/* * This file Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include #include /* ENOENT */ #include /* INT_MAX */ #include #include /* memcpy */ #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include /* umask() */ #include /* umask() */ #endif #include /* evdns_base_free() */ #include #include // #define TR_SHOW_DEPRECATED #include "transmission.h" #include "announcer.h" #include "bandwidth.h" #include "blocklist.h" #include "cache.h" #include "crypto-utils.h" #include "error.h" #include "error-types.h" #include "fdlimit.h" #include "file.h" #include "list.h" #include "log.h" #include "net.h" #include "peer-io.h" #include "peer-mgr.h" #include "platform.h" /* tr_lock, tr_getTorrentDir() */ #include "platform-quota.h" /* tr_device_info_free() */ #include "port-forwarding.h" #include "rpc-server.h" #include "session.h" #include "session-id.h" #include "stats.h" #include "torrent.h" #include "tr-dht.h" /* tr_dhtUpkeep() */ #include "tr-udp.h" #include "tr-utp.h" #include "tr-lpd.h" #include "trevent.h" #include "utils.h" #include "variant.h" #include "verify.h" #include "version.h" #include "web.h" enum { #ifdef TR_LIGHTWEIGHT DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE_MB = 2, DEFAULT_PREFETCH_ENABLED = false, #else DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE_MB = 4, DEFAULT_PREFETCH_ENABLED = true, #endif SAVE_INTERVAL_SECS = 360 }; #define dbgmsg(...) \ do \ { \ if (tr_logGetDeepEnabled()) \ { \ tr_logAddDeep(__FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, __VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } \ while (0) static tr_port getRandomPort(tr_session* s) { return tr_rand_int_weak(s->randomPortHigh - s->randomPortLow + 1) + s->randomPortLow; } /* Generate a peer id : "-TRxyzb-" + 12 random alphanumeric characters, where x is the major version number, y is the minor version number, z is the maintenance number, and b designates beta (Azureus-style) */ void tr_peerIdInit(uint8_t* buf) { int i; int val; int total = 0; char const* pool = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int const base = 36; memcpy(buf, PEERID_PREFIX, 8); tr_rand_buffer(buf + 8, 11); for (i = 8; i < 19; ++i) { val = buf[i] % base; total += val; buf[i] = pool[val]; } val = total % base != 0 ? base - (total % base) : 0; buf[19] = pool[val]; buf[20] = '\0'; } /*** **** ***/ tr_encryption_mode tr_sessionGetEncryption(tr_session* session) { assert(session != NULL); return session->encryptionMode; } void tr_sessionSetEncryption(tr_session* session, tr_encryption_mode mode) { assert(session != NULL); assert(mode == TR_ENCRYPTION_PREFERRED || mode == TR_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED || mode == TR_CLEAR_PREFERRED); session->encryptionMode = mode; } /*** **** ***/ struct tr_bindinfo { tr_socket_t socket; tr_address addr; struct event* ev; }; static void close_bindinfo(struct tr_bindinfo* b) { if (b != NULL && b->socket != TR_BAD_SOCKET) { event_free(b->ev); b->ev = NULL; tr_netCloseSocket(b->socket); } } static void close_incoming_peer_port(tr_session* session) { close_bindinfo(session->public_ipv4); close_bindinfo(session->public_ipv6); } static void free_incoming_peer_port(tr_session* session) { close_bindinfo(session->public_ipv4); tr_free(session->public_ipv4); session->public_ipv4 = NULL; close_bindinfo(session->public_ipv6); tr_free(session->public_ipv6); session->public_ipv6 = NULL; } static void accept_incoming_peer(evutil_socket_t fd, short what UNUSED, void* vsession) { tr_socket_t clientSocket; tr_port clientPort; tr_address clientAddr; tr_session* session = vsession; clientSocket = tr_netAccept(session, fd, &clientAddr, &clientPort); if (clientSocket != TR_BAD_SOCKET) { tr_logAddDeep(__FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, "new incoming connection %" PRIdMAX " (%s)", (intmax_t)clientSocket, tr_peerIoAddrStr(&clientAddr, clientPort)); tr_peerMgrAddIncoming(session->peerMgr, &clientAddr, clientPort, clientSocket, NULL); } } static void open_incoming_peer_port(tr_session* session) { struct tr_bindinfo* b; /* bind an ipv4 port to listen for incoming peers... */ b = session->public_ipv4; b->socket = tr_netBindTCP(&b->addr, session->private_peer_port, false); if (b->socket != TR_BAD_SOCKET) { b->ev = event_new(session->event_base, b->socket, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, accept_incoming_peer, session); event_add(b->ev, NULL); } /* and do the exact same thing for ipv6, if it's supported... */ if (tr_net_hasIPv6(session->private_peer_port)) { b = session->public_ipv6; b->socket = tr_netBindTCP(&b->addr, session->private_peer_port, false); if (b->socket != TR_BAD_SOCKET) { b->ev = event_new(session->event_base, b->socket, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, accept_incoming_peer, session); event_add(b->ev, NULL); } } } tr_address const* tr_sessionGetPublicAddress(tr_session const* session, int tr_af_type, bool* is_default_value) { char const* default_value; struct tr_bindinfo const* bindinfo; switch (tr_af_type) { case TR_AF_INET: bindinfo = session->public_ipv4; default_value = TR_DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS_IPV4; break; case TR_AF_INET6: bindinfo = session->public_ipv6; default_value = TR_DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS_IPV6; break; default: bindinfo = NULL; default_value = ""; break; } if (is_default_value != NULL && bindinfo != NULL) { *is_default_value = tr_strcmp0(default_value, tr_address_to_string(&bindinfo->addr)) == 0; } return bindinfo != NULL ? &bindinfo->addr : NULL; } /*** **** ***/ #ifdef TR_LIGHTWEIGHT #define TR_DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION TR_CLEAR_PREFERRED #else #define TR_DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION TR_ENCRYPTION_PREFERRED #endif static int parse_tos(char const* str) { char* p; int value; if (evutil_ascii_strcasecmp(str, "") == 0) { return 0; } if (evutil_ascii_strcasecmp(str, "default") == 0) { return 0; } if (evutil_ascii_strcasecmp(str, "lowcost") == 0) { return 0x10; } if (evutil_ascii_strcasecmp(str, "mincost") == 0) { return 0x10; } if (evutil_ascii_strcasecmp(str, "throughput") == 0) { return 0x08; } if (evutil_ascii_strcasecmp(str, "reliability") == 0) { return 0x04; } if (evutil_ascii_strcasecmp(str, "lowdelay") == 0) { return 0x02; } value = strtol(str, &p, 0); if (p == NULL || p == str) { return 0; } return value; } static char const* format_tos(int value) { static char buf[8]; switch (value) { case 0: return "default"; case 0x10: return "lowcost"; case 0x08: return "throughput"; case 0x04: return "reliability"; case 0x02: return "lowdelay"; default: tr_snprintf(buf, 8, "%d", value); return buf; } } void tr_sessionGetDefaultSettings(tr_variant* d) { assert(tr_variantIsDict(d)); tr_variantDictReserve(d, 63); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_blocklist_enabled, false); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_blocklist_url, "http://www.example.com/blocklist"); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_cache_size_mb, DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE_MB); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_dht_enabled, true); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_utp_enabled, true); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_lpd_enabled, false); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_download_dir, tr_getDefaultDownloadDir()); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_speed_limit_down, 100); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_speed_limit_down_enabled, false); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_encryption, TR_DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_idle_seeding_limit, 30); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_idle_seeding_limit_enabled, false); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_incomplete_dir, tr_getDefaultDownloadDir()); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_incomplete_dir_enabled, false); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_message_level, TR_LOG_INFO); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_download_queue_size, 5); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_download_queue_enabled, true); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_peer_limit_global, atoi(TR_DEFAULT_PEER_LIMIT_GLOBAL_STR)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_peer_limit_per_torrent, atoi(TR_DEFAULT_PEER_LIMIT_TORRENT_STR)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_peer_port, atoi(TR_DEFAULT_PEER_PORT_STR)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_peer_port_random_on_start, false); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_peer_port_random_low, 49152); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_peer_port_random_high, 65535); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_peer_socket_tos, TR_DEFAULT_PEER_SOCKET_TOS_STR); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_pex_enabled, true); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_port_forwarding_enabled, true); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_preallocation, TR_PREALLOCATE_SPARSE); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_prefetch_enabled, DEFAULT_PREFETCH_ENABLED); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_peer_id_ttl_hours, 6); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_queue_stalled_enabled, true); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_queue_stalled_minutes, 30); tr_variantDictAddReal(d, TR_KEY_ratio_limit, 2.0); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_ratio_limit_enabled, false); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_rename_partial_files, true); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_rpc_authentication_required, false); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_rpc_bind_address, ""); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_rpc_enabled, false); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_rpc_password, ""); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_rpc_username, ""); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_rpc_whitelist, TR_DEFAULT_RPC_WHITELIST); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_rpc_whitelist_enabled, true); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_rpc_port, atoi(TR_DEFAULT_RPC_PORT_STR)); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_rpc_url, TR_DEFAULT_RPC_URL_STR); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_scrape_paused_torrents_enabled, true); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_script_torrent_done_filename, ""); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_script_torrent_done_enabled, false); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_seed_queue_size, 10); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_seed_queue_enabled, false); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_enabled, false); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_up, 50); /* half the regular */ tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_down, 50); /* half the regular */ tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_time_begin, 540); /* 9am */ tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_time_enabled, false); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_time_end, 1020); /* 5pm */ tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_time_day, TR_SCHED_ALL); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_speed_limit_up, 100); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_speed_limit_up_enabled, false); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_umask, 022); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_upload_slots_per_torrent, 14); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_bind_address_ipv4, TR_DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS_IPV4); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_bind_address_ipv6, TR_DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS_IPV6); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_start_added_torrents, true); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_trash_original_torrent_files, false); } void tr_sessionGetSettings(tr_session* s, tr_variant* d) { assert(tr_variantIsDict(d)); tr_variantDictReserve(d, 63); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_blocklist_enabled, tr_blocklistIsEnabled(s)); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_blocklist_url, tr_blocklistGetURL(s)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_cache_size_mb, tr_sessionGetCacheLimit_MB(s)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_dht_enabled, s->isDHTEnabled); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_utp_enabled, s->isUTPEnabled); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_lpd_enabled, s->isLPDEnabled); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_download_dir, tr_sessionGetDownloadDir(s)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_download_queue_size, tr_sessionGetQueueSize(s, TR_DOWN)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_download_queue_enabled, tr_sessionGetQueueEnabled(s, TR_DOWN)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_speed_limit_down, tr_sessionGetSpeedLimit_KBps(s, TR_DOWN)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_speed_limit_down_enabled, tr_sessionIsSpeedLimited(s, TR_DOWN)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_encryption, s->encryptionMode); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_idle_seeding_limit, tr_sessionGetIdleLimit(s)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_idle_seeding_limit_enabled, tr_sessionIsIdleLimited(s)); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_incomplete_dir, tr_sessionGetIncompleteDir(s)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_incomplete_dir_enabled, tr_sessionIsIncompleteDirEnabled(s)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_message_level, tr_logGetLevel()); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_peer_limit_global, s->peerLimit); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_peer_limit_per_torrent, s->peerLimitPerTorrent); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_peer_port, tr_sessionGetPeerPort(s)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_peer_port_random_on_start, s->isPortRandom); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_peer_port_random_low, s->randomPortLow); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_peer_port_random_high, s->randomPortHigh); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_peer_socket_tos, format_tos(s->peerSocketTOS)); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_peer_congestion_algorithm, s->peer_congestion_algorithm); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_pex_enabled, s->isPexEnabled); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_port_forwarding_enabled, tr_sessionIsPortForwardingEnabled(s)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_preallocation, s->preallocationMode); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_prefetch_enabled, s->isPrefetchEnabled); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_peer_id_ttl_hours, s->peer_id_ttl_hours); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_queue_stalled_enabled, tr_sessionGetQueueStalledEnabled(s)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_queue_stalled_minutes, tr_sessionGetQueueStalledMinutes(s)); tr_variantDictAddReal(d, TR_KEY_ratio_limit, s->desiredRatio); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_ratio_limit_enabled, s->isRatioLimited); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_rename_partial_files, tr_sessionIsIncompleteFileNamingEnabled(s)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_rpc_authentication_required, tr_sessionIsRPCPasswordEnabled(s)); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_rpc_bind_address, tr_sessionGetRPCBindAddress(s)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_rpc_enabled, tr_sessionIsRPCEnabled(s)); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_rpc_password, tr_sessionGetRPCPassword(s)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_rpc_port, tr_sessionGetRPCPort(s)); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_rpc_url, tr_sessionGetRPCUrl(s)); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_rpc_username, tr_sessionGetRPCUsername(s)); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_rpc_whitelist, tr_sessionGetRPCWhitelist(s)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_rpc_whitelist_enabled, tr_sessionGetRPCWhitelistEnabled(s)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_scrape_paused_torrents_enabled, s->scrapePausedTorrents); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_script_torrent_done_enabled, tr_sessionIsTorrentDoneScriptEnabled(s)); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_script_torrent_done_filename, tr_sessionGetTorrentDoneScript(s)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_seed_queue_size, tr_sessionGetQueueSize(s, TR_UP)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_seed_queue_enabled, tr_sessionGetQueueEnabled(s, TR_UP)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_enabled, tr_sessionUsesAltSpeed(s)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_up, tr_sessionGetAltSpeed_KBps(s, TR_UP)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_down, tr_sessionGetAltSpeed_KBps(s, TR_DOWN)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_time_begin, tr_sessionGetAltSpeedBegin(s)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_time_enabled, tr_sessionUsesAltSpeedTime(s)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_time_end, tr_sessionGetAltSpeedEnd(s)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_alt_speed_time_day, tr_sessionGetAltSpeedDay(s)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_speed_limit_up, tr_sessionGetSpeedLimit_KBps(s, TR_UP)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_speed_limit_up_enabled, tr_sessionIsSpeedLimited(s, TR_UP)); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_umask, s->umask); tr_variantDictAddInt(d, TR_KEY_upload_slots_per_torrent, s->uploadSlotsPerTorrent); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_bind_address_ipv4, tr_address_to_string(&s->public_ipv4->addr)); tr_variantDictAddStr(d, TR_KEY_bind_address_ipv6, tr_address_to_string(&s->public_ipv6->addr)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_start_added_torrents, !tr_sessionGetPaused(s)); tr_variantDictAddBool(d, TR_KEY_trash_original_torrent_files, tr_sessionGetDeleteSource(s)); } bool tr_sessionLoadSettings(tr_variant* dict, char const* configDir, char const* appName) { char* filename; tr_variant oldDict; tr_variant fileSettings; bool success; tr_error* error = NULL; assert(tr_variantIsDict(dict)); /* initializing the defaults: caller may have passed in some app-level defaults. * preserve those and use the session defaults to fill in any missing gaps. */ oldDict = *dict; tr_variantInitDict(dict, 0); tr_sessionGetDefaultSettings(dict); tr_variantMergeDicts(dict, &oldDict); tr_variantFree(&oldDict); /* if caller didn't specify a config dir, use the default */ if (configDir == NULL || *configDir == '\0') { configDir = tr_getDefaultConfigDir(appName); } /* file settings override the defaults */ filename = tr_buildPath(configDir, "settings.json", NULL); if (tr_variantFromFile(&fileSettings, TR_VARIANT_FMT_JSON, filename, &error)) { tr_variantMergeDicts(dict, &fileSettings); tr_variantFree(&fileSettings); success = true; } else { success = TR_ERROR_IS_ENOENT(error->code); tr_error_free(error); } /* cleanup */ tr_free(filename); return success; } void tr_sessionSaveSettings(tr_session* session, char const* configDir, tr_variant const* clientSettings) { tr_variant settings; char* filename = tr_buildPath(configDir, "settings.json", NULL); assert(tr_variantIsDict(clientSettings)); tr_variantInitDict(&settings, 0); /* the existing file settings are the fallback values */ { tr_variant fileSettings; if (tr_variantFromFile(&fileSettings, TR_VARIANT_FMT_JSON, filename, NULL)) { tr_variantMergeDicts(&settings, &fileSettings); tr_variantFree(&fileSettings); } } /* the client's settings override the file settings */ tr_variantMergeDicts(&settings, clientSettings); /* the session's true values override the file & client settings */ { tr_variant sessionSettings; tr_variantInitDict(&sessionSettings, 0); tr_sessionGetSettings(session, &sessionSettings); tr_variantMergeDicts(&settings, &sessionSettings); tr_variantFree(&sessionSettings); } /* save the result */ tr_variantToFile(&settings, TR_VARIANT_FMT_JSON, filename); /* cleanup */ tr_free(filename); tr_variantFree(&settings); } /*** **** ***/ /** * Periodically save the .resume files of any torrents whose * status has recently changed. This prevents loss of metadata * in the case of a crash, unclean shutdown, clumsy user, etc. */ static void onSaveTimer(evutil_socket_t foo UNUSED, short bar UNUSED, void* vsession) { tr_torrent* tor = NULL; tr_session* session = vsession; if (tr_cacheFlushDone(session->cache) != 0) { tr_logAddError("Error while flushing completed pieces from cache"); } while ((tor = tr_torrentNext(session, tor)) != NULL) { tr_torrentSave(tor); } tr_statsSaveDirty(session); tr_timerAdd(session->saveTimer, SAVE_INTERVAL_SECS, 0); } /*** **** ***/ static void tr_sessionInitImpl(void*); struct init_data { bool done; bool messageQueuingEnabled; tr_session* session; char const* configDir; tr_variant* clientSettings; }; tr_session* tr_sessionInit(char const* configDir, bool messageQueuingEnabled, tr_variant* clientSettings) { int64_t i; tr_session* session; struct init_data data; assert(tr_variantIsDict(clientSettings)); tr_timeUpdate(time(NULL)); /* initialize the bare skeleton of the session object */ session = tr_new0(tr_session, 1); session->udp_socket = TR_BAD_SOCKET; session->udp6_socket = TR_BAD_SOCKET; session->lock = tr_lockNew(); session->cache = tr_cacheNew(1024 * 1024 * 2); session->magicNumber = SESSION_MAGIC_NUMBER; session->session_id = tr_session_id_new(); tr_bandwidthConstruct(&session->bandwidth, session, NULL); tr_variantInitList(&session->removedTorrents, 0); /* nice to start logging at the very beginning */ if (tr_variantDictFindInt(clientSettings, TR_KEY_message_level, &i)) { tr_logSetLevel(i); } /* start the libtransmission thread */ tr_net_init(); /* must go before tr_eventInit */ tr_eventInit(session); assert(session->events != NULL); /* run the rest in the libtransmission thread */ data.done = false; data.session = session; data.configDir = configDir; data.messageQueuingEnabled = messageQueuingEnabled; data.clientSettings = clientSettings; tr_runInEventThread(session, tr_sessionInitImpl, &data); while (!data.done) { tr_wait_msec(50); } return session; } static void turtleCheckClock(tr_session* s, struct tr_turtle_info* t); static void onNowTimer(evutil_socket_t foo UNUSED, short bar UNUSED, void* vsession) { int usec; int const min = 100; int const max = 999999; struct timeval tv; tr_torrent* tor = NULL; tr_session* session = vsession; time_t const now = time(NULL); assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(session->nowTimer != NULL); /** *** tr_session things to do once per second **/ tr_timeUpdate(now); tr_dhtUpkeep(session); if (session->turtle.isClockEnabled) { turtleCheckClock(session, &session->turtle); } while ((tor = tr_torrentNext(session, tor)) != NULL) { if (tor->isRunning) { if (tr_torrentIsSeed(tor)) { ++tor->secondsSeeding; } else { ++tor->secondsDownloading; } } } /** *** Set the timer **/ /* schedule the next timer for right after the next second begins */ tr_gettimeofday(&tv); usec = 1000000 - tv.tv_usec; if (usec > max) { usec = max; } if (usec < min) { usec = min; } tr_timerAdd(session->nowTimer, 0, usec); /* fprintf (stderr, "time %zu sec, %zu microsec\n", (size_t)tr_time (), (size_t)tv.tv_usec); */ } static void loadBlocklists(tr_session* session); static void tr_sessionInitImpl(void* vdata) { tr_variant settings; struct init_data* data = vdata; tr_variant* clientSettings = data->clientSettings; tr_session* session = data->session; assert(tr_amInEventThread(session)); assert(tr_variantIsDict(clientSettings)); dbgmsg("tr_sessionInit: the session's top-level bandwidth object is %p", (void*)&session->bandwidth); tr_variantInitDict(&settings, 0); tr_sessionGetDefaultSettings(&settings); tr_variantMergeDicts(&settings, clientSettings); assert(session->event_base != NULL); session->nowTimer = evtimer_new(session->event_base, onNowTimer, session); onNowTimer(0, 0, session); #ifndef _WIN32 /* Don't exit when writing on a broken socket */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif tr_logSetQueueEnabled(data->messageQueuingEnabled); tr_setConfigDir(session, data->configDir); session->peerMgr = tr_peerMgrNew(session); session->shared = tr_sharedInit(session); /** *** Blocklist **/ { char* filename = tr_buildPath(session->configDir, "blocklists", NULL); tr_sys_dir_create(filename, TR_SYS_DIR_CREATE_PARENTS, 0777, NULL); tr_free(filename); loadBlocklists(session); } assert(tr_isSession(session)); session->saveTimer = evtimer_new(session->event_base, onSaveTimer, session); tr_timerAdd(session->saveTimer, SAVE_INTERVAL_SECS, 0); tr_announcerInit(session); /* first %s is the application name second %s is the version number */ tr_logAddInfo(_("%s %s started"), TR_NAME, LONG_VERSION_STRING); tr_statsInit(session); tr_sessionSet(session, &settings); tr_udpInit(session); if (session->isLPDEnabled) { tr_lpdInit(session, &session->public_ipv4->addr); } /* cleanup */ tr_variantFree(&settings); data->done = true; } static void turtleBootstrap(tr_session*, struct tr_turtle_info*); static void setPeerPort(tr_session* session, tr_port port); static void sessionSetImpl(void* vdata) { int64_t i; double d; bool boolVal; char const* str; struct tr_bindinfo b; struct init_data* data = vdata; tr_session* session = data->session; tr_variant* settings = data->clientSettings; struct tr_turtle_info* turtle = &session->turtle; assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_variantIsDict(settings)); assert(tr_amInEventThread(session)); if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_message_level, &i)) { tr_logSetLevel(i); } #ifndef _WIN32 if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_umask, &i)) { session->umask = (mode_t)i; umask(session->umask); } #endif /* misc features */ if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_cache_size_mb, &i)) { tr_sessionSetCacheLimit_MB(session, i); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_peer_limit_per_torrent, &i)) { tr_sessionSetPeerLimitPerTorrent(session, i); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_pex_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetPexEnabled(session, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_dht_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetDHTEnabled(session, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_utp_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetUTPEnabled(session, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_lpd_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetLPDEnabled(session, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_encryption, &i)) { tr_sessionSetEncryption(session, i); } if (tr_variantDictFindStr(settings, TR_KEY_peer_socket_tos, &str, NULL)) { session->peerSocketTOS = parse_tos(str); } if (tr_variantDictFindStr(settings, TR_KEY_peer_congestion_algorithm, &str, NULL)) { session->peer_congestion_algorithm = tr_strdup(str); } else { session->peer_congestion_algorithm = tr_strdup(""); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_blocklist_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_blocklistSetEnabled(session, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindStr(settings, TR_KEY_blocklist_url, &str, NULL)) { tr_blocklistSetURL(session, str); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_start_added_torrents, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetPaused(session, !boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_trash_original_torrent_files, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetDeleteSource(session, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_peer_id_ttl_hours, &i)) { session->peer_id_ttl_hours = i; } /* torrent queues */ if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_queue_stalled_minutes, &i)) { tr_sessionSetQueueStalledMinutes(session, i); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_queue_stalled_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetQueueStalledEnabled(session, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_download_queue_size, &i)) { tr_sessionSetQueueSize(session, TR_DOWN, i); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_download_queue_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetQueueEnabled(session, TR_DOWN, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_seed_queue_size, &i)) { tr_sessionSetQueueSize(session, TR_UP, i); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_seed_queue_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetQueueEnabled(session, TR_UP, boolVal); } /* files and directories */ if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_prefetch_enabled, &boolVal)) { session->isPrefetchEnabled = boolVal; } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_preallocation, &i)) { session->preallocationMode = i; } if (tr_variantDictFindStr(settings, TR_KEY_download_dir, &str, NULL)) { tr_sessionSetDownloadDir(session, str); } if (tr_variantDictFindStr(settings, TR_KEY_incomplete_dir, &str, NULL)) { tr_sessionSetIncompleteDir(session, str); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_incomplete_dir_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetIncompleteDirEnabled(session, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_rename_partial_files, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetIncompleteFileNamingEnabled(session, boolVal); } /* rpc server */ if (session->rpcServer != NULL) /* close the old one */ { tr_rpcClose(&session->rpcServer); } session->rpcServer = tr_rpcInit(session, settings); /* public addresses */ free_incoming_peer_port(session); tr_variantDictFindStr(settings, TR_KEY_bind_address_ipv4, &str, NULL); if (!tr_address_from_string(&b.addr, str) || b.addr.type != TR_AF_INET) { b.addr = tr_inaddr_any; } b.socket = TR_BAD_SOCKET; session->public_ipv4 = tr_memdup(&b, sizeof(struct tr_bindinfo)); tr_variantDictFindStr(settings, TR_KEY_bind_address_ipv6, &str, NULL); if (!tr_address_from_string(&b.addr, str) || b.addr.type != TR_AF_INET6) { b.addr = tr_in6addr_any; } b.socket = TR_BAD_SOCKET; session->public_ipv6 = tr_memdup(&b, sizeof(struct tr_bindinfo)); /* incoming peer port */ if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_peer_port_random_low, &i)) { session->randomPortLow = i; } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_peer_port_random_high, &i)) { session->randomPortHigh = i; } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_peer_port_random_on_start, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetPeerPortRandomOnStart(session, boolVal); } if (!tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_peer_port, &i)) { i = session->private_peer_port; } setPeerPort(session, boolVal ? getRandomPort(session) : i); if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_port_forwarding_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetPortForwardingEnabled(session, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_peer_limit_global, &i)) { session->peerLimit = i; } /** **/ if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_upload_slots_per_torrent, &i)) { session->uploadSlotsPerTorrent = i; } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_speed_limit_up, &i)) { tr_sessionSetSpeedLimit_KBps(session, TR_UP, i); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_speed_limit_up_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionLimitSpeed(session, TR_UP, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_speed_limit_down, &i)) { tr_sessionSetSpeedLimit_KBps(session, TR_DOWN, i); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_speed_limit_down_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionLimitSpeed(session, TR_DOWN, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindReal(settings, TR_KEY_ratio_limit, &d)) { tr_sessionSetRatioLimit(session, d); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_ratio_limit_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetRatioLimited(session, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_idle_seeding_limit, &i)) { tr_sessionSetIdleLimit(session, i); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_idle_seeding_limit_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetIdleLimited(session, boolVal); } /** *** Turtle Mode **/ /* update the turtle mode's fields */ if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_alt_speed_up, &i)) { turtle->speedLimit_Bps[TR_UP] = toSpeedBytes(i); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_alt_speed_down, &i)) { turtle->speedLimit_Bps[TR_DOWN] = toSpeedBytes(i); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_alt_speed_time_begin, &i)) { turtle->beginMinute = i; } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_alt_speed_time_end, &i)) { turtle->endMinute = i; } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(settings, TR_KEY_alt_speed_time_day, &i)) { turtle->days = i; } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_alt_speed_time_enabled, &boolVal)) { turtle->isClockEnabled = boolVal; } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_alt_speed_enabled, &boolVal)) { turtle->isEnabled = boolVal; } turtleBootstrap(session, turtle); /** *** Scripts **/ if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_script_torrent_done_enabled, &boolVal)) { tr_sessionSetTorrentDoneScriptEnabled(session, boolVal); } if (tr_variantDictFindStr(settings, TR_KEY_script_torrent_done_filename, &str, NULL)) { tr_sessionSetTorrentDoneScript(session, str); } if (tr_variantDictFindBool(settings, TR_KEY_scrape_paused_torrents_enabled, &boolVal)) { session->scrapePausedTorrents = boolVal; } data->done = true; } void tr_sessionSet(tr_session* session, tr_variant* settings) { struct init_data data; data.done = false; data.session = session; data.clientSettings = settings; /* run the rest in the libtransmission thread */ tr_runInEventThread(session, sessionSetImpl, &data); while (!data.done) { tr_wait_msec(100); } } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetDownloadDir(tr_session* session, char const* dir) { struct tr_device_info* info = NULL; assert(tr_isSession(session)); if (dir != NULL) { info = tr_device_info_create(dir); } tr_device_info_free(session->downloadDir); session->downloadDir = info; } char const* tr_sessionGetDownloadDir(tr_session const* session) { char const* dir = NULL; assert(tr_isSession(session)); if (session != NULL && session->downloadDir != NULL) { dir = session->downloadDir->path; } return dir; } int64_t tr_sessionGetDirFreeSpace(tr_session* session, char const* dir) { int64_t free_space; if (tr_strcmp0(dir, tr_sessionGetDownloadDir(session)) == 0) { free_space = tr_device_info_get_free_space(session->downloadDir); } else { free_space = tr_getDirFreeSpace(dir); } return free_space; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetIncompleteFileNamingEnabled(tr_session* session, bool b) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isBool(b)); session->isIncompleteFileNamingEnabled = b; } bool tr_sessionIsIncompleteFileNamingEnabled(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->isIncompleteFileNamingEnabled; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetIncompleteDir(tr_session* session, char const* dir) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); if (session->incompleteDir != dir) { tr_free(session->incompleteDir); session->incompleteDir = tr_strdup(dir); } } char const* tr_sessionGetIncompleteDir(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->incompleteDir; } void tr_sessionSetIncompleteDirEnabled(tr_session* session, bool b) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isBool(b)); session->isIncompleteDirEnabled = b; } bool tr_sessionIsIncompleteDirEnabled(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->isIncompleteDirEnabled; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionLock(tr_session* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); tr_lockLock(session->lock); } void tr_sessionUnlock(tr_session* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); tr_lockUnlock(session->lock); } bool tr_sessionIsLocked(tr_session const* session) { return tr_isSession(session) && tr_lockHave(session->lock); } /*** **** Peer Port ***/ static void peerPortChanged(void* session) { tr_torrent* tor = NULL; assert(tr_isSession(session)); close_incoming_peer_port(session); open_incoming_peer_port(session); tr_sharedPortChanged(session); while ((tor = tr_torrentNext(session, tor)) != NULL) { tr_torrentChangeMyPort(tor); } } static void setPeerPort(tr_session* session, tr_port port) { session->private_peer_port = port; session->public_peer_port = port; tr_runInEventThread(session, peerPortChanged, session); } void tr_sessionSetPeerPort(tr_session* session, tr_port port) { if (tr_isSession(session) && session->private_peer_port != port) { setPeerPort(session, port); } } tr_port tr_sessionGetPeerPort(tr_session const* session) { return tr_isSession(session) ? session->private_peer_port : 0; } tr_port tr_sessionSetPeerPortRandom(tr_session* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); tr_sessionSetPeerPort(session, getRandomPort(session)); return session->private_peer_port; } void tr_sessionSetPeerPortRandomOnStart(tr_session* session, bool random) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); session->isPortRandom = random; } bool tr_sessionGetPeerPortRandomOnStart(tr_session* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->isPortRandom; } tr_port_forwarding tr_sessionGetPortForwarding(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return tr_sharedTraversalStatus(session->shared); } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetRatioLimited(tr_session* session, bool isLimited) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); session->isRatioLimited = isLimited; } void tr_sessionSetRatioLimit(tr_session* session, double desiredRatio) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); session->desiredRatio = desiredRatio; } bool tr_sessionIsRatioLimited(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->isRatioLimited; } double tr_sessionGetRatioLimit(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->desiredRatio; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetIdleLimited(tr_session* session, bool isLimited) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); session->isIdleLimited = isLimited; } void tr_sessionSetIdleLimit(tr_session* session, uint16_t idleMinutes) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); session->idleLimitMinutes = idleMinutes; } bool tr_sessionIsIdleLimited(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->isIdleLimited; } uint16_t tr_sessionGetIdleLimit(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->idleLimitMinutes; } /*** **** **** SPEED LIMITS **** ***/ bool tr_sessionGetActiveSpeedLimit_Bps(tr_session const* session, tr_direction dir, unsigned int* setme_Bps) { bool isLimited = true; if (!tr_isSession(session)) { return false; } if (tr_sessionUsesAltSpeed(session)) { *setme_Bps = tr_sessionGetAltSpeed_Bps(session, dir); } else if (tr_sessionIsSpeedLimited(session, dir)) { *setme_Bps = tr_sessionGetSpeedLimit_Bps(session, dir); } else { isLimited = false; } return isLimited; } bool tr_sessionGetActiveSpeedLimit_KBps(tr_session const* session, tr_direction dir, double* setme_KBps) { unsigned int Bps = 0; bool const is_active = tr_sessionGetActiveSpeedLimit_Bps(session, dir, &Bps); *setme_KBps = toSpeedKBps(Bps); return is_active; } static void updateBandwidth(tr_session* session, tr_direction dir) { unsigned int limit_Bps = 0; bool const isLimited = tr_sessionGetActiveSpeedLimit_Bps(session, dir, &limit_Bps); bool const zeroCase = isLimited && limit_Bps == 0; tr_bandwidthSetLimited(&session->bandwidth, dir, isLimited && !zeroCase); tr_bandwidthSetDesiredSpeed_Bps(&session->bandwidth, dir, limit_Bps); } enum { MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60, MINUTES_PER_DAY = MINUTES_PER_HOUR * 24, MINUTES_PER_WEEK = MINUTES_PER_DAY * 7 }; static void turtleUpdateTable(struct tr_turtle_info* t) { int day; tr_bitfield* b = &t->minutes; tr_bitfieldSetHasNone(b); for (day = 0; day < 7; ++day) { if ((t->days & (1 << day)) != 0) { int i; time_t const begin = t->beginMinute; time_t end = t->endMinute; if (end <= begin) { end += MINUTES_PER_DAY; } for (i = begin; i < end; ++i) { tr_bitfieldAdd(b, (i + day * MINUTES_PER_DAY) % MINUTES_PER_WEEK); } } } } static void altSpeedToggled(void* vsession) { tr_session* session = vsession; struct tr_turtle_info* t = &session->turtle; assert(tr_isSession(session)); updateBandwidth(session, TR_UP); updateBandwidth(session, TR_DOWN); if (t->callback != NULL) { (*t->callback)(session, t->isEnabled, t->changedByUser, t->callbackUserData); } } static void useAltSpeed(tr_session* s, struct tr_turtle_info* t, bool enabled, bool byUser) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); assert(t != NULL); assert(tr_isBool(enabled)); assert(tr_isBool(byUser)); if (t->isEnabled != enabled) { t->isEnabled = enabled; t->changedByUser = byUser; tr_runInEventThread(s, altSpeedToggled, s); } } /** * @return whether turtle should be on/off according to the scheduler */ static bool getInTurtleTime(struct tr_turtle_info const* t) { struct tm tm; size_t minute_of_the_week; time_t const now = tr_time(); tr_localtime_r(&now, &tm); minute_of_the_week = tm.tm_wday * MINUTES_PER_DAY + tm.tm_hour * MINUTES_PER_HOUR + tm.tm_min; if (minute_of_the_week >= MINUTES_PER_WEEK) /* leap minutes? */ { minute_of_the_week = MINUTES_PER_WEEK - 1; } return tr_bitfieldHas(&t->minutes, minute_of_the_week); } static inline tr_auto_switch_state_t autoSwitchState(bool enabled) { return enabled ? TR_AUTO_SWITCH_ON : TR_AUTO_SWITCH_OFF; } static void turtleCheckClock(tr_session* s, struct tr_turtle_info* t) { bool enabled; bool alreadySwitched; tr_auto_switch_state_t newAutoTurtleState; assert(t->isClockEnabled); enabled = getInTurtleTime(t); newAutoTurtleState = autoSwitchState(enabled); alreadySwitched = t->autoTurtleState == newAutoTurtleState; if (!alreadySwitched) { tr_logAddInfo("Time to turn %s turtle mode!", enabled ? "on" : "off"); t->autoTurtleState = newAutoTurtleState; useAltSpeed(s, t, enabled, false); } } /* Called after the turtle's fields are loaded from an outside source. * It initializes the implementation fields * and turns on turtle mode if the clock settings say to. */ static void turtleBootstrap(tr_session* session, struct tr_turtle_info* turtle) { turtle->changedByUser = false; turtle->autoTurtleState = TR_AUTO_SWITCH_UNUSED; tr_bitfieldConstruct(&turtle->minutes, MINUTES_PER_WEEK); turtleUpdateTable(turtle); if (turtle->isClockEnabled) { turtle->isEnabled = getInTurtleTime(turtle); turtle->autoTurtleState = autoSwitchState(turtle->isEnabled); } altSpeedToggled(session); } /*** **** Primary session speed limits ***/ void tr_sessionSetSpeedLimit_Bps(tr_session* s, tr_direction d, unsigned int Bps) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); assert(tr_isDirection(d)); s->speedLimit_Bps[d] = Bps; updateBandwidth(s, d); } void tr_sessionSetSpeedLimit_KBps(tr_session* s, tr_direction d, unsigned int KBps) { tr_sessionSetSpeedLimit_Bps(s, d, toSpeedBytes(KBps)); } unsigned int tr_sessionGetSpeedLimit_Bps(tr_session const* s, tr_direction d) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); assert(tr_isDirection(d)); return s->speedLimit_Bps[d]; } unsigned int tr_sessionGetSpeedLimit_KBps(tr_session const* s, tr_direction d) { return toSpeedKBps(tr_sessionGetSpeedLimit_Bps(s, d)); } void tr_sessionLimitSpeed(tr_session* s, tr_direction d, bool b) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); assert(tr_isDirection(d)); assert(tr_isBool(b)); s->speedLimitEnabled[d] = b; updateBandwidth(s, d); } bool tr_sessionIsSpeedLimited(tr_session const* s, tr_direction d) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); assert(tr_isDirection(d)); return s->speedLimitEnabled[d]; } /*** **** Alternative speed limits that are used during scheduled times ***/ void tr_sessionSetAltSpeed_Bps(tr_session* s, tr_direction d, unsigned int Bps) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); assert(tr_isDirection(d)); s->turtle.speedLimit_Bps[d] = Bps; updateBandwidth(s, d); } void tr_sessionSetAltSpeed_KBps(tr_session* s, tr_direction d, unsigned int KBps) { tr_sessionSetAltSpeed_Bps(s, d, toSpeedBytes(KBps)); } unsigned int tr_sessionGetAltSpeed_Bps(tr_session const* s, tr_direction d) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); assert(tr_isDirection(d)); return s->turtle.speedLimit_Bps[d]; } unsigned int tr_sessionGetAltSpeed_KBps(tr_session const* s, tr_direction d) { return toSpeedKBps(tr_sessionGetAltSpeed_Bps(s, d)); } static void userPokedTheClock(tr_session* s, struct tr_turtle_info* t) { tr_logAddDebug("Refreshing the turtle mode clock due to user changes"); t->autoTurtleState = TR_AUTO_SWITCH_UNUSED; turtleUpdateTable(t); if (t->isClockEnabled) { bool const enabled = getInTurtleTime(t); useAltSpeed(s, t, enabled, true); t->autoTurtleState = autoSwitchState(enabled); } } void tr_sessionUseAltSpeedTime(tr_session* s, bool b) { struct tr_turtle_info* t = &s->turtle; assert(tr_isSession(s)); assert(tr_isBool(b)); if (t->isClockEnabled != b) { t->isClockEnabled = b; userPokedTheClock(s, t); } } bool tr_sessionUsesAltSpeedTime(tr_session const* s) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); return s->turtle.isClockEnabled; } void tr_sessionSetAltSpeedBegin(tr_session* s, int minute) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); assert(0 <= minute && minute < 60 * 24); if (s->turtle.beginMinute != minute) { s->turtle.beginMinute = minute; userPokedTheClock(s, &s->turtle); } } int tr_sessionGetAltSpeedBegin(tr_session const* s) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); return s->turtle.beginMinute; } void tr_sessionSetAltSpeedEnd(tr_session* s, int minute) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); assert(0 <= minute && minute < 60 * 24); if (s->turtle.endMinute != minute) { s->turtle.endMinute = minute; userPokedTheClock(s, &s->turtle); } } int tr_sessionGetAltSpeedEnd(tr_session const* s) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); return s->turtle.endMinute; } void tr_sessionSetAltSpeedDay(tr_session* s, tr_sched_day days) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); if (s->turtle.days != days) { s->turtle.days = days; userPokedTheClock(s, &s->turtle); } } tr_sched_day tr_sessionGetAltSpeedDay(tr_session const* s) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); return s->turtle.days; } void tr_sessionUseAltSpeed(tr_session* session, bool enabled) { useAltSpeed(session, &session->turtle, enabled, true); } bool tr_sessionUsesAltSpeed(tr_session const* s) { assert(tr_isSession(s)); return s->turtle.isEnabled; } void tr_sessionSetAltSpeedFunc(tr_session* session, tr_altSpeedFunc func, void* userData) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); session->turtle.callback = func; session->turtle.callbackUserData = userData; } void tr_sessionClearAltSpeedFunc(tr_session* session) { tr_sessionSetAltSpeedFunc(session, NULL, NULL); } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetPeerLimit(tr_session* session, uint16_t n) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); session->peerLimit = n; } uint16_t tr_sessionGetPeerLimit(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->peerLimit; } void tr_sessionSetPeerLimitPerTorrent(tr_session* session, uint16_t n) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); session->peerLimitPerTorrent = n; } uint16_t tr_sessionGetPeerLimitPerTorrent(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->peerLimitPerTorrent; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetPaused(tr_session* session, bool isPaused) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); session->pauseAddedTorrent = isPaused; } bool tr_sessionGetPaused(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->pauseAddedTorrent; } void tr_sessionSetDeleteSource(tr_session* session, bool deleteSource) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); session->deleteSourceTorrent = deleteSource; } bool tr_sessionGetDeleteSource(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->deleteSourceTorrent; } /*** **** ***/ unsigned int tr_sessionGetPieceSpeed_Bps(tr_session const* session, tr_direction dir) { return tr_isSession(session) ? tr_bandwidthGetPieceSpeed_Bps(&session->bandwidth, 0, dir) : 0; } unsigned int tr_sessionGetRawSpeed_Bps(tr_session const* session, tr_direction dir) { return tr_isSession(session) ? tr_bandwidthGetRawSpeed_Bps(&session->bandwidth, 0, dir) : 0; } double tr_sessionGetRawSpeed_KBps(tr_session const* session, tr_direction dir) { return toSpeedKBps(tr_sessionGetRawSpeed_Bps(session, dir)); } int tr_sessionCountTorrents(tr_session const* session) { return tr_isSession(session) ? session->torrentCount : 0; } tr_torrent** tr_sessionGetTorrents(tr_session* session, int* setme_n) { int i; int n; tr_torrent** torrents; tr_torrent* tor; assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(setme_n != NULL); n = tr_sessionCountTorrents(session); *setme_n = n; torrents = tr_new(tr_torrent*, n); tor = NULL; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { torrents[i] = tor = tr_torrentNext(session, tor); } return torrents; } static int compareTorrentByCur(void const* va, void const* vb) { tr_torrent const* a = *(tr_torrent const**)va; tr_torrent const* b = *(tr_torrent const**)vb; uint64_t const aCur = a->downloadedCur + a->uploadedCur; uint64_t const bCur = b->downloadedCur + b->uploadedCur; if (aCur != bCur) { return aCur > bCur ? -1 : 1; /* close the biggest torrents first */ } return 0; } static void closeBlocklists(tr_session*); static void sessionCloseImplWaitForIdleUdp(evutil_socket_t foo UNUSED, short bar UNUSED, void* vsession); static void sessionCloseImplStart(tr_session* session) { int i; int n; tr_torrent** torrents; session->isClosing = true; free_incoming_peer_port(session); if (session->isLPDEnabled) { tr_lpdUninit(session); } tr_utpClose(session); tr_dhtUninit(session); event_free(session->saveTimer); session->saveTimer = NULL; event_free(session->nowTimer); session->nowTimer = NULL; tr_verifyClose(session); tr_sharedClose(session); tr_rpcClose(&session->rpcServer); /* Close the torrents. Get the most active ones first so that * if we can't get them all closed in a reasonable amount of time, * at least we get the most important ones first. */ torrents = tr_sessionGetTorrents(session, &n); qsort(torrents, n, sizeof(tr_torrent*), compareTorrentByCur); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { tr_torrentFree(torrents[i]); } tr_free(torrents); /* Close the announcer *after* closing the torrents so that all the &event=stopped messages will be queued to be sent by tr_announcerClose() */ tr_announcerClose(session); /* and this goes *after* announcer close so that it won't be idle until the announce events are sent... */ tr_webClose(session, TR_WEB_CLOSE_WHEN_IDLE); tr_cacheFree(session->cache); session->cache = NULL; /* saveTimer is not used at this point, reusing for UDP shutdown wait */ assert(session->saveTimer == NULL); session->saveTimer = evtimer_new(session->event_base, sessionCloseImplWaitForIdleUdp, session); tr_timerAdd(session->saveTimer, 0, 0); } static void sessionCloseImplFinish(tr_session* session); static void sessionCloseImplWaitForIdleUdp(evutil_socket_t foo UNUSED, short bar UNUSED, void* vsession) { tr_session* session = vsession; assert(tr_isSession(session)); /* gotta keep udp running long enough to send out all the &event=stopped UDP tracker messages */ if (!tr_tracker_udp_is_idle(session)) { tr_tracker_udp_upkeep(session); tr_timerAdd(session->saveTimer, 0, 100000); return; } sessionCloseImplFinish(session); } static void sessionCloseImplFinish(tr_session* session) { event_free(session->saveTimer); session->saveTimer = NULL; /* we had to wait until UDP trackers were closed before closing these: */ evdns_base_free(session->evdns_base, 0); session->evdns_base = NULL; tr_tracker_udp_close(session); tr_udpUninit(session); tr_statsClose(session); tr_peerMgrFree(session->peerMgr); closeBlocklists(session); tr_fdClose(session); session->isClosed = true; } static void sessionCloseImpl(void* vsession) { tr_session* session = vsession; assert(tr_isSession(session)); sessionCloseImplStart(session); } static int deadlineReached(time_t const deadline) { return time(NULL) >= deadline; } #define SHUTDOWN_MAX_SECONDS 20 void tr_sessionClose(tr_session* session) { time_t const deadline = time(NULL) + SHUTDOWN_MAX_SECONDS; assert(tr_isSession(session)); dbgmsg("shutting down transmission session %p... now is %zu, deadline is %zu", (void*)session, (size_t)time(NULL), (size_t)deadline); /* close the session */ tr_runInEventThread(session, sessionCloseImpl, session); while (!session->isClosed && !deadlineReached(deadline)) { dbgmsg("waiting for the libtransmission thread to finish"); tr_wait_msec(100); } /* "shared" and "tracker" have live sockets, * so we need to keep the transmission thread alive * for a bit while they tell the router & tracker * that we're closing now */ while ((session->shared != NULL || session->web != NULL || session->announcer != NULL || session->announcer_udp != NULL) && !deadlineReached(deadline)) { dbgmsg("waiting on port unmap (%p) or announcer (%p)... now %zu deadline %zu", (void*)session->shared, (void*)session->announcer, (size_t)time(NULL), (size_t)deadline); tr_wait_msec(50); } tr_webClose(session, TR_WEB_CLOSE_NOW); /* close the libtransmission thread */ tr_eventClose(session); while (session->events != NULL) { static bool forced = false; dbgmsg("waiting for libtransmission thread to finish... now %zu deadline %zu", (size_t)time(NULL), (size_t)deadline); tr_wait_msec(100); if (deadlineReached(deadline) && !forced) { dbgmsg("calling event_loopbreak()"); forced = true; event_base_loopbreak(session->event_base); } if (deadlineReached(deadline + 3)) { dbgmsg("deadline+3 reached... calling break...\n"); break; } } /* free the session memory */ tr_variantFree(&session->removedTorrents); tr_bandwidthDestruct(&session->bandwidth); tr_bitfieldDestruct(&session->turtle.minutes); tr_session_id_free(session->session_id); tr_lockFree(session->lock); if (session->metainfoLookup != NULL) { tr_variantFree(session->metainfoLookup); tr_free(session->metainfoLookup); } tr_device_info_free(session->downloadDir); tr_free(session->torrentDoneScript); tr_free(session->configDir); tr_free(session->resumeDir); tr_free(session->torrentDir); tr_free(session->incompleteDir); tr_free(session->blocklist_url); tr_free(session->peer_congestion_algorithm); tr_free(session); } struct sessionLoadTorrentsData { tr_session* session; tr_ctor* ctor; int* setmeCount; tr_torrent** torrents; bool done; }; static void sessionLoadTorrents(void* vdata) { int i; int n = 0; tr_sys_path_info info; tr_sys_dir_t odir = NULL; tr_list* l = NULL; tr_list* list = NULL; struct sessionLoadTorrentsData* data = vdata; char const* dirname = tr_getTorrentDir(data->session); assert(tr_isSession(data->session)); tr_ctorSetSave(data->ctor, false); /* since we already have them */ if (tr_sys_path_get_info(dirname, 0, &info, NULL) && info.type == TR_SYS_PATH_IS_DIRECTORY && (odir = tr_sys_dir_open(dirname, NULL)) != TR_BAD_SYS_DIR) { char const* name; while ((name = tr_sys_dir_read_name(odir, NULL)) != NULL) { if (tr_str_has_suffix(name, ".torrent")) { tr_torrent* tor; char* path = tr_buildPath(dirname, name, NULL); tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile(data->ctor, path); if ((tor = tr_torrentNew(data->ctor, NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { tr_list_prepend(&list, tor); ++n; } tr_free(path); } } tr_sys_dir_close(odir, NULL); } data->torrents = tr_new(tr_torrent*, n); for (i = 0, l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) { data->torrents[i++] = (tr_torrent*)l->data; } assert(i == n); tr_list_free(&list, NULL); if (n != 0) { tr_logAddInfo(_("Loaded %d torrents"), n); } if (data->setmeCount != NULL) { *data->setmeCount = n; } data->done = true; } tr_torrent** tr_sessionLoadTorrents(tr_session* session, tr_ctor* ctor, int* setmeCount) { struct sessionLoadTorrentsData data; data.session = session; data.ctor = ctor; data.setmeCount = setmeCount; data.torrents = NULL; data.done = false; tr_runInEventThread(session, sessionLoadTorrents, &data); while (!data.done) { tr_wait_msec(100); } return data.torrents; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetPexEnabled(tr_session* session, bool enabled) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isBool(enabled)); session->isPexEnabled = enabled; } bool tr_sessionIsPexEnabled(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->isPexEnabled; } bool tr_sessionAllowsDHT(tr_session const* session) { return tr_sessionIsDHTEnabled(session); } bool tr_sessionIsDHTEnabled(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->isDHTEnabled; } static void toggleDHTImpl(void* data) { tr_session* session = data; assert(tr_isSession(session)); tr_udpUninit(session); session->isDHTEnabled = !session->isDHTEnabled; tr_udpInit(session); } void tr_sessionSetDHTEnabled(tr_session* session, bool enabled) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isBool(enabled)); if (enabled != session->isDHTEnabled) { tr_runInEventThread(session, toggleDHTImpl, session); } } /*** **** ***/ bool tr_sessionIsUTPEnabled(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); #ifdef WITH_UTP return session->isUTPEnabled; #else return false; #endif } static void toggle_utp(void* data) { tr_session* session = data; assert(tr_isSession(session)); session->isUTPEnabled = !session->isUTPEnabled; tr_udpSetSocketBuffers(session); /* But don't call tr_utpClose -- see reset_timer in tr-utp.c for an explanation. */ } void tr_sessionSetUTPEnabled(tr_session* session, bool enabled) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isBool(enabled)); if (enabled != session->isUTPEnabled) { tr_runInEventThread(session, toggle_utp, session); } } /*** **** ***/ static void toggleLPDImpl(void* data) { tr_session* session = data; assert(tr_isSession(session)); if (session->isLPDEnabled) { tr_lpdUninit(session); } session->isLPDEnabled = !session->isLPDEnabled; if (session->isLPDEnabled) { tr_lpdInit(session, &session->public_ipv4->addr); } } void tr_sessionSetLPDEnabled(tr_session* session, bool enabled) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isBool(enabled)); if (enabled != session->isLPDEnabled) { tr_runInEventThread(session, toggleLPDImpl, session); } } bool tr_sessionIsLPDEnabled(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->isLPDEnabled; } bool tr_sessionAllowsLPD(tr_session const* session) { return tr_sessionIsLPDEnabled(session); } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetCacheLimit_MB(tr_session* session, int max_bytes) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); tr_cacheSetLimit(session->cache, toMemBytes(max_bytes)); } int tr_sessionGetCacheLimit_MB(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return toMemMB(tr_cacheGetLimit(session->cache)); } /*** **** ***/ struct port_forwarding_data { bool enabled; struct tr_shared* shared; }; static void setPortForwardingEnabled(void* vdata) { struct port_forwarding_data* data = vdata; tr_sharedTraversalEnable(data->shared, data->enabled); tr_free(data); } void tr_sessionSetPortForwardingEnabled(tr_session* session, bool enabled) { struct port_forwarding_data* d; d = tr_new0(struct port_forwarding_data, 1); d->shared = session->shared; d->enabled = enabled; tr_runInEventThread(session, setPortForwardingEnabled, d); } bool tr_sessionIsPortForwardingEnabled(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return tr_sharedTraversalIsEnabled(session->shared); } /*** **** ***/ static int tr_stringEndsWith(char const* str, char const* end) { size_t const slen = strlen(str); size_t const elen = strlen(end); return slen >= elen && memcmp(&str[slen - elen], end, elen) == 0; } static void loadBlocklists(tr_session* session) { tr_sys_dir_t odir; char* dirname; char const* name; tr_list* blocklists = NULL; tr_ptrArray loadme = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; bool const isEnabled = session->isBlocklistEnabled; /* walk the blocklist directory... */ dirname = tr_buildPath(session->configDir, "blocklists", NULL); odir = tr_sys_dir_open(dirname, NULL); if (odir == TR_BAD_SYS_DIR) { tr_free(dirname); return; } while ((name = tr_sys_dir_read_name(odir, NULL)) != NULL) { char* path; char* load = NULL; if (name[0] == '.') /* ignore dotfiles */ { continue; } path = tr_buildPath(dirname, name, NULL); if (tr_stringEndsWith(path, ".bin")) { load = tr_strdup(path); } else { char* binname; tr_sys_path_info path_info; tr_sys_path_info binname_info; binname = tr_strdup_printf("%s" TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "%s.bin", dirname, name); if (!tr_sys_path_get_info(binname, 0, &binname_info, NULL)) /* create it */ { tr_blocklistFile* b = tr_blocklistFileNew(binname, isEnabled); int const n = tr_blocklistFileSetContent(b, path); if (n > 0) { load = tr_strdup(binname); } tr_blocklistFileFree(b); } else if (tr_sys_path_get_info(path, 0, &path_info, NULL) && path_info.last_modified_at >= binname_info.last_modified_at) /* update it */ { char* old; tr_blocklistFile* b; old = tr_strdup_printf("%s.old", binname); tr_sys_path_remove(old, NULL); tr_sys_path_rename(binname, old, NULL); b = tr_blocklistFileNew(binname, isEnabled); if (tr_blocklistFileSetContent(b, path) > 0) { tr_sys_path_remove(old, NULL); } else { tr_sys_path_remove(binname, NULL); tr_sys_path_rename(old, binname, NULL); } tr_blocklistFileFree(b); tr_free(old); } tr_free(binname); } if (load != NULL) { if (tr_ptrArrayFindSorted(&loadme, load, (PtrArrayCompareFunc)strcmp) == NULL) { tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted(&loadme, load, (PtrArrayCompareFunc)strcmp); } else { tr_free(load); } } tr_free(path); } if (!tr_ptrArrayEmpty(&loadme)) { int i; int const n = tr_ptrArraySize(&loadme); char const* const* paths = (char const* const*)tr_ptrArrayBase(&loadme); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { tr_list_append(&blocklists, tr_blocklistFileNew(paths[i], isEnabled)); } } /* cleanup */ tr_sys_dir_close(odir, NULL); tr_free(dirname); tr_ptrArrayDestruct(&loadme, (PtrArrayForeachFunc)tr_free); session->blocklists = blocklists; } static void closeBlocklists(tr_session* session) { tr_list_free(&session->blocklists, (TrListForeachFunc)tr_blocklistFileFree); } void tr_sessionReloadBlocklists(tr_session* session) { closeBlocklists(session); loadBlocklists(session); tr_peerMgrOnBlocklistChanged(session->peerMgr); } int tr_blocklistGetRuleCount(tr_session const* session) { tr_list* l; int n = 0; assert(tr_isSession(session)); for (l = session->blocklists; l != NULL; l = l->next) { n += tr_blocklistFileGetRuleCount(l->data); } return n; } bool tr_blocklistIsEnabled(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->isBlocklistEnabled; } void tr_blocklistSetEnabled(tr_session* session, bool isEnabled) { tr_list* l; assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isBool(isEnabled)); session->isBlocklistEnabled = isEnabled; for (l = session->blocklists; l != NULL; l = l->next) { tr_blocklistFileSetEnabled(l->data, isEnabled); } } bool tr_blocklistExists(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->blocklists != NULL; } int tr_blocklistSetContent(tr_session* session, char const* contentFilename) { tr_list* l; int ruleCount; tr_blocklistFile* b; char const* defaultName = DEFAULT_BLOCKLIST_FILENAME; tr_sessionLock(session); for (b = NULL, l = session->blocklists; b == NULL && l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (tr_stringEndsWith(tr_blocklistFileGetFilename(l->data), defaultName)) { b = l->data; } } if (b == NULL) { char* path = tr_buildPath(session->configDir, "blocklists", defaultName, NULL); b = tr_blocklistFileNew(path, session->isBlocklistEnabled); tr_list_append(&session->blocklists, b); tr_free(path); } ruleCount = tr_blocklistFileSetContent(b, contentFilename); tr_sessionUnlock(session); return ruleCount; } bool tr_sessionIsAddressBlocked(tr_session const* session, tr_address const* addr) { tr_list* l; assert(tr_isSession(session)); for (l = session->blocklists; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (tr_blocklistFileHasAddress(l->data, addr)) { return true; } } return false; } void tr_blocklistSetURL(tr_session* session, char const* url) { if (session->blocklist_url != url) { tr_free(session->blocklist_url); session->blocklist_url = tr_strdup(url); } } char const* tr_blocklistGetURL(tr_session const* session) { return session->blocklist_url; } /*** **** ***/ static void metainfoLookupInit(tr_session* session) { tr_sys_path_info info; char const* dirname = tr_getTorrentDir(session); tr_sys_dir_t odir; tr_ctor* ctor = NULL; tr_variant* lookup; int n = 0; assert(tr_isSession(session)); /* walk through the directory and find the mappings */ lookup = tr_new0(tr_variant, 1); tr_variantInitDict(lookup, 0); ctor = tr_ctorNew(session); tr_ctorSetSave(ctor, false); /* since we already have them */ if (tr_sys_path_get_info(dirname, 0, &info, NULL) && info.type == TR_SYS_PATH_IS_DIRECTORY && (odir = tr_sys_dir_open(dirname, NULL)) != TR_BAD_SYS_DIR) { char const* name; while ((name = tr_sys_dir_read_name(odir, NULL)) != NULL) { if (tr_str_has_suffix(name, ".torrent")) { tr_info inf; char* path = tr_buildPath(dirname, name, NULL); tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile(ctor, path); if (tr_torrentParse(ctor, &inf) == TR_PARSE_OK) { ++n; tr_variantDictAddStr(lookup, tr_quark_new(inf.hashString, TR_BAD_SIZE), path); } tr_free(path); } } tr_sys_dir_close(odir, NULL); } tr_ctorFree(ctor); session->metainfoLookup = lookup; tr_logAddDebug("Found %d torrents in \"%s\"", n, dirname); } char const* tr_sessionFindTorrentFile(tr_session const* session, char const* hashString) { char const* filename = NULL; if (session->metainfoLookup == NULL) { metainfoLookupInit((tr_session*)session); } tr_variantDictFindStr(session->metainfoLookup, tr_quark_new(hashString, TR_BAD_SIZE), &filename, NULL); return filename; } void tr_sessionSetTorrentFile(tr_session* session, char const* hashString, char const* filename) { /* since we walk session->configDir/torrents/ to build the lookup table, * and tr_sessionSetTorrentFile() is just to tell us there's a new file * in that same directory, we don't need to do anything here if the * lookup table hasn't been built yet */ if (session->metainfoLookup != NULL) { tr_variantDictAddStr(session->metainfoLookup, tr_quark_new(hashString, TR_BAD_SIZE), filename); } } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetRPCEnabled(tr_session* session, bool isEnabled) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); tr_rpcSetEnabled(session->rpcServer, isEnabled); } bool tr_sessionIsRPCEnabled(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return tr_rpcIsEnabled(session->rpcServer); } void tr_sessionSetRPCPort(tr_session* session, tr_port port) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); tr_rpcSetPort(session->rpcServer, port); } tr_port tr_sessionGetRPCPort(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return tr_rpcGetPort(session->rpcServer); } void tr_sessionSetRPCUrl(tr_session* session, char const* url) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); tr_rpcSetUrl(session->rpcServer, url); } char const* tr_sessionGetRPCUrl(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return tr_rpcGetUrl(session->rpcServer); } void tr_sessionSetRPCCallback(tr_session* session, tr_rpc_func func, void* user_data) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); session->rpc_func = func; session->rpc_func_user_data = user_data; } void tr_sessionSetRPCWhitelist(tr_session* session, char const* whitelist) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); tr_rpcSetWhitelist(session->rpcServer, whitelist); } char const* tr_sessionGetRPCWhitelist(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return tr_rpcGetWhitelist(session->rpcServer); } void tr_sessionSetRPCWhitelistEnabled(tr_session* session, bool isEnabled) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); tr_rpcSetWhitelistEnabled(session->rpcServer, isEnabled); } bool tr_sessionGetRPCWhitelistEnabled(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return tr_rpcGetWhitelistEnabled(session->rpcServer); } void tr_sessionSetRPCPassword(tr_session* session, char const* password) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); tr_rpcSetPassword(session->rpcServer, password); } char const* tr_sessionGetRPCPassword(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return tr_rpcGetPassword(session->rpcServer); } void tr_sessionSetRPCUsername(tr_session* session, char const* username) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); tr_rpcSetUsername(session->rpcServer, username); } char const* tr_sessionGetRPCUsername(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return tr_rpcGetUsername(session->rpcServer); } void tr_sessionSetRPCPasswordEnabled(tr_session* session, bool isEnabled) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); tr_rpcSetPasswordEnabled(session->rpcServer, isEnabled); } bool tr_sessionIsRPCPasswordEnabled(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return tr_rpcIsPasswordEnabled(session->rpcServer); } char const* tr_sessionGetRPCBindAddress(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return tr_rpcGetBindAddress(session->rpcServer); } /**** ***** ****/ bool tr_sessionIsTorrentDoneScriptEnabled(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->isTorrentDoneScriptEnabled; } void tr_sessionSetTorrentDoneScriptEnabled(tr_session* session, bool isEnabled) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isBool(isEnabled)); session->isTorrentDoneScriptEnabled = isEnabled; } char const* tr_sessionGetTorrentDoneScript(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->torrentDoneScript; } void tr_sessionSetTorrentDoneScript(tr_session* session, char const* scriptFilename) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); if (session->torrentDoneScript != scriptFilename) { tr_free(session->torrentDoneScript); session->torrentDoneScript = tr_strdup(scriptFilename); } } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetQueueSize(tr_session* session, tr_direction dir, int n) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isDirection(dir)); session->queueSize[dir] = n; } int tr_sessionGetQueueSize(tr_session const* session, tr_direction dir) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isDirection(dir)); return session->queueSize[dir]; } void tr_sessionSetQueueEnabled(tr_session* session, tr_direction dir, bool is_enabled) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isDirection(dir)); assert(tr_isBool(is_enabled)); session->queueEnabled[dir] = is_enabled; } bool tr_sessionGetQueueEnabled(tr_session const* session, tr_direction dir) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isDirection(dir)); return session->queueEnabled[dir]; } void tr_sessionSetQueueStalledMinutes(tr_session* session, int minutes) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(minutes > 0); session->queueStalledMinutes = minutes; } void tr_sessionSetQueueStalledEnabled(tr_session* session, bool is_enabled) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isBool(is_enabled)); session->stalledEnabled = is_enabled; } bool tr_sessionGetQueueStalledEnabled(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->stalledEnabled; } int tr_sessionGetQueueStalledMinutes(tr_session const* session) { assert(tr_isSession(session)); return session->queueStalledMinutes; } struct TorrentAndPosition { tr_torrent* tor; int position; }; static int compareTorrentAndPositions(void const* va, void const* vb) { int ret; struct TorrentAndPosition const* a = va; struct TorrentAndPosition const* b = vb; if (a->position > b->position) { ret = 1; } else if (a->position < b->position) { ret = -1; } else { ret = 0; } return ret; } void tr_sessionGetNextQueuedTorrents(tr_session* session, tr_direction direction, size_t num_wanted, tr_ptrArray* setme) { size_t i; size_t n; tr_torrent* tor; struct TorrentAndPosition* candidates; assert(tr_isSession(session)); assert(tr_isDirection(direction)); /* build an array of the candidates */ n = tr_sessionCountTorrents(session); candidates = tr_new(struct TorrentAndPosition, n); i = 0; tor = NULL; while ((tor = tr_torrentNext(session, tor)) != NULL) { if (!tr_torrentIsQueued(tor)) { continue; } if (direction != tr_torrentGetQueueDirection(tor)) { continue; } candidates[i].tor = tor; candidates[i].position = tr_torrentGetQueuePosition(tor); ++i; } /* find the best n candidates */ if (num_wanted > i) { num_wanted = i; } else if (num_wanted < i) { tr_quickfindFirstK(candidates, i, sizeof(struct TorrentAndPosition), compareTorrentAndPositions, num_wanted); } /* add them to the return array */ for (i = 0; i < num_wanted; ++i) { tr_ptrArrayAppend(setme, candidates[i].tor); } /* cleanup */ tr_free(candidates); } int tr_sessionCountQueueFreeSlots(tr_session* session, tr_direction dir) { tr_torrent* tor; int active_count; int const max = tr_sessionGetQueueSize(session, dir); tr_torrent_activity const activity = dir == TR_UP ? TR_STATUS_SEED : TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD; if (!tr_sessionGetQueueEnabled(session, dir)) { return INT_MAX; } tor = NULL; active_count = 0; while ((tor = tr_torrentNext(session, tor)) != NULL) { if (!tr_torrentIsStalled(tor)) { if (tr_torrentGetActivity(tor) == activity) { ++active_count; } } } if (active_count >= max) { return 0; } return max - active_count; }