/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Sergey Lyubka * All rights reserved * * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * Sergey Lyubka wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. */ #include "defs.h" static int isbyte(int n) { return (n >= 0 && n <= 255); } static void set_acl(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *s) { struct acl *acl = NULL; char flag; int len, a, b, c, d, n, mask; struct llhead *lp, *tmp; /* Delete the old ACLs if any */ LL_FOREACH_SAFE(&ctx->acl, lp, tmp) free(LL_ENTRY(lp, struct acl, link)); FOR_EACH_WORD_IN_LIST(s, len) { mask = 32; if (sscanf(s, "%c%d.%d.%d.%d%n",&flag,&a,&b,&c,&d,&n) != 5) { elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "[%s]: subnet must be " "[+|-]x.x.x.x[/x]", s); } else if (flag != '+' && flag != '-') { elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "flag must be + or -: [%s]", s); } else if (!isbyte(a)||!isbyte(b)||!isbyte(c)||!isbyte(d)) { elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "bad ip address: [%s]", s); } else if ((acl = malloc(sizeof(*acl))) == NULL) { elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "%s", "cannot malloc subnet"); } else if (sscanf(s + n, "/%d", &mask) == 0) { /* Do nothing, no mask specified */ } else if (mask < 0 || mask > 32) { elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "bad subnet mask: %d [%s]", n, s); } acl->ip = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d; acl->mask = mask ? 0xffffffffU << (32 - mask) : 0; acl->flag = flag; LL_TAIL(&ctx->acl, &acl->link); } } #ifndef NO_SSL /* * Dynamically load SSL library. Set up ctx->ssl_ctx pointer. */ static void set_ssl(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *pem) { SSL_CTX *CTX; void *lib; struct ssl_func *fp; /* Load SSL library dynamically */ if ((lib = dlopen(SSL_LIB, RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL) elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "set_ssl: cannot load %s", SSL_LIB); for (fp = ssl_sw; fp->name != NULL; fp++) if ((fp->ptr.v_void = dlsym(lib, fp->name)) == NULL) elog(E_FATAL, NULL,"set_ssl: cannot find %s", fp->name); /* Initialize SSL crap */ SSL_library_init(); if ((CTX = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method())) == NULL) elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "SSL_CTX_new error"); else if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(CTX, pem, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) == 0) elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot open %s", pem); else if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(CTX, pem, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) == 0) elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot open %s", pem); ctx->ssl_ctx = CTX; } #endif /* NO_SSL */ static void open_log_file(FILE **fpp, const char *path) { if (*fpp != NULL) (void) fclose(*fpp); if (path == NULL) { *fpp = NULL; } else if ((*fpp = fopen(path, "a")) == NULL) { elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot open log file %s: %s", path, strerror(errno)); } } static void set_alog(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *path) { open_log_file(&ctx->access_log, path); } static void set_elog(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *path) { open_log_file(&ctx->error_log, path); } static void show_cfg_page(struct shttpd_arg *arg); static void set_cfg_uri(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *uri) { free_list(&ctx->registered_uris, ®istered_uri_destructor); if (uri != NULL) { shttpd_register_uri(ctx, uri, &show_cfg_page, ctx); } } static void set_ports(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *p) { int len, is_ssl; free_list(&ctx->listeners, &listener_destructor); FOR_EACH_WORD_IN_LIST(p, len) { is_ssl = p[len - 1] == 's' ? 1 : 0; if (shttpd_listen(ctx, atoi(p), is_ssl) == -1) elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "Cannot open socket on port %d", atoi(p)); } } static const struct opt { int index; /* Index in shttpd_ctx */ const char *name; /* Option name in config file */ const char *description; /* Description */ const char *default_value; /* Default option value */ void (*setter)(struct shttpd_ctx *, const char *); } known_options[] = { {OPT_ROOT, "root", "\tWeb root directory", ".", NULL}, {OPT_INDEX_FILES, "index_files", "Index files", INDEX_FILES, NULL}, {OPT_PORTS, "ports", "Listening ports", LISTENING_PORTS, set_ports}, {OPT_DIR_LIST, "dir_list", "Directory listing", "1", NULL}, {OPT_CFG_URI, "cfg_uri", "Config uri", NULL, set_cfg_uri}, {OPT_PROTECT, "protect", "URI to htpasswd mapping", NULL, NULL}, #ifndef NO_CGI {OPT_CGI_EXTENSIONS, "cgi_ext", "CGI extensions", CGI_EXT, NULL}, {OPT_CGI_INTERPRETER, "cgi_interp", "CGI interpreter", NULL, NULL}, {OPT_CGI_ENVIRONMENT, "cgi_env", "Additional CGI env vars", NULL, NULL}, #endif /* NO_CGI */ {OPT_SSI_EXTENSIONS, "ssi_ext", "SSI extensions", SSI_EXT, NULL}, #ifndef NO_AUTH {OPT_AUTH_REALM, "auth_realm", "Authentication domain name",REALM,NULL}, {OPT_AUTH_GPASSWD, "auth_gpass", "Global passwords file", NULL, NULL}, {OPT_AUTH_PUT, "auth_PUT", "PUT,DELETE auth file", NULL, NULL}, #endif /* !NO_AUTH */ {OPT_ACCESS_LOG, "access_log", "Access log file", NULL, set_alog}, {OPT_ERROR_LOG, "error_log", "Error log file", NULL, set_elog}, {OPT_MIME_TYPES, "mime_types", "Additional mime types list", NULL,NULL}, #ifndef NO_SSL {OPT_SSL_CERTIFICATE, "ssl_cert", "SSL certificate file", NULL,set_ssl}, #endif /* NO_SSL */ {OPT_ALIASES, "aliases", "Path=URI mappings", NULL, NULL}, {OPT_ACL, "acl", "\tAllow/deny IP addresses/subnets", NULL, set_acl}, #ifdef _WIN32 #else {OPT_INETD, "inetd", "Inetd mode", "0", NULL}, {OPT_UID, "uid", "\tRun as user", NULL, NULL}, #endif /* _WIN32 */ {-1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; void shttpd_set_option(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *opt, const char *val) { const struct opt *o; for (o = known_options; o->name != NULL; o++) if (!strcmp(opt, o->name)) break; if (o->name == NULL) elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "no such option: [%s]", opt); /* Call option setter first, so it can use both new and old values */ if (o->setter != NULL) o->setter(ctx, val); /* Free old value if any */ if (ctx->options[o->index] != NULL) free(ctx->options[o->index]); /* Set new option value */ ctx->options[o->index] = val ? my_strdup(val) : NULL; } static void show_cfg_page(struct shttpd_arg *arg) { struct shttpd_ctx *ctx = arg->user_data; char opt_name[20], value[BUFSIZ]; const struct opt *o; opt_name[0] = value[0] = '\0'; if (!strcmp(shttpd_get_env(arg, "REQUEST_METHOD"), "POST")) { if (arg->flags & SHTTPD_MORE_POST_DATA) return; (void) shttpd_get_var("o", arg->in.buf, arg->in.len, opt_name, sizeof(opt_name)); (void) shttpd_get_var("v", arg->in.buf, arg->in.len, value, sizeof(value)); shttpd_set_option(ctx, opt_name, value[0] ? value : NULL); } shttpd_printf(arg, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" "

SHTTPD v. %s

", shttpd_version()); shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "" ""); if (opt_name[0] != '\0' && value[0] != '\0') shttpd_printf(arg, "

Saved: %s=%s

", opt_name, value[0] ? value : "NULL"); for (o = known_options; o->name != NULL; o++) { shttpd_printf(arg, "" "" "" "", o->name, o->description, o->name, ctx->options[o->index] ? ctx->options[o->index] : ""); } shttpd_printf(arg, "%s", "
"); arg->flags |= SHTTPD_END_OF_OUTPUT; } /* * Show usage string and exit. */ void usage(const char *prog) { const struct opt *o; (void) fprintf(stderr, "SHTTPD version %s (c) Sergey Lyubka\n" "usage: %s [options] [config_file]\n", VERSION, prog); #if !defined(NO_AUTH) fprintf(stderr, " -A \n"); #endif /* NO_AUTH */ for (o = known_options; o->name != NULL; o++) { (void) fprintf(stderr, " -%s\t%s", o->name, o->description); if (o->default_value != NULL) fprintf(stderr, " (default: %s)", o->default_value); fputc('\n', stderr); } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct shttpd_ctx *shttpd_init(void) { struct shttpd_ctx *ctx; struct tm *tm; const struct opt *o; if ((ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx))) == NULL) elog(E_FATAL, NULL, "cannot allocate shttpd context"); /* Set default values */ for (o = known_options; o->name != NULL; o++) { ctx->options[o->index] = o->default_value == NULL ? NULL : my_strdup(o->default_value); } current_time = ctx->start_time = time(NULL); tm = localtime(¤t_time); tz_offset = 0; #if 0 tm->tm_gmtoff - 3600 * (tm->tm_isdst > 0 ? 1 : 0); #endif InitializeCriticalSection(&ctx->mutex); LL_INIT(&ctx->connections); LL_INIT(&ctx->registered_uris); LL_INIT(&ctx->error_handlers); LL_INIT(&ctx->acl); #if !defined(NO_SSI) LL_INIT(&ctx->ssi_funcs); #endif LL_INIT(&ctx->listeners); #ifdef _WIN32 {WSADATA data; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &data);} #endif /* _WIN32 */ return (ctx); }