/* ============================================================================= FILE: UKMainThreadProxy.h PROJECT: UKMainThreadProxy PURPOSE: Send a message to object theObject to [theObject mainThreadProxy] instead and the message will be received on the main thread by theObject. COPYRIGHT: (c) 2004 M. Uli Kusterer, all rights reserved. AUTHORS: M. Uli Kusterer - UK LICENSES: MIT LicenseĆ¢ REVISIONS: 2006-03-13 UK Clarified license. 2004-10-14 UK Created. ========================================================================== */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Headers: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #import "UKMainThreadProxy.h" @implementation UKMainThreadProxy -(id) initWithTarget: (id)targ { self = [super init]; if( self ) target = targ; return self; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Introspection overrides: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -(BOOL) respondsToSelector: (SEL)itemAction { BOOL does = [super respondsToSelector: itemAction]; return( does || [target respondsToSelector: itemAction] ); } -(id) performSelector: (SEL)itemAction { BOOL does = [super respondsToSelector: itemAction]; if( does ) return [super performSelector: itemAction]; if( ![target respondsToSelector: itemAction] ) [self doesNotRecognizeSelector: itemAction]; [target retain]; [target performSelectorOnMainThread: itemAction withObject: nil waitUntilDone: YES]; [target release]; return nil; } -(id) performSelector: (SEL)itemAction withObject: (id)obj { BOOL does = [super respondsToSelector: itemAction]; if( does ) return [super performSelector: itemAction withObject: obj]; if( ![target respondsToSelector: itemAction] ) [self doesNotRecognizeSelector: itemAction]; [target retain]; [obj retain]; [target performSelectorOnMainThread: itemAction withObject: obj waitUntilDone: YES]; [obj release]; [target release]; return nil; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forwarding unknown methods to the target: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -(NSMethodSignature*) methodSignatureForSelector: (SEL)itemAction { NSMethodSignature* sig = [super methodSignatureForSelector: itemAction]; if( sig ) return sig; return [target methodSignatureForSelector: itemAction]; } -(void) forwardInvocation: (NSInvocation*)invocation { SEL itemAction = [invocation selector]; if( [target respondsToSelector: itemAction] ) { [invocation retainArguments]; [target retain]; [invocation performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector(invokeWithTarget:) withObject: target waitUntilDone: YES]; [target release]; } else [self doesNotRecognizeSelector: itemAction]; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Safety net: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -(id) mainThreadProxy // Just in case someone accidentally sends this message to a main thread proxy. { return self; } -(id) copyMainThreadProxy // Just in case someone accidentally sends this message to a main thread proxy. { return [self retain]; } @end // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Shorthand notation for getting a main thread proxy: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @implementation NSObject (UKMainThreadProxy) -(id) mainThreadProxy { return [[[UKMainThreadProxy alloc] initWithTarget: self] autorelease]; } -(id) copyMainThreadProxy { return [[UKMainThreadProxy alloc] initWithTarget: self]; } @end