstrapping"); } int tr_dhtInit(tr_session* session, tr_socket_t udp4_socket, tr_socket_t udp6_socket) { if (impl.session != nullptr) /* already initialized */ { return -1; } tr_logAddInfo(_("Initializing DHT")); if (tr_env_key_exists("TR_DHT_VERBOSE")) { dht_debug = stderr; } auto benc = tr_variant{}; auto const dat_file = tr_pathbuf{ session->configDir(), "/dht.dat"sv }; auto const ok = tr_variantFromFile(&benc, TR_VARIANT_PARSE_BENC, dat_file.sv()); bool have_id = false; auto nodes = std::vector{}; auto nodes6 = std::vector{}; if (ok) { auto sv = std::string_view{}; have_id = tr_variantDictFindStrView(&benc, TR_KEY_id, &sv); if (have_id && std::size(sv) == std::size(impl.id)) { std::copy(std::begin(sv), std::end(sv), std::data(impl.id)); } size_t raw_len = 0U; std::byte const* raw = nullptr; if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(&benc, TR_KEY_nodes, &raw, &raw_len) && raw_len % 6 == 0) { nodes.assign(raw, raw + raw_len); } if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(&benc, TR_KEY_nodes6, &raw, &raw_len) && raw_len % 18 == 0) { nodes6.assign(raw, raw + raw_len); } tr_variantClear(&benc); } if (have_id) { tr_logAddTrace("Reusing old id"); } else { /* Note that DHT ids need to be distributed uniformly, * so it should be something truly random. */ tr_logAddTrace("Generating new id"); tr_rand_buffer(std::data(impl.id), std::size(impl.id)); } if (locked_dht::init(udp4_socket, udp6_socket, std::data(impl.id), nullptr) < 0) { auto const errcode = errno; tr_logAddDebug(fmt::format("DHT initialization failed: {} ({})", tr_strerror(errcode), errcode)); impl = {}; return -1; } impl.session = session; impl.udp4_socket = udp4_socket; impl.udp6_socket = udp4_socket; std::thread(bootstrapStart, std::string{ session->configDir() }, nodes, nodes6).detach(); static auto constexpr MinInterval = 10ms; static auto constexpr MaxInterval = 1s; auto const random_percent = tr_rand_int_weak(1000) / 1000.0; auto interval = MinInterval + random_percent * (MaxInterval - MinInterval); impl.timer = session->timerMaker().create([]() { tr_dhtCallback(nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); }); impl.timer->startSingleShot(std::chrono::duration_cast(interval)); tr_logAddDebug("DHT initialized"); return 1; } void tr_dhtUninit() { TR_ASSERT(tr_dhtEnabled()); tr_logAddTrace("Uninitializing DHT"); impl.timer.reset(); /* Since we only save known good nodes, * avoid erasing older data if we don't know enough nodes. */ if (!isReady(AF_INET) && !isReady(AF_INET6)) { tr_logAddTrace("Not saving nodes, DHT not ready"); } else { auto constexpr MaxNodes = int{ 300 }; auto constexpr PortLen = size_t{ 2 }; auto constexpr CompactAddrLen = size_t{ 4 }; auto constexpr CompactLen = size_t{ CompactAddrLen + PortLen }; auto constexpr Compact6AddrLen = size_t{ 16 }; auto constexpr Compact6Len = size_t{ Compact6AddrLen + PortLen }; auto sins = std::array{}; auto sins6 = std::array{}; int num = MaxNodes; int num6 = MaxNodes; int const n = locked_dht::getNodes(std::data(sins), &num, std::data(sins6), &num6); tr_logAddTrace(fmt::format("Saving {} ({} + {}) nodes", n, num, num6)); tr_variant benc; tr_variantInitDict(&benc, 3); tr_variantDictAddRaw(&benc, TR_KEY_id, std::data(impl.id), std::size(impl.id)); if (num > 0) { auto compact = std::array{}; char* out = std::data(compact); for (auto const* in = std::data(sins), *end = in + num; in != end; ++in) { memcpy(out, &in->sin_addr, CompactAddrLen); out += CompactAddrLen; memcpy(out, &in->sin_port, PortLen); out += PortLen; } tr_variantDictAddRaw(&benc, TR_KEY_nodes, std::data(compact), out - std::data(compact)); } if (num6 > 0) { auto compact6 = std::array{}; char* out6 = std::data(compact6); for (auto const* in = std::data(sins6), *end = in + num6; in != end; ++in) { memcpy(out6, &in->sin6_addr, Compact6AddrLen); out6 += Compact6AddrLen; memcpy(out6, &in->sin6_port, PortLen); out6 += PortLen; } tr_variantDictAddRaw(&benc, TR_KEY_nodes6, std::data(compact6), out6 - std::data(compact6)); } tr_variantToFile(&benc, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC, tr_pathbuf{ impl.session->configDir(), "/dht.dat"sv }); tr_variantClear(&benc); } locked_dht::uninit(); tr_logAddTrace("Done uninitializing DHT"); impl = {}; } bool tr_dhtAddNode(tr_address addr, tr_port port, bool bootstrap) { if (!tr_dhtEnabled()) { return false; } /* Since we don't want to abuse our bootstrap nodes, * we don't ping them if the DHT is in a good state. */ if (bootstrap && isReady(addr.isIPv4() ? AF_INET : AF_INET6)) { return false; } if (addr.isIPv4()) { auto sin = sockaddr_in{}; sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr = addr.addr.addr4; sin.sin_port = port.network(); locked_dht::ping_node((struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin)); return true; } if (addr.isIPv6()) { auto sin6 = sockaddr_in6{}; sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sin6.sin6_addr = addr.addr.addr6; sin6.sin6_port = port.network(); locked_dht::ping_node((struct sockaddr*)&sin6, sizeof(sin6)); return true; } return false; } static void callback(void* vsession, int event, unsigned char const* info_hash, void const* data, size_t data_len) { auto* const session = static_cast(vsession); auto hash = tr_sha1_digest_t{}; std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast(info_hash), std::size(hash), std::data(hash)); auto const lock = session->unique_lock(); auto* const tor = session->torrents().get(hash); if (event == DHT_EVENT_VALUES || event == DHT_EVENT_VALUES6) { if (tor != nullptr && tor->allowsDht()) { auto const pex = event == DHT_EVENT_VALUES ? tr_pex::fromCompact4(data, data_len, nullptr, 0) : tr_pex::fromCompact6(data, data_len, nullptr, 0); tr_peerMgrAddPex(tor, TR_PEER_FROM_DHT, std::data(pex), std::size(pex)); tr_logAddDebugTor( tor, fmt::format("Learned {} {} peers from DHT", std::size(pex), event == DHT_EVENT_VALUES6 ? "IPv6" : "IPv4")); } } else if (event == DHT_EVENT_SEARCH_DONE || event == DHT_EVENT_SEARCH_DONE6) { if (tor != nullptr) { if (event == DHT_EVENT_SEARCH_DONE) { tr_logAddTraceTor(tor, "IPv4 DHT announce done"); } else { tr_logAddTraceTor(tor, "IPv6 DHT announce done"); } } } } static bool announceTorrent(tr_torrent const* const tor, int af, bool announce, tr_port incoming_peer_port) { TR_ASSERT(tor->allowsDht()); int numnodes = 0; auto const status = getStatus(af, &numnodes); if (status == Status::Stopped) { // let the caller believe everything is all right. return true; } if (status < Status::Poor) { tr_logAddTraceTor( tor, fmt::format( "{} DHT not ready ({}, {} nodes)", af == AF_INET6 ? "IPv6" : "IPv4", printableStatus(status), numnodes)); return false; } auto const* dht_hash = reinterpret_cast(std::data(tor->infoHash())); auto const hport = announce ? incoming_peer_port.host() : 0; int const rc = locked_dht::search(dht_hash, hport, af, callback, impl.session); if (rc < 0) { auto const error_code = errno; tr_logAddWarnTor( tor, fmt::format( _("Unable to announce torrent in DHT with {type}: {error} ({error_code}); state is {state}"), fmt::arg("type", af == AF_INET6 ? "IPv6" : "IPv4"), fmt::arg("state", printableStatus(status)), fmt::arg("error_code", error_code), fmt::arg("error", tr_strerror(error_code)))); return false; } tr_logAddTraceTor( tor, fmt::format( "Starting {} DHT announce ({}, {} nodes)", af == AF_INET6 ? "IPv6" : "IPv4", printableStatus(status), numnodes)); return true; } void tr_dhtUpkeep() { TR_ASSERT(impl.session != nullptr); auto lock = impl.session->unique_lock(); auto const now = tr_time(); auto const incoming_peer_port = impl.session->peerPort(); for (auto* const tor : impl.session->torrents()) { if (!tor->isRunning || !tor->allowsDht()) { continue; } if (tor->dhtAnnounceAt <= now) { auto const ok = announceTorrent(tor, AF_INET, true, incoming_peer_port); auto const interval = ok ? 25 * 60 + tr_rand_int_weak(3 * 60) : 5 + tr_rand_int_weak(5); tor->dhtAnnounceAt = now + interval; } if (tor->dhtAnnounce6At <= now) { auto const ok = announceTorrent(tor, AF_INET6, true, incoming_peer_port); auto const interval = ok ? 25 * 60 + tr_rand_int_weak(3 * 60) : 5 + tr_rand_int_weak(5); tor->dhtAnnounce6At = now + interval; } } } void tr_dhtCallback(unsigned char* buf, int buflen, struct sockaddr* from, socklen_t fromlen) { if (!tr_dhtEnabled()) { return; } time_t tosleep = 0; int const rc = locked_dht::periodic(buf, buflen, from, fromlen, &tosleep, callback, impl.session); if (rc < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { tosleep = 0; } else { auto const errcode = errno; tr_logAddDebug(fmt::format("dht_periodic failed: {} ({})", tr_strerror(errcode), errcode)); if (errcode == EINVAL || errcode == EFAULT) { // TODO: maybe just turn it off instead of crashing? abort(); } tosleep = 1; } } // Being slightly late is fine, // and has the added benefit of adding some jitter. auto const random_percent = tr_rand_int_weak(1000) / 1000.0; auto const min_interval = std::chrono::seconds{ tosleep }; auto const max_interval = std::chrono::seconds{ tosleep + 1 }; auto const interval = min_interval + random_percent * (max_interval - min_interval); impl.timer->startSingleShot(std::chrono::duration_cast(interval)); } extern "C" { // This function should return true when a node is blacklisted. // We don't support using a blacklist with the DHT in Transmission, // since massive (ab)use of this feature could harm the DHT. However, // feel free to add support to your private copy as long as you don't // redistribute it. int dht_blacklisted(sockaddr const* /*sa*/, int /*salen*/) { return 0; } void dht_hash( void* hash_return, int hash_size, void const* v1, int len1, void const* v2, int len2, void const* v3, int len3) { auto* setme = reinterpret_cast(hash_return); std::fill_n(static_cast(hash_return), hash_size, '\0'); auto const sv1 = std::string_view{ static_cast(v1), size_t(len1) }; auto const sv2 = std::string_view{ static_cast(v2), size_t(len2) }; auto const sv3 = std::string_view{ static_cast(v3), size_t(len3) }; auto const digest = tr_sha1::digest(sv1, sv2, sv3); std::copy_n(std::data(digest), std::min(size_t(hash_size), std::size(digest)), setme); } int dht_random_bytes(void* buf, size_t size) { if (!tr_rand_buffer(buf, size)) { return -1; } return size; } int dht_sendto(int sockfd, void const* buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr const* to, int tolen) { return sendto(sockfd, static_cast(buf), len, flags, to, tolen); } #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) int dht_gettimeofday(struct timeval* tv, [[maybe_unused]] struct timezone* tz) { TR_ASSERT(tz == nullptr); auto const d = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch(); auto const s = std::chrono::duration_cast(d); tv->tv_sec = s.count(); tv->tv_usec = std::chrono::duration_cast(d - s).count(); return 0; } #endif } // extern "C"