/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #import "TorrentCell.h" #import "TorrentTableView.h" #import "GroupsController.h" #import "NSApplicationAdditions.h" #import "NSStringAdditions.h" #import "ProgressGradients.h" #define BAR_HEIGHT 12.0f #define IMAGE_SIZE_REG 32.0f #define IMAGE_SIZE_MIN 16.0f #define ERROR_IMAGE_SIZE 20.0f #define NORMAL_BUTTON_WIDTH 14.0f #define ACTION_BUTTON_WIDTH 16.0f #define PRIORITY_ICON_WIDTH 14.0f #define PRIORITY_ICON_HEIGHT 14.0f //ends up being larger than font height #define HEIGHT_TITLE 16.0f #define HEIGHT_STATUS 12.0f #define PADDING_HORIZONTAL 3.0f #define PADDING_BETWEEN_IMAGE_AND_TITLE 5.0f #define PADDING_BETWEEN_IMAGE_AND_BAR 7.0f #define PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_PRIORITY 4.0f #define PADDING_ABOVE_TITLE 4.0f #define PADDING_ABOVE_MIN_STATUS 4.0f #define PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_MIN_STATUS 2.0f #define PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_PROGRESS 1.0f #define PADDING_BETWEEN_PROGRESS_AND_BAR 2.0f #define PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_BAR_MIN 3.0f #define PADDING_BETWEEN_BAR_AND_STATUS 2.0f #define PIECES_TOTAL_PERCENT 0.6f #define MAX_PIECES (18*18) @interface TorrentCell (Private) - (void) drawBar: (NSRect) barRect; - (void) drawRegularBar: (NSRect) barRect; - (void) drawPiecesBar: (NSRect) barRect; - (NSRect) rectForMinimalStatusWithString: (NSAttributedString *) string inBounds: (NSRect) bounds; - (NSRect) rectForTitleWithString: (NSAttributedString *) string basedOnMinimalStatusRect: (NSRect) statusRect inBounds: (NSRect) bounds; - (NSRect) rectForProgressWithString: (NSAttributedString *) string inBounds: (NSRect) bounds; - (NSRect) rectForStatusWithString: (NSAttributedString *) string inBounds: (NSRect) bounds; - (NSAttributedString *) attributedTitle; - (NSAttributedString *) attributedStatusString: (NSString *) string; - (NSString *) buttonString; - (NSString *) statusString; - (NSString *) minimalStatusString; - (void) drawImage: (NSImage *) image inRect: (NSRect) rect; //use until 10.5 dropped @end @implementation TorrentCell //only called once and the main table is always needed, so don't worry about releasing - (id) init { if ((self = [super init])) { fDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; NSMutableParagraphStyle * paragraphStyle = [[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy]; [paragraphStyle setLineBreakMode: NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail]; fTitleAttributes = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSFont messageFontOfSize: 12.0f], NSFontAttributeName, paragraphStyle, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName, nil]; fStatusAttributes = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSFont messageFontOfSize: 9.0f], NSFontAttributeName, paragraphStyle, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName, nil]; [paragraphStyle release]; fBluePieceColor = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: 0.0f green: 0.4f blue: 0.8f alpha: 1.0f] retain]; fBarBorderColor = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite: 0.0f alpha: 0.2f] retain]; fHighPriorityImage = [[NSImage imageNamed: @"PriorityHigh.png"] copy]; [fHighPriorityImage setFlipped: YES]; fLowPriorityImage = [[NSImage imageNamed: @"PriorityLow.png"] copy]; [fLowPriorityImage setFlipped: YES]; } return self; } - (NSRect) iconRectForBounds: (NSRect) bounds { CGFloat imageSize = [fDefaults boolForKey: @"SmallView"] ? IMAGE_SIZE_MIN : IMAGE_SIZE_REG; NSRect result = bounds; result.origin.x += PADDING_HORIZONTAL; result.origin.y += floorf((result.size.height - imageSize) * 0.5f); result.size = NSMakeSize(imageSize, imageSize); return result; } - (NSRect) titleRectForBounds: (NSRect) bounds { return [self rectForTitleWithString: [self attributedTitle] basedOnMinimalStatusRect: [self minimalStatusRectForBounds: bounds] inBounds: bounds]; } - (NSRect) minimalStatusRectForBounds: (NSRect) bounds { if (![fDefaults boolForKey: @"SmallView"]) return NSZeroRect; return [self rectForMinimalStatusWithString: [self attributedStatusString: [self minimalStatusString]] inBounds: bounds]; } - (NSRect) progressRectForBounds: (NSRect) bounds { if ([fDefaults boolForKey: @"SmallView"]) return NSZeroRect; return [self rectForProgressWithString: [self attributedStatusString: [[self representedObject] progressString]] inBounds: bounds]; } - (NSRect) barRectForBounds: (NSRect) bounds { BOOL minimal = [fDefaults boolForKey: @"SmallView"]; NSRect result = bounds; result.size.height = BAR_HEIGHT; result.origin.x += (minimal ? IMAGE_SIZE_MIN : IMAGE_SIZE_REG) + PADDING_BETWEEN_IMAGE_AND_BAR; result.origin.y += PADDING_ABOVE_TITLE + HEIGHT_TITLE; if (minimal) result.origin.y += PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_BAR_MIN; else result.origin.y += PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_PROGRESS + HEIGHT_STATUS + PADDING_BETWEEN_PROGRESS_AND_BAR; result.size.width = round(NSMaxX(bounds) - result.origin.x - PADDING_HORIZONTAL - 2.0f * (PADDING_HORIZONTAL + NORMAL_BUTTON_WIDTH)); return result; } - (NSRect) statusRectForBounds: (NSRect) bounds { if ([fDefaults boolForKey: @"SmallView"]) return NSZeroRect; return [self rectForStatusWithString: [self attributedStatusString: [self statusString]] inBounds: bounds]; } - (NSRect) controlButtonRectForBounds: (NSRect) bounds { NSRect result = bounds; result.size.height = NORMAL_BUTTON_WIDTH; result.size.width = NORMAL_BUTTON_WIDTH; result.origin.x = NSMaxX(bounds) - 2.0f * (PADDING_HORIZONTAL + NORMAL_BUTTON_WIDTH); result.origin.y += PADDING_ABOVE_TITLE + HEIGHT_TITLE - (NORMAL_BUTTON_WIDTH - BAR_HEIGHT) * 0.5f; if ([fDefaults boolForKey: @"SmallView"]) result.origin.y += PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_BAR_MIN; else result.origin.y += PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_PROGRESS + HEIGHT_STATUS + PADDING_BETWEEN_PROGRESS_AND_BAR; return result; } - (NSRect) revealButtonRectForBounds: (NSRect) bounds { NSRect result = bounds; result.size.height = NORMAL_BUTTON_WIDTH; result.size.width = NORMAL_BUTTON_WIDTH; result.origin.x = NSMaxX(bounds) - (PADDING_HORIZONTAL + NORMAL_BUTTON_WIDTH); result.origin.y += PADDING_ABOVE_TITLE + HEIGHT_TITLE - (NORMAL_BUTTON_WIDTH - BAR_HEIGHT) * 0.5f; if ([fDefaults boolForKey: @"SmallView"]) result.origin.y += PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_BAR_MIN; else result.origin.y += PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_PROGRESS + HEIGHT_STATUS + PADDING_BETWEEN_PROGRESS_AND_BAR; return result; } - (NSRect) actionButtonRectForBounds: (NSRect) bounds { NSRect result = [self iconRectForBounds: bounds]; if (![fDefaults boolForKey: @"SmallView"]) { result.origin.x += (result.size.width - ACTION_BUTTON_WIDTH) * 0.5f; result.origin.y += (result.size.height - ACTION_BUTTON_WIDTH) * 0.5f; result.size.width = ACTION_BUTTON_WIDTH; result.size.height = ACTION_BUTTON_WIDTH; } return result; } - (NSUInteger) hitTestForEvent: (NSEvent *) event inRect: (NSRect) cellFrame ofView: (NSView *) controlView { NSPoint point = [controlView convertPoint: [event locationInWindow] fromView: nil]; if (NSMouseInRect(point, [self controlButtonRectForBounds: cellFrame], [controlView isFlipped]) || NSMouseInRect(point, [self revealButtonRectForBounds: cellFrame], [controlView isFlipped])) return NSCellHitContentArea | NSCellHitTrackableArea; return NSCellHitContentArea; } + (BOOL) prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp { return YES; } - (BOOL) trackMouse: (NSEvent *) event inRect: (NSRect) cellFrame ofView: (NSView *) controlView untilMouseUp: (BOOL) flag { fTracking = YES; [self setControlView: controlView]; NSPoint point = [controlView convertPoint: [event locationInWindow] fromView: nil]; NSRect controlRect= [self controlButtonRectForBounds: cellFrame]; BOOL checkControl = NSMouseInRect(point, controlRect, [controlView isFlipped]); NSRect revealRect = [self revealButtonRectForBounds: cellFrame]; BOOL checkReveal = NSMouseInRect(point, revealRect, [controlView isFlipped]); [(TorrentTableView *)controlView removeButtonTrackingAreas]; while ([event type] != NSLeftMouseUp) { point = [controlView convertPoint: [event locationInWindow] fromView: nil]; if (checkControl) { BOOL inControlButton = NSMouseInRect(point, controlRect, [controlView isFlipped]); if (fMouseDownControlButton != inControlButton) { fMouseDownControlButton = inControlButton; [controlView setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame]; } } else if (checkReveal) { BOOL inRevealButton = NSMouseInRect(point, revealRect, [controlView isFlipped]); if (fMouseDownRevealButton != inRevealButton) { fMouseDownRevealButton = inRevealButton; [controlView setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame]; } } else; //send events to where necessary if ([event type] == NSMouseEntered || [event type] == NSMouseExited) [NSApp sendEvent: event]; event = [[controlView window] nextEventMatchingMask: (NSLeftMouseUpMask | NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSMouseEnteredMask | NSMouseExitedMask)]; } fTracking = NO; if (fMouseDownControlButton) { fMouseDownControlButton = NO; [(TorrentTableView *)controlView toggleControlForTorrent: [self representedObject]]; } else if (fMouseDownRevealButton) { fMouseDownRevealButton = NO; [controlView setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame]; if ([NSApp isOnSnowLeopardOrBetter]) { NSURL * file = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: [[self representedObject] dataLocation]]; [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] activateFileViewerSelectingURLs: [NSArray arrayWithObject: file]]; } else [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] selectFile: [[self representedObject] dataLocation] inFileViewerRootedAtPath: nil]; } else; [controlView updateTrackingAreas]; return YES; } - (void) addTrackingAreasForView: (NSView *) controlView inRect: (NSRect) cellFrame withUserInfo: (NSDictionary *) userInfo mouseLocation: (NSPoint) mouseLocation { NSTrackingAreaOptions options = NSTrackingEnabledDuringMouseDrag | NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited | NSTrackingActiveAlways; //control button NSRect controlButtonRect = [self controlButtonRectForBounds: cellFrame]; NSTrackingAreaOptions controlOptions = options; if (NSMouseInRect(mouseLocation, controlButtonRect, [controlView isFlipped])) { controlOptions |= NSTrackingAssumeInside; [(TorrentTableView *)controlView setControlButtonHover: [[userInfo objectForKey: @"Row"] intValue]]; } NSMutableDictionary * controlInfo = [userInfo mutableCopy]; [controlInfo setObject: @"Control" forKey: @"Type"]; NSTrackingArea * area = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect: controlButtonRect options: controlOptions owner: controlView userInfo: controlInfo]; [controlView addTrackingArea: area]; [controlInfo release]; [area release]; //reveal button NSRect revealButtonRect = [self revealButtonRectForBounds: cellFrame]; NSTrackingAreaOptions revealOptions = options; if (NSMouseInRect(mouseLocation, revealButtonRect, [controlView isFlipped])) { revealOptions |= NSTrackingAssumeInside; [(TorrentTableView *)controlView setRevealButtonHover: [[userInfo objectForKey: @"Row"] intValue]]; } NSMutableDictionary * revealInfo = [userInfo mutableCopy]; [revealInfo setObject: @"Reveal" forKey: @"Type"]; area = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect: revealButtonRect options: revealOptions owner: controlView userInfo: revealInfo]; [controlView addTrackingArea: area]; [revealInfo release]; [area release]; //action button NSRect actionButtonRect = [self iconRectForBounds: cellFrame]; //use the whole icon NSTrackingAreaOptions actionOptions = options; if (NSMouseInRect(mouseLocation, actionButtonRect, [controlView isFlipped])) { actionOptions |= NSTrackingAssumeInside; [(TorrentTableView *)controlView setActionButtonHover: [[userInfo objectForKey: @"Row"] intValue]]; } NSMutableDictionary * actionInfo = [userInfo mutableCopy]; [actionInfo setObject: @"Action" forKey: @"Type"]; area = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect: actionButtonRect options: actionOptions owner: controlView userInfo: actionInfo]; [controlView addTrackingArea: area]; [actionInfo release]; [area release]; } - (void) setControlHover: (BOOL) hover { fHoverControl = hover; } - (void) setRevealHover: (BOOL) hover { fHoverReveal = hover; } - (void) setActionHover: (BOOL) hover { fHoverAction = hover; } - (void) setActionPushed: (BOOL) pushed { fMouseDownActionButton = pushed; } - (void) drawInteriorWithFrame: (NSRect) cellFrame inView: (NSView *) controlView { Torrent * torrent = [self representedObject]; const BOOL minimal = [fDefaults boolForKey: @"SmallView"]; //group coloring NSRect iconRect = [self iconRectForBounds: cellFrame]; NSInteger groupValue = [torrent groupValue]; if (groupValue != -1) { NSRect groupRect = NSInsetRect(iconRect, -1.0f, -2.0f); if (!minimal) { groupRect.size.height--; groupRect.origin.y--; } const CGFloat radius = minimal ? 3.0f : 6.0f; NSColor * groupColor = [[GroupsController groups] colorForIndex: groupValue], * darkGroupColor = [groupColor blendedColorWithFraction: 0.2f ofColor: [NSColor whiteColor]]; //border NSBezierPath * bp = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect: groupRect xRadius: radius yRadius: radius]; [darkGroupColor set]; [bp setLineWidth: 2.0f]; [bp stroke]; //inside bp = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect: groupRect xRadius: radius yRadius: radius]; NSGradient * gradient = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithStartingColor: [groupColor blendedColorWithFraction: 0.7f ofColor: [NSColor whiteColor]] endingColor: darkGroupColor]; [gradient drawInBezierPath: bp angle: 90.0f]; [gradient release]; } //error image const BOOL error = [torrent isErrorOrWarning]; NSImage * errorImage = error ? [NSImage imageNamed: [NSApp isOnSnowLeopardOrBetter] ? NSImageNameCaution : @"Error.png"] : nil; //icon if (!minimal || !(!fTracking && fHoverAction)) //don't show in minimal mode when hovered over { NSImage * icon = (minimal && error) ? errorImage : [torrent icon]; [self drawImage: icon inRect: iconRect]; } if (error && !minimal) { NSRect errorRect = NSMakeRect(NSMaxX(iconRect) - ERROR_IMAGE_SIZE, NSMaxY(iconRect) - ERROR_IMAGE_SIZE, ERROR_IMAGE_SIZE, ERROR_IMAGE_SIZE); [self drawImage: errorImage inRect: errorRect]; } //text color NSColor * titleColor, * statusColor; if ([self backgroundStyle] == NSBackgroundStyleDark) titleColor = statusColor = [NSColor whiteColor]; else { titleColor = [NSColor controlTextColor]; statusColor = [NSColor darkGrayColor]; } [fTitleAttributes setObject: titleColor forKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName]; [fStatusAttributes setObject: statusColor forKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName]; //minimal status NSRect minimalStatusRect; if (minimal) { NSAttributedString * minimalString = [self attributedStatusString: [self minimalStatusString]]; minimalStatusRect = [self rectForMinimalStatusWithString: minimalString inBounds: cellFrame]; [minimalString drawInRect: minimalStatusRect]; } //title NSAttributedString * titleString = [self attributedTitle]; NSRect titleRect = [self rectForTitleWithString: titleString basedOnMinimalStatusRect: minimalStatusRect inBounds: cellFrame]; [titleString drawInRect: titleRect]; //priority icon if ([torrent priority] != TR_PRI_NORMAL) { NSImage * priorityImage = [torrent priority] == TR_PRI_HIGH ? fHighPriorityImage : fLowPriorityImage; NSRect priorityRect = NSMakeRect(NSMaxX(titleRect) + PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_PRIORITY, titleRect.origin.y - (PRIORITY_ICON_HEIGHT - titleRect.size.height) / 2.0, PRIORITY_ICON_WIDTH, PRIORITY_ICON_HEIGHT); [priorityImage drawInRect: priorityRect fromRect: NSZeroRect operation: NSCompositeSourceOver fraction: 1.0]; } //progress if (!minimal) { NSAttributedString * progressString = [self attributedStatusString: [torrent progressString]]; NSRect progressRect = [self rectForProgressWithString: progressString inBounds: cellFrame]; [progressString drawInRect: progressRect]; } //bar [self drawBar: [self barRectForBounds: cellFrame]]; //control button NSString * controlImageSuffix; if (fMouseDownControlButton) controlImageSuffix = @"On.png"; else if (!fTracking && fHoverControl) controlImageSuffix = @"Hover.png"; else controlImageSuffix = @"Off.png"; NSImage * controlImage; if ([torrent isActive]) controlImage = [NSImage imageNamed: [@"Pause" stringByAppendingString: controlImageSuffix]]; else { if ([[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask) controlImage = [NSImage imageNamed: [@"ResumeNoWait" stringByAppendingString: controlImageSuffix]]; else if ([torrent waitingToStart]) controlImage = [NSImage imageNamed: [@"Pause" stringByAppendingString: controlImageSuffix]]; else controlImage = [NSImage imageNamed: [@"Resume" stringByAppendingString: controlImageSuffix]]; } [self drawImage: controlImage inRect: [self controlButtonRectForBounds: cellFrame]]; //reveal button NSString * revealImageString; if (fMouseDownRevealButton) revealImageString = @"RevealOn.png"; else if (!fTracking && fHoverReveal) revealImageString = @"RevealHover.png"; else revealImageString = @"RevealOff.png"; NSImage * revealImage = [NSImage imageNamed: revealImageString]; [self drawImage: revealImage inRect: [self revealButtonRectForBounds: cellFrame]]; //action button NSString * actionImageString; if (fMouseDownActionButton) actionImageString = @"ActionOn.png"; else if (!fTracking && fHoverAction) actionImageString = @"ActionHover.png"; else actionImageString = nil; if (actionImageString) { NSImage * actionImage = [NSImage imageNamed: actionImageString]; [self drawImage: actionImage inRect: [self actionButtonRectForBounds: cellFrame]]; } //status if (!minimal) { NSAttributedString * statusString = [self attributedStatusString: [self statusString]]; [statusString drawInRect: [self rectForStatusWithString: statusString inBounds: cellFrame]]; } } @end @implementation TorrentCell (Private) - (void) drawBar: (NSRect) barRect { const CGFloat piecesBarPercent = [(TorrentTableView *)[self controlView] piecesBarPercent]; if (piecesBarPercent > 0.0) { NSRect piecesBarRect, regularBarRect; NSDivideRect(barRect, &piecesBarRect, ®ularBarRect, floorf(NSHeight(barRect) * PIECES_TOTAL_PERCENT * piecesBarPercent), NSMaxYEdge); [self drawRegularBar: regularBarRect]; [self drawPiecesBar: piecesBarRect]; } else { [[self representedObject] setPreviousFinishedPieces: nil]; [self drawRegularBar: barRect]; } [fBarBorderColor set]; [NSBezierPath strokeRect: NSInsetRect(barRect, 0.5, 0.5)]; } - (void) drawRegularBar: (NSRect) barRect { Torrent * torrent = [self representedObject]; NSRect haveRect, missingRect; NSDivideRect(barRect, &haveRect, &missingRect, floorf([torrent progress] * NSWidth(barRect)), NSMinXEdge); if (!NSIsEmptyRect(haveRect)) { if ([torrent isActive]) { if ([torrent isChecking]) [[ProgressGradients progressYellowGradient] drawInRect: haveRect angle: 90]; else if ([torrent isSeeding]) { NSRect ratioHaveRect, ratioRemainingRect; NSDivideRect(haveRect, &ratioHaveRect, &ratioRemainingRect, floorf([torrent progressStopRatio] * NSWidth(haveRect)), NSMinXEdge); [[ProgressGradients progressGreenGradient] drawInRect: ratioHaveRect angle: 90]; [[ProgressGradients progressLightGreenGradient] drawInRect: ratioRemainingRect angle: 90]; } else [[ProgressGradients progressBlueGradient] drawInRect: haveRect angle: 90]; } else { if ([torrent waitingToStart]) { if ([torrent allDownloaded]) [[ProgressGradients progressDarkGreenGradient] drawInRect: haveRect angle: 90]; else [[ProgressGradients progressDarkBlueGradient] drawInRect: haveRect angle: 90]; } else [[ProgressGradients progressGrayGradient] drawInRect: haveRect angle: 90]; } } if (!NSIsEmptyRect(missingRect)) { if (![torrent allDownloaded]) { //the ratio of total progress to total width equals ratio of progress of amount wanted to wanted width const CGFloat widthRemaining = floorf(NSWidth(barRect) * (1.0 - [torrent progressDone]) / [torrent progress]); NSRect wantedRect; NSDivideRect(missingRect, &wantedRect, &missingRect, widthRemaining, NSMinXEdge); //not-available section if ([torrent isActive] && ![torrent isChecking] && [fDefaults boolForKey: @"DisplayProgressBarAvailable"] && [torrent availableDesired] > 0.0) { NSRect unavailableRect; NSDivideRect(wantedRect, &wantedRect, &unavailableRect, floorf([torrent availableDesired] * NSWidth(wantedRect)), NSMinXEdge); [[ProgressGradients progressRedGradient] drawInRect: unavailableRect angle: 90]; } //remaining section [[ProgressGradients progressWhiteGradient] drawInRect: wantedRect angle: 90]; } //unwanted section [[ProgressGradients progressLightGrayGradient] drawInRect: missingRect angle: 90]; } } - (void) drawPiecesBar: (NSRect) barRect { Torrent * torrent = [self representedObject]; NSInteger pieceCount = MIN([torrent pieceCount], MAX_PIECES); float * piecesPercent = malloc(pieceCount * sizeof(float)); [torrent getAmountFinished: piecesPercent size: pieceCount]; NSBitmapImageRep * bitmap = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithBitmapDataPlanes: nil pixelsWide: pieceCount pixelsHigh: 1 bitsPerSample: 8 samplesPerPixel: 4 hasAlpha: YES isPlanar: NO colorSpaceName: NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace bytesPerRow: 0 bitsPerPixel: 0]; NSIndexSet * previousFinishedIndexes = [torrent previousFinishedPieces]; NSMutableIndexSet * finishedIndexes = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet]; for (NSInteger i = 0; i < pieceCount; i++) { NSColor * pieceColor; if (piecesPercent[i] == 1.0f) { if (previousFinishedIndexes && ![previousFinishedIndexes containsIndex: i]) pieceColor = [NSColor orangeColor]; else pieceColor = fBluePieceColor; [finishedIndexes addIndex: i]; } else pieceColor = [[NSColor whiteColor] blendedColorWithFraction: piecesPercent[i] ofColor: fBluePieceColor]; //it's faster to just set color instead of checking previous color [bitmap setColor: pieceColor atX: i y: 0]; } free(piecesPercent); [torrent setPreviousFinishedPieces: [finishedIndexes count] > 0 ? finishedIndexes : nil]; //don't bother saving if none are complete //actually draw image [bitmap drawInRect: barRect]; [bitmap release]; } - (NSRect) rectForMinimalStatusWithString: (NSAttributedString *) string inBounds: (NSRect) bounds { NSRect result = bounds; result.size = [string size]; result.origin.x += bounds.size.width - result.size.width - PADDING_HORIZONTAL; result.origin.y += PADDING_ABOVE_MIN_STATUS; return result; } - (NSRect) rectForTitleWithString: (NSAttributedString *) string basedOnMinimalStatusRect: (NSRect) statusRect inBounds: (NSRect) bounds { const BOOL minimal = [fDefaults boolForKey: @"SmallView"]; NSRect result = bounds; result.origin.y += PADDING_ABOVE_TITLE; result.origin.x += PADDING_HORIZONTAL + (minimal ? IMAGE_SIZE_MIN : IMAGE_SIZE_REG) + PADDING_BETWEEN_IMAGE_AND_TITLE; result.size = [string size]; result.size.width = MIN(result.size.width, NSMaxX(bounds) - result.origin.x - PADDING_HORIZONTAL - (minimal ? PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_MIN_STATUS + statusRect.size.width : 0.0) - ([[self representedObject] priority] != TR_PRI_NORMAL ? PRIORITY_ICON_WIDTH + PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_PRIORITY: 0.0)); return result; } - (NSRect) rectForProgressWithString: (NSAttributedString *) string inBounds: (NSRect) bounds { NSRect result = bounds; result.origin.y += PADDING_ABOVE_TITLE + HEIGHT_TITLE + PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_PROGRESS; result.origin.x += PADDING_HORIZONTAL + IMAGE_SIZE_REG + PADDING_BETWEEN_IMAGE_AND_TITLE; result.size = [string size]; result.size.width = MIN(result.size.width, NSMaxX(bounds) - result.origin.x - PADDING_HORIZONTAL); return result; } - (NSRect) rectForStatusWithString: (NSAttributedString *) string inBounds: (NSRect) bounds { NSRect result = bounds; result.origin.y += PADDING_ABOVE_TITLE + HEIGHT_TITLE + PADDING_BETWEEN_TITLE_AND_PROGRESS + HEIGHT_STATUS + PADDING_BETWEEN_PROGRESS_AND_BAR + BAR_HEIGHT + PADDING_BETWEEN_BAR_AND_STATUS; result.origin.x += PADDING_HORIZONTAL + IMAGE_SIZE_REG + PADDING_BETWEEN_IMAGE_AND_TITLE; result.size = [string size]; result.size.width = MIN(result.size.width, NSMaxX(bounds) - result.origin.x - PADDING_HORIZONTAL); return result; } - (NSAttributedString *) attributedTitle { NSString * title = [[self representedObject] name]; return [[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString: title attributes: fTitleAttributes] autorelease]; } - (NSAttributedString *) attributedStatusString: (NSString *) string { return [[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString: string attributes: fStatusAttributes] autorelease]; } - (NSString *) buttonString { if (fMouseDownRevealButton || (!fTracking && fHoverReveal)) return NSLocalizedString(@"Reveal the data file in Finder", "Torrent cell -> button info"); else if (fMouseDownControlButton || (!fTracking && fHoverControl)) { Torrent * torrent = [self representedObject]; if ([torrent isActive]) return NSLocalizedString(@"Pause the transfer", "Torrent Table -> tooltip"); else { if ([[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask) return NSLocalizedString(@"Resume the transfer right away", "Torrent cell -> button info"); else if ([torrent waitingToStart]) return NSLocalizedString(@"Stop waiting to start", "Torrent cell -> button info"); else return NSLocalizedString(@"Resume the transfer", "Torrent cell -> button info"); } } else if (!fTracking && fHoverAction) return NSLocalizedString(@"Change transfer settings", "Torrent Table -> tooltip"); else return nil; } - (NSString *) statusString { NSString * buttonString; if ((buttonString = [self buttonString])) return buttonString; else return [[self representedObject] statusString]; } - (NSString *) minimalStatusString { NSString * buttonString; if ((buttonString = [self buttonString])) return buttonString; else { Torrent * torrent = [self representedObject]; return [fDefaults boolForKey: @"DisplaySmallStatusRegular"] ? [torrent shortStatusString] : [torrent remainingTimeString]; } } - (void) drawImage: (NSImage *) image inRect: (NSRect) rect { if ([NSApp isOnSnowLeopardOrBetter]) [image drawInRect: rect fromRect: NSZeroRect operation: NSCompositeSourceOver fraction: 1.0 respectFlipped: YES hints: nil]; else { [image setFlipped: YES]; [image drawInRect: rect fromRect: NSZeroRect operation: NSCompositeSourceOver fraction: 1.0]; } } @end