/* * This file Copyright (C) 2007 Charles Kerr * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,8,0) #include #endif extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include } #include "torrent-filter.h" #include "torrent-list.h" class MyApp : public wxApp { virtual bool OnInit(); }; namespace { tr_handle_t * handle = NULL; typedef std::vector torrents_v; } class MyFrame : public wxFrame, public TorrentListCtrl::Listener { public: MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size); virtual ~MyFrame(); public: void OnQuit( wxCommandEvent& ); void OnAbout( wxCommandEvent& ); void OnOpen( wxCommandEvent& ); void OnRecheck( wxCommandEvent& ); void OnTimer( wxTimerEvent& ); void OnItemSelected( wxListEvent& ); virtual void OnTorrentListSelectionChanged( TorrentListCtrl*, const std::set& ); private: void RefreshFilterCounts( ); protected: wxConfig * myConfig; wxTimer myPulseTimer; private: TorrentListCtrl * myTorrentList; wxListCtrl * myFilters; wxTaskBarIcon * myTaskBarIcon; wxIcon * myLogoIcon; wxIcon * myTrayLogo; torrents_v myTorrents; torrents_v mySelectedTorrents; private: DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; enum { ID_START, ID_STOP, ID_REMOVE, ID_QUIT, ID_TORRENT_INFO, ID_EDIT_PREFS, ID_SHOW_DEBUG_WINDOW, ID_ABOUT, ID_Pulse, ID_Filter, N_IDS }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame) EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED( ID_Filter, MyFrame::OnItemSelected ) EVT_MENU( wxID_REFRESH, MyFrame::OnRecheck ) END_EVENT_TABLE() IMPLEMENT_APP(MyApp) void MyFrame :: OnOpen( wxCommandEvent& event ) { const wxString key = _T("prev-directory"); wxString directory; myConfig->Read( key, &directory ); wxFileDialog * w = new wxFileDialog( this, _T("message"), directory, _T(""), /* default file */ _T("Torrent files|*.torrent"), wxOPEN|wxMULTIPLE ); if( w->ShowModal() == wxID_OK ) { wxArrayString paths; w->GetPaths( paths ); size_t nPaths = paths.GetCount(); for( size_t i=0; iWrite( key, w->GetDirectory() ); } delete w; } bool MyApp::OnInit() { handle = tr_init( "wx" ); MyFrame * frame = new MyFrame( _T("Xmission"), wxPoint(50,50), wxSize(900,600)); frame->Connect( wxID_OPEN, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &MyFrame::OnOpen ); frame->Connect( wxID_ABOUT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &MyFrame::OnAbout ); frame->Connect( wxID_EXIT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &MyFrame::OnQuit ); frame->Connect( ID_Pulse, wxEVT_TIMER, (wxObjectEventFunction) &MyFrame::OnTimer ); frame->Show( true ); SetTopWindow( frame ); return true; } /*** **** ***/ namespace { int bestDecimal( double num ) { if ( num < 10 ) return 2; if ( num < 100 ) return 1; return 0; } wxString toWxStr( const char * s ) { return wxString( s, wxConvUTF8 ); } wxString getReadableSize( uint64_t size ) { int i; static const char *sizestrs[] = { "B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB" }; for ( i=0; size>>10; ++i ) size = size>>10; char buf[512]; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*f %s", bestDecimal(size), (double)size, sizestrs[i] ); return toWxStr( buf ); } wxString getReadableSize( float f ) { return getReadableSize( (uint64_t)f ); } wxString getReadableSpeed( float f ) { wxString xstr = getReadableSize(f); xstr += _T("/s"); return xstr; } } void MyFrame :: RefreshFilterCounts( ) { for( int i=0; iSetItem( i, 0, xstr ); } } void MyFrame :: OnItemSelected( wxListEvent& event ) { const int item = event.GetIndex (); torrents_v tmp( myTorrents ); TorrentFilter :: RemoveFailures( item, tmp ); myTorrentList->Assign( tmp ); } void MyFrame :: OnRecheck( wxCommandEvent& unused ) { for( torrents_v::iterator it(mySelectedTorrents.begin()), end(mySelectedTorrents.end()); it!=end; ++it ) tr_torrentRecheck( *it ); } void MyFrame :: OnTorrentListSelectionChanged( TorrentListCtrl* list, const std::set& torrents ) { assert( list == myTorrentList ); mySelectedTorrents.assign( torrents.begin(), torrents.end() ); } void MyFrame :: OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& event) { RefreshFilterCounts( ); myTorrentList->Refresh ( ); float dl, ul; tr_torrentRates( handle, &dl, &ul ); wxString s = _("Download: "); s += getReadableSpeed( dl ); s += _T("\n"); s +=_("Upload: "); s += getReadableSpeed( ul ); myTaskBarIcon->SetIcon( *myTrayLogo, s ); } MyFrame::~MyFrame() { myTorrentList->RemoveListener( this ); delete myTorrentList; delete myConfig; } MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size): wxFrame((wxFrame*)NULL,-1,title,pos,size), myConfig( new wxConfig( _T("xmission") ) ), myPulseTimer( this, ID_Pulse ) { myLogoIcon = new wxIcon( transmission_xpm ); SetIcon( *myLogoIcon ); /*#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,8,0) transmission_logo.Rescale( 24, 24, wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH ); #else transmission_logo.Rescale( 24, 24 ); #endif myTrayLogo = new wxIcon; myTrayLogo->CopyFromBitmap( wxBitmap( transmission_logo ) );*/ myTrayLogo = myLogoIcon; /** *** Menu **/ wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar; wxMenu * m = new wxMenu; m->Append( wxID_OPEN, _T("&Open") ); m->Append( ID_START, _T("&Start") ); m->Append( wxID_STOP, _T("Sto&p") ) ; m->Append( wxID_REFRESH, _T("Re&check") ); m->Append( wxID_REMOVE, _T("&Remove") ); m->AppendSeparator(); m->Append( wxID_NEW, _T("Create &New Torrent") ); m->AppendSeparator(); m->Append( wxID_CLOSE, _T("&Close") ); m->Append( wxID_EXIT, _T("&Exit") ); menuBar->Append( m, _T("&File") ); m = new wxMenu; m->Append( ID_TORRENT_INFO, _T("Torrent &Info") ); m->Append( wxID_PREFERENCES, _T("Edit &Preferences") ); menuBar->Append( m, _T("&Edit") ); m = new wxMenu; m->Append( ID_SHOW_DEBUG_WINDOW, _T("Show &Debug Window") ); m->AppendSeparator(); m->Append( wxID_ABOUT, _T("&About Xmission") ); menuBar->Append( m, _T("&Help") ); SetMenuBar(menuBar); /** *** Toolbar **/ wxIcon open_icon( fileopen_xpm ); wxIcon exec_icon( exec_xpm ); wxIcon stop_icon( stop_xpm ); wxIcon drop_icon( gtk_remove_xpm ); wxIcon info_icon( gtk_properties_xpm ); wxBitmap bitmap; wxToolBar* toolbar = CreateToolBar( wxNO_BORDER | wxTB_HORIZONTAL | wxTB_FLAT | wxTB_TEXT ); toolbar->SetToolBitmapSize( wxSize( 16, 16 ) ); bitmap.CopyFromIcon( open_icon ); toolbar->AddTool( wxID_OPEN, _T("Open"), bitmap ); bitmap.CopyFromIcon( exec_icon ); toolbar->AddTool( ID_START, _T("Start"), bitmap ); bitmap.CopyFromIcon( stop_icon ); toolbar->AddTool( wxID_STOP, _T("Stop"), bitmap ); bitmap.CopyFromIcon( drop_icon ); toolbar->AddTool( wxID_REMOVE, _T("Remove"), bitmap ); toolbar->AddSeparator(); bitmap.CopyFromIcon( info_icon ); toolbar->AddTool( ID_TORRENT_INFO, _("Torrent Info"), bitmap ); toolbar->Realize(); /** *** Row 1 **/ wxSplitterWindow * hsplit = new wxSplitterWindow( this ); hsplit->SetSashGravity( 0.8 ); wxPanel * row1 = new wxPanel( hsplit, wxID_ANY ); /* Filters */ myFilters = new wxListCtrl( row1, ID_Filter, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(120,-1), wxLC_REPORT|wxLC_SINGLE_SEL|wxLC_NO_HEADER ); myFilters->InsertColumn( wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, _("Filters"), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 120 ); for( int i=0; iInsertItem( i, TorrentFilter::getFilterName(i) ); /* Torrent List */ myTorrentList = new TorrentListCtrl( handle, myConfig, row1 ); myTorrentList->AddListener( this ); wxBoxSizer * boxSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL ); boxSizer->Add( myFilters, 0, wxEXPAND|wxRIGHT, 5 ); boxSizer->Add( myTorrentList, 1, wxEXPAND, 0 ); row1->SetSizer( boxSizer ); //boxSizer->SetSizeHints( row1 ); wxNotebook * notebook = new wxNotebook( hsplit, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNB_TOP ); wxButton * tmp = new wxButton( notebook, wxID_ANY, _T("Hello World")); notebook->AddPage( tmp, _T("General"), false ); tmp = new wxButton( notebook, wxID_ANY, _T("Hello World")); notebook->AddPage( tmp, _T("Peers"), false ); tmp = new wxButton( notebook, wxID_ANY, _T("Hello World")); notebook->AddPage( tmp, _T("Pieces"), false ); tmp = new wxButton( notebook, wxID_ANY, _T("Hello World")); notebook->AddPage( tmp, _T("Files"), false ); tmp = new wxButton( notebook, wxID_ANY, _T("Hello World")); notebook->AddPage( tmp, _T("Logger"), false ); hsplit->SplitHorizontally( row1, notebook ); /** *** Statusbar **/ CreateStatusBar(); SetStatusText(_T("Welcome to Xmission!")); /** *** Refresh **/ myPulseTimer.Start( 1500 ); myTaskBarIcon = new wxTaskBarIcon( ); /** *** Load the torrents **/ const int flags = TR_FLAG_PAUSED; const char * destination = "/home/charles/torrents"; int count = 0; tr_torrent_t ** torrents = tr_loadTorrents ( handle, destination, flags, &count ); myTorrents.insert( myTorrents.end(), torrents, torrents+count ); myTorrentList->Add( myTorrents ); tr_free( torrents ); wxTimerEvent dummy; OnTimer( dummy ); } void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Close( true ); } void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxIcon ico( transmission_xpm ); #if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,8,0) wxAboutDialogInfo info; info.SetName(_T("Xmission")); info.SetVersion(_T(LONG_VERSION_STRING)); info.SetCopyright(_T("Copyright 2005-2007 The Transmission Project")); info.SetDescription(_T("A fast, lightweight bittorrent client")); info.SetWebSite( _T( "http://transmission.m0k.org/" ) ); info.SetIcon( ico ); info.AddDeveloper( _T("Josh Elsasser (Back-end; GTK+)") ); info.AddDeveloper( _T("Charles Kerr (Back-end, GTK+, wxWidgets)") ); info.AddDeveloper( _T("Mitchell Livingston (Back-end; OS X)") ); info.AddDeveloper( _T("Eric Petit (Back-end; OS X)") ); info.AddDeveloper( _T("Bryan Varner (BeOS)") ); wxAboutBox( info ); #else wxMessageBox(_T("Xmission " LONG_VERSION_STRING "\n" "Copyright 2005-2007 The Transmission Project"), _T("About Xmission"), wxOK|wxICON_INFORMATION, this); #endif }