/* * This file Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ /* thanks amc1! */ #include /* isprint () */ #include /* strtol () */ #include #include "transmission.h" #include "clients.h" #include "utils.h" /* tr_snprintf (), tr_strlcpy () */ static int charint (uint8_t ch) { if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') return ch - '0'; if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') return 10 + ch - 'A'; if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') return 36 + ch - 'a'; return 0; } static bool getShadowInt (uint8_t ch, int * setme) { const char * str = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.-"; const char * pch = strchr (str, ch); if (!pch) return false; *setme = pch - str; return true; } static int strint (const void * pch, int span) { char tmp[64]; memcpy (tmp, pch, span); tmp[span] = '\0'; return strtol (tmp, NULL, 0); } static const char* getMnemonicEnd (uint8_t ch) { switch (ch) { case 'b': case 'B': return " (Beta)"; case 'd': return " (Debug)"; case 'x': case 'X': case 'Z': return " (Dev)"; default: return ""; } } static void three_digits (char * buf, size_t buflen, const char * name, const uint8_t * digits) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "%s %d.%d.%d", name, charint (digits[0]), charint (digits[1]), charint (digits[2])); } static void four_digits (char * buf, size_t buflen, const char * name, const uint8_t * digits) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "%s %d.%d.%d.%d", name, charint (digits[0]), charint (digits[1]), charint (digits[2]), charint (digits[3])); } static void two_major_two_minor (char * buf, size_t buflen, const char * name, const uint8_t * digits) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "%s %d.%02d", name, strint (digits, 2), strint (digits+2, 2)); } static void no_version (char * buf, size_t buflen, const char * name) { tr_strlcpy (buf, name, buflen); } static void mainline_style (char * buf, size_t buflen, const char * name, const uint8_t * id) { if (id[4] == '-' && id[6] == '-') tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "%s %c.%c.%c", name, id[1], id[3], id[5]); else if (id[5] == '-') tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "%s %c.%c%c.%c", name, id[1], id[3], id[4], id[6]); } static bool isMainlineStyle (const uint8_t * peer_id) { /** * One of the following styles will be used: * Mx-y-z-- * Mx-yy-z- */ return peer_id[2]=='-' && peer_id[7]=='-' && (peer_id[4]=='-' || peer_id[5]=='-'); } static bool decodeBitCometClient (char * buf, size_t buflen, const uint8_t * id) { const char * chid = (char *)id; bool is_bitlord; int major, minor; const char * name; const char * mod = NULL; if (strncmp (chid, "exbc", 4) == 0) mod = ""; else if (strncmp (chid, "FUTB", 4) == 0) mod = " (Solidox Mod) "; else if (strncmp (chid, "xUTB", 4) == 0) mod = " (Mod 2) "; else return false; is_bitlord = strncmp (chid+6, "LORD", 4) == 0; name = (is_bitlord) ? "BitLord " : "BitComet "; major = id[4]; minor = id[5]; /** * Bitcomet, and older versions of BitLord, are of the form x.yy. * Bitcoment 1.0 and onwards are of the form x.y. */ if (is_bitlord && major>0) tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "%s%s%d.%d", name, mod, major, minor); else tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "%s%s%d.%02d", name, mod, major, minor); return true; } char * tr_clientForId (char * buf, size_t buflen, const void * id_in) { const uint8_t * id = id_in; const char * chid = (char *)id; *buf = '\0'; if (!id) return buf; /* Azureus-style */ if (id[0] == '-' && id[7] == '-') { if (strncmp (chid+1, "TR", 2) == 0) { if (strncmp (chid+3, "000", 3) == 0) /* very old client style: -TR0006- is 0.6 */ tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "Transmission 0.%c", id[6]); else if (strncmp (chid+3, "00", 2) == 0) /* previous client style: -TR0072- is 0.72 */ tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "Transmission 0.%02d", strint (id+5,2)); else /* current client style: -TR111Z- is 1.11+ */ tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "Transmission %d.%02d%s", strint (id+3,1), strint (id+4,2), id[6]=='Z' || id[6]=='X' ? "+" : ""); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "UT", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "\xc2\xb5Torrent %d.%d.%d%s", strint (id+3,1), strint (id+4,1), strint (id+5,1), getMnemonicEnd (id[6])); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BT", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "BitTorrent %d.%d.%d%s", strint (id+3,1), strint (id+4,1), strint (id+5,1), getMnemonicEnd (id[6])); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "UM", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "\xc2\xb5Torrent Mac %d.%d.%d%s", strint (id+3,1), strint (id+4,1), strint (id+5,1), getMnemonicEnd (id[6])); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "UE", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "\xc2\xb5Torrent Embedded %d.%d.%d%s", strint (id+3,1), strint (id+4,1), strint (id+5,1), getMnemonicEnd (id[6])); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "AZ", 2) == 0) { if (id[3] > '3' || (id[3] == '3' && id[4] >= '1')) /* Vuze starts at version */ four_digits (buf, buflen, "Vuze", id+3); else four_digits (buf, buflen, "Azureus", id+3); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "KT", 2) == 0) { if (id[5] == 'D') tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "KTorrent %d.%d Dev %d", charint (id[3]), charint (id[4]), charint (id[6])); else if (id[5] == 'R') tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "KTorrent %d.%d RC %d", charint (id[3]), charint (id[4]), charint (id[6])); else three_digits (buf, buflen, "KTorrent", id+3); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "AG", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Ares", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "AR", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Arctic", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "AT", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Artemis", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "AV", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Avicora", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BB", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "BitBuddy", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BE", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "BitTorrent SDK", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BG", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "BTGetit", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BH", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "BitZilla", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BM", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "BitMagnet", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BP", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "BitTorrent Pro (Azureus + Spyware)", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BX", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "BittorrentX", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "bk", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "BitKitten (libtorrent)", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BS", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "BTSlave", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BW", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "BitWombat", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BX", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "BittorrentX", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "EB", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "EBit", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "DE", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Deluge", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "DP", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Propogate Data Client", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "FC", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "FileCroc", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "FT", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "FoxTorrent/RedSwoosh", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "GR", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "GetRight", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "GS", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "GSTorrent", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "HK", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Hekate", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "HN", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Hydranode", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "KG", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "KGet", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "LC", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "LeechCraft", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "LH", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "LH-ABC", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "NX", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Net Transport", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "MK", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Meerkat", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "MO", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "MonoTorrent", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "MR", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Miro", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "MT", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Moonlight", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "OS", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "OneSwarm", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "OT", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "OmegaTorrent", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "PD", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Pando", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "QD", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "QQDownload", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "RS", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Rufus", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "RT", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Retriever", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "RZ", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "RezTorrent", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "SD", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Thunder", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "SM", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "SoMud", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "SS", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "SwarmScope", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "ST", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "SymTorrent", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "SZ", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Shareaza", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "S~", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Shareaza", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "st", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "SharkTorrent", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "TN", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Torrent .NET", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "TS", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "TorrentStorm", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "TT", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "TuoTu", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "UL", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "uLeecher!", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "VG", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Vagaa", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "WT", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "BitLet", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "WY", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "FireTorrent", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "XL", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Xunlei", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "XS", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "XSwifter", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "XT", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "XanTorrent", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "XX", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Xtorrent", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "ZT", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Zip Torrent", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "ZO", 2) == 0) four_digits (buf, buflen, "Zona", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "AG", 2) == 0) three_digits (buf, buflen, "Ares", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "A~", 2) == 0) three_digits (buf, buflen, "Ares", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "ES", 2) == 0) three_digits (buf, buflen, "Electric Sheep", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "HL", 2) == 0) three_digits (buf, buflen, "Halite", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "LT", 2) == 0) three_digits (buf, buflen, "libtorrent (Rasterbar)", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "lt", 2) == 0) three_digits (buf, buflen, "libTorrent (Rakshasa)", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "MP", 2) == 0) three_digits (buf, buflen, "MooPolice", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "pb", 2) == 0) three_digits (buf, buflen, "pbTorrent", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "TT", 2) == 0) three_digits (buf, buflen, "TuoTu", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "qB", 2) == 0) three_digits (buf, buflen, "qBittorrent", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "AX", 2) == 0) two_major_two_minor (buf, buflen, "BitPump", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BC", 2) == 0) two_major_two_minor (buf, buflen, "BitComet", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "CD", 2) == 0) two_major_two_minor (buf, buflen, "Enhanced CTorrent", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "LP", 2) == 0) two_major_two_minor (buf, buflen, "Lphant", id+3); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BF", 2) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "BitFlu"); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "LW", 2) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "LimeWire"); else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BB", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "BitBuddy %c.%c%c%c", id[3], id[4], id[5], id[6]); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BR", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "BitRocket %c.%c (%c%c)", id[3], id[4], id[5], id[6]); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "CT", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "CTorrent %d.%d.%02d", charint (id[3]), charint (id[4]), strint (id+5,2)); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "XC", 2) == 0 || strncmp (chid+1, "XX", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "Xtorrent %d.%d (%d)", charint (id[3]), charint (id[4]), strint (id+5,2)); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "BOW", 3) == 0) { if (strncmp (&chid[4], "A0B", 3) == 0) tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "Bits on Wheels 1.0.5"); else if (strncmp (&chid[4], "A0C", 3) == 0) tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "Bits on Wheels 1.0.6"); else tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "Bits on Wheels %c.%c.%c", id[4], id[5], id[5]); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "MG", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "MediaGet %d.%02d", charint (id[3]), charint (id[4])); } if (*buf) return buf; } /* uTorrent will replace the trailing dash with an extra digit for longer version numbers */ if (id[0] == '-') { if (strncmp (chid+1, "UT", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "\xc2\xb5Torrent %d.%d.%d%s", strint (id+3,1), strint (id+4,1), strint (id+5,2), getMnemonicEnd (id[7])); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "UM", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "\xc2\xb5Torrent Mac %d.%d.%d%s", strint (id+3,1), strint (id+4,1), strint (id+5,2), getMnemonicEnd (id[7])); } else if (strncmp (chid+1, "UE", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "\xc2\xb5Torrent Embedded %d.%d.%d%s", strint (id+3,1), strint (id+4,1), strint (id+5,2), getMnemonicEnd (id[7])); } if (*buf) return buf; } /* Mainline */ if (isMainlineStyle (id)) { if (*id=='M') mainline_style (buf, buflen, "BitTorrent", id); if (*id=='Q') mainline_style (buf, buflen, "Queen Bee", id); if (*buf) return buf; } if (decodeBitCometClient (buf, buflen, id)) return buf; /* Clients with no version */ if (strncmp (chid, "AZ2500BT", 8) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "BitTyrant (Azureus Mod)"); else if (strncmp (chid, "LIME", 4) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "Limewire"); else if (strncmp (chid, "martini", 7) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "Martini Man"); else if (strncmp (chid, "Pando", 5) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "Pando"); else if (strncmp (chid, "a00---0", 7) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "Swarmy"); else if (strncmp (chid, "a02---0", 7) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "Swarmy"); else if (strncmp (chid, "-G3", 3) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "G3 Torrent"); else if (strncmp (chid, "10-------", 9) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "JVtorrent"); else if (strncmp (chid, "346-", 4) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "TorrentTopia"); else if (strncmp (chid, "eX", 2) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "eXeem"); else if (strncmp (chid, "aria2-", 6) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "aria2"); else if (strncmp (chid, "-WT-", 4) == 0) no_version (buf, buflen, "BitLet"); else if (strncmp (chid, "-FG", 3) == 0) two_major_two_minor (buf, buflen, "FlashGet", id+3); /* Everything else */ else if (strncmp (chid, "S3", 2) == 0 && id[2] == '-' && id[4] == '-' && id[6] == '-') { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "Amazon S3 %c.%c.%c", id[3], id[5], id[7]); } else if (strncmp (chid, "OP", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "Opera (Build %c%c%c%c)", id[2], id[3], id[4], id[5]); } else if (strncmp (chid, "-ML", 3) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "MLDonkey %c%c%c%c%c", id[3], id[4], id[5], id[6], id[7]); } else if (strncmp (chid, "DNA", 3) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "BitTorrent DNA %d.%d.%d", strint (id+3,2), strint (id+5,2), strint (id+7,2)); } else if (strncmp (chid, "Plus", 4) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "Plus! v2 %c.%c%c", id[4], id[5], id[6]); } else if (strncmp (chid, "XBT", 3) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "XBT Client %c.%c.%c%s", id[3], id[4], id[5], getMnemonicEnd (id[6])); } else if (strncmp (chid, "Mbrst", 5) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "burst! %c.%c.%c", id[5], id[7], id[9]); } else if (strncmp (chid, "btpd", 4) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "BT Protocol Daemon %c%c%c", id[5], id[6], id[7]); } else if (strncmp (chid, "BLZ", 3) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "Blizzard Downloader %d.%d", id[3]+1, id[4]); } else if (strncmp (chid, "-SP", 3) == 0) { three_digits (buf, buflen, "BitSpirit", id+3); } else if ('\0' == id[0] && strncmp (chid+2, "BS", 2) == 0) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "BitSpirit %u", (id[1] == 0 ? 1 : id[1])); } else if (strncmp (chid, "QVOD", 4) == 0) { four_digits (buf, buflen, "QVOD", id+4); } else if (strncmp (chid, "-NE", 3) == 0) { four_digits (buf, buflen, "BT Next Evolution", id+3); } else if (strncmp (chid, "TIX", 3) == 0) { two_major_two_minor (buf, buflen, "Tixati", id+3); } /* Shad0w-style */ if (!*buf) { int a, b, c; if (strchr ("AOQRSTU", id[0]) && getShadowInt (id[1], &a) && getShadowInt (id[2], &b) && getShadowInt (id[3], &c)) { const char * name = NULL; switch (id[0]) { case 'A': name = "ABC"; break; case 'O': name = "Osprey"; break; case 'Q': name = "BTQueue"; break; case 'R': name = "Tribler"; break; case 'S': name = "Shad0w"; break; case 'T': name = "BitTornado"; break; case 'U': name = "UPnP NAT Bit Torrent"; break; } if (name) { tr_snprintf (buf, buflen, "%s %d.%d.%d", name, a, b, c); return buf; } } } /* No match */ if (!*buf) { char out[32], *walk=out; const char *in, *in_end; for (in= (const char*)id, in_end=in+8; in!=in_end; ++in) { if (isprint ((unsigned char) *in)) *walk++ = *in; else { tr_snprintf (walk, out+sizeof (out)-walk, "%%%02X", (unsigned int)*in); walk += 3; } } *walk = '\0'; tr_strlcpy (buf, out, buflen); } return buf; }