/* * This file Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include #include #include #include #include "HigWorkarea.h" #include "Prefs.h" /* gtr_pref_string_get */ #include "RelocateDialog.h" #include "Session.h" #include "Utils.h" namespace { std::string previousLocation; } class RelocateDialog::Impl { public: Impl(RelocateDialog& dialog, Glib::RefPtr const& core, std::vector const& torrent_ids); ~Impl(); private: void onResponse(int response); bool onTimer(); void startMovingNextTorrent(); private: RelocateDialog& dialog_; Glib::RefPtr const core_; std::vector torrent_ids_; int done_ = 0; bool do_move_ = false; sigc::connection timer_; std::unique_ptr message_dialog_; Gtk::FileChooserButton* chooser_ = nullptr; Gtk::RadioButton* move_tb_ = nullptr; }; RelocateDialog::Impl::~Impl() { timer_.disconnect(); } /*** **** ***/ void RelocateDialog::Impl::startMovingNextTorrent() { auto* const tor = core_->find_torrent(torrent_ids_.back()); if (tor != nullptr) { tr_torrentSetLocation(tor, previousLocation.c_str(), do_move_, nullptr, &done_); } torrent_ids_.pop_back(); message_dialog_->set_message(gtr_sprintf(_("Moving \"%s\""), tr_torrentName(tor)), true); } /* every once in awhile, check to see if the move is done. * if so, delete the dialog */ bool RelocateDialog::Impl::onTimer() { if (done_ == TR_LOC_ERROR) { Gtk::MessageDialog(*message_dialog_, _("Couldn't move torrent"), false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_CLOSE, true) .run(); message_dialog_.reset(); } else if (done_ == TR_LOC_DONE) { if (!torrent_ids_.empty()) { startMovingNextTorrent(); } else { dialog_.hide(); } } return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } void RelocateDialog::Impl::onResponse(int response) { if (response == Gtk::RESPONSE_APPLY) { auto const location = chooser_->get_filename(); do_move_ = move_tb_->get_active(); /* pop up a dialog saying that the work is in progress */ message_dialog_ = std::make_unique( dialog_, Glib::ustring(), false, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, Gtk::BUTTONS_CLOSE, true); message_dialog_->set_secondary_text(_("This may take a moment…")); message_dialog_->set_response_sensitive(Gtk::RESPONSE_CLOSE, false); message_dialog_->show(); /* remember this location so that it can be the default next time */ previousLocation = location; /* start the move and periodically check its status */ done_ = TR_LOC_DONE; timer_ = Glib::signal_timeout().connect_seconds(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Impl::onTimer), 1); onTimer(); } else { dialog_.hide(); } } std::unique_ptr RelocateDialog::create( Gtk::Window& parent, Glib::RefPtr const& core, std::vector const& torrent_ids) { return std::unique_ptr(new RelocateDialog(parent, core, torrent_ids)); } RelocateDialog::RelocateDialog(Gtk::Window& parent, Glib::RefPtr const& core, std::vector const& torrent_ids) : Gtk::Dialog(_("Set Torrent Location"), parent, true) , impl_(std::make_unique(*this, core, torrent_ids)) { } RelocateDialog::~RelocateDialog() = default; RelocateDialog::Impl::Impl(RelocateDialog& dialog, Glib::RefPtr const& core, std::vector const& torrent_ids) : dialog_(dialog) , core_(core) , torrent_ids_(torrent_ids) { guint row; dialog_.add_button(_("_Cancel"), Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); dialog_.add_button(_("_Apply"), Gtk::RESPONSE_APPLY); dialog_.set_default_response(Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); dialog_.signal_response().connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &Impl::onResponse)); row = 0; auto* t = Gtk::make_managed(); t->add_section_title(row, _("Location")); if (previousLocation.empty()) { previousLocation = gtr_pref_string_get(TR_KEY_download_dir); } chooser_ = Gtk::make_managed(_("Set Torrent Location"), Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER); chooser_->set_current_folder(previousLocation); t->add_row(row, _("Torrent _location:"), *chooser_); Gtk::RadioButton::Group group; move_tb_ = Gtk::make_managed(group, _("_Move from the current folder"), true); t->add_wide_control(row, *move_tb_); t->add_wide_control(row, *Gtk::make_managed(group, _("Local data is _already there"), true)); gtr_dialog_set_content(dialog_, *t); }