/* * This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "favicon.h" #include "formatter.h" #include "torrent.h" #include "tracker-delegate.h" #include "tracker-model.h" /*** **** ***/ namespace { const int mySpacing = 6; const QSize myMargin (10, 6); } QSize TrackerDelegate :: margin (const QStyle& style) const { Q_UNUSED (style); return myMargin; } /*** **** ***/ QSize TrackerDelegate :: sizeHint (const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const TrackerInfo & info) const { Q_UNUSED (option); QPixmap favicon = info.st.getFavicon (); const QString text = TrackerDelegate :: getText(info); QTextDocument textDoc; textDoc.setHtml (text); const QSize textSize = textDoc.size().toSize(); return QSize (myMargin.width() + favicon.width() + mySpacing + textSize.width() + myMargin.width(), myMargin.height() + qMax (favicon.height(), textSize.height()) + myMargin.height()); } QSize TrackerDelegate :: sizeHint (const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const { const TrackerInfo trackerInfo = index.data (TrackerModel::TrackerRole).value(); return sizeHint (option, trackerInfo); } void TrackerDelegate :: paint (QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const { const TrackerInfo trackerInfo = index.data (TrackerModel::TrackerRole).value(); painter->save(); painter->setClipRect (option.rect); drawBackground (painter, option, index); drawTracker (painter, option, trackerInfo); drawFocus(painter, option, option.rect); painter->restore(); } void TrackerDelegate :: drawTracker (QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const TrackerInfo & inf) const { painter->save(); QPixmap icon = inf.st.getFavicon(); QRect iconArea (option.rect.x() + myMargin.width(), option.rect.y() + myMargin.height(), icon.width(), icon.height()); painter->drawPixmap (iconArea.x(), iconArea.y()+4, icon); const int textWidth = option.rect.width() - myMargin.width()*2 - mySpacing - icon.width(); const int textX = myMargin.width() + icon.width() + mySpacing; const QString text = getText (inf); QTextDocument textDoc; textDoc.setHtml (text); const QRect textRect (textX, iconArea.y(), textWidth, option.rect.height() - myMargin.height()*2); painter->translate (textRect.topLeft()); textDoc.drawContents (painter, textRect.translated (-textRect.topLeft())); painter->restore(); } void TrackerDelegate :: setShowMore (bool b) { myShowMore = b; } namespace { QString timeToStringRounded (int seconds) { if (seconds > 60) seconds -= (seconds % 60); return Formatter::timeToString (seconds); } } QString TrackerDelegate :: getText (const TrackerInfo& inf) const { QString key; QString str; const time_t now (time (0)); const QString err_markup_begin = ""; const QString err_markup_end = ""; const QString timeout_markup_begin = ""; const QString timeout_markup_end = ""; const QString success_markup_begin = ""; const QString success_markup_end = ""; // hostname str += inf.st.isBackup ? "" : ""; char * host = NULL; int port = 0; tr_urlParse (inf.st.announce.toUtf8().constData(), -1, NULL, &host, &port, NULL); str += QString ("%1:%2").arg (host).arg (port); tr_free (host); if (!key.isEmpty()) str += " - " + key; str += inf.st.isBackup ? "" : ""; // announce & scrape info if (!inf.st.isBackup) { if (inf.st.hasAnnounced && inf.st.announceState != TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE) { const QString tstr (timeToStringRounded (now - inf.st.lastAnnounceTime)); str += "
\n"; if (inf.st.lastAnnounceSucceeded) { str += tr ("Got a list of %1%2 peers%3 %4 ago") .arg (success_markup_begin) .arg (inf.st.lastAnnouncePeerCount) .arg (success_markup_end) .arg (tstr); } else if (inf.st.lastAnnounceTimedOut) { str += tr ("Peer list request %1timed out%2 %3 ago; will retry") .arg (timeout_markup_begin) .arg (timeout_markup_end) .arg (tstr); } else { str += tr ("Got an error %1\"%2\"%3 %4 ago") .arg (err_markup_begin) .arg (inf.st.lastAnnounceResult) .arg (err_markup_end) .arg (tstr); } } switch (inf.st.announceState) { case TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE: str += "
\n"; str += tr ("No updates scheduled"); break; case TR_TRACKER_WAITING: { const QString tstr (timeToStringRounded (inf.st.nextAnnounceTime - now)); str += "
\n"; str += tr ("Asking for more peers in %1").arg (tstr); break; } case TR_TRACKER_QUEUED: str += "
\n"; str += tr ("Queued to ask for more peers"); break; case TR_TRACKER_ACTIVE: { const QString tstr (timeToStringRounded (now - inf.st.lastAnnounceStartTime)); str += "
\n"; str += tr ("Asking for more peers now... %1").arg (tstr); break; } } if (myShowMore) { if (inf.st.hasScraped) { str += "
\n"; const QString tstr (timeToStringRounded (now - inf.st.lastScrapeTime)); if (inf.st.lastScrapeSucceeded) { str += tr ("Tracker had %1%2 seeders%3 and %4%5 leechers%6 %7 ago") .arg (success_markup_begin) .arg (inf.st.seederCount) .arg (success_markup_end) .arg (success_markup_begin) .arg (inf.st.leecherCount) .arg (success_markup_end) .arg (tstr); } else { str += tr ("Got a scrape error %1\"%2\"%3 %4 ago") .arg (err_markup_begin) .arg (inf.st.lastScrapeResult) .arg (err_markup_end) .arg (tstr); } } switch (inf.st.scrapeState) { case TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE: break; case TR_TRACKER_WAITING: { str += "
\n"; const QString tstr (timeToStringRounded (inf.st.nextScrapeTime - now)); str += tr ("Asking for peer counts in %1").arg (tstr); break; } case TR_TRACKER_QUEUED: { str += "
\n"; str += tr ("Queued to ask for peer counts"); break; } case TR_TRACKER_ACTIVE: { str += "
\n"; const QString tstr (timeToStringRounded (now - inf.st.lastScrapeStartTime)); str += tr ("Asking for peer counts now... %1").arg (tstr); break; } } } } return str; }