// This file Copyright © 2010-2022 Transmission authors and contributors. // It may be used under the MIT (SPDX: MIT) license. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include //tr_getRatio() #import "InfoActivityViewController.h" #import "NSApplicationAdditions.h" #import "NSStringAdditions.h" #import "PiecesView.h" #import "Torrent.h" #define PIECES_CONTROL_PROGRESS 0 #define PIECES_CONTROL_AVAILABLE 1 @interface InfoActivityViewController (Private) - (void)setupInfo; @end @implementation InfoActivityViewController - (instancetype)init { if ((self = [super initWithNibName:@"InfoActivityView" bundle:nil])) { self.title = NSLocalizedString(@"Activity", "Inspector view -> title"); } return self; } - (void)awakeFromNib { [fTransferSectionLabel sizeToFit]; [fDatesSectionLabel sizeToFit]; [fTimeSectionLabel sizeToFit]; NSArray* labels = @[ fStateLabel, fProgressLabel, fHaveLabel, fDownloadedLabel, fUploadedLabel, fFailedDLLabel, fRatioLabel, fErrorLabel, fDateAddedLabel, fDateCompletedLabel, fDateActivityLabel, fDownloadTimeLabel, fSeedTimeLabel ]; CGFloat oldMaxWidth = 0.0, originX, newMaxWidth = 0.0; for (NSTextField* label in labels) { NSRect const oldFrame = label.frame; if (oldFrame.size.width > oldMaxWidth) { oldMaxWidth = oldFrame.size.width; originX = oldFrame.origin.x; } [label sizeToFit]; CGFloat const newWidth = label.bounds.size.width; if (newWidth > newMaxWidth) { newMaxWidth = newWidth; } } for (NSTextField* label in labels) { NSRect frame = label.frame; frame.origin.x = originX + (newMaxWidth - frame.size.width); label.frame = frame; } NSArray* fields = @[ fDateAddedField, fDateCompletedField, fDateActivityField, fStateField, fProgressField, fHaveField, fDownloadedTotalField, fUploadedTotalField, fFailedHashField, fRatioField, fDownloadTimeField, fSeedTimeField, fErrorScrollView ]; CGFloat const widthIncrease = newMaxWidth - oldMaxWidth; for (NSView* field in fields) { NSRect frame = field.frame; frame.origin.x += widthIncrease; frame.size.width -= widthIncrease; field.frame = frame; } //set the click action of the pieces view #warning after 2.8 just hook this up in the xib fPiecesView.action = @selector(updatePiecesView:); fPiecesView.target = self; } - (void)dealloc { [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter removeObserver:self]; } - (void)setInfoForTorrents:(NSArray*)torrents { //don't check if it's the same in case the metadata changed fTorrents = torrents; fSet = NO; } - (void)updateInfo { if (!fSet) { [self setupInfo]; } NSInteger const numberSelected = fTorrents.count; if (numberSelected == 0) { return; } uint64_t have = 0, haveVerified = 0, downloadedTotal = 0, uploadedTotal = 0, failedHash = 0; NSDate* lastActivity = nil; for (Torrent* torrent in fTorrents) { have += torrent.haveTotal; haveVerified += torrent.haveVerified; downloadedTotal += torrent.downloadedTotal; uploadedTotal += torrent.uploadedTotal; failedHash += torrent.failedHash; NSDate* nextLastActivity; if ((nextLastActivity = torrent.dateActivity)) { lastActivity = lastActivity ? [lastActivity laterDate:nextLastActivity] : nextLastActivity; } } if (have == 0) { fHaveField.stringValue = [NSString stringForFileSize:0]; } else { NSString* verifiedString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@ verified", "Inspector -> Activity tab -> have"), [NSString stringForFileSize:haveVerified]]; if (have == haveVerified) { fHaveField.stringValue = verifiedString; } else { fHaveField.stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (%@)", [NSString stringForFileSize:have], verifiedString]; } } fDownloadedTotalField.stringValue = [NSString stringForFileSize:downloadedTotal]; fUploadedTotalField.stringValue = [NSString stringForFileSize:uploadedTotal]; fFailedHashField.stringValue = [NSString stringForFileSize:failedHash]; fDateActivityField.objectValue = lastActivity; if (numberSelected == 1) { Torrent* torrent = fTorrents[0]; fStateField.stringValue = torrent.stateString; NSString* progressString = [NSString percentString:torrent.progress longDecimals:YES]; if (torrent.folder) { NSString* progressSelectedString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@ selected", "Inspector -> Activity tab -> progress"), [NSString percentString:torrent.progressDone longDecimals:YES]]; progressString = [progressString stringByAppendingFormat:@" (%@)", progressSelectedString]; } fProgressField.stringValue = progressString; fRatioField.stringValue = [NSString stringForRatio:torrent.ratio]; NSString* errorMessage = torrent.errorMessage; if (![errorMessage isEqualToString:fErrorMessageView.string]) fErrorMessageView.string = errorMessage; fDateCompletedField.objectValue = torrent.dateCompleted; //uses a relative date, so can't be set once fDateAddedField.objectValue = torrent.dateAdded; static NSDateComponentsFormatter* timeFormatter; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ timeFormatter = [NSDateComponentsFormatter new]; timeFormatter.unitsStyle = NSDateComponentsFormatterUnitsStyleShort; timeFormatter.allowedUnits = NSCalendarUnitDay | NSCalendarUnitHour | NSCalendarUnitMinute | NSCalendarUnitSecond; timeFormatter.zeroFormattingBehavior = NSDateComponentsFormatterZeroFormattingBehaviorDropLeading; }); fDownloadTimeField.stringValue = [timeFormatter stringFromTimeInterval:torrent.secondsDownloading]; fSeedTimeField.stringValue = [timeFormatter stringFromTimeInterval:torrent.secondsSeeding]; [fPiecesView updateView]; } else if (numberSelected > 1) { fRatioField.stringValue = [NSString stringForRatio:tr_getRatio(uploadedTotal, downloadedTotal)]; } } - (void)setPiecesView:(id)sender { BOOL const availability = [sender selectedSegment] == PIECES_CONTROL_AVAILABLE; [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults setBool:availability forKey:@"PiecesViewShowAvailability"]; [self updatePiecesView:nil]; } - (void)updatePiecesView:(id)sender { BOOL const piecesAvailableSegment = [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults boolForKey:@"PiecesViewShowAvailability"]; [fPiecesControl setSelected:piecesAvailableSegment forSegment:PIECES_CONTROL_AVAILABLE]; [fPiecesControl setSelected:!piecesAvailableSegment forSegment:PIECES_CONTROL_PROGRESS]; [fPiecesView updateView]; } - (void)clearView { [fPiecesView clearView]; } @end @implementation InfoActivityViewController (Private) - (void)setupInfo { NSUInteger const count = fTorrents.count; if (count != 1) { if (count == 0) { fHaveField.stringValue = @""; fDownloadedTotalField.stringValue = @""; fUploadedTotalField.stringValue = @""; fFailedHashField.stringValue = @""; fDateActivityField.objectValue = @""; //using [field setStringValue: @""] causes "December 31, 1969 7:00 PM" to be displayed, at least on 10.7.3 fRatioField.stringValue = @""; } fStateField.stringValue = @""; fProgressField.stringValue = @""; fErrorMessageView.string = @""; //using [field setStringValue: @""] causes "December 31, 1969 7:00 PM" to be displayed, at least on 10.7.3 fDateAddedField.objectValue = @""; fDateCompletedField.objectValue = @""; fDownloadTimeField.stringValue = @""; fSeedTimeField.stringValue = @""; [fPiecesControl setSelected:NO forSegment:PIECES_CONTROL_AVAILABLE]; [fPiecesControl setSelected:NO forSegment:PIECES_CONTROL_PROGRESS]; fPiecesControl.enabled = NO; [fPiecesView setTorrent:nil]; } else { Torrent* torrent = fTorrents[0]; BOOL const piecesAvailableSegment = [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults boolForKey:@"PiecesViewShowAvailability"]; [fPiecesControl setSelected:piecesAvailableSegment forSegment:PIECES_CONTROL_AVAILABLE]; [fPiecesControl setSelected:!piecesAvailableSegment forSegment:PIECES_CONTROL_PROGRESS]; fPiecesControl.enabled = YES; [fPiecesView setTorrent:torrent]; } fSet = YES; } @end