/* * This file Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // tr_free #include #include "AddData.h" #include "Prefs.h" #include "RpcQueue.h" #include "Session.h" #include "SessionDialog.h" #include "Torrent.h" #include "Utils.h" /*** **** ***/ namespace { typedef Torrent::KeyList KeyList; const KeyList& getInfoKeys () { return Torrent::getInfoKeys (); } const KeyList& getStatKeys () { return Torrent::getStatKeys (); } const KeyList& getExtraStatKeys () { return Torrent::getExtraStatKeys (); } void addList (tr_variant * list, const KeyList& keys) { tr_variantListReserve (list, keys.size ()); for (const tr_quark key: keys) tr_variantListAddQuark (list, key); } // If this object is passed as "ids" (compared by address), then recently active torrents are queried. const QSet recentlyActiveIds = QSet() << -1; // If this object is passed as "ids" (compared by being empty), then all torrents are queried. const QSet allIds; } void Session::sessionSet (const tr_quark key, const QVariant& value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 1); switch (value.type ()) { case QVariant::Bool: tr_variantDictAddBool (&args, key, value.toBool ()); break; case QVariant::Int: tr_variantDictAddInt (&args, key, value.toInt ()); break; case QVariant::Double: tr_variantDictAddReal (&args, key, value.toDouble ()); break; case QVariant::String: tr_variantDictAddStr (&args, key, value.toString ().toUtf8 ().constData ()); break; default: assert (false); } exec ("session-set", &args); } void Session::portTest () { RpcQueue * q = new RpcQueue (); q->add ( [this] () { return exec ("port-test", nullptr); }); q->add ( [this] (const RpcResponse& r) { bool isOpen = false; if (r.success) tr_variantDictFindBool (r.args.get (), TR_KEY_port_is_open, &isOpen); emit portTested (isOpen); }); q->run (); } void Session::copyMagnetLinkToClipboard (int torrentId) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 2); tr_variantListAddInt (tr_variantDictAddList (&args, TR_KEY_ids, 1), torrentId); tr_variantListAddStr (tr_variantDictAddList (&args, TR_KEY_fields, 1), "magnetLink"); RpcQueue * q = new RpcQueue (); q->add ( [this, &args] () { return exec (TR_KEY_torrent_get, &args); }); q->add ( [this] (const RpcResponse& r) { tr_variant * torrents; tr_variant * child; const char * str; if (tr_variantDictFindList (r.args.get (), TR_KEY_torrents, &torrents) && (child = tr_variantListChild (torrents, 0)) && tr_variantDictFindStr (child, TR_KEY_magnetLink, &str, NULL)) qApp->clipboard ()->setText (QString::fromUtf8 (str)); }); q->run (); } void Session::updatePref (int key) { if (myPrefs.isCore (key)) switch (key) { case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_DOWN: case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_ENABLED: case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_BEGIN: case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_DAY: case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_ENABLED: case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_END: case Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_UP: case Prefs::BLOCKLIST_DATE: case Prefs::BLOCKLIST_ENABLED: case Prefs::BLOCKLIST_URL: case Prefs::DHT_ENABLED: case Prefs::DOWNLOAD_QUEUE_ENABLED: case Prefs::DOWNLOAD_QUEUE_SIZE: case Prefs::DSPEED: case Prefs::DSPEED_ENABLED: case Prefs::IDLE_LIMIT: case Prefs::IDLE_LIMIT_ENABLED: case Prefs::INCOMPLETE_DIR: case Prefs::INCOMPLETE_DIR_ENABLED: case Prefs::LPD_ENABLED: case Prefs::PEER_LIMIT_GLOBAL: case Prefs::PEER_LIMIT_TORRENT: case Prefs::PEER_PORT: case Prefs::PEER_PORT_RANDOM_ON_START: case Prefs::QUEUE_STALLED_MINUTES: case Prefs::PEX_ENABLED: case Prefs::PORT_FORWARDING: case Prefs::RENAME_PARTIAL_FILES: case Prefs::SCRIPT_TORRENT_DONE_ENABLED: case Prefs::SCRIPT_TORRENT_DONE_FILENAME: case Prefs::START: case Prefs::TRASH_ORIGINAL: case Prefs::USPEED: case Prefs::USPEED_ENABLED: case Prefs::UTP_ENABLED: sessionSet (myPrefs.getKey (key), myPrefs.variant (key)); break; case Prefs::DOWNLOAD_DIR: sessionSet (myPrefs.getKey (key), myPrefs.variant (key)); /* this will change the 'freespace' argument, so refresh */ refreshSessionInfo (); break; case Prefs::RATIO: sessionSet (TR_KEY_seedRatioLimit, myPrefs.variant (key)); break; case Prefs::RATIO_ENABLED: sessionSet (TR_KEY_seedRatioLimited, myPrefs.variant (key)); break; case Prefs::ENCRYPTION: { const int i = myPrefs.variant (key).toInt (); switch (i) { case 0: sessionSet (myPrefs.getKey (key), QLatin1String ("tolerated")); break; case 1: sessionSet (myPrefs.getKey (key), QLatin1String ("preferred")); break; case 2: sessionSet (myPrefs.getKey (key), QLatin1String ("required")); break; } break; } case Prefs::RPC_AUTH_REQUIRED: if (mySession) tr_sessionSetRPCPasswordEnabled (mySession, myPrefs.getBool (key)); break; case Prefs::RPC_ENABLED: if (mySession) tr_sessionSetRPCEnabled (mySession, myPrefs.getBool (key)); break; case Prefs::RPC_PASSWORD: if (mySession) tr_sessionSetRPCPassword (mySession, myPrefs.getString (key).toUtf8 ().constData ()); break; case Prefs::RPC_PORT: if (mySession) tr_sessionSetRPCPort (mySession, myPrefs.getInt (key)); break; case Prefs::RPC_USERNAME: if (mySession) tr_sessionSetRPCUsername (mySession, myPrefs.getString (key).toUtf8 ().constData ()); break; case Prefs::RPC_WHITELIST_ENABLED: if (mySession) tr_sessionSetRPCWhitelistEnabled (mySession, myPrefs.getBool (key)); break; case Prefs::RPC_WHITELIST: if (mySession) tr_sessionSetRPCWhitelist (mySession, myPrefs.getString (key).toUtf8 ().constData ()); break; default: std::cerr << "unhandled pref: " << key << std::endl; } } /*** **** ***/ Session::Session (const QString& configDir, Prefs& prefs): myConfigDir (configDir), myPrefs (prefs), myBlocklistSize (-1), mySession (0) { myStats.ratio = TR_RATIO_NA; myStats.uploadedBytes = 0; myStats.downloadedBytes = 0; myStats.filesAdded = 0; myStats.sessionCount = 0; myStats.secondsActive = 0; myCumulativeStats = myStats; connect (&myPrefs, SIGNAL (changed (int)), this, SLOT (updatePref (int))); connect (&myRpc, SIGNAL (httpAuthenticationRequired ()), this, SIGNAL (httpAuthenticationRequired ())); connect (&myRpc, SIGNAL (dataReadProgress ()), this, SIGNAL (dataReadProgress ())); connect (&myRpc, SIGNAL (dataSendProgress ()), this, SIGNAL (dataSendProgress ())); connect (&myRpc, SIGNAL (networkResponse (QNetworkReply::NetworkError, QString)), this, SIGNAL (networkResponse (QNetworkReply::NetworkError, QString))); } Session::~Session () { stop (); } /*** **** ***/ void Session::stop () { myRpc.stop (); if (mySession) { tr_sessionClose (mySession); mySession = 0; } } void Session::restart () { stop (); start (); } void Session::start () { if (myPrefs.get (Prefs::SESSION_IS_REMOTE)) { QUrl url; url.setScheme (QLatin1String ("http")); url.setHost (myPrefs.get (Prefs::SESSION_REMOTE_HOST)); url.setPort (myPrefs.get (Prefs::SESSION_REMOTE_PORT)); url.setPath (QLatin1String ("/transmission/rpc")); if (myPrefs.get (Prefs::SESSION_REMOTE_AUTH)) { url.setUserName (myPrefs.get (Prefs::SESSION_REMOTE_USERNAME)); url.setPassword (myPrefs.get (Prefs::SESSION_REMOTE_PASSWORD)); } myRpc.start (url); } else { tr_variant settings; tr_variantInitDict (&settings, 0); tr_sessionLoadSettings (&settings, myConfigDir.toUtf8 ().constData (), "qt"); mySession = tr_sessionInit (myConfigDir.toUtf8 ().constData (), true, &settings); tr_variantFree (&settings); myRpc.start (mySession); tr_ctor * ctor = tr_ctorNew (mySession); int torrentCount; tr_torrent ** torrents = tr_sessionLoadTorrents (mySession, ctor, &torrentCount); tr_free (torrents); tr_ctorFree (ctor); } emit sourceChanged (); } bool Session::isServer () const { return mySession != 0; } bool Session::isLocal () const { return myRpc.isLocal (); } /*** **** ***/ namespace { void addOptionalIds (tr_variant * args, const QSet& ids) { if (&ids == &recentlyActiveIds) { tr_variantDictAddStr (args, TR_KEY_ids, "recently-active"); } else if (!ids.isEmpty ()) { tr_variant * idList (tr_variantDictAddList (args, TR_KEY_ids, ids.size ())); for (const int i: ids) tr_variantListAddInt (idList, i); } } } void Session::torrentSet (const QSet& ids, const tr_quark key, double value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 2); tr_variantDictAddReal (&args, key, value); addOptionalIds (&args, ids); exec (TR_KEY_torrent_set, &args); } void Session::torrentSet (const QSet& ids, const tr_quark key, int value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 2); tr_variantDictAddInt (&args, key, value); addOptionalIds (&args, ids); exec (TR_KEY_torrent_set, &args); } void Session::torrentSet (const QSet& ids, const tr_quark key, bool value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 2); tr_variantDictAddBool (&args, key, value); addOptionalIds (&args, ids); exec (TR_KEY_torrent_set, &args); } void Session::torrentSet (const QSet& ids, const tr_quark key, const QStringList& value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 2); addOptionalIds (&args, ids); tr_variant * list (tr_variantDictAddList (&args, key, value.size ())); for (const QString& str: value) tr_variantListAddStr (list, str.toUtf8 ().constData ()); exec (TR_KEY_torrent_set, &args); } void Session::torrentSet (const QSet& ids, const tr_quark key, const QList& value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 2); addOptionalIds (&args, ids); tr_variant * list (tr_variantDictAddList (&args, key, value.size ())); for (const int i: value) tr_variantListAddInt (list, i); exec (TR_KEY_torrent_set, &args); } void Session::torrentSet (const QSet& ids, const tr_quark key, const QPair& value) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 2); addOptionalIds (&args, ids); tr_variant * list (tr_variantDictAddList (&args, key, 2)); tr_variantListAddInt (list, value.first); tr_variantListAddStr (list, value.second.toUtf8 ().constData ()); exec (TR_KEY_torrent_set, &args); } void Session::torrentSetLocation (const QSet& ids, const QString& location, bool doMove) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 3); addOptionalIds (&args, ids); tr_variantDictAddStr (&args, TR_KEY_location, location.toUtf8 ().constData ()); tr_variantDictAddBool (&args, TR_KEY_move, doMove); exec (TR_KEY_torrent_set_location, &args); } void Session::torrentRenamePath (const QSet& ids, const QString& oldpath, const QString& newname) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 2); addOptionalIds (&args, ids); tr_variantDictAddStr (&args, TR_KEY_path, oldpath.toUtf8 ().constData ()); tr_variantDictAddStr (&args, TR_KEY_name, newname.toUtf8 ().constData ()); RpcQueue * q = new RpcQueue (); q->add ( [this, &args] () { return exec ("torrent-rename-path", &args); }, [this] (const RpcResponse& r) { const char * path = "(unknown)"; const char * name = "(unknown)"; tr_variantDictFindStr (r.args.get (), TR_KEY_path, &path, nullptr); tr_variantDictFindStr (r.args.get (), TR_KEY_name, &name, nullptr); QMessageBox * d = new QMessageBox (QMessageBox::Information, tr ("Error Renaming Path"), tr ("

Unable to rename \"%1\" as \"%2\": %3.

" "

Please correct the errors and try again.

") .arg (QString::fromUtf8 (path)) .arg (QString::fromUtf8 (name)) .arg (r.result), QMessageBox::Close, qApp->activeWindow ()); connect (d, SIGNAL (rejected ()), d, SLOT (deleteLater ())); d->show (); }); q->add ( [this] (const RpcResponse& r) { int64_t id = 0; if (tr_variantDictFindInt (r.args.get (), TR_KEY_id, &id) && id != 0) refreshTorrents (QSet () << id, KeyList () << TR_KEY_fileStats << TR_KEY_files << TR_KEY_id << TR_KEY_name); }); q->run (); } void Session::refreshTorrents (const QSet& ids, const KeyList& keys) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 2); addList (tr_variantDictAddList (&args, TR_KEY_fields, 0), keys); addOptionalIds (&args, ids); RpcQueue * q = new RpcQueue (); q->add ( [this, &args] () { return exec (TR_KEY_torrent_get, &args); }); const bool allTorrents = ids.empty (); q->add ( [this, allTorrents] (const RpcResponse& r) { tr_variant * torrents; if (tr_variantDictFindList (r.args.get (), TR_KEY_torrents, &torrents)) emit torrentsUpdated (torrents, allTorrents); if (tr_variantDictFindList (r.args.get (), TR_KEY_removed, &torrents)) emit torrentsRemoved (torrents); }); q->run (); } void Session::refreshExtraStats (const QSet& ids) { refreshTorrents (ids, getStatKeys () + getExtraStatKeys ()); } void Session::sendTorrentRequest (const char * request, const QSet& ids) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 1); addOptionalIds (&args, ids); RpcQueue * q = new RpcQueue (); q->add ( [this, request, &args] () { return exec (request, &args); }); q->add ( [this, ids] () { refreshTorrents (ids, getStatKeys ()); }); q->run (); } void Session::pauseTorrents (const QSet& ids) { sendTorrentRequest ("torrent-stop", ids); } void Session::startTorrents (const QSet& ids) { sendTorrentRequest ("torrent-start", ids); } void Session::startTorrentsNow (const QSet& ids) { sendTorrentRequest ("torrent-start-now", ids); } void Session::queueMoveTop (const QSet& ids) { sendTorrentRequest ("queue-move-top", ids); } void Session::queueMoveUp (const QSet& ids) { sendTorrentRequest ("queue-move-up", ids); } void Session::queueMoveDown (const QSet& ids) { sendTorrentRequest ("queue-move-down", ids); } void Session::queueMoveBottom (const QSet& ids) { sendTorrentRequest ("queue-move-bottom", ids); } void Session::refreshActiveTorrents () { refreshTorrents (recentlyActiveIds, getStatKeys ()); } void Session::refreshAllTorrents () { refreshTorrents (allIds, getStatKeys ()); } void Session::initTorrents (const QSet& ids) { refreshTorrents (ids, getStatKeys () + getInfoKeys ()); } void Session::refreshSessionStats () { RpcQueue * q = new RpcQueue (); q->add ( [this] () { return exec ("session-stats", nullptr); }); q->add ( [this] (const RpcResponse& r) { updateStats (r.args.get ()); }); q->run (); } void Session::refreshSessionInfo () { RpcQueue * q = new RpcQueue (); q->add ( [this] () { return exec ("session-get", nullptr); }); q->add ( [this] (const RpcResponse& r) { updateInfo (r.args.get ()); }); q->run (); } void Session::updateBlocklist () { RpcQueue * q = new RpcQueue (); q->add ( [this] () { return exec ("blocklist-update", nullptr); }); q->add ( [this] (const RpcResponse& r) { int64_t blocklistSize; if (tr_variantDictFindInt (r.args.get (), TR_KEY_blocklist_size, &blocklistSize)) setBlocklistSize (blocklistSize); }); q->run (); } /*** **** ***/ RpcResponseFuture Session::exec (tr_quark method, tr_variant * args) { return myRpc.exec (method, args); } RpcResponseFuture Session::exec (const char * method, tr_variant * args) { return myRpc.exec (method, args); } void Session::updateStats (tr_variant * d, tr_session_stats * stats) { int64_t i; if (tr_variantDictFindInt (d, TR_KEY_uploadedBytes, &i)) stats->uploadedBytes = i; if (tr_variantDictFindInt (d, TR_KEY_downloadedBytes, &i)) stats->downloadedBytes = i; if (tr_variantDictFindInt (d, TR_KEY_filesAdded, &i)) stats->filesAdded = i; if (tr_variantDictFindInt (d, TR_KEY_sessionCount, &i)) stats->sessionCount = i; if (tr_variantDictFindInt (d, TR_KEY_secondsActive, &i)) stats->secondsActive = i; stats->ratio = tr_getRatio (stats->uploadedBytes, stats->downloadedBytes); } void Session::updateStats (tr_variant * d) { tr_variant * c; if (tr_variantDictFindDict (d, TR_KEY_current_stats, &c)) updateStats (c, &myStats); if (tr_variantDictFindDict (d, TR_KEY_cumulative_stats, &c)) updateStats (c, &myCumulativeStats); emit statsUpdated (); } void Session::updateInfo (tr_variant * d) { int64_t i; const char * str; disconnect (&myPrefs, SIGNAL (changed (int)), this, SLOT (updatePref (int))); for (int i=Prefs::FIRST_CORE_PREF; i<=Prefs::LAST_CORE_PREF; ++i) { const tr_variant * b (tr_variantDictFind (d, myPrefs.getKey (i))); if (!b) continue; if (i == Prefs::ENCRYPTION) { const char * val; if (tr_variantGetStr (b, &val, NULL)) { if (qstrcmp (val , "required") == 0) myPrefs.set (i, 2); else if (qstrcmp (val , "preferred") == 0) myPrefs.set (i, 1); else if (qstrcmp (val , "tolerated") == 0) myPrefs.set (i, 0); } continue; } switch (myPrefs.type (i)) { case QVariant::Int: { int64_t val; if (tr_variantGetInt (b, &val)) myPrefs.set (i, static_cast(val)); break; } case QVariant::Double: { double val; if (tr_variantGetReal (b, &val)) myPrefs.set (i, val); break; } case QVariant::Bool: { bool val; if (tr_variantGetBool (b, &val)) myPrefs.set (i, val); break; } case CustomVariantType::FilterModeType: case CustomVariantType::SortModeType: case QVariant::String: { const char * val; if (tr_variantGetStr (b, &val, NULL)) myPrefs.set (i, QString::fromUtf8 (val)); break; } default: break; } } bool b; double x; if (tr_variantDictFindBool (d, TR_KEY_seedRatioLimited, &b)) myPrefs.set (Prefs::RATIO_ENABLED, b); if (tr_variantDictFindReal (d, TR_KEY_seedRatioLimit, &x)) myPrefs.set (Prefs::RATIO, x); /* Use the C API to get settings that, for security reasons, aren't supported by RPC */ if (mySession != 0) { myPrefs.set (Prefs::RPC_ENABLED, tr_sessionIsRPCEnabled (mySession)); myPrefs.set (Prefs::RPC_AUTH_REQUIRED, tr_sessionIsRPCPasswordEnabled (mySession)); myPrefs.set (Prefs::RPC_PASSWORD, QString::fromUtf8 (tr_sessionGetRPCPassword (mySession))); myPrefs.set (Prefs::RPC_PORT, tr_sessionGetRPCPort (mySession)); myPrefs.set (Prefs::RPC_USERNAME, QString::fromUtf8 (tr_sessionGetRPCUsername (mySession))); myPrefs.set (Prefs::RPC_WHITELIST_ENABLED, tr_sessionGetRPCWhitelistEnabled (mySession)); myPrefs.set (Prefs::RPC_WHITELIST, QString::fromUtf8 (tr_sessionGetRPCWhitelist (mySession))); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt (d, TR_KEY_blocklist_size, &i) && i!=blocklistSize ()) setBlocklistSize (i); if (tr_variantDictFindStr (d, TR_KEY_version, &str, NULL) && (mySessionVersion != QString::fromUtf8 (str))) mySessionVersion = QString::fromUtf8 (str); //std::cerr << "Session::updateInfo end" << std::endl; connect (&myPrefs, SIGNAL (changed (int)), this, SLOT (updatePref (int))); emit sessionUpdated (); } void Session::setBlocklistSize (int64_t i) { myBlocklistSize = i; emit blocklistUpdated (i); } void Session::addTorrent (const AddData& addMe, tr_variant * args, bool trashOriginal) { assert (tr_variantDictFind (args, TR_KEY_filename) == nullptr); assert (tr_variantDictFind (args, TR_KEY_metainfo) == nullptr); if (tr_variantDictFind (args, TR_KEY_paused) == nullptr) tr_variantDictAddBool (args, TR_KEY_paused, !myPrefs.getBool (Prefs::START)); switch (addMe.type) { case AddData::MAGNET: tr_variantDictAddStr (args, TR_KEY_filename, addMe.magnet.toUtf8 ().constData ()); break; case AddData::URL: tr_variantDictAddStr (args, TR_KEY_filename, addMe.url.toString ().toUtf8 ().constData ()); break; case AddData::FILENAME: /* fall-through */ case AddData::METAINFO: { const QByteArray b64 = addMe.toBase64 (); tr_variantDictAddRaw (args, TR_KEY_metainfo, b64.constData (), b64.size ()); break; } default: qWarning() << "Unhandled AddData type: " << addMe.type; break; } RpcQueue * q = new RpcQueue (); q->add ( [this, args] () { return exec ("torrent-add", args); }, [this, addMe] (const RpcResponse& r) { QMessageBox * d = new QMessageBox (QMessageBox::Warning, tr ("Error Adding Torrent"), QString::fromLatin1 ("



") .arg (r.result) .arg (addMe.readableName ()), QMessageBox::Close, qApp->activeWindow ()); connect (d, SIGNAL (rejected ()), d, SLOT (deleteLater ())); d->show (); }); q->add ( [this, addMe] (const RpcResponse& r) { tr_variant * dup; const char * str; if (tr_variantDictFindDict (r.args.get (), TR_KEY_torrent_duplicate, &dup) && tr_variantDictFindStr (dup, TR_KEY_name, &str, NULL)) { const QString name = QString::fromUtf8 (str); QMessageBox * d = new QMessageBox (QMessageBox::Warning, tr ("Add Torrent"), tr ("

Unable to add \"%1\".

" "

It is a duplicate of \"%2\" which is already added.

") .arg (addMe.readableShortName ()) .arg (name), QMessageBox::Close, qApp->activeWindow ()); connect (d, SIGNAL (rejected ()), d, SLOT (deleteLater ())); d->show (); } }); if (trashOriginal && addMe.type == AddData::FILENAME) q->add ( [this, addMe] () { QFile original (addMe.filename); original.setPermissions (QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::WriteOwner); original.remove (); }); q->run (); } void Session::addTorrent (const AddData& addMe) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 3); addTorrent (addMe, &args, myPrefs.getBool (Prefs::TRASH_ORIGINAL)); } void Session::addNewlyCreatedTorrent (const QString& filename, const QString& localPath) { const QByteArray b64 = AddData (filename).toBase64 (); tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 3); tr_variantDictAddStr (&args, TR_KEY_download_dir, localPath.toUtf8 ().constData ()); tr_variantDictAddBool (&args, TR_KEY_paused, !myPrefs.getBool (Prefs::START)); tr_variantDictAddRaw (&args, TR_KEY_metainfo, b64.constData (), b64.size ()); exec ("torrent-add", &args); } void Session::removeTorrents (const QSet& ids, bool deleteFiles) { if (!ids.isEmpty ()) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 2); addOptionalIds (&args, ids); tr_variantDictAddInt (&args, TR_KEY_delete_local_data, deleteFiles); exec ("torrent-remove", &args); } } void Session::verifyTorrents (const QSet& ids) { if (!ids.isEmpty ()) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 1); addOptionalIds (&args, ids); exec ("torrent-verify", &args); } } void Session::reannounceTorrents (const QSet& ids) { if (!ids.isEmpty ()) { tr_variant args; tr_variantInitDict (&args, 1); addOptionalIds (&args, ids); exec ("torrent-reannounce", &args); } } /*** **** ***/ void Session::launchWebInterface () { QUrl url; if (!mySession) // remote session { url = myRpc.url (); url.setPath (QLatin1String ("/transmission/web/")); } else // local session { url.setScheme (QLatin1String ("http")); url.setHost (QLatin1String ("localhost")); url.setPort (myPrefs.getInt (Prefs::RPC_PORT)); } QDesktopServices::openUrl (url); }