// This file Copyright © 2010-2023 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include // for ENOENT #include #include // time() #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libtransmission/transmission.h" #include "libtransmission/block-info.h" // tr_block_info #include "libtransmission/crypto-utils.h" #include "libtransmission/error.h" #include "libtransmission/file.h" #include "libtransmission/log.h" #include "libtransmission/makemeta.h" #include "libtransmission/quark.h" // TR_KEY_length, TR_KEY_a... #include "libtransmission/session.h" // TR_NAME #include "libtransmission/torrent-files.h" #include "libtransmission/tr-assert.h" #include "libtransmission/tr-strbuf.h" // tr_pathbuf #include "libtransmission/utils.h" // for _() #include "libtransmission/variant.h" #include "libtransmission/version.h" using namespace std::literals; namespace { namespace find_files_helpers { struct TorrentFile { TorrentFile(std::string_view subpath, size_t size) : subpath_{ subpath } , lowercase_{ tr_strlower(subpath) } , size_{ size } { } [[nodiscard]] auto operator<(TorrentFile const& that) const noexcept { return lowercase_ < that.lowercase_; } std::string subpath_; std::string lowercase_; uint64_t size_ = 0; }; void walkTree(std::string_view const top, std::string_view const subpath, std::set& files) { TR_ASSERT(!std::empty(top)); TR_ASSERT(!std::empty(subpath)); if (std::empty(top) || std::empty(subpath)) { return; } auto path = tr_pathbuf{ top, '/', subpath }; tr_sys_path_native_separators(std::data(path)); tr_error* error = nullptr; auto const info = tr_sys_path_get_info(path, 0, &error); if (error != nullptr) { tr_logAddWarn(fmt::format( _("Skipping '{path}': {error} ({error_code})"), fmt::arg("path", path), fmt::arg("error", error->message), fmt::arg("error_code", error->code))); tr_error_free(error); } if (!info) { return; } switch (info->type) { case TR_SYS_PATH_IS_DIRECTORY: for (auto const& name : tr_sys_dir_get_files(path)) { if (!std::empty(subpath)) { walkTree(top, tr_pathbuf{ subpath, '/', name }, files); } else { walkTree(top, name, files); } } break; case TR_SYS_PATH_IS_FILE: files.emplace(subpath, info->size); break; default: break; } } } // namespace find_files_helpers tr_torrent_files findFiles(std::string_view const top, std::string_view const subpath) { using namespace find_files_helpers; auto tmp = std::set{}; walkTree(top, subpath, tmp); auto files = tr_torrent_files{}; for (auto const& file : tmp) { files.add(file.subpath_, file.size_); } return files; } } // namespace tr_metainfo_builder::tr_metainfo_builder(std::string_view single_file_or_parent_directory) : top_{ single_file_or_parent_directory } { files_ = findFiles(tr_sys_path_dirname(top_), tr_sys_path_basename(top_)); block_info_ = tr_block_info{ files_.totalSize(), default_piece_size(files_.totalSize()) }; } bool tr_metainfo_builder::set_piece_size(uint32_t piece_size) noexcept { if (!is_legal_piece_size(piece_size)) { return false; } block_info_ = tr_block_info{ files_.totalSize(), piece_size }; return true; } bool tr_metainfo_builder::blocking_make_checksums(tr_error** error) { checksum_piece_ = 0; cancel_ = false; if (total_size() == 0U) { tr_error_set_from_errno(error, ENOENT); return false; } auto hashes = std::vector(std::size(tr_sha1_digest_t{}) * piece_count()); auto* walk = std::data(hashes); auto sha = tr_sha1::create(); auto file_index = tr_file_index_t{ 0U }; auto piece_index = tr_piece_index_t{ 0U }; auto total_remain = total_size(); auto off = uint64_t{ 0U }; auto buf = std::vector(piece_size()); auto const parent = tr_sys_path_dirname(top_); auto fd = tr_sys_file_open( tr_pathbuf{ parent, '/', path(file_index) }, TR_SYS_FILE_READ | TR_SYS_FILE_SEQUENTIAL, 0, error); if (fd == TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { return false; } while (!cancel_ && (total_remain > 0U)) { checksum_piece_ = piece_index; TR_ASSERT(piece_index < piece_count()); auto const piece_size = block_info_.piece_size(piece_index); buf.resize(piece_size); auto* bufptr = std::data(buf); auto left_in_piece = piece_size; while (left_in_piece > 0U) { auto const n_this_pass = std::min(file_size(file_index) - off, uint64_t{ left_in_piece }); auto n_read = uint64_t{}; (void)tr_sys_file_read(fd, bufptr, n_this_pass, &n_read, error); bufptr += n_read; off += n_read; left_in_piece -= n_read; if (off == file_size(file_index)) { off = 0; tr_sys_file_close(fd); fd = TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; if (++file_index < file_count()) { fd = tr_sys_file_open( tr_pathbuf{ parent, '/', path(file_index) }, TR_SYS_FILE_READ | TR_SYS_FILE_SEQUENTIAL, 0, error); if (fd == TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { return false; } } } } TR_ASSERT(bufptr - std::data(buf) == (int)piece_size); TR_ASSERT(left_in_piece == 0); sha->add(std::data(buf), std::size(buf)); auto const digest = sha->finish(); walk = std::copy(std::begin(digest), std::end(digest), walk); sha->clear(); total_remain -= piece_size; ++piece_index; } TR_ASSERT(cancel_ || size_t(walk - std::data(hashes)) == std::size(hashes)); TR_ASSERT(cancel_ || total_remain == 0U); if (fd != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { tr_sys_file_close(fd); } if (cancel_) { tr_error_set_from_errno(error, ECANCELED); return false; } piece_hashes_ = std::move(hashes); return true; } std::string tr_metainfo_builder::benc(tr_error** error) const { TR_ASSERT_MSG(!std::empty(piece_hashes_), "did you forget to call makeChecksums() first?"); auto const anonymize = this->anonymize(); auto const& comment = this->comment(); auto const& source = this->source(); auto const& webseeds = this->webseeds(); if (total_size() == 0) { tr_error_set_from_errno(error, ENOENT); return {}; } auto top = tr_variant{}; tr_variantInitDict(&top, 8); // add the announce URLs if (!std::empty(announce_list())) { tr_variantDictAddStrView(&top, TR_KEY_announce, announce_list().at(0).announce.sv()); } if (std::size(announce_list()) > 1U) { auto* const announce_list = tr_variantDictAddList(&top, TR_KEY_announce_list, 0); tr_variant* tier_list = nullptr; auto prev_tier = std::optional{}; for (auto const& tracker : this->announce_list()) { if (!prev_tier || *prev_tier != tracker.tier) { tier_list = nullptr; } if (tier_list == nullptr) { prev_tier = tracker.tier; tier_list = tr_variantListAddList(announce_list, 0); } tr_variantListAddStr(tier_list, tracker.announce); } } // add the webseeds if (!std::empty(webseeds)) { auto* const url_list = tr_variantDictAddList(&top, TR_KEY_url_list, std::size(webseeds)); for (auto const& webseed : webseeds) { tr_variantListAddStr(url_list, webseed); } } // add the comment if (!std::empty(comment)) { tr_variantDictAddStr(&top, TR_KEY_comment, comment); } // maybe add some optional metainfo if (!anonymize) { tr_variantDictAddStrView(&top, TR_KEY_created_by, TR_NAME "/" LONG_VERSION_STRING); tr_variantDictAddInt(&top, TR_KEY_creation_date, time(nullptr)); } tr_variantDictAddStrView(&top, TR_KEY_encoding, "UTF-8"); auto* const info_dict = tr_variantDictAddDict(&top, TR_KEY_info, 5); auto const base = tr_sys_path_basename(top_); // "There is also a key `length` or a key `files`, but not both or neither. // If length is present then the download represents a single file, // otherwise it represents a set of files which go in a directory structure." if (file_count() == 1U && !tr_strv_contains(path(0), '/')) { tr_variantDictAddInt(info_dict, TR_KEY_length, file_size(0)); } else { auto const n_files = file_count(); auto* const file_list = tr_variantDictAddList(info_dict, TR_KEY_files, n_files); for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < n_files; ++i) { auto* const file_dict = tr_variantListAddDict(file_list, 2); tr_variantDictAddInt(file_dict, TR_KEY_length, file_size(i)); auto subpath = std::string_view{ path(i) }; if (!std::empty(base)) { subpath.remove_prefix(std::size(base) + std::size("/"sv)); } auto* const path_list = tr_variantDictAddList(file_dict, TR_KEY_path, 0); auto token = std::string_view{}; while (tr_strv_sep(&subpath, &token, '/')) { tr_variantListAddStr(path_list, token); } } } if (!std::empty(base)) { tr_variantDictAddStr(info_dict, TR_KEY_name, base); } tr_variantDictAddInt(info_dict, TR_KEY_piece_length, piece_size()); tr_variantDictAddRaw(info_dict, TR_KEY_pieces, std::data(piece_hashes_), std::size(piece_hashes_)); if (is_private_) { tr_variantDictAddInt(info_dict, TR_KEY_private, 1); } if (!std::empty(source)) { tr_variantDictAddStr(info_dict, TR_KEY_source, source_); } auto ret = tr_variant_serde::benc().to_string(top); tr_variantClear(&top); return ret; } uint32_t tr_metainfo_builder::default_piece_size(uint64_t total_size) noexcept { TR_ASSERT(total_size != 0); // Ideally, we want approximately 2^10 = 1024 pieces, give or take a few hundred pieces. // So we subtract 10 from the log2 of total size. // The ideal number of pieces is up for debate. auto exp = std::log2(total_size) - 10; // We want a piece size between 16KiB (2^14 bytes) and 16MiB (2^24 bytes) for maximum compatibility exp = std::clamp(exp, 14., 24.); return uint32_t{ 1U } << std::lround(exp); }