// This file Copyright © 2007-2023 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SYSTEM_MINIUPNP #include #include #else #include #include #endif #define LIBTRANSMISSION_PORT_FORWARDING_MODULE #include "libtransmission/transmission.h" #include "libtransmission/log.h" #include "libtransmission/port-forwarding-upnp.h" #include "libtransmission/port-forwarding.h" #include "libtransmission/tr-assert.h" #include "libtransmission/utils.h" // for _(), tr_strerror() namespace { enum class UpnpState { Idle, Failed, WillDiscover, // next action is upnpDiscover() Discovering, // currently making blocking upnpDiscover() call in a worker thread WillMap, // next action is UPNP_AddPortMapping() WillUnmap // next action is UPNP_DeletePortMapping() }; } // namespace struct tr_upnp { tr_upnp() = default; tr_upnp(tr_upnp&&) = delete; tr_upnp(tr_upnp const&) = delete; tr_upnp& operator=(tr_upnp&&) = delete; tr_upnp& operator=(tr_upnp const&) = delete; ~tr_upnp() { TR_ASSERT(!isMapped); TR_ASSERT( state == UpnpState::Idle || state == UpnpState::Failed || state == UpnpState::WillDiscover || state == UpnpState::Discovering); FreeUPNPUrls(&urls); } bool hasDiscovered = false; UPNPUrls urls = {}; IGDdatas data = {}; tr_port port; std::string lanaddr; bool isMapped = false; UpnpState state = UpnpState::WillDiscover; // Used to return the results of upnpDiscover() from a worker thread // to be processed without blocking in tr_upnpPulse(). // This will be pending while the state is UpnpState::DISCOVERING. std::optional> discover_future; }; namespace { constexpr auto port_fwd_state(UpnpState upnp_state, bool is_mapped) { switch (upnp_state) { case UpnpState::WillDiscover: case UpnpState::Discovering: return TR_PORT_UNMAPPED; case UpnpState::WillMap: return TR_PORT_MAPPING; case UpnpState::WillUnmap: return TR_PORT_UNMAPPING; case UpnpState::Idle: return is_mapped ? TR_PORT_MAPPED : TR_PORT_UNMAPPED; default: // UpnpState::FAILED: return TR_PORT_ERROR; } } [[nodiscard]] UPNPDev* upnp_discover(int msec, char const* bindaddr) { UPNPDev* ret = nullptr; auto have_err = bool{}; #if (MINIUPNPC_API_VERSION >= 8) /* adds ipv6 and error args */ int err = UPNPDISCOVER_SUCCESS; #if (MINIUPNPC_API_VERSION >= 14) /* adds ttl */ ret = upnpDiscover(msec, bindaddr, nullptr, 0, 0, 2, &err); #else ret = upnpDiscover(msec, bindaddr, nullptr, 0, 0, &err); #endif have_err = err != UPNPDISCOVER_SUCCESS; #else ret = upnpDiscover(msec, bindaddr, nullptr, 0); have_err = ret == nullptr; #endif if (have_err) { tr_logAddDebug(fmt::format("upnpDiscover failed: {} ({})", tr_strerror(errno), errno)); } return ret; } [[nodiscard]] int get_specific_port_mapping_entry(tr_upnp const* handle, char const* proto) { auto int_client = std::array{}; auto int_port = std::array{}; auto const port_str = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{:d}"), handle->port.host()); #if (MINIUPNPC_API_VERSION >= 10) /* adds remoteHost arg */ int const err = UPNP_GetSpecificPortMappingEntry( handle->urls.controlURL, handle->data.first.servicetype, port_str.c_str(), proto, nullptr /*remoteHost*/, std::data(int_client), std::data(int_port), nullptr /*desc*/, nullptr /*enabled*/, nullptr /*duration*/); #elif (MINIUPNPC_API_VERSION >= 8) /* adds desc, enabled and leaseDuration args */ int const err = UPNP_GetSpecificPortMappingEntry( handle->urls.controlURL, handle->data.first.servicetype, port_str.c_str(), proto, std::data(int_client), std::data(int_port), nullptr /*desc*/, nullptr /*enabled*/, nullptr /*duration*/); #else int const err = UPNP_GetSpecificPortMappingEntry( handle->urls.controlURL, handle->data.first.servicetype, port_str.c_str(), proto, std::data(int_client), std::data(int_port)); #endif return err; } [[nodiscard]] int upnp_add_port_mapping(tr_upnp const* handle, char const* proto, tr_port port, char const* desc) { int const old_errno = errno; errno = 0; auto const port_str = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{:d}"), port.host()); #if (MINIUPNPC_API_VERSION >= 8) int const err = UPNP_AddPortMapping( handle->urls.controlURL, handle->data.first.servicetype, port_str.c_str(), port_str.c_str(), handle->lanaddr.c_str(), desc, proto, nullptr, nullptr); #else int const err = UPNP_AddPortMapping( handle->urls.controlURL, handle->data.first.servicetype, port_str.c_str(), port_str.c_str(), handle->lanaddr.c_str(), desc, proto, nullptr); #endif if (err != 0) { tr_logAddDebug(fmt::format("{} Port forwarding failed with error {}: {} ({})", proto, err, tr_strerror(errno), errno)); } errno = old_errno; return err; } void tr_upnpDeletePortMapping(tr_upnp const* handle, char const* proto, tr_port port) { auto const port_str = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{:d}"), port.host()); UPNP_DeletePortMapping(handle->urls.controlURL, handle->data.first.servicetype, port_str.c_str(), proto, nullptr); } enum { UPNP_IGD_NONE = 0, UPNP_IGD_VALID_CONNECTED = 1, UPNP_IGD_VALID_NOT_CONNECTED = 2, UPNP_IGD_INVALID = 3 }; auto* discover_thread_func(std::string bindaddr) // NOLINT performance-unnecessary-value-param { // If multicastif is not NULL, it will be used instead of the default // multicast interface for sending SSDP discover packets. char const* multicastif = std::empty(bindaddr) ? nullptr : bindaddr.c_str(); return upnp_discover(2000, multicastif); } template bool is_future_ready(std::future const& future) { return future.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(0)) == std::future_status::ready; } } // namespace // --- tr_upnp* tr_upnpInit() { return new tr_upnp(); } void tr_upnpClose(tr_upnp* handle) { delete handle; } tr_port_forwarding_state tr_upnpPulse(tr_upnp* handle, tr_port port, bool is_enabled, bool do_port_check, std::string bindaddr) { if (is_enabled && handle->state == UpnpState::WillDiscover) { TR_ASSERT(!handle->discover_future); auto task = std::packaged_task{ discover_thread_func }; handle->discover_future = task.get_future(); handle->state = UpnpState::Discovering; std::thread(std::move(task), std::move(bindaddr)).detach(); } if (is_enabled && handle->state == UpnpState::Discovering && handle->discover_future && is_future_ready(*handle->discover_future)) { auto* const devlist = handle->discover_future->get(); handle->discover_future.reset(); FreeUPNPUrls(&handle->urls); auto lanaddr = std::array{}; if (UPNP_GetValidIGD(devlist, &handle->urls, &handle->data, std::data(lanaddr), std::size(lanaddr) - 1) == UPNP_IGD_VALID_CONNECTED) { tr_logAddInfo(fmt::format(_("Found Internet Gateway Device '{url}'"), fmt::arg("url", handle->urls.controlURL))); tr_logAddInfo(fmt::format(_("Local Address is '{address}'"), fmt::arg("address", lanaddr.data()))); handle->state = UpnpState::Idle; handle->hasDiscovered = true; handle->lanaddr = std::data(lanaddr); } else { handle->state = UpnpState::Failed; tr_logAddDebug(fmt::format("UPNP_GetValidIGD failed: {} ({})", tr_strerror(errno), errno)); tr_logAddDebug("If your router supports UPnP, please make sure UPnP is enabled!"); } freeUPNPDevlist(devlist); } if ((handle->state == UpnpState::Idle) && (handle->isMapped) && (!is_enabled || handle->port != port)) { handle->state = UpnpState::WillUnmap; } if (is_enabled && handle->isMapped && do_port_check && ((get_specific_port_mapping_entry(handle, "TCP") != UPNPCOMMAND_SUCCESS) || (get_specific_port_mapping_entry(handle, "UDP") != UPNPCOMMAND_SUCCESS))) { tr_logAddInfo(fmt::format(_("Port {port} is not forwarded"), fmt::arg("port", handle->port.host()))); handle->isMapped = false; } if (handle->state == UpnpState::WillUnmap) { tr_upnpDeletePortMapping(handle, "TCP", handle->port); tr_upnpDeletePortMapping(handle, "UDP", handle->port); tr_logAddInfo(fmt::format( _("Stopping port forwarding through '{url}', service '{type}'"), fmt::arg("url", handle->urls.controlURL), fmt::arg("type", handle->data.first.servicetype))); handle->isMapped = false; handle->state = UpnpState::Idle; handle->port = {}; } if ((handle->state == UpnpState::Idle) && is_enabled && !handle->isMapped) { handle->state = UpnpState::WillMap; } if (handle->state == UpnpState::WillMap) { errno = 0; if (handle->urls.controlURL == nullptr) { handle->isMapped = false; } else { auto const desc = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("Transmission at {:d}"), port.host()); int const err_tcp = upnp_add_port_mapping(handle, "TCP", port, desc.c_str()); int const err_udp = upnp_add_port_mapping(handle, "UDP", port, desc.c_str()); handle->isMapped = err_tcp == 0 || err_udp == 0; } tr_logAddDebug(fmt::format( _("Port forwarding through '{url}', service '{type}'. (local address: {address}:{port})"), fmt::arg("url", handle->urls.controlURL), fmt::arg("type", handle->data.first.servicetype), fmt::arg("address", handle->lanaddr), fmt::arg("port", port.host()))); if (handle->isMapped) { tr_logAddInfo(fmt::format(_("Port {port} is forwarded"), fmt::arg("port", port.host()))); handle->port = port; handle->state = UpnpState::Idle; } else { tr_logAddInfo(_("If your router supports UPnP, please make sure UPnP is enabled!")); handle->port = {}; handle->state = UpnpState::Failed; } } return port_fwd_state(handle->state, handle->isMapped); }