# Transmission scripts ## Introduction Thanks to the powerful [RPC](./rpc-spec.md), `transmission-remote` can talk to any client that has the RPC enabled. This means that a script written using `transmission-remote` or [RPC](./rpc-spec.md) can, without rewrite, communicate with all the Transmission clients: Mac, Linux, Windows, and headless. macOS users may wonder whether there will be AppleScript scripts, the answer is ''no''. Although AppleScript is a nice technology, it's a pain to implement. However, macOS is a Unix after all, so any script you find here will also work on macOS. Even from within AppleScript, you can run these scripts by typing: `do shell script "path/to/script"`. ## How-To If you are interested at writing scripts for Transmission, have a look at the following pages: * [Configuration Files](Configuration-Files.md) * [Editing Configuration Files](Editing-Configuration-Files.md) * [Environment Variables](Environment-Variables.md) * [RPC Protocol Specification](rpc-spec.md) For those who need more information how to use the scripts, have a look at the following links: * [Cron How-To](https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto ): Run scripts at a regular interval ## Scripts ### On torrent completion Transmission can be set to invoke a script when downloads complete. The environment variables supported are: * `TR_APP_VERSION` - Transmission's short version string, e.g. `4.0.0` * `TR_TIME_LOCALTIME` * `TR_TORRENT_BYTES_DOWNLOADED` - Number of bytes that were downloaded for this torrent * `TR_TORRENT_DIR` - Location of the downloaded data * `TR_TORRENT_HASH` - The torrent's info hash * `TR_TORRENT_ID` * `TR_TORRENT_LABELS` - A comma-delimited list of the torrent's labels * `TR_TORRENT_NAME` - Name of torrent (not filename) * `TR_TORRENT_PRIORITY` - The priority of the torrent (Low is "-1", Normal is "0", High is "1") * `TR_TORRENT_TRACKERS` - A comma-delimited list of the torrent's trackers' announce URLs [Here is an example script](https://github.com/transmission/transmission/blob/main/extras/send-email-when-torrent-done.sh) that sends an email when a torrent finishes. ### Obsolete Functionality of these scripts has been implemented in libtransmission and is thus available in all clients. * [Email Notification Script](https://github.com/transmission/transmission/blob/main/extras/send-email-when-torrent-done.sh) ## contrib/scripts Tomas Carnecky (aka wereHamster) is maintaining a set of scripts in his [GitHub repository](https://github.com/wereHamster/transmission/tree/master/contrib/scripts/ ). Oguz wrote [on his blog](https://oguzarduc.blogspot.com/2012/05/transmission-quit-script-in-php.html) a PHP script to stop Transmission after it finishes downloading and seeding. Scripts which have not yet been ported and may not work with the latest version: * https://pastebin.com/QzVxQDtM: Bash - (cron)script to keep a maximum number of torrents running; starting and pausing torrents as necessary * https://github.com/jaboto/Transmission-script - (cron)script set network limits according to the number of clients in the network ## Security with systemd `transmission-daemon`'s packaging has many permissions disabled as a standard safety measure. If your script needs more permissions than are provided by the default, users have [reported](https://github.com/transmission/transmission/issues/1951) that it can be resolved by changing to `NoNewPrivileges=false` using a systemd unit override. ``` $ sudo systemctl edit transmission-daemon.service ``` and add the following content to the override: ``` [Service] NoNewPrivileges=false ``` and that override will be kept untouched by package upgrades.