/* $Id: minisoap.c,v 1.18 2009/12/04 11:29:18 nanard Exp $ */ /* Project : miniupnp * Author : Thomas Bernard * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Thomas Bernard * This software is subject to the conditions detailed in the * LICENCE file provided in this distribution. * * Minimal SOAP implementation for UPnP protocol. */ #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #define snprintf _snprintf #else #include #include #include #endif #include "minisoap.h" #include "miniupnpcstrings.h" /* only for malloc */ #include #ifdef WIN32 #define PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR(x) printf("Socket error: %s, %d\n", x, WSAGetLastError()); #else #define PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR(x) perror(x) #endif /* httpWrite sends the headers and the body to the socket * and returns the number of bytes sent */ static int httpWrite(int fd, const char * body, int bodysize, const char * headers, int headerssize) { int n = 0; /*n = write(fd, headers, headerssize);*/ /*if(bodysize>0) n += write(fd, body, bodysize);*/ /* Note : my old linksys router only took into account * soap request that are sent into only one packet */ char * p; /* TODO: AVOID MALLOC */ p = malloc(headerssize+bodysize); if(!p) return 0; memcpy(p, headers, headerssize); memcpy(p+headerssize, body, bodysize); /*n = write(fd, p, headerssize+bodysize);*/ n = send(fd, p, headerssize+bodysize, 0); if(n<0) { PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("send"); } /* disable send on the socket */ /* draytek routers dont seems to like that... */ #if 0 #ifdef WIN32 if(shutdown(fd, SD_SEND)<0) { #else if(shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR)<0) { /*SD_SEND*/ #endif PRINT_SOCKET_ERROR("shutdown"); } #endif free(p); return n; } /* self explanatory */ int soapPostSubmit(int fd, const char * url, const char * host, unsigned short port, const char * action, const char * body) { int bodysize; char headerbuf[512]; int headerssize; char portstr[8]; bodysize = (int)strlen(body); /* We are not using keep-alive HTTP connections. * HTTP/1.1 needs the header Connection: close to do that. * This is the default with HTTP/1.0 * Using HTTP/1.1 means we need to support chunked transfer-encoding : * When using HTTP/1.1, the router "BiPAC 7404VNOX" always use chunked * transfer encoding. */ /* Connection: Close is normally there only in HTTP/1.1 but who knows */ portstr[0] = '\0'; if(port != 80) snprintf(portstr, sizeof(portstr), ":%hu", port); headerssize = snprintf(headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf), /* "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" */ "POST %s HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Host: %s%s\r\n" "User-Agent: " OS_STRING ", UPnP/1.0, MiniUPnPc/" MINIUPNPC_VERSION_STRING "\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n" "SOAPAction: \"%s\"\r\n" "Connection: Close\r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n" /* ??? */ "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "\r\n", url, host, portstr, bodysize, action); #ifdef DEBUG printf("SOAP request : headersize=%d bodysize=%d\n", headerssize, bodysize); /*printf("%s", headerbuf);*/ #endif return httpWrite(fd, body, bodysize, headerbuf, headerssize); }