// This file Copyright © 2010-2022 Transmission authors and contributors. // It may be used under the MIT (SPDX: MIT) license. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #import "InfoPeersViewController.h" #import "NSApplicationAdditions.h" #import "NSStringAdditions.h" #import "PeerProgressIndicatorCell.h" #import "Torrent.h" #import "WebSeedTableView.h" #define ANIMATION_ID_KEY @"animationId" #define WEB_SEED_ANIMATION_ID @"webSeed" @interface InfoPeersViewController (Private) - (void)setupInfo; - (void)setWebSeedTableHidden:(BOOL)hide animate:(BOOL)animate; @property(nonatomic, readonly) NSArray* peerSortDescriptors; @end @implementation InfoPeersViewController - (instancetype)init { if ((self = [super initWithNibName:@"InfoPeersView" bundle:nil])) { self.title = NSLocalizedString(@"Peers", "Inspector view -> title"); } return self; } - (void)awakeFromNib { CGFloat const height = [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults floatForKey:@"InspectorContentHeightPeers"]; if (height != 0.0) { NSRect viewRect = self.view.frame; viewRect.size.height = height; self.view.frame = viewRect; } //set table header text [fPeerTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"IP"].headerCell.stringValue = NSLocalizedString(@"IP Address", "inspector -> peer table -> header"); [fPeerTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"Client"].headerCell.stringValue = NSLocalizedString(@"Client", "inspector -> peer table -> header"); [fPeerTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"DL From"].headerCell.stringValue = NSLocalizedString(@"DL", "inspector -> peer table -> header"); [fPeerTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"UL To"].headerCell.stringValue = NSLocalizedString(@"UL", "inspector -> peer table -> header"); [fWebSeedTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"Address"].headerCell.stringValue = NSLocalizedString(@"Web Seeds", "inspector -> web seed table -> header"); [fWebSeedTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"DL From"].headerCell.stringValue = NSLocalizedString(@"DL", "inspector -> web seed table -> header"); //set table header tool tips [fPeerTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"Encryption"].headerToolTip = NSLocalizedString(@"Encrypted Connection", "inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip"); [fPeerTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"Progress"].headerToolTip = NSLocalizedString(@"Available", "inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip"); [fPeerTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"DL From"].headerToolTip = NSLocalizedString(@"Downloading From Peer", "inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip"); [fPeerTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"UL To"].headerToolTip = NSLocalizedString(@"Uploading To Peer", "inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip"); [fWebSeedTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"DL From"].headerToolTip = NSLocalizedString( @"Downloading From Web Seed", "inspector -> web seed table -> header tool tip"); //prepare for animating peer table and web seed table fViewTopMargin = fWebSeedTableTopConstraint.constant; CABasicAnimation* webSeedTableAnimation = [CABasicAnimation animation]; webSeedTableAnimation.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear]; webSeedTableAnimation.duration = 0.125; webSeedTableAnimation.delegate = self; [webSeedTableAnimation setValue:WEB_SEED_ANIMATION_ID forKey:ANIMATION_ID_KEY]; fWebSeedTableTopConstraint.animations = @{ @"constant" : webSeedTableAnimation }; [self setWebSeedTableHidden:YES animate:NO]; } #warning subclass? - (void)setInfoForTorrents:(NSArray*)torrents { //don't check if it's the same in case the metadata changed fTorrents = torrents; fSet = NO; } - (void)updateInfo { if (!fSet) { [self setupInfo]; } if (fTorrents.count == 0) { return; } if (!fPeers) { fPeers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; } else { [fPeers removeAllObjects]; } if (!fWebSeeds) { fWebSeeds = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; } else { [fWebSeeds removeAllObjects]; } NSUInteger connected = 0; NSUInteger tracker = 0; NSUInteger incoming = 0; NSUInteger cache = 0; NSUInteger lpd = 0; NSUInteger pex = 0; NSUInteger dht = 0; NSUInteger ltep = 0; NSUInteger toUs = 0; NSUInteger fromUs = 0; BOOL anyActive = false; for (Torrent* torrent in fTorrents) { if (torrent.webSeedCount > 0) { [fWebSeeds addObjectsFromArray:torrent.webSeeds]; } if (torrent.active) { anyActive = YES; [fPeers addObjectsFromArray:torrent.peers]; NSUInteger const connectedThis = torrent.totalPeersConnected; if (connectedThis > 0) { connected += torrent.totalPeersConnected; tracker += torrent.totalPeersTracker; incoming += torrent.totalPeersIncoming; cache += torrent.totalPeersCache; lpd += torrent.totalPeersLocal; pex += torrent.totalPeersPex; dht += torrent.totalPeersDHT; ltep += torrent.totalPeersLTEP; toUs += torrent.peersSendingToUs; fromUs += torrent.peersGettingFromUs; } } } [fPeers sortUsingDescriptors:self.peerSortDescriptors]; [fPeerTable reloadData]; [fWebSeeds sortUsingDescriptors:fWebSeedTable.sortDescriptors]; [fWebSeedTable reloadData]; [fWebSeedTable setWebSeeds:fWebSeeds]; if (anyActive) { NSString* connectedText = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%d Connected", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers"), connected]; if (connected > 0) { NSMutableArray* upDownComponents = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:2]; if (toUs > 0) { [upDownComponents addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"DL from %d", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers"), toUs]]; } if (fromUs > 0) { [upDownComponents addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"UL to %d", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers"), fromUs]]; } if (upDownComponents.count > 0) { connectedText = [connectedText stringByAppendingFormat:@": %@", [upDownComponents componentsJoinedByString:@", "]]; } NSMutableArray* fromComponents = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:7]; if (tracker > 0) { [fromComponents addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%d tracker", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers"), tracker]]; } if (incoming > 0) { [fromComponents addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%d incoming", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers"), incoming]]; } if (cache > 0) { [fromComponents addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%d cache", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers"), cache]]; } if (lpd > 0) { [fromComponents addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%d local discovery", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers"), lpd]]; } if (pex > 0) { [fromComponents addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%d PEX", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers"), pex]]; } if (dht > 0) { [fromComponents addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%d DHT", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers"), dht]]; } if (ltep > 0) { [fromComponents addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%d LTEP", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers"), ltep]]; } connectedText = [connectedText stringByAppendingFormat:@"\n%@", [fromComponents componentsJoinedByString:@", "]]; } fConnectedPeersField.stringValue = connectedText; } else { NSString* notActiveString; if (fTorrents.count == 1) { notActiveString = NSLocalizedString(@"Transfer Not Active", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers"); } else { notActiveString = NSLocalizedString(@"Transfers Not Active", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers"); } fConnectedPeersField.stringValue = notActiveString; } } - (void)saveViewSize { [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults setFloat:NSHeight(self.view.frame) forKey:@"InspectorContentHeightPeers"]; } - (void)clearView { fPeers = nil; fWebSeeds = nil; } - (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView*)tableView { if (tableView == fWebSeedTable) { return fWebSeeds ? fWebSeeds.count : 0; } else { return fPeers ? fPeers.count : 0; } } - (id)tableView:(NSTableView*)tableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn*)column row:(NSInteger)row { if (tableView == fWebSeedTable) { NSString* ident = column.identifier; NSDictionary* webSeed = fWebSeeds[row]; if ([ident isEqualToString:@"DL From"]) { NSNumber* rate; return (rate = webSeed[@"DL From Rate"]) ? [NSString stringForSpeedAbbrev:rate.doubleValue] : @""; } else { return webSeed[@"Address"]; } } else { NSString* ident = column.identifier; NSDictionary* peer = fPeers[row]; if ([ident isEqualToString:@"Encryption"]) { return [peer[@"Encryption"] boolValue] ? [NSImage imageNamed:@"Lock"] : nil; } else if ([ident isEqualToString:@"Client"]) { return peer[@"Client"]; } else if ([ident isEqualToString:@"Progress"]) { return peer[@"Progress"]; } else if ([ident isEqualToString:@"UL To"]) { NSNumber* rate; return (rate = peer[@"UL To Rate"]) ? [NSString stringForSpeedAbbrev:rate.doubleValue] : @""; } else if ([ident isEqualToString:@"DL From"]) { NSNumber* rate; return (rate = peer[@"DL From Rate"]) ? [NSString stringForSpeedAbbrev:rate.doubleValue] : @""; } else { return peer[@"IP"]; } } } - (void)tableView:(NSTableView*)tableView willDisplayCell:(id)cell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn*)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row { if (tableView == fPeerTable) { NSString* ident = tableColumn.identifier; if ([ident isEqualToString:@"Progress"]) { NSDictionary* peer = fPeers[row]; [(PeerProgressIndicatorCell*)cell setSeed:[peer[@"Seed"] boolValue]]; } } } - (void)tableView:(NSTableView*)tableView didClickTableColumn:(NSTableColumn*)tableColumn { if (tableView == fWebSeedTable) { if (fWebSeeds) { [fWebSeeds sortUsingDescriptors:fWebSeedTable.sortDescriptors]; [tableView reloadData]; } } else { if (fPeers) { [fPeers sortUsingDescriptors:self.peerSortDescriptors]; [tableView reloadData]; } } } - (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView*)tableView shouldSelectRow:(NSInteger)row { return tableView != fPeerTable; } - (NSString*)tableView:(NSTableView*)tableView toolTipForCell:(NSCell*)cell rect:(NSRectPointer)rect tableColumn:(NSTableColumn*)column row:(NSInteger)row mouseLocation:(NSPoint)mouseLocation { if (tableView == fPeerTable) { BOOL const multiple = fTorrents.count > 1; NSDictionary* peer = fPeers[row]; NSMutableArray* components = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:multiple ? 6 : 5]; if (multiple) { [components addObject:peer[@"Name"]]; } CGFloat const progress = [peer[@"Progress"] floatValue]; NSString* progressString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Progress: %@", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip"), [NSString percentString:progress longDecimals:NO]]; if (progress < 1.0 && [peer[@"Seed"] boolValue]) { progressString = [progressString stringByAppendingFormat:@" (%@)", NSLocalizedString(@"Partial Seed", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip")]; } [components addObject:progressString]; NSString* protocolString = [peer[@"uTP"] boolValue] ? @"\u00b5TP" : @"TCP"; if ([peer[@"Encryption"] boolValue]) { protocolString = [protocolString stringByAppendingFormat:@" (%@)", NSLocalizedString(@"encrypted", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip")]; } [components addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Protocol: %@", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip"), protocolString]]; NSString* portString; NSInteger port; if ((port = [peer[@"Port"] intValue]) > 0) { portString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", port]; } else { portString = NSLocalizedString(@"N/A", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip"); } [components addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@: %@", NSLocalizedString(@"Port", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip"), portString]]; NSInteger const peerFrom = [peer[@"From"] integerValue]; switch (peerFrom) { case TR_PEER_FROM_TRACKER: [components addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"From: tracker", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip")]; break; case TR_PEER_FROM_INCOMING: [components addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"From: incoming connection", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip")]; break; case TR_PEER_FROM_RESUME: [components addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"From: cache", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip")]; break; case TR_PEER_FROM_LPD: [components addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"From: local peer discovery", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip")]; break; case TR_PEER_FROM_PEX: [components addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"From: peer exchange", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip")]; break; case TR_PEER_FROM_DHT: [components addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"From: distributed hash table", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip")]; break; case TR_PEER_FROM_LTEP: [components addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"From: libtorrent extension protocol handshake", "Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip")]; break; default: NSAssert1(NO, @"Peer from unknown source: %ld", peerFrom); } //determing status strings from flags NSMutableArray* statusArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:6]; NSString* flags = peer[@"Flags"]; if ([flags rangeOfString:@"D"].location != NSNotFound) { [statusArray addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"Currently downloading (interested and not choked)", "Inspector -> peer -> status")]; } if ([flags rangeOfString:@"d"].location != NSNotFound) { [statusArray addObject:NSLocalizedString( @"You want to download, but peer does not want to send (interested and choked)", "Inspector -> peer -> status")]; } if ([flags rangeOfString:@"U"].location != NSNotFound) { [statusArray addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"Currently uploading (interested and not choked)", "Inspector -> peer -> status")]; } if ([flags rangeOfString:@"u"].location != NSNotFound) { [statusArray addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"Peer wants you to upload, but you do not want to (interested and choked)", "Inspector -> peer -> status")]; } if ([flags rangeOfString:@"K"].location != NSNotFound) { [statusArray addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"Peer is unchoking you, but you are not interested", "Inspector -> peer -> status")]; } if ([flags rangeOfString:@"?"].location != NSNotFound) { [statusArray addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"You unchoked the peer, but the peer is not interested", "Inspector -> peer -> status")]; } if (statusArray.count > 0) { NSString* statusStrings = [statusArray componentsJoinedByString:@"\n\n"]; [components addObject:[@"\n" stringByAppendingString:statusStrings]]; } return [components componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"]; } else { if (fTorrents.count > 1) { return fWebSeeds[row][@"Name"]; } } return nil; } - (void)animationDidStart:(CAAnimation*)animation { if (![[animation valueForKey:ANIMATION_ID_KEY] isEqualToString:WEB_SEED_ANIMATION_ID]) { return; } fWebSeedTable.enclosingScrollView.hidden = NO; } - (void)animationDidStop:(CAAnimation*)animation finished:(BOOL)finished { if (![[animation valueForKey:ANIMATION_ID_KEY] isEqualToString:WEB_SEED_ANIMATION_ID]) { return; } fWebSeedTable.enclosingScrollView.hidden = finished && fWebSeedTableTopConstraint.constant < 0; } @end @implementation InfoPeersViewController (Private) - (void)setupInfo { __block BOOL hasWebSeeds = NO; if (fTorrents.count == 0) { fPeers = nil; [fPeerTable reloadData]; fConnectedPeersField.stringValue = @""; } else { [fTorrents enumerateObjectsWithOptions:NSEnumerationConcurrent usingBlock:^(Torrent* torrent, NSUInteger idx, BOOL* stop) { if (torrent.webSeedCount > 0) { hasWebSeeds = YES; *stop = YES; } }]; } if (!hasWebSeeds) { fWebSeeds = nil; [fWebSeedTable reloadData]; } else { [fWebSeedTable deselectAll:self]; } [self setWebSeedTableHidden:!hasWebSeeds animate:YES]; fSet = YES; } - (void)setWebSeedTableHidden:(BOOL)hide animate:(BOOL)animate { if (animate && (!self.view.window || !self.view.window.visible)) { animate = NO; } CGFloat const webSeedTableTopMargin = hide ? -NSHeight(fWebSeedTable.enclosingScrollView.frame) : fViewTopMargin; (animate ? [fWebSeedTableTopConstraint animator] : fWebSeedTableTopConstraint).constant = webSeedTableTopMargin; } - (NSArray*)peerSortDescriptors { NSMutableArray* descriptors = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:2]; NSArray* oldDescriptors = fPeerTable.sortDescriptors; BOOL useSecond = YES, asc = YES; if (oldDescriptors.count > 0) { NSSortDescriptor* descriptor = oldDescriptors[0]; [descriptors addObject:descriptor]; if ((useSecond = ![descriptor.key isEqualToString:@"IP"])) { asc = descriptor.ascending; } } //sort by IP after primary sort if (useSecond) { NSSortDescriptor* secondDescriptor = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"IP" ascending:asc selector:@selector(compareNumeric:)]; [descriptors addObject:secondDescriptor]; } return descriptors; } @end